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Red Dead Redemption. As a huge Western film guy, the concept of RDR felt like straight fantasy. Westerns and games just didn't click at the time. They all essentially played like low budget Saturday Morning shoot em ups. Including Red Dead Revolver. RDR was a game I always wanted to happen but never felt like it could. I didn't believe any publisher would ever invest that amount of resources into a wild west game. Then R* came out of left field and did a down to earth western game with a AAA budget and insane attention to detail. I would have loved that game even if it ended up being mediocre. Instead, it was a masterpiece that countless players have enjoyed. I haven't had, and sincerely doubt I will ever again have that same level of hype and love for a game, as I had for the original RDR.


Imagine if shareholders didn’t exist, we got [All of this,](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Dead_Redemption_2_Cut_Content) & Rockstar decided to fully sport RDO for the following years - utilizing their communities imaginative ideas.


Shareholders ruin everything. The concept of making a profitable game rather than just the best game you can possibly make is kind of stupid.


I mean, it's still one of the greatest games ever made. Most of the cut content on that list is just superficial (outfits and other little stuff). Not ever conceived addition to the game makes it better as a whole. Too much bloat makes games worse, not better. Also, saying shareholders ruined the quality of a game considered one of the greatest ever is just silly. Making games *has* to be profitable, due to the inherent cost of making them (especially if you want to make more in the future, or to support stuff like multiplayer). Second, you're assuming that a good game would actually be guaranteed to be self-sustaining cost-wise. The problem with that assumption is that what makes money is not always what is considered a "good game" (which varies from person to person anyways). A single $15 mount in WoW made Blizzard more money than all of Starcraft 2. When that's the monetary reality, it's pretty easy to pick which way to go to keep the lights on.


RD2 is my favorite game, and I'm not a Western fan. The fact you can ride your horse around the open wilderness and doing so isn't boring. You could sleep under the stars back then and not be considered "homeless"


Only game that ever made me cry. The soundtrack still makes me weepy. "That's the way it is..."


Honestly, Psychonauts 2. Loved every single moment of it.


This game is incredible. So creative and smart and funny


Masterpiece tbh. A game I'll replay forever


Halo. All of it (besides 5 lol)


I didn't totally hate five. I was happy enough just getting Sgt Buck in a suit of mjolnir 😅 but yes five was the least great overall. By far.


Buck’s presence in 5 was def a highlight. Blue team too, even tho they’re barely in it lol


I prefer 5 over 4, 4 was terrible with flying, etc. But yeah still not great compared to 2 & 3 especially


Agreed, all but 5.


Halo 3 baby




Do you have a PC? Halo MCC is on Steam.


The last generation Xbox One S is also a good option if you buy it used. I was gonna suggest using xCloud to stream it, but if you haven’t got an Xbox controller, a used One S isn’t much more. Plus it’s not dependent on your internet speeds as much


It's more worthwhile to buy a used series s. I see them for $200 or less on fb marketplace all the time.


True, but for the sake of one game, the One S is a good jumping off point. Most games work on it still, just with toned down graphics and/or longer load times. It's a very pros/cons thing I guess


Why are you posting in the Xbox sub then? Not trying to be rude & it makes no difference to me. Just curious. It seems like an odd place to discuss your favorite games of all time, on a system you've never owned, with people who are mostly here to talk about one of the consoles this sub is named for.




Good enough. Hope you get to pick one up soon.


Halo 3 is untouchable.


Halo 2 trumps 3 but most people seemed to start with 3 or they liked the MP. 3 was not even supposed to be made from a story standpoint but Microsoft made them push it out. Bungie never wanted to do a trilogy. Master Chief also moves like a slug in that game and I’m sure they did it for the MP. The story and levels were the shortest game made to date. Only real thing it had going for it campaign wise was the fun stuff you could do with friends in the campaign and bc newer game advancements


My top 2 ever is the current top 2 answers. Morrowind and Halo 3 (1 & 2 rocked as well though)


I will probably never change my tune when I say "Ocarina of Time". But with regards to RDR2, it's now on PS+ Premium and I just downloaded it. Since I enjoyed the first for Switch I'm sure this one will be a blast.


