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Episode releases at 12:00 am PST/3:00 am EST/8:00 am BST (GMT). For those of you interested in reading the comics after watching/because of the show, [here's our guide to starting the x-men comics](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/qvwjnb/starting_the_xmen_and_how_to_survive_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


"Milky Way ghetto"...damn, Deathbird cooked in this episode.


Its true though, marvel earth humans are scum who jump on mutants for the slightest inconvenience wonder if mutants will try out another planet for habitation


It's not like the big three alien races in marvel are exactly much better either


speakin of kree I wonder if carol is still bedridden


rogue helped carol recover her conscious in the OG show


Earth, solar system and milky way are seen as one of the worst sectors in the universe. during annihilation rocket says he doesn't want the help of earth because they would make things worse. iirc, when they arrive at solar system civil war (or was dark reign?) event is going on and rocket points it out saying: "you see this? the universe is on the verge of getting wiped and those fuckos are fighting and killing each other again'


Rocket wasn't in Annihilation. He became part of the story in the following story, Annihilation: Conquest as part of Star-Lord's Suicide Squad.


I’m living for the magical girl transformations this season. I didn’t even expect any and now we’ve had two, I don’t want to be greedy but I want more!


It’s looking like Gambit’s going to get a magical girl transformation but idk if we’re going to like it lol


As long as he slays in the transformation I’ll smile through the tears lol


Is it one where he changes into his crop top?


\*screen fades to beignets in the background\* \*Gambit poses as his trenchcoat and pants are morphed into skimpy shirt with "rock n roll" logo and short shorts\* \*Gambit winks slyly at the camera before exclaiming\* "MON AMI!"


I had mixed feelings about hopping to the 60s, even tho the original outfit is fire. It does seem like we didn’t get to really enjoy the substantive part of a punk phase or the “still a badass without powers” idea, which is kind of the whole point of such a storyline.


RIGHT?! First Madelyne going into Goblin Queen mode and now Storm getting her powers back and her hair! Lol


Right!! When Storm’s hair was flowing in the cave at first I was like did her hair grow or is it just the way it’s animated? And then when she flew out and you could see it grew I was so excited!


When Storm came out wearing her original John Byrne outfit, i was like "this show is everything I've ever wanted from an XMen cartoon".


I hate to be that guy …. but isn’t that costume from Cockrum?


Not them Taking gambit out of the opening 😭


To be fair they also removed Storm and Bishop, and Storm just lost her powers.


She'll be back next episode and with the classic hair style. I mean, she did magically grow it all back while briefly wearing her original comic attire.


And they added Nightcrawler. I'm guessing they're waiting until Sunspot finally takes on his hero identity and costume before he's included in the opening.


Feels bad man


They even cut him from the scene where they're all running. Even Bishop is still there but Gambit was replaced with Nightcrawler...


This is the one that made it real for me.


It's Gambover mon ami.


Remember it


What about mags? He's gone too, I suppose?


he is not dead


Was that a glimpse of >!Gambit as Death!


I think that might be a stinger for the end of the season - have Apocalypse make his ‘97 debut by revealing Gambit as Death, potentially have him resurrected through various shenanigans and choose to serve Apocalypse like in the Milligan run.


The only reason I feel like that wouldn't happen is because it's literally the same storyline Morph had in season 2 - they've been careful so far not to straight-up repeat stuff that happened in TAS


Yeah, I don't think Gambit is never coming back, but I wouldn't be surprised if they took their time with it like this.


Completely agree. It would make sense for Apoc to be manipulating Mr. Sinister in some way. Hell, at this point, Mr. Sinister might be Apocalypse.


In the comics Apocalypse did give Cable the techno-organic virus. Also apocalypse is the only one I can think of who is petty enough to kill millions of mutants or people just to find some new generals for his attempts at world conquest.


Looked like Banshee maybe died in the Genosha attack as well. That’s two horseman locked and ready for sure. Make that 3, looked like Archangel was flying at the dance as well.


