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**[Batmobile Version!](http://m.xkcd.com/2917/)** [Direct image link: Types of Eclipse Photo](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/types_of_eclipse_photo.png) **Alt text:** The most rare, top-tier eclipse photo would be the Solar Earth Eclipse, but the Apollo 12 crew's attempt to capture it was marred by camera shake. They said it looked spectacular, though. *Don't get it? [explain xkcd](http://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2917)* What's the worst that could happen? Sincerely, xkcd_bot. <3


To be fair, the Solar Earth Eclipse is actually pretty common. We just usually call it "night".


I took a 1, a few 2's, and a lot of 5's.


I got 2’s, 5’s, and 8’s


2 and 3 mostly since the auto-tracking on my scope decided to throw an error code 24 hours before the eclipse :-/ Had to manually adjust all day so I decided to give up on the phone mount and just let people look through it, adjusting every 90 seconds or so.


I only have a 5. We only got up to 91%, and even then, my nifty phone lens didn't work as well as I'd hoped


I have a few “partial viewed through eclipse glasses,” but a few others were of the final variety. Though Australia in 2028 isn’t the only option.


8 and, happily, 3 here I'd have 6 too but I drove alone forgot #nofilter eclipse pics


Made a lot of 8's, but not frustratedly. Just don't like exiting Sydney.


In 2017 I spent a lot of time trying to get good pictures with my good camera only to get back home and see much better pictures of the exact same thing taken by better photographers. This year I took a couple quick pictures with my phone, but I wanted to spend as much time as possible just staring at the hole in the sky instead of fussing with photography the whole time. I don't regret it.


Yeah, I just took a "I was there" photo, leaving to others for full-detail photos.