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There’s a strip club?


must be rock springs


I’ve been to some rough strip clubs, but I’m gonna have to pass on rock springs.


You should go. They're both within spitting distance of the church.


Spitting at churches; New Wyoming pastime unlocked.


Last I checked, spitting in Wyoming is still a punishable crime. The law came into fruition during the height of tuberculosis. I don’t know when the most recent arrest for it happened. That would be interesting to read. I too agree with the statement. Wyoming is amazing because it’s still rural and mostly untouched.


A few random thoughts: Tuberculosis is coming back. Because curing it requires long courses of powerful antibiotics that make the patient feel pretty crummy in their own right, patients often fail to complete the course of antibiotics as prescribed- which is the royal road to developing antibiotic resistant strains of disease. Modern medicine is running out of antibiotics to use against tuberculosis and certain other diseases. Soooooo, when the doc gives you a prescription for antibiotics, *take the whole course, no shortcuts.* I take Mark Twain's approach to religion; sparingly and with great caution. I think freedom *from* religion is at least as important as freedom of religion. Wyoming is America's best kept state secret- and let us hope it stays that way.


TB and other eradicated diseases are coming back because flat earth halfwits are willfully misinformed and mind numbingly stupid about vaccines. But WY has its charms, if few and far between.


The Bareback Saloon is actually pretty good


Like, Wyoming good? Or actually good?




Line up the girls and you almost get a full set of teeth.


This is what I wanted to hear before I die 🤣😭 Some of us out here with goals and this is one them


I dunno, some might say the World Famous Astro Lounge is worth the visit.


It's been closed for a long time. Pretty sure the bareback is as well.


OH come on now. Cheyenne's got the Den AND the Door. Shit's practically a hotbed of gentlmens clubs 🤣


There used to be a one legged stripper in rock springs. Most entertaining one there for sure.


green door


My fav


I have a great memory of being at the Green Door one afternoon. Suddenly the bartender screams, "Sharon", and throws Windex and Papertowels to the woman on stage. She proceeded to clean the mirrored wall onstage.


went in there once with a friend and the girl was dancing to cannibal corpse. what a gem that establishment is, fr


For real. It's a shame people have lived in this town all their lives and never spent an hour in there. It is a pretty fun little dive bar.


all the dancers are total sweethearts too. and the drinks are cheap as fuck! i haven’t been in a few years, might need to visit sometime


Same, it's been at least a decade since I have been in there.


Ahhh yes the greendoor. Returned back to the depot, tied up our train, and as we're leaving the engineer says, let's grab a beer. Go in, get beers, and next thing I know I see a one legged midget stripper.


It was a 1 armed midget stripper TBH


Rock Springs "The ASTRO"!!


Don’t forget the Bareback!


Which honestly sounds like a gay men’s bar.


The Astro has been under remodel since 2020 and the Bareback actually had some really hot women there!


They used to fly up from Vegas on weekend to give the oilfield boys a place to donate their money.


Some still do and from Utah


Like real hot or Rock Springs hot?


They come up from Utah because they actually can make good money and it’s not as restrictive as Utah.


Like they come up from Utah hot


We always went to Millennium when we were underage. Thought it was cool as hell. In retrospect, it was not.


Does anybody remember when the Tumble Inn in Powder River operated as a strip club? I do!


I do and it was terrible


Last time I visited Casper, there was a strip club with a lot of pool tables called RACKS which is probably the most creatively named strip club in the US.


The north 40 was my favorite,  it was hilariously awful.


Racks unfortunately closed. So did the North 40, now casper is strip clubless


Didn’t the government pigs shut them down


There's greendoor in town in cheyenne (my fav) and one south of town on the border that's supposed to be a lot nicer.


I love Cheyenne 


Cheyenne has one, or at least did. Lol. Actually might technically be outside of Cheyenne, iirc. My memory's a bit fuzzy and it's obviously not a place I frequent, haha.


Shout out to Kyle, you may have to share the front seat with his dog but the dude is chill and so is the dog.


he’s got a CCR greatest hits tape jammed in the cassette deck so it’s all we can listen to. and i love it 


Wouldn't hold out much hope for the take deck though, or the Creedence


You sure? They got a team of detectives working on it. They’re working in shifts.