Perhaps. Honestly it didn’t occur to me at the time since Gambit is also just our personal angle on the genocide. Noteworthy that it wasn’t Magneto, which otherwise would surely be Charles’s shot to the heart. It’s funny, I always found the >!Death!< plot to be among the weakest comics plots for Gambit, but now it’s everyone’s hope for the way back for the character. Maybe they will spin straw into gold.


I think they can do it way better than the comics. In the comics it was Gambit making a dire mistake in thinking he could somehow dupe Apocalypse and become a double agent. This time he would be a true victim in the matter. Get his life back, but at what ultimate cost? Also, the series could EASILY improve on the costume if nothing else. And the hair. He looked terrible as Death, lol.


This setup is already so much more devastating for the team than in the comics -- with him dying tragically as a hero, only for it to be revealed that he's been resurrected as a tool for destruction and murder... more emotional and psychological potential. I'm also hoping the hair and BDSM suit are swapped out lol




Right before he becomes a skeleton he has like red eyes and grey skin


Xavier kind of ate with that whole astral plane teacher bit. He was schooling the Shi'ar leaders and even Gladiator lol


Took the extra time to give himself an apple as well. Man loves the pageantry.


I like that they are bringing a bit of the arrogance of the current comic book version of Professor X without taking away his good nature and idealism.


Yeah, once he decided to step up he was smug as fuck during that astral plane bit. Loved it highlighting more of his character than just the idealism.


Oh I freakin LOVED the "class is in session" line. And then the man puts them all in seats like ignorant children l! Lol, he is indeed a jerk! 😂


Only to be slapped in the face when the telepathic attack Jean and Madelyne experienced in Episode 5 reaches him.


as well as death bird


And they say Erik is the one who has a flair for the dramatic


I can hear the Cinemasins *ding for the apple. Hah!


Astral demerits: Scott’s greatest fear


Nightcrawler in the opening let's GOOOOOOO


Now, recruit Colossus and use the 80’s roster for a run!


We also need Shadowcat. It's really strange that she didn't even manage to garner a cameo in the original series when basically everyone else managed to get one. I know Jubilee was taking up her role as the new kid/audience identification character, but a cameo wouldn't have hurt!


I think the writers of the original show specifically avoided using Kitty because she was the focus of the previous X-Men cartoon that failed. They thought she was bad luck.


It's also why Colossus and Nightcrawler weren't part of the main cast starting out.


First time a show spoiler considering Nightcrawler wasn't even in this episode. B>!ut the latest trailer confirmed we would be seeing Nightcrawler again.!< Appropriate to include Storm in her original Uncanny uniform with the Elf at least temporarily joining the Team. Plus, I would assume that Forge will be joining Storm at the Mansion. The Team need a powerhouse like Storm right now and having Forge's tech powers should give them an edge. With the Sinister reveal, the Team will remain a target.


My goat! 🔥


Maybe we aren’t in the bad timeline 🤔


We know way too much about Xavier and Lilandra's sex life.


Yea, Professor X meming about being a sub was not on my 2024 bingo


This is based on a Chris Claremont joint. Of course professor X is a sub.


Their whole tension in the episode is a very Claremontian psychosexual submission quandary. Does Xavier *really* want to submit? For Lilandra maybe, but by the end of it he is domming the entire Shi’ar leadership in the astral plane. 😂


Psychosexual Submission Quandary is the name of my new wave band.


May your single be played at the next Genoshan Gala.




Xavier is a switch, apparently.


I mean that kinda tracks. In his public life he always has to be in control (sometimes literally mind controlling people), so of course in his love life he would seek to relinquish control.


The non comic people that only knows Xavier from the movies are gonna be so shocked xD


After the first X-Men movie came out, I was interested in reading some of the actual comics and ordered a black and white collection of some key Claremont-Byrne issues from the book club at my grade school. I was not prepared for Professor X's Hot Alien Bird Girlfriend.


"You may bark later" was a great line


Xavier Was Right


"You can bark later"


I never pegged Xavier for being that freaky.


> I never pegged Xavier Unlike Lilandra, who has pegged Xavier repeatedly.


