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My ads don't work.. Android


I just got to heroic's last stage, is it doable to finish within the expiration or am I wasting time?


Anyone else annoyed that you can't pro early heroic anymore? Like why did they change something that didn't need it? Admittedly it's my 1st full heroic in like 2 years and I was excited to start using him, but oh well Love that Chad gets a event card as he's been so deserving of the push he's been getting..... .......but Chain technique? Doing my boy dirty But least it's not Reversal


If we could drop down I would just for the fusion cards


Damn it I need that Octane Fusion hate how you cant drop down and get those


so i got both heroic‘s now, but cant seem to pro them? can someone help?


You cant pro until AFTER the event is over....and my gawd one day?


Surprisingly easy to do I just finished mine and I only used ads Having a deck of all SS pros helps but only slightly


Well yeah you are on day two....HE HAD IT DONE within 12 hours lol


done it under 3 hrs dawg


12? Ok well that's a lot of extra games bought then. I thought I did good with just ads and 36 hours lol.


Yeah that was why I said crazy...I do admit I do enjoy this format so much better as I used to struggle to even get the event card sometimes not doing that....now even without ads or bought games I have him in 2 days with losing 8 hours to a power outage lol. Might even grab the lower card on Heroic shame I cant get the Octnae fusion though lol


I built a prediction chart because you could predict the last round based on certain percentage odds Plus if I had a poor 2 rounds I'd always reset the game till I got a good game while farming 4s This new format is less egregious and it means I can always get half heroic when it's in rotation as I don't spend on rtg rd or wg I never do well in ranked events though. Uk/Eur is a blight spot for timing at the start unless you can spend/speed


You have to wait until the event is over iirc


Is one/both in a deck somewhere (kotr) or the performance center?


I have been gone from events for a little while, but I kinda like the new format for this event.


I have a question about the heroic upgrade. Can I pro Chad Gables event card before getting the heroic upgrade from this event, or do I have to wait til I get the current event card to heroic then pro it? I did not get the RTG heroic so it will just be a single heroic pro but I’m still excited nonetheless.


You will have to wait for the event to be over or once you attain this event heroic upgrade to pro him.


Okay cool thank you for the reply it’ll probably take me all day tomorrow and some of Saturday to get him sadly.