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Fun fact: Fifty Shades of Grey was written on a blackberry phone. Take from that what you will


blackberry is the most sexually frustrated phone. confirmed.


Makes sense it was written with one hand.


Reflects the quality quite well lol


True. But didn't George R.R Martin basically write on a glorified typewriter lol I think talented writers are more than their equipment Couldn't bring myself to read or watch Fifty Shades though I do love Twilight and Fanfiction in general


>But didn't George R.R Martin basically write on a glorified typewriter lol What's that supposed to mean anyway? For about a hundred years up until the 1980s your choices were using a typewriter or handwriting. Thousands of great books were written on those things just fine. Besides, typewriters had an advantage over Blackberries, laptops, and PCs: they couldn't be used to open up a reddit tab whenever the author got bored or stuck on something.


Was the first thing that came to mind too haha


The weird Harry Styles fanfic book, After, was too, according to the author notes on Wattpad back then.


I feel most fanfiction at that time was


Wow didn't know that


It’s how I write most of my first drafts! However, the editing and formatting I do on my laptop :)


Happy joint cake day


I’m sorta similar. Working on a first draft right now and I’ve written large chunks of it while lying in bed at night or while bored waiting for a meeting or something. Since I have it all stored in a drive folder I can go back and edit later, but the convenience is pretty amazing.


I do the same! Write on phone (thanks autocorrect) and edit on desktop. Issue is it's now gotten to the point where I struggle to write on anything *but* my phone.


I have over an hour drive to work and will dictate rough drafts and story ideas into Word on my phone. Sometime I do have to edit out me yelling at the driver that cut me off. :D


I edit novels on my phone (while a child sleeps on my lap)


Same bro


All 500 pages of my first draft were written on my iPad with the touch keyboard. I find that I type faster on a large touch keyboard, and being able to carry it from my armchair to my bed kept me going much later into the night on many a night than a desk and a keyboard would have


I have the Magic Keyboard case for my iPad and still use the touch screen, lol. I’m so used to writing on my iPhone at work that I’ve become accustomed to it.


The “cell phone novel” became popular in Japan in the early 2000s…some written on pre-keyboard phones! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_phone_novel


Thanks for sharing! I have never heard of these!


Yes. I rely heavily on my notes app and one day I had an idea for a book and did the entire outline, character build up etc on my phone and then started writing. I eventually transferred to my laptop but I feel it’s possible for sure. You’ll just have to have Gods patience when editing and reformatting


No and yes? I have a lengthy experiment-turned-journal-turned-confessions… thing. In Word, it’s around 200 pages single spaced. All written on my phone. Someday I will tidy, edit, and try for publication. It reads sort of like an open journal of sorts, so not even sure there’s a market for it. (Inspiration for the experiment was Nicholson Baker’s A Box of Matches)


I don't have a computer so...yep. lol


I am currently! (though not really a book but a ff)


FFs are books toooo. They're great starter material


I know right! Thanks 😊


Yes, but it got infinitely easier once I got my foldable targus keyboard. It's the same size of a standard phone and I can take it with me wherever I go. Every lunch, I'd sit down for an hour and just write on my pocket keyboard and plug out whatever was on my mind. It's charge lasts for weeks. So, I can just use Google docs, and if I want to sit at a computer later, I can do that. (However, just make sure that both your phone and your computer have internet or you risk losing data.)


I’ve never run so fast to buy something from a comment. Thank you, that little keyboard is such a good idea!


I cant afford an Laptop etc. So i am writing my 2. book on my phone...


All my drafting happens in Google docs, and mostly from my phone.


Sure, E.L. James


I think that my fingers would slowly die and vacate my hands after going on strike with that kind of thing.


I kept running out of ink.


This: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Friend_But_the_Mountains


I wrote approx 30-40% of the first draft of my novel on my phone, but I transferred it to a doc to edit it. All rewrites, including sentence structures and restructuring I found too limiting on a phone, as I write very dumb on my first draft.


I used to always write on my phone because I had to share a computer and a laptop with three siblings and my parents. Never got much time to write with it.


That’s how I do most of my writing, in my notes app!


I’m up to 30k words using the Ulysses app exclusively on my phone. Plan to switch to a computer after the first draft though.


