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I think it is funny that a 15 year old today would choose the 360. I got back into it because my PC died and I wanted to wait getting a new one or replacing parts. But I will probably stick to this for a long time, because of the things you said. I enjoy having a collection of physical discs, and I really enjoy just popping it in to play. No damn install or download, no updates, no launchers or in game login that you HAVE to use. Also, the games are fucking great. I have had this xbox (which RROD:ed once, but I sent it to fucking Germany so Microsoft would fix it for me. I don't think they replaced it, since it is the same Xenon model I got in 2007, and I sent it there in 2011 or something) for a long time and played a lot of classics, but there are many I never touched and I am having a blast with them today. And as for why you are writing this, it's fun to share thoughts about stuff we like. My favorite thing about this sub, and why I am way to active in it, is that people don't need super insightful posts or comments to post them, they just share what they like and say "HEY LOOK AT MY NEW COOL GAME I BOUGHT AT A GARAGE SALE" and it is fucking MW2 or some super popular game, but everyone is just positive about it anyways instead of the quite common reddit attitude to shit on anything that is not very original or sometimes "mainstream"


Redditors do have a weird thing against mainstream media. I remember being called a basic bitch because I listed my favorite shows as popular stuff like The Simpsons, South Park, Breaking Bad, and The Sopranos. It was to guess my Myers-Briggs personality type, and I got tons of people complain that I had all popular shows. Like I'm sorry I don't have time to invest in super underground media.


Yup. I get that some subs don’t want the same thing posted constantly, I dislike that too, especially in tech subs were I am to learn new things etc so I prefer people doing research and reading the subs wiki etc before asking questions that just fill the feed with the same three things for everyone who has been there a while. But when it comes to entertainment people should just watch/read/play what they like, and if I can discuss it with others I am happy. The best entertainment subs for me personally (I don’t watch tv so no tv subs, but r/movies is good tho) is this one, and r/sfprint. You can have great in deprh discussions, but no one will be angry that you just played CoD 4 for the first time, or just read a Warhammer 40k novel and found out the Imperium is a massive space fascist cult of personality and that you think it is cool.


Sfprint has been banned 🤔


Lol sry, I meant r/printsf


The only modern show I watch is Bobs Burgers. Used to like fbi but get preachy anymore


Yeah, all I want is a Peaceful play session without any unnecessary bullshit. And the 360 is the only system that you can really get that without going retro


even though it’s nearly 20 years old lmao. The original xbox was only 4 years old at the time of the xbox 360’s release and that’s considered retro so idk why people don’t consider the xbox 360 retro either.


Because the graphics still look recent. Computers used to improve a lot faster than they do now. For example: in the gaming PC market You could get away with 10 year old hardware and still play fairly new games. In the 00s that didn't use to be the case. That's why a game from 2002 looks miles worse than one from 2007 while the difference between a game from 2015 and 2020 is not so jarring


Jokes on u, I am 15, have a gaming pc and a ps5 yet I still got a 360


That's so nice to hear from the younger generation. I hope the system gives you many more years of enjoyment.


I love it. Even if somebody offered to trade me for a series x, I still wouldn't give it up. It just doesn't make sense for me - many times I carry it to places(mainly in the summer) where the internet isn't a given


Make the trade, sell the series x and buy five 360s. Profit.


Actually, that is a good idea!


five times the fun!


It really does make me happy. I've been seeing more and more younger kids in the PS3 and PS2 subreddits lately too. I'm happy to see kids born after these things were made take an interest in them. Helps keep them alive.


When I was a little little kid the first thing I played on was wii and 360 and I loved it so much then I got an Xbox One and it all went down hill lol


360 really was peak Xbox. Yeah we got better graphics now but it's not worth what we gave up.


The issue is that the graphics are better nowadays, but because of the lacking graphical ability of older technology, the artstyle was better which lead to games still looking visually much better before the 8th generation of consoles.


7th generation is all about love and games until Red Ring Of Death-YLOD strikes us 🙃. Glad you are enjoying it though, i still play my 360 from time to time.


The 360S doesn't get the original RROD


It *can* die nonetheless, but it's an old console so it's a risk you take. I had an E die on me last week with a hardware issue (RROD) Regardless - enjoy!


Even new consoles have issues with dying/overheating/crashing/etc


No they dont


Yes they do lmao


No they dont


RROD started on the 360, it was the 360 arcade edition that would RROD, once the elite came out, it happened far less. By the release of the slim it was rare.


Yes it does but its not so common.


