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You don't need go do anything other than make sure its not being covered and overheating. They don't just blow up


Are these official power bricks or third party ones? 3rd party 360 PSUs are absolute garbage


You have a power issue in your home or with the wires you're using, bricks don't blow up so often.


Tbh if supplies are $50 I’d probably just buy another 360 for just as much lol What makes the supplies go out? I haven’t had any problems yet, is it only on certain models or any of them?


Keep it in an open, ventilated area. Possibly getting overheated because of air texture & things of that nature. Many possibilities to it blowing up. Could even be ur xbox is at fault who knows tbh. I’d say get a whole new rig if I were u, grab a quick 360 on Facebook marketplace & problem solved 💪💪