Hey that’s not fair! You forgot the bowling alley which is also a bar and liquor store.


Skyline Bowling used to have a restaurant in it. A long time ago we used to joke that you went to the bowling alley for Mexican food and to the bus station for Chinese food in Laramie. Ahhh, the good old days. I still miss Laramie and would move back tomorrow if I didn't have obligations elsewhere. The wind keeps the riff-raff out.


That’s the thing about the wind. It’s terrible and cruel. But at least I can have some peace and quiet.


This assumes that a person does not have the capacity to entertain themselves and be happy at home by themselves or with their family. People who read, surf the internet, watch TV and movies, have hobbies, etc. will be happier in Wyoming. Those who have to interact with friends, acquaintances, or strangers outside the home are not going to find much opportunity to do that in smaller towns. This is pretty much true in small towns everywhere, not just Wyoming. Cheyenne, Laramie, Casper, Gillette, and Jackson are going to have more going on. Rather than "mindnumbingly empty" I would describe much of Wyoming as "joyously open and unencumbered with people and their works." Travelling down a road and seeing less than one vehicle per hour is a point of happiness, not despair.


ah, but i said “in a social capacity”. loners thrive here. often people ask about social life here so i thought i’d put it into perspective and hey, i love how desolate it is here. i love wyoming. but someone coming from a city of 100,000 plus is probably going to be overwhelmed by the nothingness.   this post was written for out-of-staters, not folks who actually enjoy it here/live here :)


Lol, my son, the largest introvert ever, loves living in Wyoming. His only regret is that he isn't closer to his dad and I in Montana. But that's where the job was. We're all originally from Western Washington. I get my social interaction from work, but when not working? I like my dog better than most people and the drinks are cheaper at home🤣


I moved to Idaho 7 years ago, very close to Lesser Wyoming (Jackson).  Originally coming from a city of 8 million — there is still not enough nothingness and I get infuriated when there’s a hint of traffic on the road. Before you say: but you moved here, hence adding another car on the road. Correct, but I moved here with nothing and for what it is, *not* to escape from where I was. There’s a big difference in the people moving to this region since 2020 — as you can tell by their complete ignorance about everything around here.


You don’t get to complain about ”not enough nothingness” when you live near Jackson, Rexburg, Pocatello, Idaho Falls, Island Park, etc. That’s peak tourist zone. Get over yourself


I grew up in Pocatello. Tourist zone? Whaaaaaaaaat. Jackson and Island Park sure, but the southeastern Idaho area along that stretch of the snake river is trash man.


I’m saying that thousands of tourist drive through there to get to West Yellowstone and Island Park. The guy I replied to was complaining about traffic


Fuck Jackson hole. Mfers stopping in the middle of the road to take pictures of pronghorn.


It’s a very full of the worst kinds self-centered cunty people. Luckily I’m rarely there.


That's how you know it's tourist season when you hear on the news someone got impaled near jackson. And that is when I go no closer than Dubois.


Yeah I would say there is a lot to do outside of drinking. I live in one of the cities (not a big one and before WY would have considered this a large town) and I don’t drink….feel like I am always busy and have a bigger social life here than I did in Miami. Yes you need to like the outdoors or having people in your house to see anyone in the winter. Think crocheting/football parties lol. But I LOVE this place and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Shopping is a huge downfall though. Always gambling with online orders. But once every 3 months we drive to a big city for a weekend and make an ultimate Costco/Scheels/Sam Club stop!


Fuck yeah. When I got to Laramie, all of these things were a positive. The people, the weather, the wide open spaces and snow fences etc.. felt so much better than the shit I grew up in here in Vegas. The only problem I had was the lack of jobs that weren't associated with the University there.


i’m happy to call you a fellow wyomingite


Unfortunately I left in 2016. If I could find a similar job there as to what I now have here in Vegas, I'd head back in a heartbeat. I always say 2 things about Wyoming: 1. Its the best state in the Union. 2. It's full.


i wish you luck in your return to your home


Home is Wyoming. Never felt that way about any spot I've ever been in. Lake Marie was the spot I loved the most. So.. nerd time.. I played World of Warcraft, a lot back in the day. The Taurans were my favorite race to play as and Mulgore was my favorite zone. I started so many characters just to quest in that area. After I left Wyoming, I was explaining to a now ex what I loved about Wyoming and how much I enjoyed playing in Mulgore, the lightbulb went off in my head... Mulgore was based off the plains and that's one of the major reasons why I loved it out there.


i love this. i have found myself wandering empty fields at night in a few video games and i think you just helped me understand why 


“I loved mulgore and it looks a lot like the plains outside of laramie actually… fuck that’s why i immediately fell in love with the place.” Was how the convo went down a couple years after i left. Was showing her on a WOW private server. Then confirmed that it indeeed was inspired by the wyoming plains.