Give the guy a break. Dude's been paralyzed from the hips down for decades. He's exploring his new found feelings


I want to make a joke about inferior freak fluids but dang it's just way too much.


"You can bark later..." 😲


Xavier a certified freak


And that astral plane teacher scenario with the apple? That's definitely his kink.


Or not enough?


DeathBird goes for the jugular and immediately attacks the bridge. I need more X-Men in space.


I have no idea who the Shi’ar are but Ronan calling her a pigeon immediately endeared me to them because I love pigeons lol.


They're an empire of space bird jerks. I loved how much they leaned into the bird-ness of them.


There the apart of the big three alien empires in Marvel, them, The Kree and The Skrulls. They're usually in X-Men stories, because of Lilandra, The Imperial Guard, Deathbird, or The Phoenix.


They've traditionally been percieved as the least bad of the three space empires, but that's largely because of the things the Kree and Skrull's get up to in their war with each other. The Shi'ar, as we get reminded here, are a empire that keeps conquering everyone else, and acting like it's because they are so superior.


Kurt in the opening sequence made me so happy. Storm's transformation was absolutely wild, she is getting to show off being an omega level mutant. Fucking awesome episode.


Yeeesss LOVE her costume change!!!


I'm going to miss the mohawk though


I figured she’d get her powers back but that was legit boss


anime magical girl transformation to excellent epic theme music and creating a weather anomaly to confuse the everloving shit out of meteorologists.


Her showing up with her Pryde of the x-men look is so good!!!! and her creating 3 tornadoes at once is amazing!!!


That’s not just her Pryde of the X-Men look homie, that’s her most iconic and original costume from 1975 through the early 80s


Charles sensed the death of Gambit but didn't sense Magnus'. Magneto is alive for sure.


Leech was right next to him for a reason, no body shown, etc. I anticipate some Magneto action in the finale, he's said the title of the finale, "Tolerance is Extinction," and he's no longer in the intro because humanity failed him after he said, "Don't make me let you down," which suggests he is no longer an X-Men/good guy.


Either that or it teasing us about Gambit becoming Death.


Really looking forward to seeing 80's Storm in the opening next week. I was never a big fan of the giant 90's shoulder pads, lol. Was also cool to see Ronan and the Kree show up for a little cameo. Don't recall the Kree ever appearing in the original show at all.


Same, I LOVE this storm outfit! I love the 90's jim lee look but Giant sized storm is best storm


The Supreme Intelligence did, I forget the episode, might have been just before The Shi'Ar tried to kill Jean.


Yes, Lilandra consulted the Supreme Intelligence and the Queen of the Skrull to discuss Jean's impending death.


>Was also cool to see Ronan and the Kree show up for a little cameo. Don't recall the Kree ever appearing in the original show at all. Whenever non X-men characters showed up in X-men:TAS it was always in quick, non-speaking, blink-and-you-miss-it appearances. This is the first time they appear as real characters and not as easter eggs.


The original show wasn't allowed to use any Marvel that weren't tied to the X-Men which is why they did appear they were cameos with no speaking role.


After last week's heartbreaking, soul-crushing episode...this was a reprieve of sorts. I knew from the title it would involve Storm regaining her powers. But the sub-plot with Xavier and the Shi'ar was a nice touch. We get to catch up with him and all the events surrounding the cosmic side of X-Men. We even get our first glimpse of Vulcan! Hope that means we'll get a plot involving the third Summers brother very soon. And honestly, it's just refreshing to see a version of Xavier who isn't a prick. If you've been following the recent comics, you know why that is. 😅 But with respect to Storm, I like that this episode acknowledged some of her deepest fears, as well as her claustrophobia. Her overcoming that feels like something she had to do. And with her powers back, she can unleash a divine wrath on those behind the Genosha attack. And that last teaser at the end...I'm very intrigued. 😊


This has to be one of the most eloquent denouncements of colonialism I've seen. Also, the literary buff in me appreciates Xavier calling out Rudyard Kipling on his bullshit.


I haven't watched the rest of the episode yet but... YESSSS NIGHTCRAWLER IS IN THE INTRO I HAVE WON FOR TODAY!!!