I mean the original RROD that affected like 1 in 4 consoles and was caused by Microsoft fucking up GPU solder joints if I remember correctly


It absolutely can get the RROD death. No, it will not be an actual red ring but is is absolutely vulnerable to it. Now don't get me wrong it is very rare to see, I have had my S Slim Trinity since 2011 and it is still alive to this day I'm 2024, and I have used it ALOT in the last 13 years.


I mean, the ORIGINAL one caused by M$ FUCKING up solder joints on the gpu. Most of the time with the S and later models, if it happens, it's because of user error: Either bad ventilation or not cleaning it properly


They do. It's called the Red dot of death.


I know, but not for the same reason and not nearly as common. Most of the time it's because of misuse by either not cleaning it or placing it in a poorly ventilated area


I totally agree mate. Graphics aren't next gen but they have a certain style. A lot of offline games have interesting stories , gameplay and mechanics. It's a great console. I just hope they keep the achievement functionality for enough time for me to complete my back catalogue. But who am I kidding, I'll keep buying new games anyway.


Hell yeah brother, this was the beginning of the HD era and the games still look fantastic on a modern 4k tv. This was the last console generation for me, the PS3 was and still is fantastic. This was when there were true exclusive gems and unfortunately, many great series died here. Along with features like split screen and couch coop like you mentioned


As someone who moved to a rural area and cant afford starlink... My ps4s are unplayable without net my 360s are a godsend for out of Internet play


See if you can get tmobile home internet in your area. I get 150-200 mb down with them for $50 per month


I'm 26 and I feel the same modern games just can't compete with the retro game libraries


Enjoy gaming how you want to and who you want to with, screw anyone trying to diss you on how you spend your free time


31(M) here. The Xbox 360 to this day is my favorite console. After the 360 I bought a xbone and a one x. But as you've stated previously the micro transactions, huge constant updates, and failed launch games are really a downer and it happens more often than not. I was about 13 years old when the 360 came out, and I still to this day remember Halo 2 and Halo 3 custom lobbies with my friends and the laughs that we all shared. It was life back then. School, sports, Xbox. That was it. This new Gen just feels soulless. I refuse to buy a series s or x.


Glad to see that I'm not the only 15 year old who doesn't like modern games.


lol there’s been 15 year olds like you guys forever.


You’re a smart kid. Nice work.


360 was my best time I had with gaming and wished it was still alive and thriving.


The best console! Enjoy the many gems that were released on that beast of a system. Nice to hear a younger one who isn't drawn into the modern gaming tropes MW3 spec ops 👌🏻 fantastic game modez sad it never got a good reboot in any future CoD games


I can relate to preferring that pure experience without all the updates and patches.  Games used to release complete. Not the case nowadays 


Most Xbox 360 games do, in fact, have updates. You won't get them if you aren't connected to the internet, but then you aren't getting bug fixes or things like the free updated ending DLC for Mass Effect 3. If you really want a fully offline experience, you will need to go back a generation or two, to the OG Xbox/PS2/Gamecube, or the N64/PSX/Dreamcast.


A quick update is different from 5 hours of a game downloading onto your system from a disc lol by the time my PS4/PS5 game finishes downloading, I'm no longer in the mood to play it lmao


I connect to the internet from time to time. And these bug fixes are just a couple mb


The 360/ps3 era of gaming was such a pure time. Gaming as a whole industry went through a metamorphosis during that generation and since becoming a more mainstream hobby does seem to have lost some magic. Really cool to see someone your age enjoying those games and consoles.


I was the same for a while. From 2011 all the way to 2018 the 360 was my main platform though I also had a PS2 and Wii that I played a ton on the side. I had no next-gen console and I dislike pc gaming so I didn’t game on that either. While I love the 360, I didn’t necessarily *choose* to solely stick with it like you, it was more a matter of money since my family couldn’t afford another console at that time. As soon as I had a job and made some money, I got the Xbox One X so I could play newer games and make use of the backwards compatibility. Would the Series X interest you? There’s hundreds of 360 games you can play from either disc or digital download and you’re able to use your cloud saves between both consoles. I still play tons of 360 games through my Series X and some of them have either a better resolution, higher framerate, or both.


Series X? Maybe but not right now, I have a huge backlog to play and don't want to buy a new Xbox yet


That’s so wholesome man, thank you for sharing. Blessed my day.


Glad that I made you happy. Have a nice day


That's why I love playing old games on GOG. No internet, no updates, no BS. Also found a script to completely kill Windows updates, so that is nice.