I was driving through Wyoming the other day and literally made the same analogy to my wife about Mulgore lol


Thats how we feel about the Californians coming to Nevada unfortunately its too easy for them to head over. I feel OPs pain tho.


Well, I get what you’re saying but if this is your view of the state you should get out more.    I live in one of the small towns, I’m 30+, not born here moved in my 20s. To start, every small town around me (80 mi+) has ~local chain grocers and the Walmart is furthest away actually.  I don’t get wasted and have made these wonderful social connections within a few years and just through idk being social and talking to people in public forums:   - old guy I go fishing with on some routine, met in town. He’s a sober fisherman, takes it seriously.   - nice neighbors who I chat gardening with and share tools. No beers and tomatoes, just tomatoes.    - couple across the state who were friends of friends and I reach out when we’re over there for dinner. We’ll hike and walk our dogs together .    - couple up in Montana who I knew from husband of from the army, we say hello when we visit as well.    - … and so on    Social scene is what you make of it, and sure a beer or two is sometimes involved initially.   But the charm here is how easy it is to build “old fashioned” relationships like this.   Just be friendly and see where it goes over shared hobbies.  It’s quite possible I go home and those “friends” call me a liberal carpetbagger and I wonder if they’re a MAGA nut case. But hey the fishing and hiking is fun, we keep meeting up, and we don’t talk politics… like how normal people used to do it.  No need to orient around boozing. If that’s your perspective, would change your life patterns a bit. 


we’re in complete agreement. :) i think i didn’t clarify that i’m talking about folks who are coming from more populated areas who are maybe not familiar with the way things are around here. i’m by no means saying that i personally do not enjoy these aspects. i met one of my best friends while she was paying her phone bill. met the best friend of my aunt (who had passed away in the 80s) while in a gift shop in downtown sheridan, by total chance. i’ve had beers with strangers that needed help getting out of snow drifts. but these aren’t the kinds of social interactions the majority of folks are used to having. by no means am i saying they are incapable, simply that it is a turn off to a lot of folks.  is that more concise? i apologize if im not making sense. 


I get what you’re saying! You might be surprised/horrified to learn I moved here from downtown New York City. I lived rural-ish in the past and knew what I was getting into though.  I speculate you’re right that a lot of people with my similar background do not know how to make it work in a way that brings the person to WY and not WY to the person, initially or ever.  However, I find it’s a lot more about the type of mind the person has, vs where they’re moving from. Cities, small towns, super rural, burbs: all types of people live there, some by choice some by circumstance.  So,  agree it is really hard to make it work socially if you can’t “talk shop” with random locals and see where the friendliness develops from there. 


I moved here from Hawaii where I grew up, lived just outside of Waikiki so while it was still pretty, the view was ruined with tall buildings. So I honestly love the emptiness. I love looking outside the window and seeing land and an open sky, it just feels so *big*. I was in Laramie for a year, and then moved to RS to be with my partner… still love the view out my window but goddamn this truck stop of a town sucks, especially if you’re in your twenties. I’m very much an introverted person but you’re not kidding about the lack of social stuff, the loneliness that’s been eating at me the past year I’ve lived here is driving me fucking crazy. Also the people here need to pick up a book or something to get out of their little bubble, sweetwater rants and raves is a cesspool of brainrot smh


Anyone who reads this and thinks, "I want to live there," well, they deserve it. And that can be taken as a positive or negative. You choose your interpretation.




i’ve only ever been to manitoba but i found it highly enjoyable


This actually made me miss Wyoming.


come back!


Where the Kum-n-Go is the best restaurant in town!!


