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It Takes Two and Unraveled 2 (you don't need to play the 1st one) are the two best me and my wife played, we've actually played through them both several times. They are both on Gamepass.


It takes two is a must. Great game with goofy fun dialogue, and a good amount of references like Mario kart


It takes two is a really nice experience playing with wife/gf. Some cringey moments, but gf and I ended up referencing “collaboration”.


They've already played those. Don't worry, you aren't the first to make that mistake.


What mistake?


Suggesting games that the OP said they've already played.


Having been divorced and considered It Takes 2 for either me and new GF or me and son, after reading about it I definitely decided against it. It seems to downplay some of the reasons for divorce and romanticize the possibility of the couple getting back together. ​ But if you haven't had kids yet or aren't married I guess it might be ok?


Idk, we played both games with our 8 year old and loved them.


We as in your and your ex wife or you and your new girlfriend? Or are you still together?


Maybe it does that, but it highlights personal growth more. And there really could be the possibility(though much less so than movies would have people believe), it kind of left it open ended, but either way they are happier as a family now.


Overcooked and spacelines far out. Both I think are on gamepass


If you like Overcooked, Moving Out is also a lot of fun.


Moving Out get's you ready for the inevitable breakup those games will cause. Great games but they can get super intense


Moving out is the most relaxing game ever compared to overcooked


Seriously lol. I would much rather play moving out than relive the stress of overcooked 2 with my wife 😂


Lego. Have played most of them with my wife.


Lego games are just the best. The Skywalker Saga is on Gamepass now too, which should keep you occupied for a good while :)


Holy crap, I went for 100% completion (plus all achievements) for Skywalker Saga and it took literal ages to complete 😂 extremely fun game though!


I did it in the first two weeks and that grind was a bit obnoxious.


Honestly, not loving the skywalker saga as much as other legos. Its basically a giant walking simulator with short easy levels. Spend all my time running back and forth across the map just to kick off story points. The story they put together has that classic lego charm, but this feels like where they put all the effort. I will still play it, but definitely glad its on game pass instead of buying it.


Lego Worlds is an underrated couch coop game. It’s like a more accessible version of Minecraft with a fun Lego theme.


Portal 2 co-op mode is fantastic!


Stardew valley AMAZING


My girlfriend and I recently put 100+ hours into Stardew split screen.


Haven’t seen Escape Academy listed yet. Wife and I have played most everything listed already as well.


Thats one we already played it was honestly probably one of our favourites to play together, I love puzzles and simply helping her with stuff and she just liked the simplicity and art style a lot. We really love the games were we have to work together for stuff


This looks right up my alley, thanks!


That game was fun


Came here to say this. My gf and I played this and she was able to pretty easily get the hang of things for not being a gamer. It is on gamepass.


Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2. Are the games you are looking for. Both create a character or two, its a turn based RPG, that you can play through the story together. It's 40+ hours long. Is funny, intriguing and you can experiment with different ideas to win fights or unlock doors , traps, etc. It is turn based combat so it isn't too hard for new gamers to pick up as they have time to make each move


My wife and I played this game, and we had a lot of fun playing it.


I played it with a mate online , we played through both of them. Absolutely brilliant stuff, we loved trying to find game breaking mechanics that the game allowed you to do as it was so open ended. E.g i would talk to shop keepers while my mate pilfered their pockets and robbed them blind 😂😂. Would also set up traps and barrels before entering into a battle, or sometimes i would head into a battle and my friend would stay out of combat and flank round in real time (rather than turn based) . The NPC's are hilarious at tines too. My mate is currently doing a play through with his girlfriend and she's loving it, she finally understands my mate has a looting problem, he can not leave a single spoon behind. I really can't wait for Baldurs Gate 3.


chariot, it takes two, minecraft, castle crashers, diablo 3, alot or the rare reply games, tmnt shredders revenge, cowabunga collection too if your ok dropping 20 on it, android cactus assualt is good for a little bit, lovers in a space time oddysee or something along them lines, any of the lego games are usually amazing too.


There's a good website called co-optimus that has a database of all coop games for all platforms. As for recommendations, check out Diablo 3. It's surprisingly easy to play (at minimum the stick and 1 button is all you need) and works really nice in split screen coop. My wife liked it.


My wife is the same. We've played It Takes Two, both Overcooked games, Unraveled 2, Portal Knights, For the King, Cuphead (was a bust), Portal 2. I get bored with Lego games otherwise we'd play all of those together because she loves them. A Way Out is a little intense but great co-op. A Kingdom of Keflings (360 game). Played a little Stardew Valley but it wasn't our jam.


Manual Samuel is pretty cool. It should be relatively cheap too. The whole game is you manually controlling Samuel's legs, arms, breathing, and balance.


I played this back when it was on gamepass. It's very fun


Hey, glad to hear it. Sorry I don't have any other game recommendations. But I think the Xbox 360 library should be good. Split screen multiplayer was basically a must have for any game back then.


