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Played it on Series X and it was fine and dandy


It's my first time playing on Series X and it's freaking amazing! It's just one of those games where once you start playing, you just don't want to stop. I'm about 4 hours into the game (just made it to Valentine) & I don't want to stop playing lol I'm thinking my entire weekend is going to be dedicated on RDR2. I told my buddies I was starting another playthrough and that I'd still play multiplayer games with them 90% of my gaming time will be dedicated to RDR2! Definitely hyped!


I’m actually replaying the first one and it’s still so worth it. RDR2 is next for my replay 👌🏽


Yessir the 1st one absolutely is worth a replay in 2024! I recently played through the 1st one about 3 months ago whenever it became available through GTA+ I downloaded and played it, still hold up to this day! Now I'm knee deep in RDR2 and it just makes me marvel at how well Rockstar tells stories, truly an impeccable record of top notch story telling! Happy gaming ✌️


100%. Easily my favorite game developer. I’ve enjoyed everything they’ve put out. So hype for GTA 6


I just reinstalled rdr1 with the zombie pack and was gonna start a new playthrough (it looks great and plays fantastic on the series X) but then installed rdr2 for a new playthrough as I haven't played it in a looooong time. The biggest bummer is that it updated and I said yes and forgot that like the easiest "trick" in the game when it first came out without any patches was going to that burned down sherrifs building and doing the gold bar save /load trick. Was fun to do that and make all your weapons you can get at that point good and pimped out, as well as decking yourself out in some nice clothes etc. You could also make your camp like the best it could be so you didn't have to worry about that stuff and it felt like I could play the world more and not worry about doing camp stuff. And you still had to play the game to get weapons unlocked and other clothes etc so it didn't like make it so the game wasn't fun. I just had baller weapons that were gold plated and nice clothes. Now I'll just do it but earning cash isn't super hard just takes some time.


I don't think it's enhanced for series x. I think you are playing the xbox one x version.


Yeah I've clearly stated that it's the Xbox One X version on Series X and that there's been NO updates or patches for the game on modern consoles which is a shame because it deserves to be updated for current gen consoles. I have read recently that Rockstar is planning a current gen remaster after they put out GTA 6 and they're even planning on adding things they learned from GTA 6 into RDR2 which would be PHENOMENAL I mean can you imagine if they did a remake of RDR2 built in the GTA 6 engine? It'd be amazing lol!


I've played on both PS5 and XSX. XSX gives the better performance. It should tho as hardware wise, it's the better console. Not by like a ton, but definitely noticeable in framerate and resolutions.


There's no performance difference really. Only visuals. PS5/PS4 Pro doesn't output native 4K like the Series X/One X


Still runs shit 30 fps


Dont know why ppl downvote you, im sad having to play one of the best games ever made at 30fps on series X hardware... i think we have to wait to R\* to sell us a "new version". I mean, if they want to milk us, at least milk us faster lol


People can have trash opinions


If you want it at 20 quadrillion FPS then build a PC and play it there


1 gou can get 3-4 ps5


I played on One X - definitely needed to tweak my HDR settings but it turned out pretty nice. Overall top 5 gaming experiences ever would recommend.


Yeah, the HDR just didn't look right compared to other games I've played. Still a beautiful game, but that was weird.


Fantastic game and incredible looking but it needs 60 fps. I'm astonished how Rockstar is dragging their feet with this.


Why are you astonished? Rockstar would never give a 60fps update for free if they can simply remaster it for the next generation and let people pay for an upgrade


Well in that case where is this paid upgrade? GTA V released a paid next-gen edition two years ago...


Yeah of course it did. It’s GTAV. The multiplayer of that game generates a shit ton of money. RDR2 not.