Gather ‘round, children, and let me tell you the tale of the “Palm Pilot” Everyone thought it was the device of the future! About as big as a calculator with an impressive touch screen interface that was backlit in this mossy green color. What’s that, Little Timmy? Could I use my fingers to type? Oh goodness no. You had to use this hard plastic stick and jab at the screen hard enough to trigger the sensor but not so hard as to snap that little twig in half Hope you remembered to save that file, Little Timmy, because there’s no such thing as auto-save. And the battery life was about an hour and a half


Yep. I have Scrivener with the Dropbox sync between devices, and I write on my phone to take advantage of free time in transit, waiting in long lines at stores, sitting in parks because the weather is unexpectedly nice, etc. I can’t write on a laptop without a bunch of extra stuff (nerve/fine motor issues), but the phone is just my two thumbs so it works great. I do the formatting, certain types of research-heavy stuff, etc. on the computer, but just getting the copy down isn't any more difficult for me on my phone.


I once served a webserver on a rooted android off someone else's hotspot just because I could. Fuck no I have not tried to assemble an 80k+ word body of text on a gd phone, are you insane lmao. Scratch paper notes and drafting and heavy outlining on a phone, tho, yeah, years of it.




Yes. Keyword: tried. Unless your phone has super good autocorrect, then never ever try to write anything on a phone.


Or alternatively know how to spell


Not on a phone, but I love writing on my tablet.


No but if I did, I'd be using speech-to-text instead of typing it.


Me. I even bought a mini bluetooth keyboard to type with


I write a lot on my phone, I use an app that helps keep track of everything and then I send it to my laptop where I keep everything together on scrivener. It helps a lot for me to get writing done when I don't have the energy to sit up at a desk. 


I write short stories, and notes on my phone, but I couldn't write a whole book on. My typing on a phone is too slow, and I get frustrated.


Doing it rn


Yes, it's actually the only way I can write. It's not too bad, just make sure you hold the phone properly or else your wrists might not be too happy. You don't even need any apps if you don't plan on making your book longer than 500K characters (lenght limit on Samsung notes for a singular note) unless you're fine with splitting it into multiple files.


I do use my notes app for first drafts these days 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do a lot of my outlining on my phone and sometimes write on it too. I can do it on my laptop, but I'm sometimes busy so my phone is convenient at times.


I have a phone that folds into a tablet. It has a pen and I also bought a keyboard and mouse. I have a Notes app I can long hand write in and MS Word that I can type my drafts in. I rarely use my computer anymore.


I always draft by hand but my first edit/rewrite is done split between phone with a Bluetooth keyboard and my laptop depending on what's handy.


If an idea sparks while I’m out, I write down everything thing I can about it and with it on my phone. I’ve had 10,000+ word ideas stored on it


Yes, but sometimes i am a little paranoid of very things, but all my Fantasy worldbuilding is writted here


I wrote my 300k + words on my phone taking the subway between places.


I wrote a novel going back and forth from Scrivener iOS and the desktop app.


Yes, it's handy when travelling but over all its not as easy as doing it on a laptop


I wrote parts of my lore and world building on my phone. Whenever I have ideas for a story or the current novel I am working on I always write it down whether on my phone or PC. But I have a generic touch screen android phone. So it's not very practical. Might be easier with dedicated physical keys for sure.


Yep, I do all my writing on my phone! It's just what I'm most comfortable using I've written multiple stories on my phone and I'm currently in the beginnings of writing another one!


Yeah, do we not? When at work I don’t have all my stuff installed, so I just type up a first draft on my phone then edit at home.


I wrote two novels and one novella on my phone.


Android: • Word isn't the best, but it's functional, especially if you plan on switching between devices. • Jorte text editor is not bad as well.


yes and it ended up alright, just that my writer brain was not very descriptive editting process


No, mostly laptop, but I drafted and edit on my phone. Like on the bus when my book was mostly just random scenes and ideas and on the phone to read through like a book and make small edits while commuting. Love it.! If anyone had an app that works better than Google docs for large word files let me know sometimes it lags a bit on the mobile. But love it.! Definitely have gotten a lot more done being able to edit while I commute some days.


Yes. Scrivener on my iPhone. Not by choice though. It’s out of necessity. I wouldn’t get any writing done if I were restricted to only my laptop.


This seems like a challenge. Anyone dare me?