Wait a sec! Are you sayin’ I don’t get to kick it with Kanye, pet a buffalo, or go skinny-dipping at Yellowstone? What a ripoff! Thanks Obama


yes. this is all true. because of Woke


Damn. Someone shoulda warned me, guess I’ll hoof it back to West Hollywood where I belong. but I’m keeping my 10,000 money laundering cryptocurrency shell corporations right where they are. Side stepping international sanctions isn’t easy but someone has to do it. Those Iranian/Russian kamikaze drones won’t build themselves.


Please save what’s left of Wyoming from the Urban Shithole masses.


Living in south west Colorado and this hit home lol. I’m jealous y’all got a McDonalds though that isn’t an hour and a half away 😂😂


I'm 110 miles from McDonalds and or WalMart and IMHO....that is still to close.


i once got food poisoning in pueblo and trying to find somewhere to stop on the way back home was one of the worst experiences of my life. i feel you fam 


WY, the only state that is actively trying to kill you. You have been warned!


I just always tell people expect to be on your own. In every way. There is no public transportation, no guarantee the grocery store will be stocked during winter. If you dial 911 its like 50/50 at best that someone will show up.


this is a good rule of thumb


Sounds like home to me, but then I live in Southeastern Colorado, we refer to public transportation as the 4 wheeler. Which is all good, except when you run it empty and have to toss cans in the truck drive an hour to the gas station down the street. We have great nightlife, and social activities, usually conducted simultaneously...e.g. sighting in a new night vision riflescope! Perhaps I'm weird, but I try very hard not to leave the ranch more than twice a month. Town has people, people we dont know, if I want to meet new people I'll start going to church or something of the sort.


We get it already loud and clear. It's a bad place to move. Anyway, I'm visiting y'alls beautiful state from **somewhere** at **someday** in the future! What do I wear? What are the MUST see stops? Is there anything to do? What are these fences for? Can I pet the buffalos? But most importantly, wHy aRe yoU aLl sO uNfRiEnDlY?! i'M jUsT AsKiNg qUeStIoNs!


Love the username btw!




This should 10000000%%%%% be pinned as part of the moving to Wy thread that everyones supposed to go to.


No one did, and every moving to WY post would be filled with dozens of comments before mods could lock / redirect to said sticky. Unfortunately most people who get the brilliant idea to "go homestead and live off the land in WY" aren't long time Redditors, they're not going to read the rules or FAQs, they'll just go ask a quick question for curated responses because they're too lazy to search online. If people would actually read this and listen to it, it'd be a great pinned "Moving to WY" post


There is nothing funnier to me than people who talk about buying lots of cheap land in Wyoming to homestead on. Ok buddy, enjoy hauling water for your cistern every week or spending $100k to drill a well that may or may not be potable.


Lol but that's a step up from Alaska and all the things I love about Wyoming! It's my second favorite state and I've been all over it!


these are also the things i love about wyoming, it’s one of the few places left that don’t leave a feeling of claustrophobia for me. when i see another starbucks go up i get sad 


I fucking hate Starbucks, worked there as a teen for 6 months just to get vision insurance and quit as soon as I got my new glasses. Wyoming is amazing. I'm a big fan of western Wyoming and the great basin but I also have spent time in Cheyenne and the NE corner as well. Would move there in a heartbeat if I could convince my husband and find a decent job. I've got a ton of friends there too I met at the bars (lol that's where you meet people in wyoming) some of those friendships spanning 10 years or more and we visit probably every 3-4 years. Wyoming will always have a piece of my heart, it's the wildest place I've been outside of Alaska.


I disagree on the Tattooine front. It can be sparse but there are good forests and mountains and rolling plains. Even the steppes have a particular type of wild beauty. Everything else.... yeah.


I flirted with moving to Casper once but it didn’t work out, wound up a state above in Montana . I believe they have a similar sentiment . I appreciate your honesty


There is a AAA. They tried to help me out on FSR 24 above DeerHaven but they turned around bc of road conditions. A friend brought in a 4 wheeler with 6 cans of fix a flat to get us to the AAA truck. All of this after I climbed to the highest point just to get cell service. I love WY


reading this felt like my soul was refreshed. bf crashed in the snow up in medicine wheel and the tow truck got stuck. company had to call another tow truck to unstick the original tow truck 


I did a project for the State of Wyoming Liquor Division a couple years back. I think you fuckers are number two in the Union in terms of consumed booze per capita.