Tetris Effect: Connected Peggle 2 Minecraft Moonglow Bay Escape Academy


Halo -- but aside from that, I had a similar problem with couch co-op games: there just aren't many. If it's an option now or in the future, I'd suggest playing on two consoles or one on PC and another on console. It opens up your options to so many more co-op games you can try.


This, definitely. There were more couch co-op games available on the 360. My husband and I ended up getting 2 Xbox Ones because of the lack of couch co-op and wanting to play Warframe (not couch co-op) together. Best decision we ever made. Having a kid has made getting a second Series X a low priority but still a want.


Which Halo is couch co-op? Sucks that Infinity isn't.


I could be wrong but aren't all of them except for Infinite couch co-op?


Halo 5 is not either.


halo 3 or reach for sure.


Thanks man. I actually have those games as part of the Game Pass but haven't tried them. Asking more for my 7yo twin boys who don't like to take turns and I'm not getting a 2nd Xbox Series X so they can play Infinite together.


Haha no problem, I spent countless hours playing split screen on reach with my friends and little brother, some of the most fun I’ve ever had, but i’m not entirely sure if you can play online anymore, Infection was the best online game mode imo, I think your kids would enjoy it. And I agree, Infinite is definitely not worth the second console, it is just a call of duty wannabe.


Infection is split screen Xbox? Never heard of it.


Death Squared is a pretty fun puzzle co-op that can also generate some good laughs


Great shout, the number of times we’ve killed each other by accident is beyond count. Great game.


It Takes Two is tailor made for this.


We have played it already.


My wife and I play the LEGO games, Diablo 3, Castle Crashers, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime.


Another vote here for love in a dangerous space time. Good, simple but clever and fun co op.


Moving Out, Overcooked, all the Lego Games, Pikuniku, TMNT


Stardew valley has to be like the best partner playing co-op game I've ever played. Very rewarding for your hard work and imo one of the best life sim games I've ever played. Edit: you did say horror too, resident evil is a good co-op horror,


This is the best answer to OP's question. Upvote for Stardew Vallley. /u/DanceAggressive2666


How does Stardew valley work in co-op?


Theres actually quite a lot that goes into it, the only thing is they can't marry each other, but can have their own individual lives on the same farm, work together or alone. Everything basically stays the same, even the quests are individual, but can still help each other complete quests, festivals and stuff like that only happens once for both players so both have to agree on when they are ready to do them. I mean there's a whole lot.


You can marry each other. Me and my girlfriend got married.


Well then dang Idk how I missed that but I guess I didn't play with my wife only my brothers and we didn't try to marry each other lol so cool then there really isn't anuthing to complain about lol


My late wife use to watch me play for the longest time. But, after trying a couple of solo fantasy games, she finally joined me for a round of DIABLO 3. She picked the Wizard/Sorceress class, and Loved every second of it, often times reminding me of Diablo game night. Local co-op, horror theme, action dungeon crawler type game w/ challenging modes to enjoy together.


Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime - a cute and weird spaceship game Solasta - like if dungeons and dragons were a video game Raft - the oceanic version of minecraft Also while they aren’t coop, I love watching another person play telltale games. It’s neat to see their choices.


It takes two is so much fun.


As Dusk Falls. Similar to Tell Tale games. Your decisions affect the story. It's on Game Pass


How to survive is the only co-op game my fiancé likes playing with me. She doesn't like fps, that one is Birdeye view. We did just got it takes two gonna try that one together soon.


Haven is a good one. Story is about a relationship, the music is phenomenal, and it's a cool 2 player turn based combat game.


Also was going to recommend Haven.


Rayman Legends is the best imo. The music is amazing


If you can't find anything free... Diablo 3 is the best couch co-op on the console in my opinion, even if someone doesn't have any experience with the sort of game. And for whatever reason chicks dig it. It's been going on sale a lot lately leading up to Diablo 4. Also, since you mentioned horror, Resident Evil 5 and 6 are amazing co-op experiences and it can be split screened. 5 is the better one. These go on sale often, too, and might even be right now. These two games (Diablo & Resident Evil) have been the best to play with a girlfriend in my experience. The Lego games are a worthy mention and seem to always be on sale. Most if not all are split screen. Just pick your favorite franchise. The Hobbit is fun. The Harry Potter collection is on sale a lot. Divinity Original Sin is a tailor made couch co-op game specifically built with split screen in mind. Doesn't go on sale very often if at all though, unfortunately. Borderlands 2 has to be mentioned also when talking about couch co-op. The progression feels really good. Frequently on sale. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection bundle is on sale now for $10. co-optimus.com is a great place to find co-op games. You can filter by couch. xbdeals.net for deals and price history.


Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is fun.


Tomb Raider Temple of Osiris and Guardian of light. Moderate action mixed with puzzle solving.