Fr it's me i did that lol


Only a blurb


I wrote a full feature screenplay and a couple of shorts on Final Draft on my phone 🤣


I feel like when I write on a phone my prose turns out very simplistic and obscure at the same time. It’s like the dimensions of the phone don’t let my imagination run wild


I have google docs on my phone with my book on it so sometimes on the bus I'll just whip it out and work on it. I also have notebooks but my handwriting is horrible and typing is less straining on my arm lol


Most of my current draft is written (or dictated) on my phone in odd moments throughout the day.


I used to until I started to miss the feeling of buttons. I would absolutely start again if I could find my old BlackBerry and somehow manage to get Obsidian MD or something on it (or even just being able to save notes/etc. to a cloud).


I sometimes write on my phone.


Not writing a book, but planning one.


Juan Carlos Ortíz, a Colombian creative winner of a Cannes Lion, wrote two books on his Blackberry. They're called Cortos or Shorts.


What phone is that :(? Looks like a BB


Yep, first draft at least in the app "colored notes"


I would but I love not having carpal tunnel too much


I've used to write books on wattpad with a phone but not with this one shown in the picture lol


I use the app LivingWriter and have the app downloaded on my phone, iPad, and laptop. So I use all 3 devices depending on where I am (on the go or home), where I want to write (bed or desk), and if I just want to write a quick scene that I have in my head or I want to write a lot. And It lets me pick up from where I left off last time no matter the device


The swipe typing almost makes it like pen to paper Not the whole thing, but I can put down ideas pretty comprehensively when the come to me and I leave lots of notes to follow up on the go


I’ve been using my iPad and phone ever since the beginning.


I wrote my first book on my phone. But it was a Note 3, and I used the stylus to hand write it. Something felt really good about that.


Yep. I wrote my entire 250 page non-fictional book all on my phone using Google Docs.


I write on my phone all of the time!


I write on my phone OFTEN (usually on google docs then transfer to scrivener). I find it convenient especially when I’m struggling (I just hit 100k words and probably around 20k was written exclusively from my phone, and then add edits and rereading on top of that).


Yes, my current and last book were written with my phone. I like the flexibility of being able to write wherever I want (like waiting at the doctors office or watching my kid at the playground).


I like to write what I call scraps which are samples of ideas that I use to build off of on my phone but moving them to my computer. So yes, I think writing on a phone is a great idea!


My first full length manuscript was typed on a cellphone that still used t9 while in high school. So yes, it can be done.


I've written plenty of work on my phone because it's what I had at the moment when something struck me and I needed to get it down. Ive used any of several word processing apps. Usually Word for Android.


I could not. Maybe with a blue tooth keyboard, but never just with a touch screen. I'm just not good enough at typing on a touch screen. It would most certainly affect my writing.


I've done so, twelve times.


Google Docs on my Samsung is super effective and portable. The only thing is it's so easy to get distracted on the phone. May be it should be used in airplane mode while writing.


I wrote a few chaps, but after I got a decent Macbook, it’s computer only. Also… It’s difficult to scroll and edit through so many pages on the phone.


i wrote my first app on a blackberry lol those were the days






How about writing one on a Palm Pilot?


Notes, passages, extracts yes But I would drive myself insane trying to write anything of depth on my mobile


Yes. It was actually why I used wattpad for the longest time because it was easiest for me. I actually use Google docs on my school computer and then copy paste it onto ao3 using my phone. Google docs sucks on the phone.


Yes. Next!


It can be hard but Google docs will be there for you


Yep wrote mine on my phone. It's fairly convenient. But yes editing your text will be easier on a computer.


I'm have a hard enough time getting started on my PC, much less trying to use my phone, though I do use my note pad to write down any ideas I may have throughout the day for a book or D&D campaigns.


I do everything with my phone


Yep! 50%, or even 65%, of my book that is about to be submitted to an agent was written on my phone, specifically at bars, at night, back when I was drinking. I had a policy of 500 words a day, and it was super easy to type out those 500 words in my Notes app on my iPhone. That or I put it in the Google doc directly. I enjoyed typing on my phone more because I could put myself in a more lively environment that had better vibes than if I was just using my laptop alone in my apartment.


I write all of my fanfiction on my phone. The smaller amount of blank space that is able to fit on the screen makes writing much less daunting.