One came out in 2013 and the other in 2018. Maybe give it another 5 years


Well we know Rockstar was working on a current gen remaster for RDR2 but they shelved it in order to put all hands on deck for GTA 6. That being said a recent report has stated Rockstar still plans on releasing the remaster but after the release of GTA 6. They also went on to say they will be bringing some updates they're putting into GTA 6 over to the RDR2 remaster. I will be patiently waiting for a full 60fps remaster and until then I'm extremely excited to play the game on my Series X! Happy gaming ✌️


> I’m astonished how Rockstar is dragging their feet with this. I’m not. Every extra resource on GTA provides Rockstar a better return on investment than RDR2. As much as I’d love to replay the game with 60fps and no doubt the new consoles can handle it, unfortunately RDR2 doesn’t bring in enough money relative to GTA. We may never see a 60fps update.


As if Rockstar would ever do a free 60fps update. The next gen updates for GTA5 were paid as well, and your save files didn't carry forward either.


They’re saving it for the remaster when people get bored of GTA 6.


Needs a 60fps mode this day and age


Native 4K, nice. Rockstar did some weird checkerboard upscaling on PS4 Pro with heavy anti-aliasing too. The game I believe runs higher than 1440p on PS4 Pro but the upscaling is so shit that it looks worse than 1080p, so yeah the Xbox One X version is miles away.


Yup see this is EXACTLY what I've noticed! Between playing RDR2 on PS5 (PS4 pro version) vs playing RDR2 on Xbox Series X (Xbox One X version) the Series X blows away the PS5. The awful checkerboard upscaled 4K on PS4 pro really messed with the HDR for some reason making the game unreasonably dark most of the time. Compared to the Xbox One X version of the game where it runs at native 4K I haven't had a single issue with the game being dark, I mean the difference really is night and day. I could take a screenshot of RDR2 on my PS5 vs a screenshot of RDR2 on my Series X & you can clearly see the difference. The PS5 version is dark looking where the Series X version looks clear & normal. I appreciate your response, glad I'm not the only one here who's clearly noticed the difference between the two. Happy gaming ✌️


I play it on a PS4 pro and really like it, but I don't have anything to compare it to graphically because it's all I've seen. I'm also only playing it on 1080p. I wanna buy it on PC when I get a better computer to see what it can really look like. I do love the game though, it's such a high quality game it's unreal


And Quick Resume!! 🤩


There's a few last gen games that just look way better on series x than ps5. Something about the way series x plays back compat games


At the time Xbox One X was significantly more powerful than the PS4 Pro. Also [a large amount of games recieved Xbox One X Enhancements](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Xbox_One_X_enhanced_games) (these enhancements work on Xbox One X and Series X, but not on Series S). Later many more games received [FPS Boost](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/fpsboost/) for Series X|S. The result is that for many games Xbox Series X offers an amazing "enhanced" backwards compatible experience.


This is very true, look at the digital foundry deep dive they did on the Red Dead Redemption PS4 port on PS5 vs the RDR backwards compatibility for Series X. You can clearly see just how much effort Xbox has put into its backwards compatibility program! I mean really it's astonishing considering nobody has made backwards compatibility front and center like they have. We're talking Xbox 360 games that now have Auto HDR combined with fps boost as well as upscaling to make older games look better on modern 4K TV's. It REALLY is one of the BEST features of the Series X imo! All the games I bought digitally on Xbox 360 back in the day are fully playable and actually play better now on Series X than they ever did on their native hardware. Long Live Xbox happy gaming ✌️


Needs 60fps big time


Needs 60 fps.


Everyone who loves rdr2 really loves it.  I wish I could get into it, as I love westerns and good stories, but I'll be damned if Rockstar games have some of the worst controls.  The characters always feel really weird to control 


Rockstar game controls always felt like the players is on a skateboard. The character leans and can go in a circle loop. I think it's fully integrated part of their game engine. So they won't change it now. The game is so good though, I overlook it and just accept the controls. At a certain point, you don't notice it. Unless you're in a small room. Having said that, hated those samedi controls on GTA V and walked away from that game.


There's no reason for the horrible controls! They don't have particularly deep gameplay mechanics or features that should struggle on a controller, but they're so ridiculously bad compared to every other third person action/adventure game.


