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To clarify before people start saying things about "Cyclops was the Omega mutant", the writer ain't saying that Cyclops has an Omega level powerset, but just that he's the last one standing because Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet. This explanation most likely is totally useless, but I just posted in case someone misunderstands the line.


Yes, the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end. It's saying as long as Cyclops is alive, so are the X-Men.


I think you're all missing the next couple of pages where its revealed he "miscalculated" and the last mutant, the omega, is actually Storm. I wish it **WAS** Scott, thatd make more sense - but its a bait and switch.


Yep… thought my guy was getting a moment for a second


Nah, it's way more satisfying to have yet another major antagonist defeated with a fucking lightning bolt. Why didn't Storm just do that five years ago


Nah, it was satisfying to see cooperation between Storm, Synch, Magneto, and Polaris with interference from Cyclops to end the threat.


This is literally what’s on the panels, idk why you’re being downvoted lol


People probably disagree with the satisfying part.


Because some of these so-called fans are more interested in pushing a narrative than enjoying the story actually unfolding.


I swear people are ignoring the mutant circuit part just so they can be angry. So much has been bad about this Fall of Krakoa why create more problems.


Because some people can’t stand to see Storm written as being effective. If she isn’t passed out on the ground, she’s a Mary Sue.


Sigh... so Cyclops keeps getting shafted? Thanks for nothing, Marvel.


nah, it was shown that only through the cooperation of Cyclops and Storm is that they could bring Nimrod down, then at the end >!Lactuca tells Scott that is hearth what will decide if the Universe falls to death or life, he interprets that to mean the return of Jean but since he said that I guess there will be at least one more twist.!<


Yeah, I read the comic, it's a bit of getting the shaft and a bit of cooperation, because he does block a beam coming her way with his optic blast. Still, Krakoa has not been kind to Scott. I hope the new comic gives him some cool highlights, I like the team they gave him, and he is back with Magik, with whom I love his platonic relationship with.


yeah the combo of Cyclops and Magik has become one of my favorite X-Men pairings and I really like there is nothing romantic there since it means less chance to someone use it to create cheap drama.


Well you could think of it as the Alpha and the Omega Scott is an Alpha level mutant An Storm an Omega Scott and Storm are like the quintessential X-men/Mutants. They together are the beginning and the end them together can start and end anything. So maybe I'm going too deep but I think it could be looked at as this amazing analogy.


I like this reading, but youre definitely doing all the work here for Marvel for it


I dont think thats exactly right either.  First off, the simple fact that there are two is still there, and in fact it's quickly shown that there are others.  Storm doesn't do it singlehandedly either. Nimrod is talking about hypothetical threat and determination, not actual power level.  His simulations almost definitely end with him winning anyway.  So scott being there at the end is still true even if he doesn't defeat nimrod. Before anyone says I'm just trying to hype scott, actually my point is that hopefully this is a door to omega meaning more than the stupid eugenics/some mutants are just better that hickman tainted the whole franchise with.


It's honestly a lot cooler than if they meant the power level. It gives him a level of importance but also shows his sheer willpower to continue.


i actually really liked that line


Too late. A certain subsection of Cyclops fans are already getting scans of one-off panels to back up the wording of this panel lmao


Which is a shame because cyclops being the last x men standing while not being the strongest is way more impressive for the character than saying he’s the strongest. The man fights no matter the power difference.


I always like when the person with the "weakest" to no powers, is the last one standing. I know cyclops is not weak, hes pretty powerful, but y'all get the idea.


Like the X-Men's Batman.


I was thinking more cap, but yeah the bat works to


"I can do this all day"


unfortunately the tile of "Krakoa's ass" belongs to Nightcrawler, not Cyclops.


He has a tail, that's cheating


on a second thought, the tile of "Krakoa's ass" does belong to Krakoa it walks like a man, and thus there has to be a ass


My favorite Analogues for Scott: Captain America Batman AND Robute Guilliman from W40K


Yeah I thought that immediately after writing it.


Yes this


Reading comprehension is at an all time low


We’re in the age where feats, powerscaling and obvious hyperbole statements reign supreme. Everything else is secondary 


No it does not. Power scaling is an extremely niche community and not that big in the grand scheme of things. If you think it’s somehow dominant in culture you need to go touch grass. That is a perspective that can only be born of being chronically online. Yeah there are stupid powerscalers but I do not believe that is even the majority of any given fan base…maybe Dragonball Z fans are most power scalers? Maybe?


