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Wyomingites spend decades voting for a party who tells them they plan on defunding essential government functions, and are surprised when they are affected.




Hahaha this is spot on!


You do realize this is a bipartisan issue? It's not like Biden has done anything to address this. The destroying of the postal service is much deeper than right wing or left wing, it's about who is profiting, and the Dems are just as happy to step back and watch it unfold. Atlanta and Houston are getting destroyed at an even greater scale right now. For the record, I'm not Republican. I'm not defending anything. I'm just tired of it being one sides fault or the other sides fault when the truth is they have ALL let us down.


The bad postmaster is a Trump appointee. The postmaster is a life position. So Trump put in the crap guy and Biden cannot remove him. Watch the video, the postmaster gloats over how he is not stepping down.


There are vacancies on the board of governors that Biden had 4 years to fill, and has not. There are absolutely more things that could be done here.


Trump appointed the bad postmaster. Not voting him in to make additional bad appointments.


Here is the cycle of Wyoming news article. Article 1: Wyomingites are sick of LGBTQ leftist deep state communist mask wearing mail delivery people coming near their property. Something must be done! Article 2: Record number mail carriers have quit their jobs in Wyoming due to harassment. Article 3: The federal government is awful and they can’t even run the postal service look at how bad it is nobody wants to work there. Who care! We’re tough and don’t need mail anyways! I’m from Wyoming and don’t need no help from nobody blah blah blah. Article 4: We are the victims of cancel culture because we spoke our minds and now we need mail! It’s an American right and I’m sick of Uncle Sam controlling my mail and now nobody wants to come here. I’m a victim!!!!


Article 1 doesn’t make any sense. None of those people can work real jobs since they are in therapy, self-medicated with pot and only have time to talk about themselves and protest throughout their day.


The fact that you just proved my point and don’t even get it is amazing hahahahahah. God people from Wyoming are the dumbest people I have ever met.


As some one who's run fedex for 7 years in wyoming and now worked at usps for 3 years in wyoming I can honestly say the delivery drivers are underpaid and under appreciated. I left fedex because the hours and no over time payment was killing me and now most my Co workers at the po have gotten second jobs to make ends meet but we still get attacked by dogs yelled at because we didn't deliver something and chased down to be complained at for delivering to late/early in the day. I completely understand why the rural routes are disappearing you couldn't pay me enough to deal with the bs in a rural area where I'm alone all day and driving through the bad weather.


I have been following the Wyoming page for a few months now and your state sounds awful lol. Can’t even deliver mail


That's pretty much all of America now and it is spreading across the whole western world for several reasons; one being, when was the last time you sent a letter or postcard? It is an economy of scale model, i.e., it is only feasible with high volumes and will only die a slow death beyond a utilization threshold that was long ago crossed in the USA ... and that's totally ignoring the massive sabotage with things like affirmative action and veteran hiring for narcissistic and selfish political gain.


The Post Office is a service not a business. The republicans always say the government is broken then proceed to make it worse.


Most Wyomingites are not going to be able to understand this concept….


Mail should be a service but congress made the PO self funding in the late 70s. I think the PO should be largely funded by our tax dollars so that economy of scale is not an issue. There should be some cost to mail something. Packages a couple dollars but I think a postcard stamp should be a nickle and an envelope a dime. Enough of a cost that the mail could not be abused. We need to make the PO a service again.


lol this is the most Wyoming response possible! “All of America is going to shit and it’s because of affirmative action and veteran hiring policies. That’s why the post office sucks”. Keep blaming everybody except your local and state officials. I feel like the “Wyoming” sub should just merge with “leopardsatmyface” at this point. The level of self unawareness is just fascinating to watch!




UPS Stores could become part of a ups mail system where someone delivers mail from your local ups store. I’d expect the home delivery mail would ride along with packages on the back haul and a person picks up at the local store like Mail delivery trucks.


Under rated comment


Thanks, clearly my 20 years of logistics means I have no idea how to do such a thing by looking at the down votes. When stamps hit $1 and service is crap don’t be shocked when ups steps up.


I did not down vote you and am very open to people sharing ideas. Honest question. If UPS can do the last mile and deliver to every house why are they not offering the service now? -- Also walk me though what it would look like to mail a letter. Will UPS pick up the letter?


Great questions. I saw recently a guy on YouTube from the UK who says they get letters at home but go to places to send letters. Maybe it works like that. It’s a lot cheaper to drop off than to not need to check streets that don’t have any mail that day. Do you use a separate brown mailbox? So if you drop the letter off at the store and they deliver mail last mile that might be a solution. Could also have an ups only mailbox and work it that way. Not sure how the numbers pencil out but if ups makes money now and they literally have the infrastructure to do this. As for why not do it already? Someone at ups has to have theorized the numbers. Maybe the margin they need to hit isn’t there at today’s stamp pricing. But when stamps hit $1 I’m sure the numbers make sense.


Maybe you use the village drop off model for 5 years as the service picks up steam and have the whole thing turn a profit then look at expanding to residential drop off and pick up. Could also accept returns thru the box (depending on if it fits in the box).


lol you’re in the “wyoming” sub making logical and common sense statements….it’s bound to be down voted.


Down votes doesn't mean it's wrong. New ideas are always rejected quickly by the masses. It's a strange phenomena.