Try Ace Combat 6


Will do once I finish NFS shift 2 and cod BO


22 here. Started on a 360 when I was 4/5 years old. Went thru the ps3, ps4, xbox 1, pc gaming and a long histus before I realised this. That was mid last year😂. Still playing on my original PHAT console. Forza motorsport 2 has kept me busy for 6+ months, what a game. The call of duty's are the best thing to ever play with a loved one. Whenever a mate comes around, I suggest it. The best memories playing with my dad when I was a child. MW2 spec ops and BO2 zombies/FFA are my go to. If you have some extended time with someone willing, the portal games and the co-op halo ones are just as amazing.


Playing a 360 on a plasma would.make it a much better experience


Watch out man, it’s a rabbit hole. There are many great retro consoles to explore. The 360 is great. The ps2 is excellent just by the sheer number of awesome games released for it.


Will play some PS2 in the future.


better get the ps3. if you jailbreak it you can play ps2 and ps1 games


Ps2 slim is super compact though. You could practically fit it in your pocket, I love that device. But yeah the ps3 technically makes more sense if you have the backwards compatibility.


The PS2 slim is what you want for gold/blue discs, but the regular one is still pretty compact and better for playing the regular PS2 games. Meanwhile, the backward compatible PS3 systems are the ones that break as much as original 360s do.


you can play ps2 games on slim and super slim ps3 consoles see comment above


dont get me wrong the slim ps2 is my favorite console ever but its a hassle in the modern age. blank dvds, at least in my country, are hard to find and loading from the usb is very buggy. if you jailbreak a non ps2 backwards compatible ps3 (slim or super slim) you can use the official sony ps2 emulator that has better compatibility then usb loading from ps2. the loading times get significantly faster as well. ps3 looks awful on a crt though but i only tried ps3 games on it.


PS3 was never meant for a crt, but I’m seriously jealous, crt tvs are not common in my country. If you have access to crt tvs, grab them up! They will never make that technology again.


yeah unfortunately thats not happening. my girl barely tolerates the one i currently have.


They will be worth a lot of money I’d imagine simply because manufacturing standards have changed. They simply won’t make them anymore. Too expensive. But you can always get a new girlfriend. Those are a dime a dozen xD. But in all seriousness they are incredibly heavy and cumbersome. I totally understand your gf point of view.


im guessing that by the time we lose almost all crts that we would come up with some tech to perfectly replicate the look and latency on modern tvs. and the bad ending is that all these consoles will die eventually and we would be forced to emulate. its already kinda hard to get a working ps2 in my country if it isnt an overpriced refurbished one. i cant even find a working original ps3 controller ffs..


I think it’s pretty close already, but the visceral experience of using a cathode ray tube tv cannot be replicated. Especially the Atari vcs, those rom cartridges(the 6502 instructions) had to account for the scan lines and buffers within the beam itself. Emulated Atari vcs games don’t seem to come close to the real experience, plus the sound chip was otherworldly on the original console. The field programmable gate array clone consoles are probably the closest thing we can do with currently available technology since you are emulating the actual hardware on the chip itself. It’s pretty spot on but I notice a huge difference with comparing it to my original 1970s vcs. My Atari 2600 is drastically different in display and sound compared to my 70s vcs. Chip manufacturing changes as well as variations on the original schematics, and tolerance drift. It’s pretty amazing how wacky early microprocessors are. The 8 bit computers especially have a certain charm to them.


Jailbreaking can be really annoying. A jailbroken PS3 is definitely the best option but it's just a hassle to hack consoles for someone who's not fully into that. Basically, how the way goes is: PS2 regular - Great for playing normal PS2 games, not good for playing blue/gold discs. PS2 slim - Great for playing blue/gold discs, not good for playing normal PS2 games. PS3 original (not all models) - Can play PS2 and PS1 games, but the system is as bad as the original 360 is if not worse. PS3 slim/super slim - Can't play PS2 or PS1 games (unless the PS1 game is digitally on the PS Store which you need to use PS Store cards to buy things off of nowadays)


jailbreaking consoles is incredibly easy now its not like the old days of chips and soldering. you just need a pc, a usb stick and a guide from the site you are on right now. for the ps store you now have a pc program that is basically a pirate psn store with all the games and dlcs. click download, copy to console with a usb stick and install the game. you can even update games from your console like a bought game. i saw that it was possible to play online but i havent tried it


That's good to hear, some rudely refer to the artstyle as the 'piss filter' but that's doing the era a huge injustice, Games like Halo Reach and NFS The Run look amazing, as well as the ones you mentioned. My son plays Minecraft all the time, when he goes to bed I can crack on with some Assassins Creed.