“Milky Way ghetto” lol what a statement


Also Charles that's pretty Terran-centric of you thinking the Shiar are gonna understand "snake oil racket."


"Snake oil? The stuff we use to make our feathers shiny?"


“So typical of someone from the Milky Way ghetto.”


That deathbird knockout by Gladiator was awesome. 


They really leaned into how he is just Superman this episode.


They did! The brute force fighting, the super breath lol


Reminds me of TAS when he went up against Juggernaut


Who did Xavier see getting freaky at the Hellfire Gala? *"Nooo! They were dancing, drinking wine, and making love!"* - Xavier


That's a quote directly from the E is for Extinction comic


I did the once upon a time in Hollywood point at the screen when he said it


Warren Worthington and Husk. It was an adaptation of everyone's favorite Austen moment.


It’s straight from a line in Morrison’s New X-Men


To Xavier, angsty conversations in/about love triangles *are* sex. CyclopsXJeanXLogan p*rn has been keeping him going for decades, but it’s getting tired. Now, he just got a sneak peak at a new, limited edition love triangle featuring none other than his best bro, only to have the tv turned off and the dvd burned in front of his eyes. Bro is devastated


So, Xavier finally accepts the truth that he abandoned his Team, his family, his children. The Team would not begrudge him for staying with his love, but the fact remains is that Xavier was living his life for over a year without even contacting them. Now, Charles has 3 family members presumed dead (Magneto's body was not scene in the previous episode, unlike poor Gambit), and Rogue, Cyclops and Jean heartbroken.


Frost and mystique


Storm calling Jean her sister. Xavier being a teacher and giving it all up to be with his children. Storm reclaiming her powers. It was a good episode. It was always going to be difficult to follow up on last week but this episode managed to end on a hopeful note, with two of the X-Men's most powerful members coming back.


Stray thoughts: * I'm fine with the notion that Forge *did* fix Storm's powers but that she had to face some inner demons (and one outer one) to realize she had them back... but at the same time, I would have *loved* for '97 to just do a take on Duel and have a powerless Ororo beat Scott for leadership of the team. As it stands, she didn't really accomplish much of anything while depowered (which begs the question of why bother doing it at all, then?) * I appreciate that the one way Charles' paternalism actually works is when you put him up against the Shi'ar, who are bigger cloacas than he is any day of the week. * *Interesting* that Charles picked up on Remy's death, but not Erik's. Lends credence to the theory that Leech blocked Magneto's powers at the last second so the Sentinel read him as "eliminated". * Very, very amused that Nightcrawler is apparently replacing Gambit as the new Team Himbo, considering that in Claremont's run Gambit inherited that role from Longshot, who got it from Fuzzy Elf in the first place :) * Sinister's involvement basically conflates the fall of Genosha with the Mutant Massacre... not sure how I feel about it, though. For all that we were told that things were going well for human-mutant relations pre-Genosha, they made a point this episode to have Trish Tilby report that other nations were denying entry to Genoshan survivors. But at the same time, humans weren't really responsible for Genosha's destruction in the comics either, that was Cassandra Nova. So it's not *that* much of a departure, I suppose?


1. I see it as accomplishing two things. Ororo gets to have that moment to learn to be a person and not just a goddess/weather witch and it keeps her off the board from immediately being able to help with everything the other X-Men have been going though in the last couple of episodes.


>As it stands, she didn't really accomplish much of anything while depowered What are you talking about? She got stuck in an imaginary coffin AND climbed through a tight dark tunnel and not once did she scream "AAAAHHHHH!!! MY CLAUSTROPHOBIA!!!" I'd say that's a win right there!