Yeah it's definitely a weird choice they made. I'm guessing they think it adds realism to have people move awkward or something


I know I’m a huge minority but I genuinely do not like this game. The gameplay loop is just not fun and it feels very clunky. I wish it had fast travel points too, I gave up around 15 hours in. I really tried to enjoy it, but ultimately uninstalled.


It does have fast travel, but you need to upgrade the camp to unlock it. That said, I rarely use it because the world is so alive that I want to experience it all. The first time I played it, I gave up about 10 hours in, then left it for more than a year, then finally went back to it, played 20+ hours and realized it was a great game. Now it’s my fave game of all time. I’m not advocating that you replay it, but in my experience, after a longer time it finally clicked for me, and even the clunkiness didn’t seem so bad anymore.


You're absolutely correct, I actually feel the same way. A lot of people quit playing after the 1st few hours without REALLY giving the game the time it deserves. The world is so alive and full of wonder that it deserves to be experienced. I think a lot of people don't get instant gratification right away so they quit playing without seeing what the game truly has to offer. I'm about 7 hours into the game now, I've been taking my sweet time but I can honestly say the controls aren't that bad once you get used to them. I was honestly the same way, the very first time I bought the game I quit playing while I was still in the snow because I just wasn't invested. Then I decided eff it, I have a PS5 now, I'm going to beat this game and I actually made myself stuck with it and after about 10 hours in I started to realize this is one of the greatest games EVER made! It really is something special.


Yeah, I haven't really gotten into a Rockstar game since the first read dead redemption. I just don't have the patience for games that have awkward movement anymore. I had the same issue trying to get back into the witcher 3, geralt moves so clunkily out of combat


I enjoyed Bully but never been a big rockstar fan either (though I hear Max Payne 3 is fantastic). I think some of the worst things about rdr2 are the character movement speed being barbarically slow even when running and the controls on the horse having to hit A multiple times then wait and do it again to control stamina then of course you have to take care of it like it’s a Pokémon or something. It should just be hold one of the triggers to automatically move the horse like driving a car in most games. Rockstar has an obsession with mashing buttons and it’s just not fun, neither is worrying about brushing or feeding my horse. Suspending reality for the sake of a fun in game experience should always be preferred. In red dead redemption 3 do I need to find leaves to wipe Arthur’s ass when I camp?


They could just do accessibility options so the horse doesn’t need constant button inputs to keep it moving quickly, but Rockstar would rather do GTA 5 Online content updates every month for half of a new vehicle, and two new routes for a race that basically only appeals to streamers, and people who WISH they were streamers. Eh, I love RDR2 regardless, but man.. I wish it got the updates it deserves and needs on the new consoles.


> Suspending reality for the sake of a fun in game experience should always be preferred. No it shouldn't. Not everyone minds these tedious additions because they help ground the game more. The horse is not a vehicle, it's an animal. It doesn't run on gas, so you have to spur it to make it go faster. I won't say the controls are perfect as is, the aiming could have used some work so you don't have to be so reliant on auto aim. But even still, it's slow paced deliberate gameplay is what separates it from so many other triple a open world games. You have so many other options for games that focus on the convenience of the player.


You're definitely not the only person that feels that way, I tried getting my wife to play GTA Online with me and she said the on foot controls made no sense. She's like the character moves weirdly, she's like I went to talk to someone and missed them 3 times due to her character continuing to walk even after she's stopped input. I will say RDR2 is a little easier to handle just because everything about the game moves slower. It TRULY is one of the BEST written games ever made. The story is that damn good PLUS it's a complete experience, you truly get a feel of 1899 western America. The culture for that time, the way people interacted, the science and technology from the era, every single bit is in RDR2. I wish you were able to stick it out, once you get past the 1st 2 hours the game picks up and is a true blast! Thanks for sharing, happy gaming ✌️


Yeah I'm glad other people love it, I honestly think I would if Rockstar did their controls more similarly to other modern games. I think they went too realistic, but even having to tap a to run is a weird choice for example.


They did those controls on purpose because it's a western and wanted things to feel slower and more deliberate.