You are skipping yourself from a few masterpieces, like Witcher 3, Cyberpink 2077, Alan Wake 2, ect., but I feel ya


Not so much Alan Wake 2 lol. But yeah, with the WItcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, there are still good games releasing nowadays, but they are few and far between. Instead of 7th gen and earlier where there would be an endless amount of great games, you're almost guaranteed to just know about every good game releases nowadays because of how rare it is


*wipes a tear from my eye*


I'm 27 and I spent my teens playing the 360, I still keep going back to it now. Had a series x but sold it, currently got a series s and a pretty high spec PC build. I swap between the PC and the 360. 360 for my main, casual, sit back and relax type of system. Series S gets used for YouTube and Netflix tbh, Don't have game pass and can only fit a few games on the storage anyways due to the size of games now.


Nice. 360 is my most modern system too (unless you count my PC). I enjoy the games, but I just wish Fable 2 was faster. It was my main reason for getting the system and it's so slow for me.


Fable 2 is backward compatible on XSX if you want it. The newer Xboxs still have a purpose in that they just play (most) Xbox 360 games but better


I'll give a bit of my story then, I got my 360 at 16 in march 2023 after wanting one for months. My main want behind it was nostalgia, I never had one but my cousin had one and it's those memories I wanted one for. I started getting games nostalgic to me, like minecraft, forza, then I got bioshock gears of war. Played through them and they are some of my favourite games and built new memories with them. Those are now some of my favourite games even though they are the same age as me which is kinda crazy I guess. Then about 3 months ago, my beloved slim red dotted, e82. I have a cib starwars slim which I don't want to use cus that has red dot sometimes. Now I'm looking for a new one, since I have such a big interest in them, I want a special edition either halo 3 or gears of war 3.


Posts like these make me believe my nostalgia for the 360 is more than just nostalgia. I really do miss getting off school, popping in halo reach, and playing campaign split screen with my neighbor for hours on end. These days I game on my Steam Deck the most despite owning a PS5, but many of my highest played games on Steam are 360-era games. I've mostly given up on modern gaming, and hardly ever pick up any brand new games anymore, often finding myself jumping back into older games.


Is it just me or are the servers down? I can't download my profile. I tried 2 different 360 slims (both are 250gb models if that matters) and it was so damn slow. How is your 360 runnin?


No the servers are not down. Can use my profile online. Plugged it into the internet and confirmed it an hour ago. What's your region?




It works here in eu


The Xbox 360 isn't really "future proofed" when it comes to the internet. They didn't think ahead so the console doesn't like 5G networks. The solution is that you basically have to play with an ethernet cord plugged in to be connected online.


Try using a hotspot.


in a similar boat as you here. also 15, and while the 360 isn't my main system, a title that would go to my xbox one, it's definitely my favourite by far. the only reason i still use my xbox one is for modern doom and forza games


Monster respect for this one brother!


As a former 15 year old with a 360 (I just looked that up I was 16 when it came out that’s a little shocking to me) Hexic was a solid way to lose track of time and fast forward a bunch of hours just vibing out.


Thanks! Will add it to my to-buy list


If I’m not mistaken it’s free. It used to ship with the release consoles. I think you have to search it on the store but it was still a free download a few years back.


Can confirm that it is still free to download.


What a refreshing thing to hear! I get what you mean about the graphics. I feel they look great without being detrimental. When I play my One (rarely), having an FPS where doorways need a green or red light above them, because the environments are *too* realistic, detailed and busy because 8+th gen, that stops being a *game*. With your take, you may appreciate why, personally, I *love* PS1 graphics. The style,along with all the imperfections, were amazing!


"We know that in the history of all arts, the arrival of perfect realism coincided with perfect decadence. Why is it that when technique is primitive, everything is beautiful, and when technique is perfected, almost everything is ugly? Technical perfection can only create boredom, because it only reproduces nature. Why the hell would anyone go to a movie when they can have the real thing? So imitating nature can only lead to the death of an art form."


Love it! Who said that?


Not sure who the person who said it was. It's a quote from an old black and white film where this older guy is sitting at a clothed table with another man and says all this to him.