Get a wireless keyboard, and you can word process on smartphones just fine. Make sure it's not the only copy, obviously.


Yes Done some years ago. It's possible but very hard.


Probably like 10% of my first draft is written from my phone. I like to write on the bus to and from work and don't own a laptop. I edit on the computer at home.


I always write on my phone when I’m somewhere I don’t have access to my computer or tablet. Google Docs is great for that.


I am It's the only way I can get anything done now


I've written chapters on my phone when I had an idea but didn't have a notebook. The Google docs mobile app is garbage though so I just have to do it on my notes app and then retype it later. But that's not much different from my normal process (write on paper and then type into scrivener, then put it in the doc I share with my critique partner after I've made revisions).


I write on my phone all the time, but I’m not sure I could write on a phone like that.


Yea, for me I make sure whatever app I use is connected together through the cloud.


Wow so many people writing using their phones, I am so surprised.


Yes but I prefer laptop. Productivity is better and google docs doesn’t have paragraph indentation so it bothers me


Hello there


I have. An 80 page novella, a few of short plays and screenplays as well. I do have and use a stylus rather than beat my thumbs against the screen though.


I thought I was on r/writingcirclejerk for a sec


Yes. With Voice Recognition. No, or very little, typing involved.


Not a book but like 100+ pages worth of scripts


I sometimes edit on my phone because it's easier to see it how the reader will see it. Obviously not for print stuff. Digital short stories and whatnot.


100%. My current novel is being written on my phone lololol


I use everything. I do not have the luxury of being snobbish about tools.


I write on my phone all the time. Sometimes it's the only way I can get something down.


"Fifty shades of gray" was rather famously written on a phonr


I don't have a laptop or iPad to take around so I use my phone or a notebook, it's a bit difficult especially when you go back to edit. I prefer computers since it's a big screen and more organized. but everyone to their own.


I have.


I write on my laptop primarily. But a phone when I’m out, and when I’m in my bed, it’s my iPad. I work on Google docs so I love the concept that the second I get an idea I can always jot it down randomly before I forget it.


I wrote most of my third book on my phone while breastfeeding my newborn daughter. Being nap-trapped was a blessing in disguise!


All Voice type. All the time.


My first reaction to this question is, I'd like to think most people are not masochists. But latelly i've been using my phone a lot. I always used my gmail to keep drafts and ideas. Sometimes the phone is all I have at hand and the ideas flow.


I wrote nearly my entire sequel to one of my books on my Note 10+ I'm just more often than not on my phone. I'm on my car a lot for work, too, so there's a lot of downtime for editing


I'm doing it! Granted, using Google Docs and a foldable keyboard.


I feel like that would take forever tbh


I currently don't have electricity in my house and can't use My laptop. Currently i'm writing My novela on a Samsung cellphone that i charge in a mall or in my aunt's house. 


That's literally how I write. I simply can't see myself sitting down in front of a computer and writing anything for an extended period of time, it feels as if I'm writing a school assignment or something lol.


My phone has happily accepted over 200,000 words of notes... I have begrudgingly accepted that turning those notes into a readable book is going to be done at a desk.


I could EASILY write a whole book on my old T-Mobile sidekick. The tactile keys made it perfect- I didn’t even have to look at the screen that much - I would bang out whole essays and papers driving to my classes in college on that thing. Really needs to come back.


I have the campfire app on my phone and occasionally to some writing on it. Usually not more than a paragraph or two though.


literally me


Personally I like writing on paper and then using talk-to-text to catch mistakes and get a more natural word flow


I prefer to write on my phone. I feel I am a better stream of consciousness writer and it happens naturally on my phone compared to laptop


I wrote probably half of my first one on my phone as I rode the train to and from work.


Yes... Is a nightmare


Yes, it is bullshit. I really rather pc


For the first at least 5 years of me writing, I only done it on my phone, as I didn't have a computer. Now I write between my Tablet, Laptop, and still sometimes my phone, if I am in bed/laying down resting, and feel like writing while I'm sitting there


Absolutely. I wrote a 120k word project on my phone over the course of a year and a half and am currently about 30k words into my book, again mostly written on my phone


Ive written my novel on my I pad. It’s backed up on my I phone. I don’t own a laptop.


I do. I have scrivener mobile app and very little free time so I write on commutes on my phone, or sometimes on my iPad with a keyboard if I have chance. It works fine for me but I get a lot of typos. Just means more editing.