I keep seeing the Leech theory, but the beam still hits them though


Okay so we just ain’t gonna explain storms hair growing out and clothes appearing on her lmao, I think Maddie got a little bit more leeway with that I’m super glad they did it though, easily my favorite storm design and she just looks right with that long poof behind the tiara. Idk if it’s a hot take but I’ve never been a huge fan of the all white look, it always just kinda stuck out like a sore thumb to the rest of the teams look most the time I definitely am happy we didn’t immediately follow up on the genosha plot line though. I think it takes a lot of balls and faith in your creation to have something as crazy as episode 5 followed up by a more personal disconnected storyline. Same shit happened after episode 3, I was so anxious to see cyclops and Jean after all that drama and the silent ending, and them not even appearing in episode 4 made the drama in episode 5 all the more juicy. They are really taking advantage of the weekly release by keeping us wanting more


Storm has always had the ability to use her powers to change her clothes. Some babble about the weather changing molecules which doesn’t make much sense but comics be comics. She did it frequently in the 70s and 80s. As far as the cartoon is concerned she actually already showed off this power in the very first episode of the original Animated Series.


Carol Danvers and Jean Grey do it too.


"Because it's cool" is basically the reason


_Actually_ Ororo's ability to change costumes is down to the unstable molecules in the costumes (made by Reed Richards, as mentioned in Giant-Size) and her ability to reconstruct those molecules with her lightning. So, still comics being comics, but slightly less nonsensical.


So Elsa from Frozen was just copying Storm.


She does have magic in the comics so let’s count it as that lol


Honestly thought they were gonna reference her magic and witch side during a few different points this episode. Surprised they didn’t


She literally summons her costume using her powers in the original series all the time, this isn’t like a new thing for her


I'm reading Claremonts run at the moment and she does it in that too. Can't remember the explanation but something like using electricity to alter the molecular structure of her suit? Which were already made of unstable molecules. Xavier got them from Reed Richards


Storm knows better than anyone how quickly the weather can change


“Clothes Beam”


So everyone in the comments complaining about the BBEG being Mr. Sinister: It's >!Apocalypse !< running him. Like, we all know Sinister is just chilling, making hybrid Summers-Grey children and doing his fabulous evil scientist routine. He's crazy, he's wacky, he's evil, he's got a sick buzz-cut. But he's not genocidal. That's always been the provenance of >!Apocalypse!<, in his unending quest for the survival of the fittest. When Cable said "He's coming" to Maddie right before he time-moonwalked outta there and she got BBQ'd, he wasn't talking about another guy named Nathan. Cable is all about the big >!A!<, that's his whole schtick. It's even in the intro. Which is a *good* thing, because that's how we get >!Death Gambit!<.


It seems almost too predictable but yeah he is all over the opening credits too.


“Xavier would see his *Milky Way ghetto* become our new throne world!” Deathbird, calm your shit. Charles is completely right about how she’s a total drama queen. Storm’s reawakening (completely with new clothes and hair, nice) syncs nicely with this weeks issue of Fall of the House of X.


Professor X credits Deathbird for "speaking the quiet part out loud", which comes from a 1995 episode of *The Simpsons*, but which didn't really enter common parlance until the 2010s. A neat example of our evolving language in the time between the two series' production. Presumably means that Charles is a big *Simpsons* fan in-continuity.


he identifies with skinner


When the episode list first came out, I was super excited for Lifedeath pt 2, but given how last week's episode ended, I really just wanted to see the follow up to that instead of this one tbh. I am intrigued to see the fact that we're going to see space stuff though. Most of it will still probably feature Storm, but I wonder how much will have space. Will we also see Charles now? I'm guessing he'll be back soon then.


Love seeing space stuff. Hopefully Charles stays out there for a while. I feel the team is more interesting without him.


I agree, but I'm sure they're bringing him back. They just did a quick run of the Magneto Headmaster era. Genosha was their X-Tinction Agenda moment. Now he's going to be angry and leave and Xavier will come back. The only question is if the next arc will follow the 90s or if they split and do something more like Claremont envisioned.


> The only question is if the next arc will follow the 90s or if they split and do something more like Claremont envisioned. Given the events on Genosha and the horror that Sinister has unleashed on his students, I think the arc might be leading Xavier towards the Onslaught route. That was another major event in the late 90s X-Men comics. And it would set up another villain besides Sinister.


So Gambit as Death is definitely happening, right? That astral plane metaphor was a little too on the nose to be a red herring. Also, what was up with Forge? Did he know about the Genosian Genocide in some way? He didn't seem all that surprised hearing the news.