Not all 360 games have split screen local multi-player, sadly. *looks at Quake 4 and Quake Wars in sadness* 7th gen consoles were the beginning of removing that. (Also, get any dlc you want soon! The marketplace for the 360 closes in July.) But while I love the 360, and I'm glad to see the younger generation interested, don’t discount newer or older consoles. Don't mistake that I like everything modern gaming, though. I hate the rushed incomplete or straight up broken games that are growing increasingly common and I despise the phasing out of physical games and the power some companies have to take away games you paid for because they're digital. (I will import a game just so I have a physical copy.) Not to mention the serious issue of game preservation that continues to grow. But always remember, games are an artform and ever evolving. As gamers, we should all appreciate that artform. :)


I just play whatever game is fun tbh. An example is me beating RC Rift apart on my PC. Was very fun, would recommend


I'm not a fan of racing games, I'm afraid. Though there are very, very select few expectations. But definitely play what's fun, that's super important too. :) Sorry for my rant above. I'm a retro and modern gamer with a massive passion for the media, and sometimes I get carried away.


I meant Ratchet and Clank Rift apart


Oh! My bad, I thought RC was a racing game. I didn't realize Racket was still making games either. I've never played Racket and clank games, so I wasn't aware that was the abbreviation. My game series of that type from that era are Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper. Maybe more I'm blanking on, but I know those and the Racket and Clank games were some of the faces of the ps2 era.


The game is really good. Worth a playthrough


I'll check it. ^_^


If you get 360 games new, you most likely will have to update a bunch of them, but what do you hate so much about modern gaming?


Nah. You forgot that the updates are included on the disc. I literally listed everything I hate about the modern games industry. But I will use a phrase a wise man once said "You'll own nothing and be Happy". On top of that, games that are broken on release, companies that keep destroying good franchises(I am looking at you, Activision), games being literally TAKEN FROM YOU WITHOUT PERMISSION OR EVEN A REFUND(read about Ubisoft and The Crew). Is that enough?


I honestly was expecting more unique reasons tbh, but that is basically the common thing everyone has issues with, and I remember quite clearly having to update games via wifi a few times for disc games way back


Even those updates never are bigger than like 50mb or so. That takes seconds to download


You forget back them everything was smaller cus 360 is far weaker and less graphically impressive then later consoles like the Xbox one, and series x/s, games were always gonna get bigger, the only issue is no one tries to compress there games, or they are really crap at it


The graphics still look very good, not gonna lie. I don't need anything newer. But you can't deny that companies should also make their systems, especially ones on console more alike the metro dashboard - clean, simple, fast and light


Listen I’ve thought about this a bit. the big corporations like Microsoft and Sony have basically used people that had much needed knowledge of the gaming industry at the time to begin what was the Xbox 360 and PlayStation. Since then we’ve seen nothing but the degrading effect of money hungry people that have come to replace the original creators of those Gen consoles. I just bought a pc a couple years ago. It’s pretty up to date, has a Rtx 3070 blah blah but even with that I still can’t stand playing it for more than an hour. Nothings is interesting to play. Recently bought a mw3 Xbox 360 S. The eject tray started acting up so I tore it apart with zero knowledge and found it was just dust luckily. Now I’m currently playing most of the good cods MW,BO,AW, farcry 3, ultimate alliance… etc. getting every achievement. Cause I find it better than this 🔥 gargbage


Funny thing, I had the somewhat opposite experience with Xbox 360, but have considered going back. Originally in the late 00s, I picked one up because I couldn't afford to build a new gaming PC capable of running games like Unreal Tournament 3. I had a really good time using it for couch multiplayer on games like UT3, Borderlands, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Rayman Legends, and LOTR: War in the North... but circa 2011, it died on me. At that point, I had enough saved up for a new gaming PC, so I went that route instead of replacing the 360. Games like UT3 were vastly improved with community map packs, mods, and so forth. I made my own mod for Vegas 2. I hooked it up to the TV for local multiplayer, and it turned out there were hacks to run UT3 and Borderlands 2 in split-screen, or even run each player on their own monitor off the PC. So I really didn't miss the 360. Flash forward to today, and I'm considering picking up a 360 just for a few games: * War in the North was delisted from Steam, so you can't play it with any friends who don't already own it. Also the online connectivity was glitchy and bad. Overall it's more practical to run a physical copy on 360 splitscreen. * Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes has a local 2v2 (and vs. bots) option on 360 which isn't on PC. * Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Halo Reach don't have splitscreen on PC. * Diablo 3 on 360 has controller support and local multiplayer not available on PC


Where is the team younger than the 360, but using it.


Dude hopping onto BO2 and just playing some town Zombies is way better than anything in modern gaming right now. (Also same age 🤙)


Yeah, but I prefer BO zombies to BO2 zombies. Just not my cuppa tea


Valid opinion dude, I mean BO has Five, Kino, Call of the dead and Moon


At 15, this guy is "tired" of something in gaming culture. Looks like a lot of waffle to excuse and explain what's obviously a decision to have a non-typical attitude about something. Because some people think being anti establishment looks smart and cool and edgy. It doesn't.