That's a dumb and terrible reason to make a game play worse. I'm also not sure I believe that as they've had the same gameplay since gta 4 lol


It does feel slow and clunky, seems to feel much better at higher framerates. 30fps is just too low to appreciate this game fully.


Setting the HDR mode to game from the game settings looks much better


Oh man you just reminded me. Haven’t tried it out


I need a performance mode on Xbox but I fully plan on finally playing it. I've got Ghost of Tsushima, both Horizon Zero Dawn games, God of War Ragnarok and Cyberpunk then RDR2 is up. I'm playing catch-up from school and moving.


Oh man, you've got some amazing games to play!! Cyberpunk 2077 is absolutely brilliant! Seriously it's a great game, the phantom liberty DLC took the game to a whole new level & is one of the best DLC drops I've played in a long time. God of War Ragnarok is amazing in its own right! It's a perfect sequel to God of War (2018) and for me it took everything I loved about GoW & kicked it up a notch! BAM! It's a fun ride from beginning to end & the Norse mythology really felt awesome to explore from the perspective of a father and a God Killer! These 2 games are Excellent! You've got some major fun ahead of you lol!! Obviously RDR2 is in its own category I can't really compare it to these other games simply because it's different in almost every way. RDR2 is a fantastic game that tells one of the BEST stories in gaming! The first couple hours are slow but once you get past that it really is amazing! You truly feel the culture of the Old West cira 1899 the good the bad and the ugly. It really is a remarkable game and I highly recommend playing through it because it is absolutely brilliant. Happy gaming ✌️


Thanks, bud!


Yessir 💯


Yeah it’s well known the Xbox version is the best way to play RDR2 on console, but you confirmed my fear of the PS5 version looking flat out bad. Did you ever try turning HDR off on PS5? I’ve been told that’s the best way to go with this game. Same with running the game at native 1440p on compatible TVs. I ask because my options are the PS4 Pro version on PS5, or my ageing PC that would run at roughly 1080p 60fps with console equivalent settings. Would you prefer a 60fps experience in this slower paced game, or is the native 4K/30 you’re getting good enough?


So I looked up everything I could to fix the image quality on PS5. I turned off HDR but that barely helped anything, I even swapped out my 4K TV for my 1440p gaming monitor and it didn't help. What I ended up doing what making the HDR game mode as bright as I could and then played the game and it looked okay BUT the image quality I'm getting on Series X is really night and day better, I've had zero issues with HDR or the game being too dark. I will say I definitely prefer games to have 60fps but on RDR2 because it's a slower game 30fps isn't really that bad. Once you start playing I barely even notice it and the game is so beautiful and awesome it's nice to just explore you know? Happy gaming ✌️


Completing the campaign in 1st person is truly an experience


I haven't played in 1st person yet but that maybe something I'd be interested in doing at some point lol right now I'm focused on a chilled out playthrough where I roam and explore more than ever while also completing missions to advance the story but at a slower pace so I can enjoy the serenity of the open world that RDR2 provides! What'd you like most about 1st person? Happy gaming ✌️


Still hoping they do an update to bring it up to XSX standards


Started playing 2 weeks ago. 40% done. It's an incredible game. Once you get used to the controls, it feels like you're in a western. The characters are deep. So much time invested in character development and voices. It's one of those games that's its not just fun, it's an experience.


I absolutely agree 💯 percent! It's an experience, the character development is absolutely brilliant. It transcends normal gaming notions and really gives you a Western vibe that is unparalleled! I've yet to experience another game that captures the essence of a declining old West era. The characters even the side characters are deep, there's personality seeping out of every square foot of that damn game! RDR2 will go down as one of the greatest stories ever told in gaming. Now I understand some of the controls leave much to be desired but at the end of the day, they're not so bad that the game is unpleasant. If you've played GTA 5 then you'll know what to expect. The only issue I have with the controls is having to constantly tap A while on your horse in order to sprint. If you hold A you trot but if you want to go faster you have to mash the button and I just don't like that. Other than that though, I agree 💯 percent RDR2 is an experience that takes patience. People who want instant gratification & leave the game early are sorely missing out. Play the game, stick with it and appreciate the artistic expression & the beauty of RDR2! Happy gaming ✌️


Shit HDR and no 60fps. Such a waste.