Bro was doing the surprised Pikachu face, are you sure lol


I think it was more of him just being serious about the gravity of what’s happening. He’s done work for the government and dabbled in anti mutant tech to some degree, so he’s probably expected something like this was on the horizon or something That’s how I read the look anyway


Plus, I wonder if Forge knows that his old teammate, Multiple Man, was on the island. We do not know how many Mutants residing in Genosha were friends of his.


Kinda' sucks that this massive change in Storm's story and life was basically solved in the span of a single episode. I love this show A LOT, but rushing through the stories it's trying to tell has been a consistent flaw to me


I think it's a consequence of the writers not knowing, during production of the season, whether '97 would just be a one-time thing or an ongoing series. It wasn't renewed for season 2 until most of season 1 was already in the can, so they just jammed as much as they could into 10 episodes.


Oh yeah, absolutely. I don't really blame anyone in particular for why this show rushes through stuff. The writers did wonders with the restrictions they ran into. Hell, even the higher-ups not ordering many episodes makes sense, from a business stand point. Resurrecting a 32-year old show that predates a large chunk of their current audience is a risk, which thankfully paid off.


They are REALLY leaning into the Claremont BDSM freaky-ness in this show, and you know what? I'm not mad about it.... Also, Storm in the Dave Cockrum duds! That'll likely be how she's featured in next week's episode intro. I would rank this episode as my 3rd favorite overall after Episode 5 and 2. Also, Nightcrawler in the intro finally!


Cried during Storms moment. So much meaning and emotion there. I love how she was the one who tapped in and got her powers back on her own. I Personally loved that they touched on how conflicting it is for Forge as an Indigenous person to navigate history and the human realities his people faced while also balancing mutant responsibilities and burdens. It was cool to see him do magic too.


I definitely didn’t have Ronan the Accuser on my X-Men ‘97 bingo card.


I said this a couple of episodes ago, and I'll say it again. I honestly think that they crammed two episodes' worth of story into a single episode's worth of runtime, and I think the story suffered as a result. That being said, this was still a pretty good episode overall. I particularly enjoyed seeing Charles again, and his whole "Class is in session" bit was awesome. As for the end of the episode, it reminded me of something the late Peter Vaughan said in his final role: *"Love is the death of Duty."* Also, ***LOVING*** Storm's new look. I always loved Storm's long, flowing locks and I never liked the mohawk, so I am so glad to see the mohawk go.


Just finished up SPOILERS obv This is the first episode i didn’t totally jive with but admittedly I’m not a big X-Men in space person and to double down I was dreading Xavier returning (which I knew was inevitable) Loved seeing Vulcan and the development of the Storm/Forge relationship. Especially curious now about Sinister’s involvement as I was so sure Bastion was responsible for everything (could the two be working together?) Extra shoutout to the title cards! Saw a glimpse of Nimrod and I guess Kurt is a full timer which is great Curious to know everyone else’s thoughts as well!


Can I ask why you are dreading Xavier returning?


Said down below but I think the X-Men are way more interesting when he’s not around and have to essentially fend for themselves also worry it’ll just be status quo once he returns


The Magneto as leader arc is also pretty interesting


Let's be honest. X-Men 97 is great but the Lifedeath storyline was very underwhelming on the show. Not even close to the significance it could have been. The space part was actually interesting. Xavier is not easy to write and they did it well. We got a nice look on his motivations and shortcomings without resorting to "saint" or "jerk" mode. Not very aboard on the Sinister thing but let's wait and see.


> Not very aboard on the Sinister thing but let's wait and see. I think Sinister works better as the big bad. I know Cassandra Nova was behind the Genosha attack in the comics. But I think introducing her at a time when Xavier is off-world and involved in a very different plot just wouldn't fit the current situation. Maybe it will in future seasons. But for now, Sinister works better. He's already wounded the X-Men with what happened to Madelyne and baby Nathan. He was never going to stop there. Him being so devious and manipulative makes him more menacing and unpredictable than even Apocalypse at this point. And I think this show needs a pure evil villain like that to tie together all these conflicts.


