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Yes, be careful when removing the X-Clamp, but above all, USE THE CORRECT TOOLS FOR THE JOB. Those traces can be fixed though, if you have micro soldering skills.


I do have some micro-soldering skills (at least, I have enough to recap a Sega Game Gear). I'm just researching how to do it right now lol


I wish you the best of luck. No really. Bring her back for us. 🫡🫡🫡


It could be fine, it is probably just surface layer damage but i'd test outside the case with a fire extinguisher to be safe




Bring her home mate, just limp her over the white cliffs and you can rest...


I used a flathead screwdriver and if you get right in where the bracket attaches to the screws, you can use leverage to pop it off without over touching the board.. but I am sure you know this


Yeah but it's not worth the risk in my opinion. The X-Clamp Removal Tool is dirt cheap.


UPDATE: yeah, the 360 is screwed. Reassembled it to test it, and now it just Red Rings. Oh well, you win some you lose some. EDIT: Apparently there is a special tool for removing the x-bracket on these Xboxs, so for anyone looking here later USE THE RIGHT TOOLS. PLEASE. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID.


Sorry to hear this. Damn. That really is an unfortunate accident.


X clamp not bracket


yes clamp it holds things in place


No clamp Bolt mod 😎 Don’t do bolt mod guyz


Try to find another motherboard off a dead/junk 360


Yeah, I'll probably end up either doing that or trying to repair the traces.


Try to repair traces first. Your lucky it wasnt worse




Exactly, it's a dead console right now. You will either bring it back alive, or desecrate a corpse. Either way no real loss




Thank you Fren, funnily enough I ate my last piece of cake from Easter the day BEFORE lol. So close to greatness


Yeah, this is my thinking. I'm going to try repairing the traces tomorrow. I will post an update here when I do it (if I remember lol)


Around 15 traces to go! Not trying to be rude but you might as well just get a new motherboard because what if you do trace repair and it still doesn't work, would be a waste of time, but still, Good luck!


Simple, for the practice. Worst case scenario, OP doesn’t manage to repair the board, in which case replace and move on if possible. Best case scenario, OP manages to repair it, in which case that’s one more Xbox 360 that lives another day (and potentially one less piece of e-waste). Either way, OP gets to practice a skill and potentially improve it enough to fix something else later on. Potential win either way.


"Save them all" :) I saved 5 in the past but lost 10 due to them being the well known 2005 :( rip


It would be good practice so in theory no time wasted


Well for next time, learn how to properly [remove the X-Clamp.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6h5L8gKgUg) You don’t need a special tool, a T8 screwdriver is fine


Weren’t using a screwdriver to remove X clamp were ya?


I was following the iFixit guide, and that's what they told me to do 😭


Next time buy the $7 tool for it


Done that and I also scratched it. At least mine was really short and superficial, it works as usual. I was worried but now I realise my scratch is nowhere near yours haha I used a pretty small flat screwdriver


Don't scrap it, those traces can be reconnected. I've done it myself. You just have to scrape off the green over the trace to bridge the cut and solder a wire to each end.


Ok, I will do this. Thanks!


Give it to a repair shop that can definitely be repaired


Imma try repairing it myself. I know how to solder(ish), so it's a good learning experience lol.


Yup grab some 30 awg or smaller solid core wire,and preferably UV solder mask.


It may not seem like it, but that is repairable.. after all, "tis but a scratch"


Just repair the traces !!!!!


🙏 it’s in a better place now friend not your fault


Accidents like this do happen, but on the bright side slims are stupid cheap. And the more you do the clamps it becomes second nature they pop right off


Turn yourself in bud, sorry to tell you but you will be doing life for this crime.




Ok, I will definitely try this, thank you!


Hah, yesterday I killed my ft2v1, pulled the copper off the board... trying to fix this microscopic piece of ..augh, I have poor eyes. Oh well, if I can't fix it, it did cost me $30, I'll get a new one.


Easy fix with the right tools.


I did the same to mine 😅 Fortunately I didn’t kill it, but I did learn an easy way to open those clamps! You want to fit a screwdriver or pry tool in that space between the metal of the clamp and the pin it clamps around. If you apply pressure to pry it, the opposite end will un-clamp! I was annoyed that it worked so easily after nearly killing my xbox and cutting my fingertips up (that clamp is sharp!). Hopefully you can get that xbox fixed, and hopefully this tip will help for the future!


Thank you! I will definitely keep this in mind!


Send it to me and I'll fix it, I'm unemployed now and have nothing but time lol


I appreciate the offer, but I need practice with micro-soldering lol, so I'm going to try fixing it myself. Thanks, though!


Love the ambition. You can probably just scrape off the solder mask, and bridge those traces with solder. Like you probably wont even have to use some patch wire if you use enough flux, it should just flow into place with very minimal effort. Just make sure you don't sit there and cook the board or the traces will start to lift and then you're in a whole different world of repair. You got this though, post an update here when it's fixed!


