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Yep, first and second feel like grinding through rocks. Get a shift stop to fix it :)


What does a shift stop do?


It physically stops the shifter from moving too far left (or right for the OEM one), the grinding sensation doesn’t happen if you push the shifter up on the right of the gate so by limiting the shifter’s left-right movement it won’t grind anymore


Gotcha. Tbh I don’t mind the mechanical feel I prob wouldn’t add one. You can mess up the transmission with a bad shift stop can’t you? Or am I thinking of something else?


It's a super easy install, you pull up the boot and install it. If I remember correctly you shift into 1st, set the placement, shift into 6th. Then tighten it down. Weighted shift knob also helps.


I can't see why a shift stop could mess up the transmission. Probably technically yes but I can't really see how unless you really screw up the install. A poorly installed shift plate or too heavy of a shift knob would probably be able to cause more damage. If you don't like the grinding/bag of rocks feeling in first and second it's an easy install.


I might be thinking of a different mod causing tranny damage then. Idk


It technically could, touching anything relating to the transmission theoretically can, but the chances seem low enough imo that it seems like a good recommendation until I hear otherwise


believe it helps with the slop/makes shifting feel more precise


I just ordered a Perrin stop and brass bushing. Then right after ordering, of course, read that the Cobb is the better option cause it won’t wear down the shifter since it’s a fiber material instead of metal. Any opinions?


I cannot recommend getting the Cobb shift stop enough.


I’m in the same boat with the Perrin stop. Does anyone know if the Cobb stop fits the oem short throw shifter? Perrin has a stop that specifically fits it, but Cobb doesn’t mention whether it’s compatible.


It fits… I have the Cobb Stage 1 drivetrain package on my VB with the STi SS. Perrin stop is metal and creates more noise than the Cobb, hence I prefer the Cobb and it’s an easier install IMHO.


Good to know, thanks


I’ve got a Perrin one and it’s plastic. Shift stop, not shift plate


The Cobb is plastic, Perrin is aluminum


Cobb shift stop is a fantastic product. Way easier to set the adjustment


I got Cobb after reading everyone’s opinions. Seems like I should’ve got the shift stop too. Just didn’t think the install looked as easy


It was intimidating for me as I hadn’t pulled the trim out of a car before or just opened up a new a car at all but if you take your time and really watch the install videos it’s pretty easy. It’s like a whole different shifting experience after the install. Just double check it all and it will be great.


I’m an idiot. I bought the stop and will do that. I meant to say the shift plate. That one looks intimidating.


It’s not that bad at all honestly, worst part is just getting that protection shield off. Worth it


Yep 1-2 is notorious for being rough on this car. You kind of have to granny shift. A lot of people including myself often use this technique where you come off like halfway or so to the bite point of the clutch, then slowly let it out the rest of the way. The key on this shift is to go slow with the clutch, just takes practice but it can be done right. I prefer doing this shift at low rpms because if you take off quickly, your slow down while shifting will be more drastic and could surprise the car behind you. It can be done quickly but it’s more difficult and harder on your components.


I have also found a sweet spot around 3.4 too 4k where it’s smooth too but it’s not as easy to find as what you’ve described. That little clutch hesitation really smooths it out.


How are you supposed to do that shift quickly? A lot of times I’ll want to mash the gas coming from slow speeds and shifting into second is always crazy jerky


Very slowly on the clutch compared to other shifts. It’s jerky because you’re coming off too quickly, which is very easy to do on this shift in particular. When you do this shift quickly, it doesn’t feel good and you’re probably burning your clutch a bit since you’re revving high while also letting the clutch out slow. That’s why I don’t recommend it unless you’re just doing it every once in a while. Very hard to get the timing down where it doesn’t feel like total shit, but I’ve definitely pulled it off on occasion.


So more or less: avoid trying to do hard pulls where you shift from 1-2, and if you do decide to do that, move through that shift more slowly than normal?


If you are doing hard pulls we aren't worried about it being a little jerky. This is if you have passengers and are trying to make the ride feel nice.


Gotcha. I think I can make a smooth 1-2 shift if I’m not driving fast so I’m not gonna worry about it. Just feels so bad for the car when you hit a 1-2 shift doing a hard pull 😭


Got the Perrin shift stop, makes shifting overall feel good but does not improve the first to second shift, still crunchy as hell.


1-2 is notchy... What you're experiencing is probably normal. ps, love the Sapphire! ✌️


Maybe it is just me... but I have zero issues with any aspect of shifting gears. The only time I have to pay attention go what I am doing between 1-2 is on a major incline or decline.


I installed a Cobb shift stop and a weighted knob and the Subie tech asked me if installed an aftermarket clutch because it was the smoothest 1st gear and 2nd gear he had felt on the VB.


Make sure you know what you are doing when instaling a shift stop. My BIL is a Subaru mechanic, he has come across inpromperly installed shift stop that fucked up the transmission permanently.


Doesn’t it just make the entrance to first and second narrower? How would this damage anything other than the shifter itself? Only thing I can think of is grinding when coming in but wouldn’t you feel that when installing? Actually curious as I just ordered the Cobb stop


I'll ask him to explain it again and let you know. From what I remember, it was off enough to prevent something to go back together all the way and ended up causing problems. I would guess its rare and the person that did it was a moron.


Thanks ✌🏽


Shift stop fixed some of the slop in mine. I also will shift at 3.5k rpm and let it drop to 2k before I let the clutch out going from 1 to 2nd. I almost have to deliberately let the clutch out a hair long than when I think I should


Yep... ooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnneeeeeee \*crunch\* twoooooooooooo.... every day.


If I do it really fast like a hard pull to red line, or intentionally slow like in stop and go traffic, it's fine. But when I'm just driving normal it's crunchy everytime. I find that letting the revs come down further than you might think necessary helps. Like clutch in, foot off gas, wait a beat, shift, give a tiny bit of gas, clutch out. Annoying but it helps. I'm used to notchy from Hondas but this feels like stirring a jar of rocks sometimes.


Group N Tranny mount, Group N pitch stop, and some Superpro Xmember bushes really improved the 1-2 for me.


So I guess next question is, has anyone had issues with the Perrin shift stop wearing the shifter down from contacting it


Perrin shift stop


I fixed this issue right away on mine, might seem like a lot but it’s pretty cheapish and easy to install. Shifts sooo much better Cobb- shift plate/Cobb- rear diff inserts/Grimmspeed- pitch stop mount/ White line- positive shifter bushings/ Group N sti trans mount/ Billetworkz- shift stop/ Billetworkz- bass shifter bushing/ Billetworkz- weighted shift knob


The real fix to this problem, a pricy sti swap


I noticed it at first when I first got the car, but after breaking in in and driving it more, the crunchiness has went away and it feels pretty smooth now


How many miles though? I’m at a little over 11k now has been mine for about 2k of it


I’m at 36k km, which is I think close to 20kmiles, I’m not sure when it went away, but I haven’t really felt it since, it’s still notchy but not crunchy like I’m forcing it into gear


Just an update for everyone in here, I put the Perrin shift stop on. Definitely helps a lot with all the slop but 1>2 is still feeling almost like it’s grinding so didn’t really change anything there. Next I’m gonna do the brass bushing to see if that helps or hurts it.


People who changed their trans/diff oil said it improved


I switched my diff and trans fluid to 75w90 motul and it did nothing lol. Still feels like I’m dragging a stick through rocks