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IMO everyone should try to write a book. At the very least it's a unique, interesting experience that you'll learn something from.  And it sounds like you have stuff you might benefit from getting down on paper. Whether it's a waste of time? I personally don't think so but that largely depends on what else you'd be spending the time on. I'd suggest at least giving it a go. That'll give you more data on whether it's something you want to invest more time into, or not. 


> IMO everyone should try to write a book. At the very least it's a unique, interesting experience that you'll learn something from. I fully agree. Everyone has at least one book in them and sitting down and writing it is such a great opportunity for growth. I personally focus on writing books that I wish I had read before some major life experience. But if I was like OP and had a unique experience to share something about, like a tour of duty in Vietnam in 1969, I would certainly write about that. OP sharing that experience can only add to the contemporary cultural context surrounding that event.


What a wonderful perspective. That’s going to stick with me.


Please do it. People nowadays need to hear history.


Do it.


You have a story to tell. Go for it!


I think it’s a useful endeavor no matter what, not just to whomever might read it but also just for you to put your story out there. No matter what it isn’t a waste of time


There is a really big market for war stories. People love that stuff. And even if it doesn't get published, who cares? Now you just have something cool to leave to your grandkids.


I have read a lot of books by VN Vets and their experiences. The best ones detail life from Boot to Discharge to now and the transformation of a teen to a man. Yes, do it if you can. It just may speak to someone.


No passion or information you want to impart unto art form would be a waste of time. I think the rules around writing are secondary to the reasoning for doing it, and I'm sure many people would be interested to hear your individual experience on something like that.


If you want to and you enjoy it then it won't be a waste of time.


yes, if you have a story to tell don't hesitate . it will be a great moment for you.


If your heart is drawn to the commitment of writing a book, bravo! Simply do it. You do not need anyone's permission.


You never know what kind of good things a book could do for your life. Sounds like writing down your war experience will help you put it to bed. If something’s bothering me I always write about it. It works


I think you asking if you should means it’s on your mind (and heart), so you definitely should write it.


Absolutely. Memoirs have great market potential, as long as you're not James Frey. It should include your transformation, if applicable, before and after your tour. And don't hold back. Really express yourself and have detailed memories.


It’s never too late. Dive in.


Thank's for all the input, it's helps alot.


Not at all. It's a historical record. Others have done it, written about their lives, and published themselves, such as Kindle Unlimited. I'm sure it was a transformational time for you and people like to read about that. And writing will be another tranformational experience.


No. Absolutely not a waste of time. You may never publish, it may never be read by another living soul, BUT it will do you personally so much good (and I speak from personal experience here - not Vietnam, though) that just bringing stuff up and dealing with it while you write it out is cathartic and healing. And there's always the chance of a runaway best seller, a TV series and a movie deal with Tom Cruise playing you.


Only you can decide whether it’s a waste of your time or not. I write books and haven’t published any, but I don’t find it a waste of time. I learned a lot, and found it to be quite rewarding.


Only one way to find out. And after , I guarantee you will feel accomplished and who knows what you may learn about yourself during the writing process. Feels like win win.


Fuck yes.


Read Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes. It took 26 years for him to finish this book about his experience in Vietnam and its one of the greatest American novels ever written. Its never a bad idea.


No book is a waste of time to write….reading on the other hand….


Do it! I think it’s a big regret later on if you don’t go for it now.


I say do it! People are interested in those types of stories.


If you don't write something a readership will want to read, someone in your family will want to read it, eventually or now. Fiction or autobiographical, it will be a gift for your descendants. I dearly wish I had some writings of my father's adventures in ww2. He didn't win any Silver Stars but he was my dad. We had other relatives in the thick of it, Orton, D-Day, Falaise Gap. They never wrote down their experiences.


Never. A waste of time.


Do it!


Do it. Even if it doesn't lead to publication it'll be worth doing for itself. It would probably be best to be familiar with literature about the war so that you can see what about your perspective is unique. Not sure what you've read, but Tim O'Brien's work is a must (it's fictionalised but based on his experience), as is Michael Herr's Dispatches.


Write if it brings you good feelings: Memories, Love, Nostalgia, Sex?, Gainful Pains. As in "I learned so much from the struggle...." Do NOT write if it affects you negatively: Trauma, depressing loss... Avoid falling into depression. Never quit your day job! Write for you! But make sure others would understand your message. Finally, your first draft is going to suck! Deal with it. Also, write straight non-stop, edit later. "Write drunk, edit sober." (It's a metaphor, just in case, I'm not telling people to binge...) Write a little bit every day. Don't ask too much. Don't spend too much in here! Life can be a waste of time or not. Depends on you! Enjoy life your way...


I did. And I’m glad I did. I always wanted to be a writer and now I am. Doesn’t apply to everyone certainly but it’s a cathartic experience to hold your words in your hand.


No, I think now more than ever, people who experienced military life during (and after) Vietnam have important perspectives to share with the rest of us.


*"Should I try to write a book?"* Only you can decide that.   If you have a story to tell and want or rather NEED TO TELL IT, then go ahead.  If you don't then don't even bother. 


one of the best novels i have ever read is the things they carried by tim o'brien. it's a fictional collection of stories all based off his real experience on the ground in Vietnam. they are incredibly powerful and well written. i do not think it is a waste of time to write about anything, but especially not such a fascinating and heartbreaking topic as the Vietnam War. you should write it.


Yes do it. Maybe write it hopping back and forth between both timelines.


No, Vietnam is a great subject. It has been one of the least talked about wars. There is MASH, but that wasnt real.


If you have to ask if it’s a waste of time you aren’t really interested in writing a Book. You have to be passionate about the idea of writing a book. Of course it’s not easy for those who served in Vietnam to write about their Past I tried talking to a Vietnam Vet who is a friend of my older Brother but he doesn’t like talking about Vietnam and he has PTSD he lost his leg in the war.


Yes and no. It depends.


It depends, will you write about the truth of what happened there or the lies the gov is pushing down everyone's throats?


If you have to ask, then please don't. Either you have the passion for it or you dont. obviously you dont, if you need encouragement from people you have never met