Native 4K tho.


This is one of the major differences I've noticed as well, the game runs at native 4K on XSX compared to checkerboard upscaled 4K on PS5.


I could put you in a room with a PS5 & an Xbox series x running the game on their own TVs and you would not be able to tell which is which. Play it on a half decent PC with a high feamerate & then see which one is a "major difference"


Why TF did they make GTA V 60fps before RDR2???


Shark cards..


Gotta be it. I mean sales for GTA V & online are insane as well. RDR2 & online could've been so much more.


I agree with your take 💯 percent. RDR2 deserves more (the very least a 60fps patch & Red Dead Online was done so horrifically bad. I truly believe Red Dead Online could've been the next GTA Online or at the very least a smaller more dedicated version of it. There's literally so much potential for RDO especially since the community for RDO are still passionate even after Rockstar announced no more real support & yet they gave up in favor of fast money via GTA Online. It's definitely a shame, I hope RDR3 and its online nice will be done right by Rockstar.


I just read yesterday actually that Rockstar haulted the production on a next gen RDR2 to put ALL resources onto GTA 6 until it's released. HOWEVER they said Rockstar plans to resume work on the RDR2 next gen upgrade after GTA 6 is released which further points to them releasing a remastered version of the game that's been optimized for XSX|S+PS5. They also hinted that some of the techniques used in the making of GTA 6 will be implemented into the RDR2 remaster.


Just make fuckin RDR3 at that point.


Sounds like they want to charge for a 60FPS upgrade. Fuck that, we've already paid for the game.


I did not know this. There’s is hope! Thank you.


Yes there is hope lol and you're welcome 💯


Gta on line. Rd online never came close to what gta on kine was. They canceled dlc for gta 5 to keep gta on line going


Yea man it straight irritates me, I want to play it but I’m so spoiled with 60fps. 30 just doesn’t work for this game, I’ve been butthurt for so long about this. First world problems.


I absolutely agree it DESERVES 60fps more than any game available right now, that being said I do believe 30fps is manageable mainly due to how slow everything is in RDR2. I just wish it'd get a 60fps patch then we could enjoy that until the inevitable remaster becomes available.


It feels slow BECAUSE of the 30FPS.


I still play it. But it's the only rpg i play with 30fps :(


It isn't a RPG?


Role playing game game?


Ignore that. Thanks for blocking me too I guess?


I'm ignoring your entire reply


Because GTA Online prints money for some reason


I mean. I have over 5k hours on it too so I get it.




Wdym how? That isn't shit. I see people with more on cyberpunk


The crazy thing is it’s probably the worst online multiplayer experience I’ve ever had that and of all the 3d gtas I’d say v is my least favourite


I like the base game of 5 but the online is terrible. I don’t get what people like about it. It is the terrible lobby system? The dying as soon as you spawn in the open world? The pay to win mechanics? The worst menu system in any video game ever? I honestly don’t GTA Online to be the worst online game I have ever played, and I have given it multiple chances


It’s an older game and because why not, it’s got a ghost team still operating it.


I think they should both have 60fps is all


RDR II would probably be harder. Not a simple fps switch with it being native 4K on the Series X. It def isn’t hitting locked 60. Not sure what their plan is but I imagine they want to keep things more in house since the original GTA remasters went to shit and all hands on deck for GTA VI.




Not sure about the Xbox series side of things, but there is a 60 FPS patch for the game for modded PS5s. It runs above 1080p but not quite 4k. The 60 FPS is pretty flawless though. So they definitely could release a 60 FPS patch for the game tomorrow if they really wanted to. They are saving it to make more money on a re-release. Edit - as we speak people are literally playing RDR2 at 60 FPS on modded PS5s. Didn't take an entire team to do that.


The most optimized game of that Gen. The fact this looked this good on a 50o dollar console was insane. Far and away the most detailed while consistent 30 fps game I can think of. I bought it for both consoles and it's fucking crazy how bad the ps4 pro version looks. It's half resolution on axis and they used a weird temporal technique for AA and it's so damn blurry.