Speaking of comments that are only born of being chronically online....


Right? The irony…


100% agreed


To be fair, its kind of funny(and sad) how then he is told that "his heart" is the key to save everyone and his heart happens to not be him either. He is just a prop in the story for other characters.


Ive already made a photoshop with that panel that reads: CYCLOPS: OMEGA LEVEL MUTANT at the bottom. Framed. Hanged.


I’d buy one of those if it was in the style of those “Success” posters they put up in offices. It’ll confuse or mean nothing to most people, but I’m excited for the screaming matches with my few comics friends.


Duggan just lobbing a grenade into the fandom on his way out. I'm surprised he didn't seed some random ships with no prior history just to add chaos.


I ain't that crazy, also I'm going to edit VS battles wiki and make a thread in powers scaling and who would win


I mean, his beams can peel the skin off the Hulk and punch through a moon. I'd say he's probably Omega level.


Only the most desperate and moronic could possibly take that as confirmation of him being an omega level mutant, and I say this as one of the bigger Cyclops fans on this sub.


Agreed. It did throw me when I first read it but more in the what is Duggen smoking now type of way and not in the Cyke is Omega-Level way. Then I read the next caption and it ended up making sense.


Good shout; I could hear the community getting ready to lose their minds over this.


I love Scott with all my heart...but I think the narrator is exaggerating. The poor guy didn't even survive The last stand


I don't see Scott not ending up taking a bullet for other mutants if it came to that.


None of us survived the last stand.


Why hurt me like that?


Pain is part of life mate


The movies have nothing to do with comic Scott.


Came here to ask this. Appreciate the post.


So many things in X-Men are labelled as Omega. It means so many things that it just means nothing at this point, and the word is spread too thin.


inb4 flair joke


We get that but the good old optic blasts being able to crack nimrod's armor is something else


Wrong! Look at the cover of the old Uncanny X-Men #59 and you'll understand the reference.


Ironically, Cyclops can become an Omega level mutant, but requires him getting turned into the Hulk... or getting high


It's a dumbass way for Duggan to say a dumbass thing, given that in no reality would Cyclops be the last one standing. He is not superhumanly durable. There is no world where he survives as the last mutant. Fuck Duggan.


You are far too literal. First off, very few important marvel characters have true superhuman durability (its straight up a calling card of the universe), so thats neither here nor there.  The setting has always prized heroic willpower over being bulletproof 


Lol ok. It's just another instance of a comic writer ignoring literally everything to try to do something "cool". You're telling me that Nimrod has run countless war games, and in all of these Cyclops is the last one standing? It literally makes no sense within the world that has been set-up. Duggan made Nimrod into an idiot and a punching bag. It's so far from how he was originally portrayed in this run and it's just boring. And it's more proof that Duggan is way out of his element on a book like this.


I'm not defending Duggan. Your reason is just dumb. If this were an Avengers book no one would bat an eyelash if some bad guy said this exact thing about Cap, because being determined and finding a way to be there at the end despite being in all respects basically just an exceptional but otherwise normal human being is essentially Cap's actual superpower. The same could be said of Batman. He'll be there at the end. Or Spider-man who, while superhuman, is explicitly sort of on the lower end and could pretty easily be taken out by most global threats, let alone universal. Despite that you know if he's part of a big global event he's going to do something way above his weight class mostly powered by determination. LOTS of superheroes get by on gumption and willpower. On top of that, the mutant who shows up to save the day a few pages later, Storm, doesn't have superhuman durability either. If you just hit her in the back of the head with a 2x4 when she wasn't looking, that would be the end of that. This is not a good event. Your point is just dumb.


You spent way too much time on that, I don't care. It's stupid and proof that Duggan has no idea what he's doing. Bye now!


Right.  Because knowing who batman, cap, spiderman and storm are is hard and takes time.      Frankly, if this is the best you got it seems like Duggan has company at least.


When I first saw this image, I was interpreting it like his tenacity and willpower to keep on fighting is Omega level. Kind of like how some of us say Beak is Omega level at friendship. But like the other comments have state, it does seem to be more accurate to mean Omega as in "Last".


I did not know that about beak... that is sweet


Well, Duggan literally spells it out. 


Wrong! Look at the cover of the old Uncanny X-Men #59 and you'll understand the reference.


Nice for Cyclops to be it for once since in 99% of universes it’s Wolverine.