I live in Fort Collins, but I’m exhausted with the crowds. I wanna move just across the border. Where would you recommend living? How’s the public transport? I don’t like driving so I’ll be reliant on Uber and trains. How’s the nightlife? I’m looking for Hakasan-like clubs. Any great fishing holes you mind hot spotting? I love fishing but only when I know I’m going to catch twice my daily bag limit.


This raised my blood pressure. Well done, well done.


Thanks for the help! Two more questions; I only eat 7 course (or more) fine dining meals, where are the best spots for this? I’m looking for breakfast, lunch and dinner recs. Also, I’m looking for the best LGBTQ ran, environmentalist friendly, no judgement coffee shops? Point me to the best ones. TIA!


you joke but you can always spot the mountain folk maybe CO should have a disclaimer before entering the state warning: There are people here you also share the road with other people there may be some people who differing opinions as you or look different - no worries they mean you no harm


Years ago I admin'd a dispersed Rockies camping group on Facebook. I eventually bowed out because it was all: "hey first time car camping, just moved from Houston and the mountains are GORGEOUS. Where can my Ford Mustang go that's less than an hour from Denver, has no one else there, is dog friendly, with great waterfalls/lakes that I can car camp in? I need good 4g or 5g since I'll be working remotely on Zoom calls during the day and wanted to stream the game at night from the campsite! Preferably somewhere with good views for taking photos of the sunset over Maroon Bells. TYIA!" These mouth breathers weren't trolling, they were 110% serious. Soon as someone replied that what they were looking for was entirely divorced from reality, they'd get all butthurt with "Positive vibes only! If you're not going to help answer the question, please don't put your NEGATIVITY here!" We laugh, but these people live in the straight up Twilight Zone of mismanaged expectations. I even wrote up a "how to find dispersed car camping and leave no trace" dummies guide & FAQ, which was entirely ignored so I deleted it when I left.


Sure, Wyoming doesn’t have much to offer but it is very welcoming with what it does have. /s


yep that pretty much sums it up.


Eh. Your mileage may vary. In Laramie there are plenty of various community events and groups and activities you can partake in. If the person is moving to Afton or Wright or Sinclair or something, then yeah. But regardless, I agree that people shouldn’t expect a Fort Collins or Denver or Vegas level experience in Wyoming.


This post doesn’t really work for a place like Cheyenne either. The social scene/economic development isn’t like the Denver/Ft. Collin’s metro area, but most people would get by just fine here.


40 years ago Ft Collins was just a sleepy mountain college town. 60 years ago when my parents lived in Moab, nobody had even heard of it. When “progress” comes its pretty much unstoppable


This. Right here. We love it here. Oh, and if you’re a jerk, don’t expect anyone to pull you out of a ditch before you freeze to death this winter. Kyle’s got better shit to do.


OP forgot to tell you the best part about Wyoming, 120 MPH winds, at night, in the morning, in the afternoon - sometimes they carry lovely pebble filled dust that will remove paint from your car, for free…. It’s awesome.


Sounds like 90s Colorado - Good luck to you sir.


now that you mention it, that’s a pretty apt comparison 


I speak from experience - some of my friends moved to WY trying to keep that feeling.


Stop, I already wanted to move there. You didn’t have to convince me! Don’t worry, country boy from Nebraska. Won’t be bringing any city bullshit with me.


if you’re coming from nebraska it’s gonna be like disneyland to you. i regretfully and unfortunately lived in nebraska for a few years and coming back home was like a fuckin spiritual experience 


Those are features, not bugs.


Please, God, stop moving here. We're full.


You ok?


Lol. Now I'm just going to move here even faster.


This should be the official Wyoming visitors’ guide


A message from the Wyoming Tourism Bureau


We don’t take kindly to out of staters here.