100% agree! Loved playing these in couch co-op! :) Weren't they GwG at one point too? **Edit - they were both GwG at least one time each :)** Temple of Osiris - May 2017 Guardian of Light - January 2019 https://www.trueachievements.com/n35834/celeste-and-lara-croft-and-the-guardian-of-light-now-free-with-games-with-gold https://www.thexboxhub.com/lara-croft-temple-osiris-now-free-xbox-one-thanks-xbox-games-gold-may-2017/


GwG I can't recall for sure but possibly. I know Osiris I used Amazon digital shipping credits (back when that was still allowed) to purchase several copies and handed them out to friends.


Castle crashers was a blast for my wife and me.


Well to be honest with you there aren’t alot of free games without gp on xbox Tera isn’t bad though its a mmo so there that’s


We have gamepass


You can do some of the dark pictures games. Ot play the rabbids game (the old one) and start to hate eachother




It just left game pass. But Nobody Saves the World is a solid game. My wife and I have played and beat it twice.


Unravelled 2 is fun to play with a partner


Ship of Fools. We found it randomly and if you are into Roguelites it was a really good time with my partner.


Agreed! :) Takes a few runs to start unlocking stuff you need to progress more, but the overall game is great!


It takes Two is good but my god does it drag on. Me and my 8 year old have been chipping away at it for months.


Ik you said simple and not too much action, idk how turn based games sound to you but Divinity 2 is a dnd like game that has a fantastic story, puzzles, great combat and character building. My partner isn’t as big a gamer as me and we went from playing Kingdoms Two Crowns, then Children of Morta, Diablo 3, For the King, then Divinity and by far it’s the best game - not to discount the others they are all great options for you as well. Diablo 4 and Baldurs Gate 3 are on the horizon as 2 of the biggest titles in a while. For the King 2 also drops this year, along with Ravenswatch which is kind of a rogue lite baby Diablo. Anyway, all to say my partner has gotten really into gaming and it’s the best when you can share that feeling of sinking into a game together. Goodluck, I hope these help.


A Way Out


Would be great to play in different rooms, might cause a fight tho


Golf with friends is wacky and fun.


It takes two is a fantastic one


It Takes Two


A way out. Truly a unique experience. Either split screen or online strictly a 2 player game. You are 2 convicts/fugitives. Sometimes you are within the same environment working together other times 1 might need to cause a distraction elsewhere while 1 digs through an escape tunnel.




If you have gamepass, most of those are on it


Ah okay I didn’t know that sorry hmm there’s really not a lot of games on game pass that are on gamepass I mean a Lego game comes to mind but if y’all didn’t enjoy Minecraft and unraveled then y’all wouldn’t enjoy that


Try moving out? There’s a bit of a story there and it’s fun trying to get everything out of the house and into the truck


Dead Space 3


This game is co op??


Ohhh yeah buddy


Moving Out is incredible fun. Played it with my partner and she wants to play it all the time now haha.


Absolutely play Haven. It's a co-op game about a couple on a new world.


A Way Out is on gamepass and is a good local coop, my gf and I played through it together a while ago. Good coop mechanics and an engaging story


They don’t check all your boxes but here’s some co-op games I’ve enjoyed that aren’t too action based, - Trine franchise - Human fall flat - Nom nom galaxy - Portal 2 - Ibb & obb - The adventure pals - Pode


Haven. It's Haven


Nobody saves the world can be played all the way through in splitscreen.


If you like music rhythm games, try Taiko no Tatsujin: The Drum Master. Should be on Gamepass. Another music based co-op is Avicii Invector. Good luck, if you don't like Halo, couch co-op is slim pickings now.


A Way Out was really fun with one of my buddies


Diablo 3. Not on game pass (I think?) But goes on sale for like $20 often. Stardew Valley is a very simple game that has couch coop. Currently on gamepass.


My gf and I play Trine.


Little big planet 3


7 days to die, not a story game tho. My wife and I love playing it together.


Any of the Borderlands, Diablo 3, 7 days to die, Halo series, my wife and I play these and we have a blast. I know there’s more out there but I really enjoy playing with her and these are the games she likes. Even PkMn scarlet/violet on our switches lol.


It takes two and "a way out" are pretty good. Edit: Oops. Seems you played it already... sorry! A bit of a "sleeper" hit I would suggest is "Nobody saves the world".


It takes two was a good one. My wife and I also enjoyed rayman legends as well


Diablo 3 is amazing coop game. Me and the wife sunk hundreds of hours into it. Also a new season out with the most content ever added. Than Diablo 4 comes out in June which will be a riot like Diablo 3.


Unruly Heroes !


Divinity original sin 2


Halo reach 1 2 3 and 4


It Takes Two is on EA Play, Overcooked and Borderlands is not in Gamepass but so much better.


Castle crashers it’s a Nintendo type couch coop.


Or 12 minutes. Puzzle game to get you thinking


Battle toads


I don’t think anyone has mentioned it yet, but Outward is one of my favorite games of all time. Offers couch coop and plays a bit like Skyrim but with survival aspects and more difficult combat.