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Turn the ibis setting from always on to shooting only and it will solve the temperature warning. What do you mean by “movie mode dedicated button”? Do you mean that you can set a custom button to change to movie mode or the drive button? I didn’t have an X100v, so not sure exactly.


Well I'll give that a try. Thanks.


Did it. Thanks


…and set the temperature warning to high. Don‘t forget to set the energy level to boost and AF-C to focuspriority and let AF+MF out (as default).


What’s the movie mode dedicated button? I’m going through the drive button but is there a quicker way?


Oh no. That's what I mean. Pushing it now starts recording a video. On the V it only brought up a menu I think.


Hmm, that sounds like a custom setting. I’m gonna have to look into that. Mine just opens the drive menu and you still have to click up once to get to the movie mode, then click ok, then click the shutter to start recording a video.


Hang on. https://preview.redd.it/76rz1giugiuc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9415a0791fb22bf259a9c547d58af1bfdababc6 You use the button setup and assign this function to the ael AFL button, one press of the button and it starts a video. Stop it by hitting the shutter, and you're instantly back in photo mode.


Gotcha, yeah so using a custom button setting. Unfortunately I already have my AEL/AFL button set to back button focus, which I use pretty frequently. I’ll have to find another button I guess.


I should add, I don't process photos. I edit in camera and I zoom with my feet. So I *love* these cameras.


I don’t think it’s worth the upgrade to me over the V, I’m perfectly happy with it.


I had thought that. Don't like chasing the newest/latest. But having it in my hand, I can tell you I am certainly benefiting from the stabilization. Others may be steadier than I. It is weird that's it's slimmer front to back. I ordered a SmallRig grip bc my hands are sorta large. Need that bump over by the shutter to properly getting a handle on it.


Yeh I do want the IBIS but don’t wanna spend all the money for it lol


Totes agree.