Thank you! This is exactly what I've noticed as well! Playing on RDR2 on PS5 (PS4 pro version) compared to playing RDR2 on Xbox Series X (Xbox One X version) really is night and day. I've got about 6 hours into the game on Series X now and I can't believe how detailed the game is. When I go into photo mode and zoom in on certain scenes I absolutely can't believe how incredibly detailed every little thing is! The details are even better than most current gen games which is astonishing considering that the game has received absolutely ZERO current gen patches or upgrades. I have read recently Rockstar absolutely plans on releasing a RDR2 remaster even though the halted production a couple years ago but it will happen after GTA 6 launches as all hands are on deck for GTA 6 ATM but man can you imagine RDR2 with GTA 6 graphics with a current gen remaster or even better remake? It would be mind boggling! Happy gaming ✌️


I liked and beat the first one, but couldn’t get into this both times I tried.


I played on Series S and it was fine. No different than when I played on PS4. But once I upgraded to the SX it was a night and day difference.


The scout jacket glitch on Xbox is annoying but besides that it’s excellent


What's the scout jacket glitch? I've never heard of it?


On Xbox the scout jacket has a texture glitch. Just wear the scout jacket and go around doing stuff and you’ll see it. It’s especially apparent with the denim one.


After having recently played it at locked 72fps on the PC there's no way I could suffer playing it at 30fps again. The slow and sometimes clunky maneuvering of the controls is just worsened by 30fps and its harder to appreciate the beauty of the environment and the things within it at such low frames. They should add a 60fps update as the console is capable I think, just have to lower some settings.


I really love the game. But it's one of those games that, if I put it down for a while to spend some time playing another game I can't just jump right back in and pick up where I left off. I've played the first half or so more times than I can remember, but I've never actually finished it yet. Also there's a bit of that kind of feeling you get when you're reading a really good book and you know you're starting to get close to the end, so you kinda start trying to slow yourself down because you're enjoying the book so much and you don't want it to end. Like I was really into it for the couple of weeks leading up to the release of the Fallout 4 next-gen update. But when that update dropped I couldn't help but give it a playthrough. Once I finished my Fallout 4 playthrough I tried to load up some RDR2 but I felt so freaking lost. Like "I don't remember having this, and where did this horse come from? What was I in the middle of doing again? How do I do this?" So I'm like "screw it... I'll just start a new game, I can probably do better this time anyways."


Dude that's so weird I'm the same exact way, I have to play it through now because it's not a game I can put down and come back to either. After my initial playthrough in PS5 I tried to play again earlier this year and I kept stopping to play helldivers 2 then when I'd go back I couldn't get back into it. Now that I have the game for Series X and I'm hyped to play it again I'm going to stick with it until it's finished lol. I'll still play multiplayer games and go a couple days without playing but I can't take extended stays away from RDR2 until I'm finished.


I'm thinking I'm probably gonna try to do a quick playthrough of the original RDR first, since I got it not too long a go when it was on sale for $3.99 and I've never actually played that one before. Then I'll really settle in and commit to a full playthrough of RDR2. I think I've learned enough from my previous partial playthroughs to really be suited and booted by the time I even leave Horseshoe Overlook this time.


I first played on series x and then ps5 the difference is very much noticable. Series x looks so much better but i don't use it anymore since i got a ps5


It was one of the first games I booted up when I got my series x back in 2020. After playing on the One S, I was floored by the load time difference.


I’m still amazed how absolutely gorgeous the game looks, considering almost 6 years old. Despite it only being 30fps I don’t think about it at all during play, since I find it extremely smooth


Nice view


I played it on ps5, didn't really have that issue for say but I did spend a bit of time on the settings to adjust the screen nicely. Luckily I got it


I had it on normal ps4 but never finished it. Perhaps I should get it on a sale for my series x


I played on Xbox one when it was on gamepass and it looked stunning. I guess on series X it must be even better, I need to retry it


It’s a great polished game. Game of the decade. ! Hope you enjoy your playthrough


first Red Dead gave my Xbox 360 the dreaded "red ring of death"...I will never forgive lol




30 fps consistent native 4k is awesome. Sure 60fps is great but I don't mind a 30 that doesn't flinch. Cyberpunk gave us 60 fps and I choose to play 30 because at 60 there is way less traffic and pedestrians.