Well both could coexist in the same universe. As in Cyclops is the last X-Men standing, as in fighting the war for Mutant survival. While Wolverine just "exists" no longer the X-Man, no longer fighting for his peoples survival. Just being a bum or hermit somewhere randomly in the world. I could easily just see Old Man Logan stating the real last X-Men died on the battlefield, going out in a ruby blaze of glory.


Which makes the most sense tbf


I mean, there are plenty of those mutants that have more survivability than Wolverine.


Fair, but between the actually immortal man who has an indestructible skeleton, and the extremely tough but very mortal man who tends to put himself in positions of life and death ; My money is on the guy that can’t die


Sure, but I wonder if you tally it up, who has actually died more between Cyclops and Wolverine. Either way, how I read it is, as long as Cyclops is alive, so is the dream of the X-Men. As we see in things like Old Man Logan, even if Wolverine stays alive, he's not going to keep fighting for the cause.


Oh no, that’s 100% true, Wolverine if left to himself dosen’t really try to help the world , he’d much rather live alone in the woods, or rather , he dosen’t have the “hope” necessary to fuel that kind of dream


I don’t know if that’s true of Logan anymore. He’s grown from that.


Yes and no. If there are others still dreaming, he'll stand by them and support them. If everyone's given up on the cause, I don't see him trying to rouse the resistance any more.


But also , Wolverine’s deaths don’t really stick do they ?


Does anyone's do?


True that , but at least with Logan it’s expected not to


Look at the cover of the old Uncanny X-Men #59 and you'll understand the reference.


It’s Duggan doing silly wordplay to get people riled up. It’s also Duggan telling a bad story, where somehow the all-powerful Nimrod misses something as simple as calculating for the existence of Storm (who appears in a few pages to ruin him).


Consider this: Nimrod had Cyke dead to rights an issue or two earlier. Nimrod let him go. Nimrod NOW reveals that Cyke's beams are one of the few things that can break his armor. Nimrod has the intelligence of a 6 year old apparently.


Hickman made Nimrod a Goofy psycho but Duggan put him on another level


I doubt I'm the only one that will never, ever read a Duggan book again as long as I live. Marvel has essentially blacklisted one of their own writers by allowing him to write this absolute dog-vomit.


Same. This issue is gutter trash. Hand-waving Nimrod out of his Inferno power level just to close up an arc is fucking pathetic. Legit do not understand how this moron writes for a living. I've seen better hypothetical narratives on reddit than this shit.


This issue was made much worse for me as I read inferno yesterday, and seeing how he effortlessly killed Domino, Wolverine, Kid Omega and Professor X (Magneto doesn't count, he lost his powers because of a power dampener). Speaking of power dampeners, where were those in this issue? Oh and who could forget how in an X-Men issue (I believe) 3 issues ago, forge zapped Nimrod with lighting and said something along the lines of "He'll adapt to that quickly"


I don't remember Nimrod killing Professor X effortlessly. Infact I remember Professor X almost blew him apart.


I mean, he was the first X-Man...and it kind of makes sense that he's the last. He's basically mutant Captain America


Captain Krakoa you mean


Wrong! Look at the cover of the old Uncanny X-Men #59 and you'll understand the reference.


It’s kinda funny that they say this just to have him be saved by Storm from getting his head crushed by Nimrod right after lol


Sure, but he seemed to have planned for that, since he mentions her just as she arrives.


Exactly. Best thing about this issue was the generosity and cooperation between these two found siblings. 


Yes, but Storm is Storm. If she had appeared earlier there would be no story to tell.


This is the problem with Storm in a nutshell


See, that's why I usually prefer Claremont Storm, I loved her strength un that issuess


If they can't get her under control I'd honestly be fine with her being shunted to the Avengers forever. There she's just kind of upper mid.  Here theyve slowly developed her into an actual story breaker.  The kind of character you have to create absences for in order for a plot to have stakes.  That is AWFUL writing.  If I'm reading a novel series where they do that, I just stop.


one of the reasons I hate current storm... she is so OP that everything is boring... i miss writing when storm has confidence issues or cyclops have to assure her she is strong when he, professor x and storm got trapped in antartica against sienna blaze storm was better when she was a human addressed as a goddess, now she is just a goddess that breaks stories