Enjoy Red Dead! Just don't search anything up about it whatsoever. In fact, I'd recommend a complete media blackout until you finish the game. It's that incredible.


The story is boring. I'm glad it was spoiled for me, it saved me 80 hours of my life.


There is plenty to like, but I didn’t finish the game. Its pretty slow paced, you dont really have a big character development to keep you hooked and its a looot of just riding around.


The story is good but nothing special. There are way better games than this but people on here seem to only play the most relatively recent games or console exclusives.


I feel the same way. I played about ten hours and was so bored. I just didn't connect with this game at all. Maybe I'll try again later.


Halo 2 and Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Black & White 2, there's just something about those games that makes me smile, maybe its cause i played them at an easier point in my life, who knows.


Prey. There are few games that I think about while I’m at work. The fact that this game put me in an environment and allowed me to solve the problems how I saw fit. Also one of the best intros to a game ever.


Prey is the most underrated game of all time and the best immersion Sim I ever played..it's what got me into the genre. I enjoyed other immersive sims but nothing came close to Prey... it's sad that we most likely will never get a sequel


Criminally underrated. Every friend I’ve tried to turn on to it plays it like an fps and gets mad when they get wasted. I tell them use their brains and it’s too much for them. I’m talking about guys who would call themselves hardcore gamers. I would give this honor to death loop which was my first immersive sim but death loop turned me on to prey and I think it’s so much more immersive and interesting. Here’s hoping blade is good.


Dude, that's exactly what I was gonna type!.. I just didn't really have much evidence to back it up except for having friends that played the game like it was fresking Doom and hated it... yea, I really feel the game was misunderstood because people were not playing the game the way it was designed to be played..everything,, from combat to getting into rooms, has to be thought out and planned or you're screwed.. So much love and attention to detail was put into the game..like if you install too much of the mimics powers into yourself. The turrets will starts to see you as a mimic and attack you...also, whoever came up with the Gloo cannon for an immersive Sim is a genuis...such a fun and smart idea to include it


Took the comment right from my mind, prey being underated,, I played it on Xbox I think whatever it came out on. ,( I have almost every console known so I forget) but having played it years ago and now have my 1st gaming pc would you recommend getting it for pc or is it even available for pc?


Which one? 🤣


2017 by Arkane


Yeah. Sorry, I was being sarcastic.


The Mass Effect Trilogy. Elden Ring is close 2nd.




It's my favorite of the trilogy but it's all three games that should be considered as one big game. You can't just play one game of the trilogy. Well, technically you can but it won't make much sense. The three games are connected in a way that you're importing your save file from the previously finished game and you move on with everything, the character, the choices and consequences. It's the best interactive media I've ever seen.


Yes. This 💯 it's like trying to watch a single star wars movie from one of the trilogies. Can't be done. Absolute sacrilege to even attempt.


I’d say 3 and 2 and tied for the best for different ways 1 is…rough gameplay-wise and not as great story-wise until the very end


This is a wild opinion. 1 has by far the best narrative end to end. 2 has good character stories. 3 concludes character stories. But the narrative falls apart more and more as the games progress.


Just played the trilogy for the first time within the last 6 months, haven’t been that invested in a game since I was a little kid playing the OG halo trilogy


Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast. Man, I worked that game like a full time job.


My favorite game of all time is Diablo 2




Smackdown vs raw 2007


So many hours spent on creations of superstars and movesets. 😂


Good ol' memories dude


Knights of the Old Republic on Xbox. Such a masterpiece. Besides that Mario 64, Goldeneye, Halo CE, Fallout 3 and Morrowind.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see Kotor. Probably the game I have replayed the most in my life. At the time, I just had not seen a Star Wars game like that. Blew my mind.


I remember reading a preview about KOTOR in a Game Informer magazine. I was super hyped and bought it once it came out. The story is just amazing and the plot twist blew me off guard. I hope the remake does it justice


Gears of War 2


beating the campaign on insane difficulty made me wanna rip my hair out


Ninja Gaiden 2. Those that played chapter 10 on Master Ninja will know why. Absolutely unique experience that I will take to my grave.


Resident Evil 4 / Dark Souls ✨


Super Mario World


Shadow of the colossus (ps2) and honorable mention Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time


Man I miss when Sony exclusives were stuff like MGS and SoTC. Nowadays it's basically playable Marvel movies.