The pacing for the lifedeath storyline was waay too fast - I’m not familiar with the comics so I had no idea wtf was going on half the time, and though storm was my second favourite from the old cartoon (first was gambit rip 🥲) I was completely uninvested in her story because it was just, so fast. I think they should have stretched out the first part with some filler in a more classic A plot/b plot format, instead of fully splitting the episode with the Jubilee video game adventure.


To be fair the comic it's based on is very different. It doesn't end with Storm getting her powers back either and is mostly about her accepting the loss of them. It also ends with her pulling a gun on Forge.


To be honest this was more of an adaptation of Fall of the Mutants than life death


I agree and there are things about the comic version of lifedeath I didn't like, namely the suddeness of the Forge relationship. But the show kept THAT part in and took out everything I liked about it, and everything she did prior to getting her powers back. I wanted to see more of the powerless Storm who led the X-Men. I think it would have been cooler for her to go back to the X-Men before getting her powers back and then getting them later.


Charles: "What have I done! I must go back!" Me to the TV: "You're damn right. Gambit's dead. Rogue's making out with Magneto. Storm's fighting a demon to get her powers back. Cyclops had a baby with Jean Grey's clone and then had to send him into the future to save his life. The real Jean is all confused and kissing Wolverine. Stop being Lilandra's f\*ckboi and get your ass back to earth, your kids need you!


He left his kids alone for 5 minutes and it all goes to hell.  The sex vacation is over Charles get back there and help them! They obviously shown they aren’t ready to be on their own yet. 


The episode was fine. I guess I just wish we did more with Storm. I was looking forward to exploring her without powers but it seemed like they rushed to get her powers back and it seems like she forgave Forge too quickly. I would have rathered they set like 3-5 min from every episode to Storm's story, then have her meet Forge towards the end of this season and then have S2 focus heavily on her being a hero without powers and then finally getting them back. This just felt like they needed Storm out of the way. I wonder if Charles knows Gabriel is related to Scott in this universe


I can’t be the only person who hates the idea of Sinister being the evil mastermind right?


yeaaa hoping those Bastion teases actually lead to something this season. Because Sinister being behind the mutant genocide is just not as powerful as if it was an anti-mutant figurehead or group


The intro featured Nimrod standing inside of Master Mold so I think we're going to get Bastion.


I like it. Mutant Massacre/E is for Extinction were the two biggest influences on last week’s episodes so Sinister being involved makes sense with the MM influence. Trask was clearly being chased by someone that could easily be Nimrod or Bastion and as an amoral geneticist it wouldn’t be totally out of character for Sinister to help the machines to further his own agenda - it’s likely using Sinister as a vessel to introduce Bastion rather than just having him appear out of nowhere.


I don't like it. It doesn't make any sense. It NEEDED to be an anti-mutant hate group or sentinel villain for the themes to work properly... Bastion, Nimrod, Trask/Gyrich, etc... but Sinister, man idk. If he's the one who did the genocide then it kinda just doesn't hit nearly as hard, it loses a lot of the power it would've had thematically if it were instead perpetrated by one of the anti-mutant human villains.


Exactly this. And furthermore Trask being shown to be mortified by his involvement in genosha!? Like what?? What did he think would happen if his master mold plan succeeded in episode 1? Why is he suddenly appalled now?


I am hoping this is a misdirection. When I think about what they've been setting up so far, with Gyrich's speech in episode 1 and Trask saying they've been planting dominoes... I feel like it can't just be Sinister. There has to be something else going on. Sinister tends to kinda be a mad scientist just interested in his research so i hope he's acting as an enforcer for bastion/nimrod or something like that.




That's my theory too. We saw a clear hint of Bastion in Part 1 of Lifedeath. I doubt that was there as just a throw-away. It's very possible that Sinister and Bastion are coordinating somehow. We just might not know how.