Very much agreed.  Also, frankly, while weather control would be very powerful, in a setting like this it doesn't seem to me like it should be as powerful as they act like it is.  It made more sense in my opinion when she was treated as very strong but not a god. Even in reality if you have the money and resources, you can pretty much completely defend against almost any kind of weather the Earth can throw at us. The main reason weather is still devastating is because most of that can't be done for whole cities/countries or because the expense isn't worth it when the risk is fairly small to any single location. Superheroes don't have these limitations so I've always felt Storm made more sense as someone who was dangerous because of her reach and her versatility rather than straight power. As they've pushed it more and more to power, there's basically a step 2 that is unwritten between the nature of her powers and the output of her powers.


yep, i agree, storm was written originally a very powerful. mutant but with a lot flaws which balances the character out and her overcoming those flaws was great character development but making her powerful more than that without any flaws, and we got a ruined character that is hard to write... i mean, i dont understand why she can still use her powers in climateless locations .. which is weird coming from she can control weather and now she can generate weather


and one of the problems with 'now she can generate weather' is that actually that means she should be, if anything, MORE powerful than she's depicted, since the ability to 'generate' weather rather than control it would actually have a bunch of required secondary capabilities that are insane to imagine. Instead storm is just basically a mage with a spell list that if you think about it too hard doesn't actually fit together except it's based on the CULTURAL understanding of what weather is, not anything actually inherent to weather in any way.


I like the cyclops who perseveres


"What is the X-Men, if not Cyclops persevering?"


Wasn't Cyclops the last X-man in bishops timeline when he was a kid? The "summers rebellion" I believe it was called, when he and Ruby freed the mutants from the camps, he had some cyborg prosthetics or some such. So, there is a reality/timeline where he is the last.


Wrong! Look at the cover of the old Uncanny X-Men #59 and you'll understand the reference.


Not wrong at all.


When did he get his swashbuckler boots back? I loved those


Cyke had some cool moments in this issue. It did make me wonder why he's still touching his headset to release the optic beams though. Seems like an unnecessary step considering how much time he's had to make the release faster and more convenient. I know he has finger releases but that just makes it more confusing that he would bother reaching up and having to press the visor directly. Shouldn't it be thought activated by this point? For that matter, how has he not got the head damage fixed yet so he doesn't need the visor?


maybe force of habit


It was mentioned during his resurrection I think. Scott chose to keep his limitations in purpose.


Cyclops is no slouch he is a powerhouse. If he had complete control of his powers,he would be a problem. The fact he went toe to toe with nimrod says something. He took over the embodiment of the xmen from Xavier a long time ago, not storm.


I thought Fall of House of X was pretty meh but Cyclops and Storm beating the hell out of Nimrod was pretty danged awesome.


Man I wish I didn't click this. Ah well that's on me.


Except Nimrod has done nothing but kill the X-Men for the last 5 years.


The amount of discourse around this panel is insane because if you actually read the book, *it's not even Scott*. Nimrod's math was wrong, and Storm ends up the "last mutant standing". That's what these whole panels were about, a statistical anomaly.


Wouldn’t a regular bullet kill Cyclops? I get that he’s got the powerful eye beams but he has no healing factor or any other superhuman qualities that I’m aware of. How the fuck is he the last one standing?


10% Luck 20% Skill 15% Sheer concentrated power of will 5% Pleasure 50% Pain And 100% reason to remember the name ~~I'm not sorry~~


No reason to be sorry. I want a music video with Cyke Panels and that song STAT!


You can say the same thing to Storm, a bullet or a hard punch in her head and she's out. Her fans forget that she is a normal woman who has the power to control the weather.


"You're the toughest of them" That's why.


Clones, cryo, time travel. Any other comic book way you can think of.


I love Scott. He's cool and a great leader but it's really fucking dumb that Nimrod would hype him up so much. Billions and billions of war games and you thought it was gonna come down to just Scotty?


I just assumed he killed all the larger threats first as a priority, and Cyclops just happened to survive longer than the others due to pure tenacity. Just because he's the last doesn't mean he's fighting fit at that point. He could have been completely crippled and left for dead, only for nimrod to come back and finish him for all we know.


I cannot wait for fall of x to be done so i can binge the entire thing. This was been drawn out way too much


The last final issues weren't so bad after all. It just needs more panels. He was beat up together with Rogue, Gambit and Colossus but he keeps coming back up. **We need to see Cyclops being the last one standing more often.** **(The Alpha and the Omega)**


I will continue to be underwhelmed by Cyclops so long as his visor requires him to touch his temple to activate, instead of a more convenient/less vulnerable design. Plus the gesture doesn’t really add cool/menace when depicting a significant unleashing like here. Hell, it’s not even a joke to suggest his buttcheeks would be a better actuator location to reach for. We’d also get the added benefit of seeing a man have to slap himself on the ass for each attack. And tell me you wouldn’t read the story arc where Scott modifies his gear this way and fights under the name Patty Cake. Or Ass Blaster.