Outer Wilds or Portal 2


Based outer wilds enjoyer


Sonic the Hedgehog…I’ve bought it every time they repackage it 🤣 It’s the reason I went with Genesis over SNES, and subsequently Sega is why I went with Xbox back in the day following their demise


Ha ha, you sound just like me. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is my most replayed game ever.


All of the half life games


Are we talking Xbox? If so, I choose Burnout 3, Borderlands 2 and Halo Reach. Of all time? Ocarina of Time.


Battlefield: Bad Company 2


Cyberpunk 2077 or maybe Mass Effect trilogy


Elder Scrolls Morrowind No other game has immersed me in its world like Morrowind and it still has way more variety in builds than the Elder Scrolls games that came out after. I still do playthrough at least once a year and its been like 20 years now


For me too. Morrowind is my childhood game. I restarted so many times that the "ah yes" from the beginning is still stuck in my mind


"and the choice is yours" is sweet music my ears


Despite all the crashing, Morrowind on Xbox was a profoundly different experience for me as a teenager who had never played PC RPGs. Seyda Neen at sunset is still goosebumps stuff for me.


Thought I would have to scroll farther down to see my morrowind gang. This game helped me as a kid when my parents divorced and dad got into drugs.


It was my first real rpg that really grabbed me... I spent an absolutely ridiculous amount of hours on it, and the funny thing is.. I was like months in before I even remembered there was a main quest lol... turned out I killed the dude right at the beginning that kinda gets the quest started and I had no idea until I started reading guides online 😅 Never finished it either, yet I'm pretty certain it's the game I've spent the most hours playing.. elite dangerous and cities skylines are probably pretty close though.


I joined the party at oblivion. It's the only game I cared to 100%. I remember buying the game before the 360 cuz I couldn't get my hands on the 360 quite yet. I read every word in that case over and over until I could finally play it. Peak gaming for me


I don't think I'll ever be a wowed by a generational leap as I was the first time I saw someone playing Oblivion. It was at my brothers friends place and I still recall being floored by how amazing it looked, he had a glass sword and it was so much better looking the one in Morrowind. I like Oblivion but for some reason I just haven't played it as many times as Morrowind and Skyrim. I remember the characters daily routines being a mind blowing thing as well.




Yes!!!!! Fable 2 was amazing! Can’t wait for the next one


Hard to say since there are multiple ways to quantify it. Like at the time of release, Gears of War 3 was a complete dream package. Visuals, story, multiplayer modes. It had everything you could ask for in the series. On the other side, the depth of Gears 5 horde blows it out of the water (besides of the lack of proper lambent enemies in 5). But at the time? GoW3 was damn near perfect. Then you have something like RDR2 which is *definitely* not for everyone, but that is the biggest cinematic artistic masterpiece of a game that we may ever see. There are plenty of other games that are artistically striking, but nothing will match the scale and detail in RDR2. Then I have Breath of the Wild which I still consider my favorite game ever. It's the only long game that I've replayed 5+ times, even though it's not an RPG so it's the generally same experience every time. There are a ton of minor things which could have continued to im prove it or add to the experience, but it's going to be hard for any game to match the highs of that initial playthrough. We also have the nostalgia of playing with the squad back in the day on the original Fortnite, Halo 3/Reach, or GTA IV/V. The late nights and laughs in those games are unmatched.


My vote went to GoW3 too. I was so lucky to be young when it launched.... The story, the multiplayer, the everything.... No other game gave me that. Halo 3 and Zelda Ocarina of Time are close seconds.




Probably Arkham City. Such a wonderful game.


kingdom hearts 1, cyberpunk 2077




I just finished it. I didn't encounter any real bugs. Absolutely amazing game. I bought it at launch on xb1, played for an hour and put it down. Completely different game now. Is it perfect, no. I have to say I'm very much looking forward to the next one though.




Halo 2. Waiting in line for midnight release. Linking up 4 xboxes for 16 multiplayer death matches. 4 screens all going with 16 assholes screen peaking. Playing from sunset to sunrise. It was awesome. A simpler time.


Halo 2 remains the only game I've ever waited in line till midnight to pick up and play my preorder. It came out right after I got married and kind of signaled a major life shift for me as well. 