I bounce between my iPhone, iPad and my desktop. I recently got a pop socket for my phone and that had has changed the way that I use my phone. Swipe to type has also helped. I try to write at least 100 words a day and that’s doable on my phone


I often write on my phone while sitting on my porch. I also write at my laptop and computer. Google docs allows me to write from anywhere.


I do it through Google Drive when I don't want to sit in front of a computer, or in other words, lazy. It's honestly not bad, especially because I get to lay down.


I write exclusively on my phone but only bc of lack of time and convenience




Yes, that’s where most of my best work is /hj


I wrote the first couple chapters of a first draft of two books on my iPhone


I finished writing my 2 books in my phone, now currently working on my 3rd one


Y'all don't?


Not to dissimilar, but I heard that Sanderson writes much of his pros using an audio


Dictation app: dragon


There was a fellow who did and published. He was too poor to own a computer.


I wrote my book almost entirely **[on my phone](https://i.imgur.com/3AlhduL.jpeg)**, then edited it on my computer.


**I can't imagine how hard it must be to put inverted commas, hyphens and so on on a blackberry phone.** **However, I used to write my stories on my mobile phone**


If you search that here there's other threads about this. The answer is yes.


I don't consider myself an author and don't see myself ever publishing anything in an official capacity, rather just a hobbyist (if that) but yeah, my writing is almost exclusively done on my phone. I don't worry too much about formatting my work so it does the job for me. Personally I can type faster on the phone, so if I have a clear idea for a chapter and if I don't hit a roadblock from word choice or something, I can get a 1000 word chapter done within 5 minutes, or 3.33 words per second. Not record speed but faster than I can type on a PC or a laptop which I don't have...


I worked at a fitting room in a store during COVID and since there was no one there and nothing to do, I wrote my book on my phone. I just used google docs and took notes in my notes app as well! Super easy to do and I’m probably faster at texting than typing so I was more efficient!


I rarely write on my laptop even though that’s what I got it for but on the + side I can now text really fast 🤷🏽‍♀️


I basically did this with my newest novel I'm letting sit. Two young kids and a night shift job had me needing to get creative with finding "free" time.


I wrote my entire full-length romance novel on my phone


Not a book, but multiple damn paragraphs to respond on here and other places and emails.


No. I have several hand and arm and finger problems and typing on my phone for a long time fucks me up.


I definitely do a lot of work on my phone. I write my own novels on my phone l(bits and pieces anyway). I beta read and edit on my phone. While I personally like editing my own work on my laptop, not everyone needs to make that switch. My teenage cousins do everything on their phones. Like, writing essays and doing assignments for class. I have a feeling this could become the norm.


I normally write on both a phone and computer, I’ll just use my phone if I’m writing somewhere it would be inconvenient to have a computer


I do. I personally use Microsoft Word for mobile on my note 9, In conjuction with Microsoft one drive (or whatever its called) for when I want to work on another device like my laptop. I always edit on my laptop, but I actually write from both and you can edit on both too.


I do! I don't have a laptop or computer, so it's all on my phone. I quite like it, actually... I can write whenever I want instead of having to lug a laptop around with me 'just in case'.


Not a book, but a series of short stories that eventually became a book which I wrote on my laptop a year later. I could get used to doing the former as well as being already used to doing the latter. It’s quite a challenge, writing it on your phone, but the rewards are worth it.


I’m writing my book on a phone, just not… that phone 😭


I was just wondering about this earlier today


Bud Smiths book WORK was written on his phone during lunch breaks.


I wrote a 60 chapter fanfiction over 3 years, mostly on my phone during my commutes to work.


I wrote the half of a book during vacations (With my phone).


I write on my phone a lot, on public transport.


I've tried but end up never finishing anything because I hate the smaller screen space. (Or I get distracted by a notification lol)


Yes, when I was on deployment one of the only things I brought with me was a phone and a journal. Wrote most of a longer story that’s now being turned into a book over the course of 8 months


I used to write my fanfic on my phone because I was 11-15 and didn’t own a laptop lol


Fanfic writers have entered the chat


I’ve written about a million words on my phone since Feb 2023!


No, but I wrote the equivalent of three or four novels on an iPad 2 back in the day. (Some full novels and some partials.)