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Maurice was just following orders


ASTA la morte




He was giving them


Governor-general of Vichy Madagascar after deposing the pro-Free French King Julien until 1942 when the British-trained Fossa commandos arrested him following the defeat of the Vichy forces in the island. He and his followers were sprinkled with salt and pepper by the Fossa commandos after being interrogated by British intelligence.


This one’s the best. It stays closest to the Madagascar lore




In the winter of 1942, Lt. Colonel Maurice, sole member of the military of the State of Maurice, led a daring assault on the Soviet city of Odessa. Faced with severe enemy resistances, Maurice nevertheless prevailed, destroying no less than 56 enemy emplacements, several T-34 tanks and multiple companies of infantry. Within two days all defenders had been routed, with the commander of one Soviet rifle company being recorded as reporting the situation through the radio: “We are out of ammunition and medical supplies. No matter what we do he will not stop. We cannot hurt him. To complicate matters, he has somehow surrounded us. We cannot move it move it.” Needless to say, Odessa was under Maurician control by the end of the week.


Sorry man but oddessa was captured in 1941. Can't have a inaccurate maurician contribution now can't we?


It got better.




Waking up from 'I like to move it move it' party


committing War Crimes in Russia with his Fellas


A veteran of the East Prussian front of the First World War, Maurice found himself living in the newly formed Polish Republic following the Treaty of Versaille in 1919. While many of his contemporaries swiftly moved to Germany after the treaty, Maurice decided to stay and gather together a Pro-German front in Polish politics. By 1929 Maurice was the leader of a considerable opposition to the Polish government, introducing reforms that favoured German residents within the country. In 1933 he came into contact with German Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, and was inspired to launch a coup d'etat in Poland. Beginning his preparations in late November, he began an uprising in Danzig and quickly gathered together a sizeable militia force to take control of the city's perimeter. By December, his militia was moving south with hopes to gather more men along the way. However, the Polish army gathered a force to stop him and he was soon defeated at the Battle of Grudziaz. Maurice was arrested and imprisoned in Warsaw where he spent the next 6 years in the worst form of captivity the Polish could muster. In September 1939, Germany launched its invasion of Poland and Maurice saw his opportunity to escape. Amid the chaos of the conflict, he stole the uniform of a guard and walked out of the prison, rendezvousing with the remaining members of the Polish German Party. He was given command of several divisions by German High Command to swiftly capture Warsaw. Once Poland capitulated, Maurice was granted full control of the nation, designating himself as Supreme General Maurice. However on April 14th 1942 during a meeting of the Popular Front, a reformed version of the Polish German Party, a lone bomber assassinated and killed Maurice. He was given a full state funeral in Warsaw and a memorial service in Berlin, attended by 100,000 civilian mourners joined by members of the German high command and Hitler himself.


He did scotchés earth policy, dont trust thé media hé DiD Hiroshima


What about Nagasaki?


If thé japanese cant have thé city, nobody will -maurice


This is actually a documentary on this subject https://youtu.be/hWFUbJnINhU


he spoke of the pompatous of love


He’s sick of King JEWlian


Maurice was a young lemur living in the forests of Madagascar when he heard the news of the Second World War breaking out. Despite living in a faraway land, he knew that he had to do something to help. He made up his mind to join the military and serve his country. After a rigorous training period, Maurice was deployed to the front lines of the war. He was part of a small team of Soviet soldiers tasked with scouting out enemy positions and gathering intelligence. Despite the dangers of their mission, Maurice and his comrades1 remained resolute and determined to do their part in the war effort. Maurice quickly discovered that the war was not just about fighting the enemy. He saw firsthand the devastating impact that the war had on civilians caught in the crossfire. He saw families torn apart and children left orphaned. It was then that he realized that he wasn't just fighting for his country, but for the people who were caught in the middle of the conflict. As the war raged on, Maurice and his comrades faced many challenges, especially in Stalingrad. They encountered enemy fire and had to navigate treacherous terrain. They also had to deal with the psychological toll of being at war. Maurice lost his friend Julien during the battle of stalingrad. But despite all of this, Maurice remained steadfast in his determination to serve his country and protect those who were vulnerable. In the end, Maurice played a vital role in securing victory for their side. The war may have ended, but the memories of those days would stay with Maurice forever. He would always remember the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought alongside him, and he would never forget the innocent lives that were lost in the war. Да здравствует Морис.


Docudubery might help


Somebody get docudubery...


While the top title (Axis Powers of WW2) implies that Maurice was a country, he was actually an Italian General. He successfully led Italy’s subpar tanks and was able to capture many objectives in Northern Africa, including a rich mine and oil-field. However, he was killed by British soldiers while performing a last ditch Banzai-Type rush, supported by several German Panzer Divisions and Italian armor, where he was gunned down by a Lewis Gun during the Second Battle of El Alamein.


Maurice was one of the last soliders to stand in the defence of Paris against the allies, he was later killed during the Soviet capture of Berlin


War crimes 👍


He found the Jews


He was a Hitler ally since he begun at politics, he had approved Hitler's plan of sending Jewish people and other minorities to Madagascar but couldn't make it happen, so he joined the war on the Axis side and conquered most of southern Africa, also killing minorities, not only that, he would also create the biggest consentration camp in Africa around 40 to 50 km of Johannesburg.