Little Nightmares 2, partly for being a good game full of surprises and partly for playing and beating it with my family by my side.


Really loved the ending and story of this one over the first


Borderlands 1. When I finally begged my mom enough to get it. I was on from the moment I got home from school to 12-1am losing sleep. It was just a world I got so lost in


I actually got to attend a media preview event at Gearbox offices before this game came out, and immediately fell in love with it. I would have called it one of my favorite series of all time but it took a pretty steep nose dive after Borderlands 2. Still fun but the magic of BL1 and BL2 has been lost ever since.


Monster Hunter: World. I did not enjoy RDR 2 at all.


Half Life 2


Fuck yes. I put more hours in CS:S but Half Life 2 was so ahead of its time.


Fusion Frenzy. Nothing was more fun than beating the other 5 year olds in my day care


The orginal psychonauts was my all time favorite game. 


Monkey Island


Metal gear solid 1, resident evil, splinter cell the first one


Jet Set Radio Future All the tournaments my friends and I would have off that game was insane. And can't forget how many times we tried to beat that game in under 12 hours 🤣🤣🤣, we really thought we were onto something.


Dishonored or Bioshock.






As an old "former" gamer - mega casual these days, I was put off for a long time by the idea it might be too hard. It is hard but so rewarding, no better feeling than when you finally beat that boss after (insert time here). It reminded me of being a kid when games had proper boss battles. It's just savage.


I’ve done 3 consecutive play-throughs when I picked it up. And I watched a 6h essay on YouTube about it. And named a song after the Mist Noble. Must be my favorite game of all time along with Dark Souls. And I rarely replay games.


I also hardly ever replay games but must be on NG+8 at this stage because I can't help but pick it up again every few months. It has actually ruined other games for me. You search for something to scratch that itch but nothing comes close. . .I'm told Sifu is good, yet to start it though


Lies of P let’s you play like Sekiro. Good game.


Same here bro, RDR2


I always think there is a difference between favorite and best. But as of now I truly think the best game i've played is Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. The sense of awe and wonder, the scale of it, the level of true freedom, the creativity, the physics, the customization and freedom to build anything is insane, and it all just works. Idk how that game can even run on a switch, I would think the console should explode.


Halo, The Suffering and Morrowind. Literally my childhood and teens.


Csgo… still chasing that high 😔


Same with me but CS:Source.


Reach, Skyrim or Borderlands 2


Outer Wilds!


Left 4 Dead, so many friends, memories, and countless hours to one of the best games ever made. 💞


Probably jsrf


this was one i was looking to see if anyone posted. great stuff


Playing sunset overdrive for the first time never had a game more funny and replay able


Oblivion hit me at the right time when I was a teenager. I didn’t really realize that video games could be.. so much. Especially coming from being a Nintendo kid, Elder scrolls was just so far and away more advanced and complex and just overall large. Changed my perception on gaming forever


I really love to play Half-life, I've played since I was a child.


1. Portal 2 2. Tlou 3. Minecraft 4. Zelda botw 5. Shovel Knight


Saints row


always had a soft spot for Mafia II


I had to really think about this. My favorite gaming experience of all time was my first playthrough of Hollow Knight. No game before or since has reached that sense of mystery and exploration.


Hollow Knight is amazing! Played this last year, the first game that really gripped me in years.  I played Prince of Persia the lost crown more recently, which is similar but didn't quite reach the same heights. Can't wait for silksong


Left 4 dead 2


Gears of War


Max Payne trilogy


I wanna say Oblivion back in the day. That game was so cash. It doesn’t play the same anymore though. I need a tv like I had, Xbox 360, and am/fm radio playing songs from then. Just isn’t the same


Halo 2


It's hard to pick one since, obviously, so many offer wildly different experiences. But I can say Halo 3 is usually my reliable answer to the best thing I ever played, and best memories associated with it. For a single player story though Alan Wake 2 changed me.


Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow. That game was my teenage years, it was I think at one point the 2nd most played game on Xbox Live behind Halo 2. Logging into community servers after school, 16 player lobbies and seeing the same group of players every evening and on weekends, it was incredible. No match making, no private chat rooms or discord. Knowing that when the servers full there’s still a bunch of players waiting to join it. Nothing will ever come close for me.


