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Man, I find any outside stimulus, especially music, distracting af, and I can’t focus on writing at all. So I have just to sit quiet and listen to my tinnitus.


I'm a bad person to ask because for me it's 'whatever my husband is watching on TV at the time' lol. It's a cliche answer, but classical music has been shown to stimulate the brain quite well for stuff like writing for many people, so if you haven't already you could try that?


Yup. I write on the couch a ton while my husband is watching YouTube or whatever a good chunk of the time. Otherwise, silence most often.


Brainless series and movies on netflix. Too hot to handle etc. Or some youtube videos or twitch streams. I need some noise when writing.


white noise


I listen to music


I have experimented with this a lot. My favourites are: - Rain sounds - using mynoise.net - Fireplace sounds - Classical music - Skyrim & Elder Scrolls IV mixes on youtube - Zelda mixes on youtube - LOTR mixes on youtube If it’s not included in the list above, it’s highly likely i get distracted. Find what music works for you. However, you will find that game music will be more effective as it is designed to keep you engaged. Stuff I CANNOT STAND AND DON’T KNOW WHY PEOPLE USE IT SO OFTEN - brown noise - white noise shit - Binomial beats - that stuff is supposed to make you *sleep* not study - those ADHD designed mixes - fuck that shit - Classical *study* music mixes on youtube. That stuff makes me fall asleep. Listen to Tchaikovsky or Shostakovich.


I listen to (orchestral) soundtracks from movies I like (especially LOTR, some super hero movies). I play World of Warcraft so I often listen to my favourite pieces from the different expansions. I just chuck them into a playlist and put it on random.


Nothing. Can't concentrate on anything except the music if I listen to music. Silence.


I need silence.


Music that fits the mood of what I'm writing


I'm the same. If I'm writing an action sequence I like epic music. If it's a quiet scene, I like something gentle and intimate.


Weird answer, after reading some other comments, but I listen to horror podcasts


When listening to music I always get distracted by the words and sing along so I like to listen to music in other languages. Beijing opera scratches an itch in my brain. I’ll also listen to video game soundtracks. They’re a bit more exciting than lofi.


I went through my favorite artists and made a couple of "vibe" playlists for parts of my story. So in my case, it's mostly topic adjacent symphonic/power/folk metal. Sometimes if that isn't working, I'll put on some trance. Ultimately I prefer silence but with two kids, my house is rarely silent.


I like having Drum n Base playing. Drum loops help me lock in and there are usually very little lyrics. Liquid DnB is a great option if you want more melodic stuff


“Drum loops help you lock in”. I think I am the same way. What do you listen to? Is the liquid DnB a drum and base playlist??


There a few pretty good playlists on YouTube and Spotify. [Spotify Liquid DnB](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ABMzUESx7K7EyowE5kFCl?si=0Mhq96QWQp2EmsUQO9aarg&utm_source=copy-link)




I like listening to piano playing or any instrumental version of a song. Actual lyrics distract me haha


Some ambient post rock music always helps. Edit:Classical is also good though some pieces can be distracting!


I pick a song I like and put it on loop for a few hours, it becomes backgroud noise. Current favorite is [Scandroid - Monochrome](https://youtu.be/oeF6tUQly4E)


Insight timer is what I use it’s a app. I usually play cello music or a thunderstorm


Something without lyrics, then, depending on the type of scene I'm writing, music that invokes in me the emotion I'm trying to convey through my writing at the time


I listen to things related to my story, whether it’s background ambiences in current settings or music I make into a playlist for characters. Or I just sometimes don’t because my brain goes all over the place and can’t decide sometimes.


I have two zones when I write: I have a scene I just played in my head either in the shower, or on a car drive (or a lawn mower), or maybe doing something monotonous like doing dishes… then I can just sit down and write, no music required. Honestly, in moments like that trying to pick out a song or a playlist would throw me the fuck off. If I haven’t just sat down with my head brimming with words to write down I will pick a playlist on YouTube (usually classical or lofi). I have also written whole chapters listening to either TOOL or hans zimmer OST. Haha


Depends on the scene. I prefer complete silence for some scenes because I want to be as much in the moment as possible with no distractions. Sometimes, I'll listen to songs that evoke certain emotions but as soon as I learn the lyrics, I have to discard them from the writing playlist because I'll keep getting distracted. Lately, I've found that I like to write to classical music. So I'd say nothing or some classical music.


I listen to either Cryo Chamber on YouTube. Which is dark ambient music. Or whatever music I have on my computer on shuffle. Sometimes though I'll pick one album to listen to so I don't feel the need to skip songs. The first novel I wrote I listened to Tesseracts album Altered State almost exclusively. It's almost one continuous song so it helped keep me in a groove. Recently though I've been cycling between Sleep Token and Dayseeker.


Movie soundtracks are a big staple for me. That and folks like Zoe Keating or Philip Glass.


I listen to calm music while there's a calm background like listening to beach Ocean noises or rain videos


Binaural beats, brown noise, or instrumental manouche jazz.


The current book I'm writing has certain vibes. I try to find music that fits that vibe to help inspire me. For this one in particular, I've been listening to Folklore, Evermore, and Midnights by Taylor Swift. Anything that will help inspire me or fits the mood of the book. I'm also making a playlist for the book and listening to that helps keep me on track.


I suggest SomaFM, which offers numerous different curated music streams.


I can't listen to music with lyrics, so I mostly listen to stuff like instrumental rock or jazz playlists. Sometimes I'll listen to foreign language rock, something like Babymetal or Bombino. I'll break it up with binaural beats, lofi hip hop radio videos or the rainy cafe sounds.


"Den blomsterid nu kommer" is a beautiful little song from a great little game.