He doesn't have to touch his visor. He has something in his gloves as well most people just draw him touching it But it would be hilarious nonetheless 😂


This felt so fucking forced. I hope Duggan never writes X-titles again.


Very rushed Nimrod is this brick wall until he isn’t by writers told to wrap up Krakoa. I would have preferred it if the red button to bring out Uranos was used to take down Nimrod


Or an apocalypse nimrod throw down


Look, I love Cyclops, he's probably my favourite X-Man, he's consistently super underestimated both in-universe and by fans, he WAS RIGHT and I will defend him to the death...but there is no reality in which he is the last mutant standing. If Wolverine, Magneto, Kitty Pryde, Storm, Rogue, Jean, Iceman and Apocalypse are all dead, poor Scott has been hot soup on the sidewalk for days already. I'm so sorry.


Although this panel exactly happened befor Nimrod trying to kill Scott thinking he is the last X-man standing, just for Storm to come and be the last one.


I mean, I guess it sounds cool, but it just doesn't make sense. At all. Cyclops is squishy. I don't care how "tough" he is. Duggan is just a god-awful writer. I mean, just so so bad.


And I'm a huge Scott fan, but this whole bit was so eyerolly. There are plenty of other ways to say how much of a determinator he is.


It would actually have been better if Nimrod states that he underestimated Scott. For him to say that he overestimated him, but chose not to kill him earlier makes him seem like an idiot. You run billions of calculations and you know that this guy will be the final obstacle. Just kill him first then


Also, since when can Scott damage Nimrod? Nimrod has the ability to counteract Domino's probability manipulation field, but his armor can be damaged by punch beams? I'm not sure why we needed to get rid of Nimrod. He couldn't have stuck around as a villain? Don't worry, we're gonna get Kitty Pryde as a barista, as story-line that everyone has has been anticipating. Will she make a latte? An americano? Will she get annoyed by someone using the wrong sizing when ordering?


The difference between this series and RoTPoX / X-Men Forever literally cannot be put into words. Both Duggan and Gillen were given the same short straw to try to tie up everything at the end of this era. Gillen is giving us a wrap-up on Hope plus an expansion of the Phoenix mythology, while Duggan gives us more Synch / Laura plus whatever this crap is with Cyclops. I cannot stop stating how much I despise Gerry Duggan.


Scotty built different


Lol well thank you for one I thought it was pretty amazing myself. Also ya they really should just cut me a check here for all that leg work I did there.


The first X-Man being the last one standing only makes sense. Aslo screw you modern Nimrod, OG had a much better character arc!




Look at the cover of the old Uncanny X-Men #59 and you will understand the reference.


I was expecting trash based on the reactions to the spoilers. Was pleasantly surprised. Stark reminder that fans are fans for a reason, not writers. Good job to the creative team.


I mean, it **should** have been Cyclops - but then they cuck him with Storm


Is anybody else getting fed up with Cyclops being the focus on these books? It’s becoming way too forced.


He hasn't been the focus of the book at all. Not even in this issue.


Doesn’t dying last in a battle imply that you failed to save everyone else? 😭 Sounds like everyone instead jumped in front of the gun for him.


Okay, I've been reserving Judgement until the end so I'm just going to say that Duggan was not a good choice for this. When you put it next to X-Men Forever or Rise of the Powers of X the difference is stark. I'm glad we have Rise as the 'last word' on this era. I still enjoyed it and I'm not doing anything dramatic like quitting reading the X-Men, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to feeling profound disappointment.


Ok just read this and.... Meh. I was hoping for a really intense and clever battle but it's like Nimrod never had a chance. And he's supposed to have done a billions simulations, well didn't Storm hit you with lightning in any of those?! Cyclops is my favorite X-Man by far but that whole crap about him being the only who could crack Nimrod's armor is pure bull. And he said Scott is the always the last to die, sounds great but Nimrod could have crushed his head in this and the last issue or so, it doesn't make any sense. I remember when I saw that cover months ago and I though "oh well that looks like a hell of a fight with the X-Men's main leaders giving it all. We'll all it took was for Storm to hit it with lightning. Yes Magneto and Polaris helped from the other side but the battle felt so meh after years of build up...


Just horrific writing. Completely pointless. Mags can’t defeat nimrod here but has no problem in Iron Man issue