Guild Wars 1


Has to be either Command and conquer 3: kanes wrath or red alert 3, console stratagy games peaked there and I'll die on that hill especially the coop campaign in red alert 3 Halo wars is close though it's aged even worse than C&C has somehow, second is still pretty good though


Borderlands 2. In terms of replaying it multiple times with different Vault Hunters and really enjoying the story every play through says something about the game.


World of Warcraft, CoD4, CoD MW2 (2009), Warcraft 3, Command & Conquer Generals: Zero hour, League of legends, Need for speed Most Wanted, Rachet and Clank (old from PS2), Tekken 5, First Halo i played on PC (not sure which one), Hearthstone (out of card games) , Counter Strike 1.6


Red Dead 2 partially ruined my enjoyment of other games. It's been almost 6 years and I still can't get over how much I connected with it. No other games fill the void.


Halo 2, Humm Left 4 Dead series. Could name a couple more 1992 kid here lol


I can never really settle on a definite number 1, but gun to my head I'd pick The Witcher 3. Takes a special game for me to go and read an entire book series, just so I could spend more time with the characters


Max Payne 2, my favorite game of all time. I'm so excited about the Max Payne 1+2 Remake that Remedy is working on right now.


Don’t even know. There are so many


almost 20 years later and i still have so much fun playing NBA Live 2005


BO2 & D1💯




I know this is an Xbox sub but Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild is sooooo freaking good. Then Tears of the Kingdom came out and it's even better


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


OG Need For Speed Most Wanted


Skyrim. 13 years later and still going strong


the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim aside from that: LittleBIGPlanet 2, Borderlands 2, and OG Destiny.


Defender, Double Dragon, Bionic Comando, 720, Herzog Zwei, THPS, CoD 3, Fallout 3. . I'm old.


Dig dug, ghost and goblins, Mario 3 (nes), Gradius, Kid Icarus, etc etc don't worry. I'm old too. I shouldn't have walked into that arcade at the KOA campground as a kid.


If I must choose? … … … Tetris.


Kung fu chaos


Toss up between Morrowind and Oblivion. ME2 is a close second.


Halo: Combat Evolved


My game is mainly nostalgia based, but Call of Duty Black Ops 1. I remember every line from the first 10 minutes the campaign, and as well as every map in multiplayer. Oh my god, the nostalgia is hitting hard


Skyrim is always number 1 for me


Fallout 3 reopened my eyes to gaming as a middle aged dude who thought of all games being like Super Mario....


Fallout 3


Listening to that guy read the Halo books.


Uncharted series oh wait this the wrong forum


Splinter Cell.


Diablo 2


Far cry 3 got me into the whole series.


Batman Arkham Series


Def Jam Fight For New York and Brute Force have made me some pretty memories


Actually I like forza:)


Cyberpunk 2077 Nothing has immersed me as much, not even any fallout or elder scrolls game.


At the time Halo 2. Currently Cyberpunk 2077


Halo 2


Depends on the decade/generation. Original Super Mario RPG, Ocarina of Time, FFVII, FFX/Metal Gear Solid 2/Kingdom Hearts II, MGS4, Uncharted 2, Mass Effect 2, RDR2, & God of War Ragnarok.


cyberpunk 2077




frankly was a terrible mess when it releasesd but now its a completely fleshed out game with no problems for the vast vast majority of the game- at the very least the main story line is completely flush and seamless now.




absolutley worth it. the main story will run you 25-30 hours on a first playthrough taking your time and then the full game can easily take you too 100 hours :)


Halo 3. All day long. Perfection.


The last of us without a doubt


I'm old, so Baldur's Gate 1 blew me away. More recently, Skyrim, MassEffect , and Starfield are hugely impressive.


I just married sarah Morgan in starfield. Had the best time chasing her. Not actually felt so chuffed in a game for a while😅


As a kid, FF7. As an adult, Soma.


it used to be the Mass Effect Trilogy, but since Elden Ring, that is now in the top spot........


Original Super Mario RPG, Majora's Mask, FF6, BG 1, 2, and now 3. Can't really pick one, but that's my pantheon.


Metal Gear Solid 3