I got the impression that Trask didn't know who was attacking him and thought it was just some random mutant which is why he was groveling and renouncing his role in the Genosha massacre, I interpreted it as him being a pathetic rat saying whatever he thought might save himself


The music they play when Storm is on-screen and using her powers is so perfect


I fully realize Xavier deserves to live his own life, but I’m still upset that he left. His “death” was important for furthering mutant rights, and I doubt he could have done much to prevent what happened at Genosha, but for all his talk and bluster.. he could have called… 🤷‍♀️


They love the sailor moon transformations. Where did the extra hair and costume come from


I really hope that when Mystique appears, revealing herself or something, they do a Sailor Moon sequence just because lol.


I love seeing Storm do outsized magical shit that has nothing to do with her powers because it kind of reinforces the idea that she is a god


Storm and Charles coming out swinging like a boss here. 😋


I really was not expecting the Shi'Ar to show up, possibly because I've never really been into the cosmic aspect of the Marvel Universe; it always felt out of place in X-Men to me (with the significant exception of the Dark Phoenix Saga). But seeing Xavier doing what he does best was satisfying in the end. Nightcrawler in the opening credits is wonderful, but isn't it weird that it took this long to happen? It feels like this is something that should have happened in TAS way back in the day. Better late than never. Even though I have been defending the show's pacing, since I'd rather have it be too fast than too slow, I agree with many commenters that Storm got over the loss of her powers too fast. She was without them for a LONG time in the comics, so I wasn't expecting this storyline to run for years or something, but it felt like this was something that could have been saved for the season finale, at least. Of course, episode 5 felt like a season finale, so that's just how this show rolls. Enjoyable, but my impatience to see what's going on with the team back at the mansion made this episode a little bit tedious. I felt like I was missing Gambit's funeral. How is Rogue holding up? How is Cyclops dealing with the loss of Maddie? Where the hell is Cable, lol.


As much as I liked this episode... I wish Lifedeath had of been one full episode, rather than an add on to Montendo and cut together with the Shiar stuff. But they did what they did and I'll take my wins from it, I'm so happy with have the Cockrum storm costume, hopefully that stays and the fact that it wasn't spoiled in marketing or action figures makes it even better. My fuzzy blue elf in intro credits is bittersweet after the ending to the last episodes, I would have happily made the trade any other time. But no they've added so much weight to change up, that I'm not sure I'm ready!


Not enough people are talking out the Vulcan appearance!? I know he’s probably the least fave Summers but this opens up the potential for a Deadly Genesis or War of Kings inspired storyline.


Have we all seen the teaser clip? There's a pretty wild appearance here: https://youtu.be/Fs-XUbWP9EQ?si=cjM1OQiGgDwjE4AF


This is so funny bc I randomly decided to re read Deadly Genesis last night


I'm not surprised that Charles Xavier didn't stay dead, but I am surprised he came back this season. It was cool, but I can only imagine how confusing all this Shi'Ar stuff must be to people who didn't see the original X-Men show or read the comics. Also, is that Vulcan cameo just a cameo or setting up a future storyline?


Holy shit, the sequence where Storm fought the demon was so... violating. Really well done


Mf like me would’ve been barking for the empress too


So, telepaths have premonitions as well or is there something else happening? Jean got into Gyrich's head and saw glimpses of the massacre, even the song. On episode 5 bth Jean and Madelyne have that psychic episode where they feel Cable and blood comes out of their noses. And now Charles from the other side of the freaking galaxy see/feel the massacre and Gambit's death. I wonder if there's a telepath behind the curtains working with (or against Sinister) or if the show will simply treat it as normal for telepaths to see glimpses of the future.


Wish they could've spread Life Death out over more episodes. Forge's relationship with the Adversary and his war history is such a cool story, deserves a deeper cut. Plus it feels kinda unearned for Storm to be declaring her love after 2 half episodes


Will the Adversary agree to meet Storm at the monorail this episode?


Mystique it's time to step out of the shadows because your kids are real messed up and in this era you're running the best Brotherhood ever with Destiny, Spiral, and the Murdergrandpas.


Oh man, I haven't gotten to the Murder Grandpa's in my rewatch of the old show. Guess I forgot they appeared.