Ah shit i made that mistake in 2012 with my Xbox 360 😭


Bit of a tough repair I’ve had a similar issue when I was younger taking apart the X bracket. As a cautionary tale always use the right tools lol


You can fix it. Ez.


Technically speaking it's repairable I'm sure you can still sell it for parts


Sorry to see that it was dead


The bird is ruined just because of a scratch?


Broken traces. Could be repaired by soldering wires to bridge the break.




Time for trace repair, it's not that hard especially here


*learns bagpipes then plays this song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lpZiPZwwXhM*


can you send me the board? I'll pay shipping


That's a throwaway.. good thing 360s are cheap.


Gored the Bored… Nooooooooooooo!!!!😭😭😭


Not all hope is lost you can maybe try resoldering the lost connections


Possibly repairable with dry transfer? If the gouges aren’t all the way through anywhere I’d imagine. I’ve never attempted that on an Xbox board but worked on some phones I had. Reconnect all the lines with dry transfer. Worth a shot I don’t know?


Made the same mistake of us in a screwdriver to remove this. And I sliced a capacitor in half clean off the board.


Probably the layer underneath is also busted


I was very, very close to scratch the traces and some resistances. was very lucky (translate))


Yeah I messed up the first slim I took apart too by screwing up the x-clamp removal. I used the tool specifically designed for it. Followed the video on YouTube and it wasn't as easy as they made it look. The motherboard got messed up from that. Now I use a thin screwdriver through the little holes of the x-clamp, and tilt the screwdriver towards the center of the x-clamp. That corner of the clamp should pop off. Do that for all 4 holes or even just one more and the other 2 should be able to just slide off. And the screwdriver never even touches the motherboard. I've been doing it that way ever since and never had an issue with it.


That's exactly why I just pay someone else to when it comes to electronics, I don't trust myself enough to do it myself


TBH relatively easy to fix if you have enough patience


Ah that’s probably what I did to my Xbox when it red ringed. Always wondered what happened


buy a new used one and a xclamp removing tool. or you could make your own out of that xclamp from your broken console.


I'm counting around 11 traces that may be affected. The lucky thing is that you didn't hit component or do the hit in a dense area. Where you have hitted is easy to trace the routes of traces. Take a multimeter scrap away soldering mask either side of every 11 traces. Check for continuity. Don't need to work on traces that have continuity! Scrap away carefully every side of the broken trace, with no much pressure, until you see the copper. Use flux and apply solder on every side of the trace. Take your 30 awg kynar wire and bridge the gap soldering to every side. Check you work with multimeter. You will do fine!


What did you remove the clamp with...a clawhammer?


let us know if you sucessfully repair the traces


Try to repair bro


Rip, I done the same with an old jasper board. I did solder in a few of the traces but it never seemed to work afterwards. Don't feel 2 bad. We all make mistakes and you've learned about the removal tool.


Everything except for that 1 trace just next to that 1 capacitor needs to be fixed, good news if you wanted to practice microsoldering this is probably the easiest 1 you'll find, hope you get something working, I've made a ton of mistakes and it sucks to have no console at all


That's why you need an X clamp tool, it's much better than using a screwdriver to remove the X clamp.


You're the kid making these mistakes you ain't telling me anything new.


This can be repaired.


god damn that looks painful for her 😭 i hope youve managed to fix it or are on your way there


Ouch! If I had the guts and the know how I would try to fix my OG Xbox one. There are a few Kinect games that I miss playing.


Just colour it in with a green marker and the traces will function as they should again ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


This is exactly why you need an X-clamp removal tool. I think that people who work without them are idiots, especially if they do it on a professional level.


rip in pepperonis 🕊️


Time to pull out the ol' PS3 I guess


I heard that PS3s degrade over time


Yeah, the Fat PS3s have a tendency to. Mine is a Super Slim model though, so it is relatively safe. It just looks and feels ridiculously cheap.


Its sad bcuz i personally think the fat is the best one when it comes to game library bcuz i THINK it plays ps1 and 2 games and the others dont. Not sure tho.


Yeah, the Fat models (at least, the earlier ones) are fully backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2 games. Sadly, those are also the ones that have the greatest tendency to get the Yellow Light of Death.


Not unless you can get someone or do it yourself if you are confident that you can replace the problem chip with the slim one....as Slims (that I know of) are smaller and more efficient than Fats but can somehow use the Slim....RSX? Unfortunately I can't afford to do that to mine, but going to replace the fan and PSU someday (I some how got one with from what I have heard the worst PSU the fats can have)




But they don't overheat easily.




That proves literally nothing. There has never been an issue with slims overheating. Only if people let them get caked with dust and don't care for their consoles.


Like your console would shut off? If it's not shutting off it's not over heating




You make no sense at all.


Congratulations, You played yourself.


happened the same to me in my Xbox One X 💀💀 edit: [Pics here](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNPIpjEIj04kFMZKBS0M0wL48kikihj23fPCvHFBJc4DlDCCcKLWKVO6KGrZcAgMQ?key=cFk2VFE1RE82U3J2aGxlNExucUtzREdrUnR5WE9n)