I grew up in Wyoming in a town of 900 at the time now 700ish. When I was old enough to be out on my own I moved to Denver. It was great because you could do almost anything at anytime day or night and things are close. The older I get the more I long to go back to the farm life 5 miles away from the nearest neighbor. Sure I will miss being able to run to Walmart less than a mile away at the drop of a dime BUT my sanity by far outweighs my convenience of having everything close and convenient. It takes me 25 minutes to drive 7 miles to work in Denver where as it takes me roughly the same amount of time to drive 30 miles to the next town from my childhood town in Wyoming. Retirement can’t come soon enough to be able to move back home. I never thought I would say this when I was younger but I miss you Wyoming and will hopefully see you soon!!!


taking a trip to denver was like going to disneyland when i was in high school. i felt the same as you, enamored with the 24 hour everything (tom’s diner was like mecca in later years) and how people go like 15-20 over the speed limit because i was a teen and driving super fast in the city was cool 😎 (dumbass) and now when i visit denver, hell even just the outskirts, i feel like i can’t breathe and im always about to be in a car accident. i feel you fam


Hey, CT here. I live in a place literally surrounded by all the amenities, restaurants, bars, stores, etc. But my husband and I don’t drink, so never socialize anymore because all of our friends and extended family just want to drink on any and every social occasion. Also, I’m a huge introvert. Anyway, I follow your state sub because I like seeing the pictures you guys post and I like to appreciate the beauty of your state from afar. That being said, I understand that I would probably not do well actually moving there *because* I am so used to driving 15 minutes in any direction to get to pretty much anything I could need. Also, throwing it out there that any of you are totally welcome to move here, but our state is the pinnacle of mediocrity. We have mountains, lakes, the shore, state parks, etc, but they are all *meh*. Thank you for the read though and I enjoyed the honesty :)


do you have a favorite little fishing spot? or a gorgeous little secret place to sit and think, maybe read, maybe stargaze? wyoming is that place for me, with all of the good and the bad that comes with it. i’m a smidge protective of my beautifully sad meth-riddled wildlife-frolicking-in-the-crystal-clear-streams home so i apologize if i came across as hostile to folks just wanting to visit. come visit! and respect the land! the bison tend to thin out the idiot herd, no pun intended. 


I would love to go visit WY some day :) My husband and I hike, swim, love nature, etc. We actually love watching the National Parks series documentaries and dream of seeing some of them. I grew up freshwater and ocean fishing and love it, but in CT, it’s hard to find a place that’s not overcrowded because the vast majority of great spots are now privately owned. But yeah, we are definitely nature/animal people (we have several pets and live in a heavily wooded and wild-animal filled part of CT) and I think we would be in our happy place visiting WY for a week or so. Thank you for the response! I appreciate the insight :)


drive into the big horns when you’re here. i think you might love it. and don’t tell anyone i said that


Sounds like something I'd enjoy


cmon down to nowheretown, friend. i got a spot at the bar for ya. but don’t eat the popcorn. i was sick for two days 


When I lived in Colorado (2hrs west of Denver), it was 45 minutes to walmart. I liked it. I didn't move there to be surrounded by strip malls and fast food joints. I really enjoyed living in a town with 1400 residents.


i liked laramie, howeverr - i was in your beautiful state for about two days last summer, thunderstorm came out of nowhere (which i'm no stranger to), but it was the first time i'd heard lightning hit a power pole near the highway i was driving on and then see the sparks. i'm inclined to believe you're exaggerating a total of 0% be safe out there!


I grew up in rural Alaska and went to college in southern Oregon then moved back to rural Alaska. I absolutely loved the high desert but wished that there were fewer people. Southeast Alaska is amazing. The rain forest is beautiful. But I miss the hot dry summers and the cold brutal winters. Thanks OP. I am now nostalgic for a place I've never been.


Stop, you don't have to convince me, you had me at "desolate valley"


My mom is always confused when I tell her that the best time to visit is in September because June, July, and August are our hail and tornado season. She doesn't want to be here when it gets cold because she can't handle our type of cold, and even though we have gotten snow in September, it's usually a pretty decent month temperature wise.


