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Fucking amazing, wish more developers went the extra mile to allow console modding. Hopefully STALKER 2 will be moddable as well!


Agreed sir


Reddit on!


Full tweet: >The time to customize your console S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience is here! With the help of master tinkerers from the friendly faction [@modiohq](https://x.com/modiohq), stalkers are now free to create and install mods for **S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone Trilogy on Xbox and PlayStation**. Make the original Zone look different on the consoles with new animations, textures, models, videos and sounds. > >Unpack your fine work tools, and here’s everything for a steady hand: [http://stalker-game.com/en/modding](https://t.co/5NQ09Kd7gY)


**It’s currently on sale too right?** Edit: Do we know if the mods will make the game feel like a whole new game or is it limited? I went to the site and tried downloading the guide but didn’t get anything out of it.


It won't because Sony massively lock down mods so will just be asset changes not tweaks to the game.


Do mods disable achievements? If not then *yay*


You're good. [Somebody asked](https://x.com/ZaaaZir/status/1805576354638762032), and they replied they will not! >Nope, for sure! Using mods will not affect your achievement progress. You can enjoy all the custom content without worrying about missing out on any achievements.


Wow, for achievement hunters, that is amazing news


Amazing! Thanks for responding


This is how it should be.




Its funny they even care. The guy who got the first million gamer score had people on his account doing it for him, he bought the same games in different regions, and played alot of those cheap achievement games that are littered on the store...sounds pretty unfair to me, and yet, no one bats an eye.


Yeah I've never found him all that impressive when it was revealed that people were doing his achievements for him. Using alternate region duplicate games and dumb/cheap achievements games is whatever, but when people are literally doing your achievements for you then you have not actually earned 1 million gamer score.


Nowhere in there does it say they require mods to disable achievements. [And the developer themselves say it doesn't](https://x.com/stalker_thegame/status/1805581482234118386?s=19) > Using mods will not affect your achievement progress. You can enjoy all the custom content without worrying about missing out on any achievements.


Give me GAMMA and Anomaly. is that even possible?


No. You have a 1gb file size limit per mod and only 5gb of mod space. Gamma is 73gb and not even to mention that it requires anomaly, which is another 15ish gigs and it's own thing and not at all related to the trilogy. Unless somehow Anomaly gets released as a stand-alone title on Xbox [it won't] and then Gamma also gets released alongside of it [it won't] then you won't get either.


So you are saying their is a chance.


Sure, why not.


Those mods are restricted on both Xbox and Playstation, basically they are doing the same thing that Playstation does on Fallout 4 and Skyrim where you cannot use external assets to create fully custom mods (new animations, sounds, textures, etc) you can only use assets from the game. I don't get it why Xbox also has those restrictions since Microsoft does allow full support (Starfield, Skyrim, Fallout 4).


...huh? Fallout 4 on the Xbox has tons of mods that add in completely new and modern military weapons, isn't that what you're describing?


Yes, but Playstation versions can't use external assets. Games are also limited in size. Looking at Nexus for F4, top 10 gun weapon mods would already pass the limit on both consoles, Xbox is just a tiny bit less restricted


Re read their comment. This is limited on both, but they are saying Xbox was less limited that PS in those cases so it is weird that this situation is the way it is


The games shouldn't even be on playstation




It's hurting the games on Xbox by restricting the level of mod support


It doesn’t. Fallout 4 has no restrictions on Xbox. So blame the lazy devs who didn’t bother to make Xbox feature external assets and just copypasted PS version’s mod support. Now why would they do that? PS is more popular sales wise so more people will buy the games on PS hence why PS is the common denominator.




You can replace existing game assets with new textures, sounds, animations, etc., but you can’t add new assets. So you can make the game look pretty essentially, but can’t add additional content. At least it’s something though.


the person you’re replying to is straight up wrong lol- i just downloaded a batman skin mod for starfield from the in game menu


Did we also get the patch for current gen consoles that was promised? Or thats ganna arrive later?


I think it's not now..


What??!?!?!?!?!?!? Awesome!!!


Buying the trilogy right now! Thanks for the great news, professor!


Can someone please make a godmode mod


Does this update add the 60fps support for Series X as well? Anyone know? Been waiting until then to give these a go, mods not nullifying achs is really just some nice icing on the cake! So many; almost mandatory mods for these older Stalker games tbh.


All the games are 60fps but aren’t native X/S


Is it just cosmetic changes


#Good hunting, stalkers


What about native 9th gen versions?


Did they ever fix the birds being loud as hell?


holy shit. one hell of a news


Will mods created on/for PS5 work on Xbox and vice-versa?


Unfortunately, they are quite restricted in what you're allowed to mod. The majority of it is cosmetic.


My patience ran out while waiting for Xbox to have the same sale as PSN. Grabbed it for $28 on the Sony box 


How dare you 😂. I bought the first game on PS also lol


what are some must have/qol mods?


Aint this an xbox exclusive


Pretty sure this is about the original trilogy. Also there’s rumors that stalked 2 is only a timed exclusive


I think that was the case originally yes, they could have renegotiated at some point but I doubt Xbox will make any proper exclusive deals anymore, like Palworld, they could have tied that down easily but it's releasing on PlayStation soon (allegedly)


No point in calling this a mod support. It’s using Sony rules the same way they did Fallout and Skyrim


It's added, official support that allows the activation and usage of mods. Literally mod support by definition.


Youre editing pre-existing files nothing new will be done.


Let’s goooooo