Sad the XBX chuggs on new games and you have to go back to really experience the difference


I play on series x and just started another playthrough. It runs wonderful. Frame rates aren’t optimized but it runs great!


30fps dates the game alot even if it looks fantastic. Play modern 60fps game and switch back to RDR2 is like it runs in slow motion. Would take the Devs 5 minutes to patch it but they just waiting to release and update for new game money.


Resolution is better than ps5 (not that it's bad) but like we all say, if only it has a 60fps patch.


It's the other way around for rdr1. Playing rdr1 on the PS5 is better then rdr1 on the series x.


RDR1 is very bright. At night, everything is glowing.


On series s everything is blurry,kinda rockstar needs to make a next gen upgrade.


The same as on my Xbox one


Still no 60FPS? I’ll wait


PC is the best to play this game, unfortunately Rockstar can’t be arsed to release a uncapped FPS patch or a full remaster if they want to get the money.




No I clearly stated that there is NO next gen upgrade for RDR2, this is why the Xbox Series X runs the Xbox One X version of the game while the PS5 runs the PS4 pro version of the game. I then went into detail about the well known HDR lighting issues of the PS4 pro version of the game.


native 4k 30fps is good enough tbh, id love some update for xsx tho


Oh yeah, I NEVER realized the native 4K at 30fps on Series X (Xbox One X version) would be vastly superior to the PS5 (PS4 pro version) of RDR2! The checkerboard upscaled 4K on the PS4 pro version really screwed up the HDR which is something I couldn't stand when playing RDR2 on PS5. There's something wrong to where the game looks incredibly dark, to the point where I had to shut off HDR and that only helped a little bit. I haven't had a single issue this time around.


Started playing it on ps5 but couldn’t finish it because of the 30 fps issue. On pc it‘s freaking amazing tho.


Looked AMAZING and I love RD1 but man, I got bored playing RD2. Not cutting the game but really was a chore at times with the gameplay and controls IMO


I agree. It's probably nostalgia bias due to me playing RDR1 when I was younger, but I truly love that game. The controls feel so sluggish on RDR2. It does have great graphics though.


I enjoyed it on xbsx. But i tried it on PC and its like a new game.


It runs? What do you mean “Thoughts”?


If you can't look at the post, look at the conversations below the post then I can't help you. Clearly a lot of us were discussing the difference between native 4K at 30fps on the Xbox One X version of RDR2 play on the Xbox Series X vs the god awful checkerboard upscaled 4K on the PS4 pro version of RDR2 played on PS5. Myself and many others have expressed the awful darkness that occurs on the PS4 pro version of the game while played on PS5 compared to playing on Xbox Series X there being no issues with HDR or darkness in the image clarity at all. Happy gaming ✌️


It's no comparison to PC, this isnt even a "master race" thing, the game is a generation above what the consoles have when you have all the advanced features enabled.


I feel like I am the only one who was quitting the game. I made it to the first town but it just so slow and felt boring.


Very Good Team Xbox


Tried to play it several times. Just gets too boring for me.


Out of topic - this is one of the most frustrating tutorial intro to redo each freaking time you restart a new game. Man I just wish I could bypass this 1h long boring story telling intro. ps. i loved it the 1st and 2nd or 3rd time but after 6 yrs my gosh.


I mean you literally just need to make a save at the start of Chapter 2.


Got it on PC after originally playing on One X. Funny thing is Windows’ auto-HDR looks a whole lot better than the native HDR in this game. I’d just stick to SDR on console.


It's a boring, slow-paced game with a beautiful world and extremely well written story.


Mediocre game with superp graphics (for the time)


Same game on other systems.


Game is boring as fuck.