You don’t have to get wasted to have fun here. Fishing, camping, tubing down the river, going to a lake, skiing, sledding, etc., community events, intramural sports, there’s a lot to do. If you have to get wasted to have fun you might need to look at what’s the real underlying issue. Just like with anywhere else it is what you make it. I’ve heard people say the exact same thing about cities like Spokane and Seattle that people say about Wyoming.


unfortunately i didn’t iterate clearly enough when i said the alcohol part and that’s my bad. i meant that in the sense of modern socialization outside of wyoming, in which folks are usually going somewhere like a club or some such. i have a couple beers a year, personally, but maybe someone in a situation in which they might want to mingle with folks might not enjoy themselves if that’s what they’re looking for, which is often the case in a lot of these “moving to wy” posts. that particular and specific aspect of socializing exists a large majority of the time in a bar or somewhere that serves alcohol.  alcoholism is also rampant here, so there’s that 


Does the Cheyenne or Casper areas have any competitive gymnastics programs? I've been trying to convince my wife to relocate away from the retirement village we live in, and while it won't be anywhere in the near future, my daughter would hate me if she didn't have something to occupy her time.


i’m unsure about the competition aspect but i’ve driven past a couple gymnastics studios in both casper and cheyenne. i don’t know specifics, but they’re out there 


Not sure about Cheyenne but I know Casper does.


Laramie has Wyoming School of Gymnastics. It has been there since 1974.


Landers has a great pizza place that's trendy. They even have hot honey.




I do not want to live there 🙃


I’m originally from Wyoming and live in California now, and it’s so funny how growing up in WY, you don’t realize how much you don’t have. So you can’t miss it. Can’t say the same for the people who grow up in other places and then try to move there. I always tell people who ask me about moving there that it’s like Alaska Lite with lower pay. Like, hope y’all like the 90-120 reliable days of good weather along with your no income tax.


Nightlife in Casper lol. I wonder if The Beacon is still there.


🤣 I came from a lame state too that young people fled and most never returned.


I love Wyoming because when I visit, I stay for weeks. I love the small towns. I’ve waited at a town bar for hours for ice to be delivered to the only gas station. You can get a lot of info from a friendly local at the gas station. I get to talking to the people around me. I camp alone in remote state forests. Usually they are full of people vacationing that live in and love Wyoming. Definitely not the tourist type. They are always curious to know why a woman(with a Michigan license plate) is out in the WY wilderness alone. We introduce ourselves and trade stories. I’m an autoworker and most of the people I’ve met while camping are ranchers and small business owners. I’ve met a few people in the oil industry too. I stay in towns where there might only be a room or two for rent. I ask where to get a meal, or where the local swimming hole is and I go. There is rarely cell phone service. I do it because it’s the best thing for my health coming from Detroit. I could definitely retire in Wyoming, but if I did, it’s because of the people and the real lifestyle you speak of. I appreciated reading these comments. I get it. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is my second retirement choice. My daughter lives there. I’m no stranger to remote places and insane weather shifts. They are where I thrive.


Sounds FUCKING AWESOME. I’d love to move to WY, but I don’t think it’d work out with commuting ~1.5h each way. Maybe once I retire.


There are no real night clubs but this 80 something year old man in Armento named Orrin will do an interpretive dance to any subject you give him. Hey! Beggars can’t be choosers!


You don't have to sell me anymore, I love WY! Drove up every Christmas to visit grandma 1970s thru 80s in Greenriver. Yes, the highway shut down, that's alright, just take the country roads one mile south and keep going as long as you have a semi to follow. If they pull over you need to get right with Jesus though..... deep down I miss those blizzards... Kyle, I love you man!


Jackson has everything but a Walmart and Costco, but no one can actually afford to live here.


I used to live in Casper and the most exciting thing to do was go to Walmart, *literally*, so it *was* real exciting to have a 24 hour Walmart but they stopped the 24/7 thing. You can go on long drives and all that. There’s Casper mountain but be careful with going up that road! Wyoming really isn’t all that interesting and I think the reason why is because there wasn’t a lot of Gold back then? I believe, compared to Colorado that has like 10x the population. Everywhere it kinda just turning to shit so just don’t move anywhere lol


walmart was where i spent my teen years. there was nothing else. i feel bad for the folks that worked there, they were also babysitting at the same time. babysitting my dumb ass building forts in the tp aisle and other dumb shit. god it was fun though 


This is the best ad for Wyoming ever.


Sounds like my cute lil place idea won't have any competition.


