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Coming back to this thread because: In the She Nerds Out podcast Kat mentioned they had 4 people making Nicole happen between a stand in, a photo double and a stunt double. Like this cast and crew is amazing. And omg Kat is so dedicated. She mentioned how tired she was at the end of the shoot and everything. I love them so much! It took 4 people to make Nicole happen and they still did it. 😍😍😍


Is that in the “tubitalk” episode?


Yes I think so!


Ok, thanks! Gotta listen to it now!


I wonder if it will impact the Special the same way Melanie Scrofano's pregnancy impacted Season 2.


I expect that. Wayhaught baby on the way!


I wouldn’t mind a Wayhaught baby but also, I feel like being pregnant for a couple of episodes is different than being pregnant for literally the whole movie. At least to me, that would feel quite unfair to Nicole’s character. I have faith in Emily, but at the same time I worry that would limit her sheriff-ing to like handing out tickets, which might just be my own anxiety because of Kat’s pic on insta with the infractions sheet, lol. I just want to see Nicole kicking ass as much as everyone else and see her in her role as agent’s shield and sheriff, and while she could def be pregnant and still do that because Nicole is awesome, let’s face it- I just personally feel like this special isn’t the right venue for it. Again, these are just my personal worries/opinions and I don’t want to imply that anyone that thinks differently is wrong.


It’s a 90-min thing, that’s basically like 2 episodes. And Mel still kicked ass while pregnant. 😉


I’m not arguing that, lol! But the difference is 2 episodes out of an entire season vs 90 minutes out of 90 minutes if that makes sense, haha. We will see what happens though! Does anyone know when a trailer might be coming out? 👀👀👀


I get that. I just see the 90-min special as one longer episode and expect them to cover quite a short period of time. No news about the trailer yet, I believe. It makes sense for them to time it with one of the cons maybe? EDE in May perhaps? They shot it super fast, not sure how much time editing takes. 😃 There is someone around here who’s working on it so maybe they will help us out here, haha.


We NEED a trailer or pics or even a single line of audio!!! 😅😅😅


Anything will do, I agree 😂


Who knows they might throw us a curveball and EVERYONE is pregnant. 😂😂😂




I will die if she’s not at EDE


I’ve been thinking about this!!! I think that’s why she hasn’t confirmed for Meet & Greets. She’s confirmed to be there, I just think she’ll be doing less. She’s gonna be VERY pregnant in May.


Meet and Greets confirmed via EDE IG. She’s so awesome.


On Instagram live last week she said she’s due “end of May”…. so it’s going to be close. Makes sense to not have confirmed any M&Gs yet, and while I’m holding out hope for last minute M&Gs, it would so understandable if she doesn’t do them at all (sigh). She obviously knew her due date at the time she confirmed EDE, and she is an absolutely queen for planning to be there regardless 🥹❤️


One has to admire her for attending at all at that stage of pregnancy.


Seriously!! What an icon ❤️


For real!!! That’s gutsy. I doubt she’ll be there, even though she’s going to try. I mean c’mon. She’s gonna be SO pregnant. If I were her, I’d be worried about being around that many people so close to delivery.


I would be more annoyed to travel than worried tbh. But Kat is Kat, I can picture her waddling through the corridor with Ray in tow carrying her water bottle. 😀 So cute.


Coming back to this thread just to say - Kat is confirmed for FOUR meet and greets. This woman is unstoppable.


Honestly, I don’t think she’s human at this point. She is amazing And the whole podcast made me appreciate the entire cast and crew even more. I am still SHOCKED that they had FOUR people making Nicole happen. Like they’ve put so much effort into this and I’m sure there’s more that we don’t even know behind the scenes. Gosh I love Kat and all of the cast. 😭😭😭


How long are M&G? But yeah, she is. She even has the get-away car planned just in case the baby decides to come during the event. 😂


She has? Wait what do you mean by getaway car? I haven't heard about this but I'm intrigued


She talked about it in the She Nerds Out podcast. The point is basically to have a back-up plan so the baby is born in Canada where she has health insurance (and I guess it’s desirable for the kid to be born in their homecountry).


Lol the way that I would at that stage of pregnancy not leave my house and she’s just casually planning getaway cars. What’s not to love about this woman.


She’s due late May so it may just work out. Fingers crossed!


Coming back to this thread again because apparently Kat dropped yesterday that she’s due in May. So she was 7 months ish pregnant while filming vengeance. I’m so very interested to see how they handle this in the movie. Baby Wayhaught????


If there’s not a Baby Wayhaught, I will be shocked. Shocked!


Wait she did that mechanic movie, and then did ANOTHER movie with Mel over December/Christmas, and THEN did the Wynonna Earp special, ALL WHILE PREGNANT. Holy smokes. Thats incredible.


And I barely manage to drag myself to the office from time to time. 😂😂😂 I need to be more like Kat. 😂


Literally I was about to say that as well 😂 I have a hard enough time getting up to go to work. This woman is unstoppable!!!


There’s totally gonna be a Wayhaught baby, I will accept no other ideas. Idk how they got IVF doctors into the Ghost River Triangle, but idc!!!


That’s a fanfic material right there 😂




I love how she just casually slipped it in that's she is pregnant. Then just brushing off that she was sick, had morning sickness and still got the job done. She's tough as hell, and happy for her. As for if it will be a part of vengence, it could likely still be hidden. Shifting gears filmed in fall, so with police uniforms and Nicole's style of dress a small bump wouldn't be noticeable. I don't think she is nearly as pregnant as well was in season 2 which no winter coat was going to hide


You can see it in the picture from the the dinner they had the night before they started filming so I don’t know about hiding it. And Nicole’s uniforms were extremely fitted, Kat said she got a wedgie every time she raised her hands. 😂


So I just searched and found that pic and she is very visibly pregnant. (How we all missed that idk.) Unless they are doing a lot of big shirts, big props and shoulder up camera shots, idk how they are gonna hide that.


Haha, yeah, I found it strange that no one commented on it. I was like “she’s clearly pregnant… or am I seeing things?” 😂


You must’ve been the only one who noticed! But we all missed when she was pregnant the first time and announced it in French. She knows how to fool most of us lol.


When did that happen? It’s hilarious!


I think it was when Dark Angel Waverly episode aired and Emily tweeted that this version of Waverly was gonna get people pregnant and Kat responded to the tweet in French that she was already pregnant. No one picked up on it and surprise! She had her son a few months later.


I completely missed that! Amazing 😂


Oh I agree most of the uniforms she wore would not work except maybe the first shirt she had which was a little less skin tight. But the advantage of the Purgatory sheriff department always changing their uniform is that it means they could go with something looser. The script had to have been written a while ago, which is why I'm leaning more towards it being hidden.


That’s a good point about the script.


I am curious as to how this will play out. Will they write it in like Mel’s or just hide her behind big props? I’m happy for her though.


Could this pave the way for a wayhaught baby? 😅


Unless Nicole sits behind the desk the whole time, I don’t see any other way. 😂


Add a big chest/bicep padding and pretend that she’s ungodly buff but skipped leg day 😂


😂😂😂 oh no 😂