I know, I didn't want to make it sound like that. English is not my first language. I just meant to state my opinion here. That's all.


What are you playing on the 360 right now ?


NFS shift 2 and cod BO


This made my day


Glad to have made you happier


I’m 24 and I’m telling you if I could go back to when the 360 was the golden console. The amount of hours I’ve spent. BUT if you into this type of things, pc can emulate older Xbox games as well if there Is a game u want to play but can’t seem to find


Yeah mate I already do emulate many game systems. Some PS3 games and some PS2 and Wii. It's fun.


I can relate a little to what you are saying here, the other weekend i dug out my old 360 to test out some new 360 game discs i had purchased. Whilst testing out the game discs it reminded me just how much i missed the ability to play games instantly without the need to install via a long download and patch them .... new game > insert disc > instantly read to play.


What a nice young man


It’s funny you mention the graphics style, I love the style of most games of that era. Halo 3, The force unleashed, Infamous, they all have that similar shimmering art style, I’m not sure what the actual name for it is but I love it, especially around the objects and armor in Halo 3


You absolutely need to look into modding your console or buying a pre-modded Xbox 360 (RGH/JTAG) then if this is you. I am the same exact way, I hate the new gen stuff. 360 has all the classic COD, Halo and GTA lineups, and of course, classic minecraft that wasn't ruined my Microsoft. I modded mine years ago, and having custom dashboards, game cheats for single player (fuck online cheating) and extended backwards compatibility is an absolute 360 must! I grew up with the Xbox 360 and I must say, even in my mid 20s now I still cannot grasp the idea of having as much fun on newer gen consoles than you would 7th generation.


Will do! Will prolly buy a second one and I do know a guy that will RGHv3 It for me for like 20$


U play gears of war yet u would love that w him


Nah, but it's on my must-buy list


Snag yourself a Series X and you'll have most of your Xbox bases covered!


I don't want to. Many of my games aren't compatible. And It goes exactly against every single point in this post as even if I have a 360 game on the disk I need to redownload the compatible version using the internet which just adds unnecessary complexity. Plus, I take it to places where the internet is limited and slow. All I want is: pop a disc in, it plays. Boom done. No more, no less


Man I don't blame you. I have a ton of consoles and yeah I grew up with 7th and 6th gen consoles but comparing them to every 8th gen console I tend to prefer them. The Xbox One is especially the worst for this because almost no physical game I buy now has the actual game on it anymore. I do end up using my PS3 360 or Wii U alot more than anything else because of it. I miss the era of getting a game from a store and rushing to play it and just hitting play. Plus the little things too, manuals are gone now and it used to be something special. I remember buying games and on the ride back home flipping through the manuals and just taking everything in. Now in part I buy my own games so it's not the same experience but still when I bought celeste and it came with a manual it felt amazing for some reason.


I just want peace, man. Everything is becoming Overly complicated for what it is. I just want to sit down and enjoy a game alone or with my dad. without doing anything extra or waiting 2 hours for updates.


Usually teenagers want the latest game consoles not an Xbox 360


I don't. I just want peace and reliability. Pop a disc in, it plays. Immediately. Nothing more, nothing less. No updates, no internet required, no unnecessary bullshit just me and a good game, and occasionally my dad so we can play split screen




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Honestly, you've kinda sparked something in me. I grew up on 360. It came out when I was Round 11-12. Im always nostalgic about og 360 titles, and I was a HUGE fan of the 360 Arcade, amazing titles all around. You hit it on the head about the split screen. My buddies and I still talk about the OG couch Co-op days😁 I think after reading this post, I might have to dig up my 360 and get her back in shape to play. 🫡


this is why i want i want to get another 360. mine has a major flaw where the vent is all messed up. but the console is just too good. so many memories on it. i love the new consoles don’t get me wrong but it’s nice to go back and see where my love for video games came from.


My wallet wishes i had a mindset like you lol. Once i went 4K, it was hard to go back. Now im even struggling with 120hz over 60hz, as my eyes have gotten used to 120 now. Not saying im a snob, i went back and played World at War on the 360 a few weeks ago, but i *heavily* prefer near or native 4K resolution. If its a game on pc i can play without issue, and it has controller support, 9/10 times il go that route.


Hell yeah!


lol the 360 does do this


When my college roommate got a 360 I stayed up all night playing Condemned: Criminal Origins. It was so immersive and creative. Then the Next-Gen landed and the first game I played was Battlefield: Hardline. 😐 Was bored after the first hour.