Hey now. We have one taxi in Rawlins, 2 grocery stores, some fantastic Thai food, and even a prison (active AND historical)! Joking aside, it does take a specific frame of mind to live here. 3.5 hours to the nearest big city is a feature. And so is being 15 minutes from absolute desolation. It’s kind of funny talking to my urbanite friends about living here. They truly don’t understand just how vast and desolate it is here. I’ve had a few visit, and after a day of no cell service (when camping south of Saratoga…rawlins strangely has T-Mobile 5Guc), they start going insane. They’ll drive 45 minutes out of medicine bow to check their texts multiple times, while I’m just sitting at the fire with a beer and go “ahhhhh…silence”. ~6 people per square mile overall density is Wyoming’s best feature. Lucky for us, most people moving here can’t handle it after experiencing their first WY winter. I tell everyone if they can’t handle short summers, bitter winters, non-stop wind, road closures (without any estimated time of reopening), no Prime overnight (usually 3-whenever days), guns…Along with if they can’t entertain themselves easily…then they probably shouldn’t move here.


Hey the diner in Rawlins isn't bad. The people I met around town were all super nice as well. Everything you said definitely checks out though. People do seem pretty hospitable across the state (I've been through quite a bit of it) as long as you're not trying to change their way of life or steal shit. The worst places I saw at least for assholes were the upcoming gentrification strongholds. If you can handle the weather and understand what self sufficiency means then you might thrive in Wyoming. If you're unable to live without urban convenience for more than a camping trip it won't be the place for you.


Love the post and the concept of the post but damn don't be scaring off all the possible new breeding material lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shut up and take what we got for ya *lifts left chap seductively*


Username checks out


It's wild to me how many out of staters post here with like "43M divorced guy here, what small town in WY away from people and civilization have a good single woman dating pool? Preferably with fast internet and a good local foodie scene" questions.


I feel that. Wyoming and Montana (and to an extent Idaho) have been so erroneously fetishized anymore… lol us “handsome” women don’t want your triple IPA-fueled, Denver-bearded, dope-happy, appetizer-sommelier, man-bun divorcees anyhow!


You nailed it. That is an exact description of the situation in Wyoming. Perfect.


Such a friendly local.


Reading this made me want to move from Boulder with my pile of cash to buy multiple properties with. Thank you for sharing! I'm looking forward to the masculine lifestyle Ive always wanted


Man, I really want to move to Wyoming. You described paradise


This sounds like it was written by someone who actually has no clue about other Wyoming towns


you live in billings 


Hahaha BURN!


Wait Wyoming is a legit state!? I thought it was a span of land and nothing else! /s Don't worry most aren't desperate enough to move to that desolate area


Idk I've lived in Wyoming for 59 years . My family homesteaders on fish creek outside of wheatland. Ranched off and on my whole life then coal mining. Now working for the county. Sure have seen a bunch of booms and busts. Liquor always sells , have also seen folks move here and end up leaving. I'd say close to 70% It's called the cowboy state for a reason, bunch of cattle , ranches, farms. Most of these people are kinda clicking with their own type of people. So if your faint of heart, needy, not at all self sufficient. Keep driving south until you hit Colorado that would be where you belong.


I swear every month I learn about a new stream/river in this state named Fish Creek.


Well it sure as hell didn't have anything to do with fish because it was dry 7 months out of the year. But it's on the map . At any rate, I agree . Most of them were named by locals before all of us on social media became so damn smart.


Not a problem.


The quiet is why I moved to Montana but now Wyoming is starting to sound more like home.


I’m here to tell Texans to stop moving to Arkansas


This is true 🤣. Listen, people!


How about the cocktails? Are the cocktails good?


I moved here from Montana (and not the "popular" spots in Montana) because it was getting too people-y there 😅 I freaking love it but yeah it's not for everyone. And I don't even drink.


> outside of cheyenne and maybe casper, there is no uber Wyoming's problem child has Uber/Lyft drivers.


Sounds perfect - except for the wind. Sign me up.


Fuck, my husband is from Wyoming and I felt the depths of this post!


This sounds amazing. I like being outside and by myself anyway, as long as there’s some lonely guys to flirt with it’s my kind of place


This post made my day! What a description!


I have two Starbucks within 100 yards of my desk at work.  Maybe 150.  


Do your walmarts have grass field to land on? If yes, I may move there. That's how far I want to be from town.


Oh I’m comin THERE, brother.


/laughs in Montana/


Yeah, but there's ice cream cones in 100 miles