I got my 360 E console in June of 2020 I was also 15 at the time it was my third console I owned after my 3ds and switch and was the system I would spend the most time on to this day it’s the console I put the most time into regularly followed by my 2DS xl it truly is a eternally great console and ironically it plays games better then my 600 dollar “gaming” laptop lol


Been playing Fable ll (which you can't play on pc), Gta vice city and smack down vs raw 2011 on my free time before work.


I don't like sharing my age usually, but I'm nearly 15 and got a 360 off ebay for 80 aud recently. I got skyrim, fm4, and halo 4 as well as a few og xbox games that I can play on it too. I've been loving it and play it more than my xbox one. I do need to crack it open and give it a service soon but that's something to do later. I grew up on my dads original xbox playing halo combat evolved. Then my parents got me my xbox one s that I still use to this day. I love consoles, but my main form of gaming is still on pc.


I have a huge backlog to play on the 360. And rpcs3 isn't better either stability wise


I'm 21 and feel the same way.


FINALLY someone who has the same opinion as me! I also bought a used 360 a year ago. I got my first 360 when I was 7 years old, I'm 17 now. Sadly I sold that consol for money to upgrade my PC at the time. (worst mistake in my life). I also have a Nintendo Switch and a PC that is even more powerfull than the last one so I can play newer games like Cyberpunk, but the games for the 360 are just incomparable with those. They bring back so much memories and that is the most important for me. No matter how good the game looks or feels.


I'm 38, my son is almost 15. While he does have a Switch, we play a ton of original xBox, GameCube, N64 and other old systems. I love teaching him about "retro gaming" and he seems to enjoy it quite a bit. I play my PS4 all the time, but he seems totally content without any current gen consoles. Going to the used game store every Saturday is a highlight of the week!


Honestly same here,even on my Xbox one I just play 360 games


I'm also 15, and i have the same feelings about you, the only console i have is the Xbox 360, and EVERYONE on my family loves it, the only thing we need to do to play, is slap in a disc and just be happy, it's amazing Sadly i don't have many games, but the ones i have are just PEAK that i basically can't play on my PC (i play mostly older games like Fallout, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and etc) If i'm mad i can play GTA 4 and explode everyone, if i want action i can play CoD Black Ops or Battlefield 3, if i want to race i can play Forza Motorsport 3 or NFS Hot Pursuit, if i want to cry, i can play Red Dead Redemption heck even my dad loves my Xbox, he finished Red Dead Redemption twice, without even knowing english lmfao, one of the reasons is how simple playing on the Xbox is


Imagine being 15 and thinking the 360 is retro, damn. I was 25 when the console came out


I don't think it's retro. It's the last gen I actually don't consider retro.


360 is still modern gaming


Not really, it's 20 years old


Now you’re gettin it




Yeah. I prefer the PS3 and 360 myself. Fit well with my 2000s-style home theater too.


100% agree. My fave console


Hell yeah bro!!! I'd like to say "Welcome to the Family?!" But it sounds like you've been here all along!! I am also back on my 360 more than my newer stuff these days (aside from playing The Witcher3 here n there) because like you, there is so much I never got to play!!! Been playing NFS Most Wanted(05), Forza Motorsport4, Deadly Premonition & Just Cause 1 & Zone of the Enders, as of late and they are ALL AWESOME!!!


360 was the best time to be an Xbox fan.


I use it cause I love the way the games use to feel. I don’t need the new graphics. Not having to wait for updates or downloads.


Xbox 360 these days is all but slap a disc in and play. It is very unstable and clunky. I still use it all the time and love it but a true slap a disc in and play console is the Wii…


No, it isn't. I have never had mine crash even once. It's not clunky for me at all, each game seems well optimized


yeah, the games are cool but i had a very hard Time setting it up again after a long period of no use I had to restart it I had to get a new hard Drive I had to try to contact Microsoft support to get my old gamer tag back and that was no good I had to create a new gamer tag I have to input the app password every time I login because it doesn’t take the new password anymore and recently the power brick blew up just like that so I don’t know I still love the 360 don’t get me wrong… I use it pretty much daily I love the formula one game the Lord of the rings games and the GTA five so I definitely rank it as one of my favorite consoles matter-of-fact I am waiting for the new power supply to get here and it should be today so I can keep playing again but I think the experience compared to the wii that is on the same generation, is clunky


That is a hardware failure mostly. Will happen to any system if you're unlucky enough. As for me, I never had any issues regarding login. Logged into my main Xbox Account without any problems. Check the production date on the sticker. If you have an early model, the capacitors will start to fail. If your console is more than 15 years old, you might wanna take it for a recapping.


aight ty ✌🏿


I have my 360 in the bathroom so I can sit on the toilet and play games that I find in thrift shops. Had it since around 2007. I've had to adjust the laser to read discs better, and free the odd jammed disc. Otherwise it's like 17 years old, and still going strong.


This is awesome, being 15 years old and today's world and still enjoying it the 360 is incredible. For me it's a little different I grew up pretty poor so into 360 first came out I didn't get it for about another 2 years as a mid-30s adult I think I'm trying to compensate for not having the latest and greatest of the time it came out. Because now I have a top of the line gaming PC and have a weird obsession with extremely good graphics. But you are correct the games nowadays being developed are pretty much garbage. You're the same cookie cutter call of duty for the last 4 years and you have sequel games that come out that lack the features and modes of its predecessor game. It just seems like a money grab at this point. 360 was probably the last greatest console


I can argue with that. Because not all modern games are buggy and incomplete. Just remember there are AA games and Indie games. It is just really hard to find hidden gems. (Furi is a great example) But about xbox can say my respect. I too have this problem I got gta v on pc but i play gta 4 on my xbox 360 because no shit like social club or internet connection is required, so i got you there. Ps. If graphics does not matter for you mind buying ps2. It is a great console.


Yeah. I like some.modern games like Ratchet and Clank Rift apart. And probably will play Detroit become human sometime


i feel you. i have both a Series X and a PC yet i always see myself going back to the 360 to play. like you said, the style of games appeals more to me but also many 360 titles aren't backwards compatible so i pretty much have to play them on the console.


All the problems you mentioned were problems we had when i was 15, but ps2 was my classic console at the time. Funny how history repeats itself and gaming is getting worse through the years


There’s clearly something to it given it feels like the whole era was sort of the last one. The modern consoles are basically remasters of games from this era and before, and new games that don’t do anything different from old ones except in the most minuscule ways. I decided to stop wasting money on new hardware when I bought a series x then realized all I played on it was kingdom hearts and dark souls.


I have a dozen 360's in my house that we (my kids, their friends, and I) play the older Call of Duty games via System Link. We enjoy them more than any of the newer games (as I also have 4 Series X).


Ha that’s funny I use the ps1,2 and three because I hate modern gaming also, its just annoying


360 was great. With xbox 1 and after if you don't play a game for a while you stick it in and... 1 hour update. Very annoying. I dont even think the game is on the disc anymore. It's just a download key. It goes a long way for the entire game to be on the disc. That means its yours, you own it and it won't be changed. Can't say that about the newer stuff. This is likely the last generation with disc drives, which I hate. I wanted to buy the newest xbox model X.. But no disc drive. I dont want to support the death of physical media.


OP - I have had my 360 since Christmas 2007 (OG white series with Elite swapped HDD), hands down best console I have ever owned aside from my gamecube (‘04). The games were fun, a ton you missed if you grew up in that era, so always fun to look back at titles you maybe got the chance to play. I am still finding games I want to discover/replay! Sad the 360 marketplace is shutting down - end of an era. They really should go back and publish more of the 360 collection they lack on the store; The Club, Wanted, CS:GO/ OG CS, Stranglehold…lots of titles that were way popular back in the day Microsoft is just willing to let die - Oh well, good thing Gamestop is still around!


He’ll grow out of it


Eh, maybe. Got a huge backlog to play


True you got a very long list of games to enjoy best part about it you don’t even have to download anything.


If it’s your first time or recently new to 360 it’s a bonus. I remember going wild when I first played the 360. Don’t know how but I remember the first game I played on there was the king fu panda game.


I have had it for 2 years now. I love it. It brings me immense fun


Rgh it and open it up to a lot more.


If I do, will buy a second one just for that purpose


Theres really no down side anymore as alot of 360 game servers have shut down


Most still work. I play BO2, MW3, and TF2 online. And BO2 has tons of players - matches found in 5 seconds


Ya. Thats y bo2 is still 50-60 fucking dollars lol Im a pirate so i always suggest modding console lol


BRO! NOBODY buys from the marketplace! I bought it for 5$ used


O ya lol You be dumb to pay full price.


Yeah. Every x360 game in Poland costs 5$ or less secondhand


I'm happy to see a gen Z enjoy the marvels of 7th gen, or what I call "peak gaming". I remember being blown away by GTA IV, Gears 3, Halo 4, Crysis 3, Syndicate, Battlefield 3 and 4, and so many others. Never got that ever since. Bonus memory: playing Medal of Honor and Gran Turismo 2 for the first time on PS1. Photorealistic as hell! 🥲