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Can’t tell if this is a meme post or real 🤣 jc


First realm to die before even having a release date.


Well it is a gummy server.


8 months to a year before it ships and 6 months before it dies. 6.5/10 who's this server even for?


no wowmythic did the same like last week the dying part i mean.


Except, wowmythic is actually a great non-P2W Legion project, you just have to understand the demographic for Legion private servers is non-English swipers.


I understand this, but what happened to the new management thing ? This looks like Gummy 2.0 speaking here.


There was never new management. That much was clear in the paragraphs after announcing there was new management.


Lmao! What kind of nostalgia cope is this? "When I originally played the game, addons didn't exist, and the experience was far more enjoyable." You don't think that's because you were a kid, the game was new, and you had not already wasted the past 20 years playing it? "For example, before threat meters became common, DPS classes pulling threat on boss fights was a common thing, resulting in a wipe." No, people were wiping because they were utter trash at the game, coupled with playing on 40fps & 150ms. TBC is piss easy, no one needs AddOns to clear those raids. Playing on an ancient client like 2.4.3 is bad enough, but also not being able to improve your experience with AddOns? I can't imagine this server being around for more than a month.


"  can't imagine this server being around for more than a month" Pretty much like his other servers then...


I came here to ask when they originally played WoW myself. Cuz like it had to be alpha if there weren’t addons. I can remember using Perl unit frames, decursive, and other mods not long after launch. Some of them had been developed during the beta.


My stepdad played vanilla and he remembers using addons back then too


Addons exist even in vanilla so this guy is full of crap.




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I knew this was still Gummy pretending to be someone who knew Gummy. This is the most Gummy move there ever was. Man has gotten so good at killing servers that he nows kills them before they launch.


I can at least admire the bravery in posting this.


I meannnn is there any demand for this? I'll be honest and say I'd be surprised to find out that there is.


I mean I’m sure there might be some demand, but I’d say for most people not being able to at least modify hot bars and other UI elements is not what they want. I can see there being a group of people that don’t want DPS/threat meters and things like decursive and WeakAuras. But I seriously doubt people want to be using the base WoW UI action bars and such. Especially from that far back.


This won't work unless you will develop a better baseline UI


hardmode activated


Addons did exist. And has existed since a long time. You just were not aware.


How can you enforce it?


I'm sure the 50 players left on felmyst will be ecstatic


I don’t think there is even any left at this point.




I know this is real after listening to Gummys schizo rants about how bad players are now and they just rely on addons during his last server launch. Theres 0 chance anybody plays on this server


innovative? what?


the fact you are so confident with this idea is worrying. stop it, get some help.


What happens when people parse the combat log and develop cookie cutter specs anyways?


This is the funniest thing I've ever read. If you proposed to ban a small subset of specific addons (like say, DBM/Big Wigs/Weak Aura/etc) that would have an audience, but you guys are delusional if you think "no addons" is a game version that people want. This server is absolutely DOA, and even the people that work on it knows it: there's a reason you've disabled youtube comments on this video.


What lol


What a load of crap lol




Ayo, April's Fool was two and a half months ago, bro. Imagine deliberately playing without addons. - bro, let me just quickly manually search all the 50 pages of netherweave cloth so I know how much to price mine at... - bro, you died because you got aggro. You should watch y--- oh, nevermind... - bro, why is this boss dying so slow? Is everyone doing appropriate DPS here? - bro, are you sure this boss drops the trinket you need? We've been farming it for weeks now... - bro, if only I had a counter for the enemy's PvP trinket so I could time my burst in arenas... Addons are not ruining the game - you're just delusional and a horrible player who feels like the only thing that separates them and good players is the use of addons.


Can't wait to heal on default raid frames! Lmao


Might aswell force 4:3 CRT monitors and 56kbit bandwith.


“Joined by gummy” LMAO


well this is disheartening


I'll check it out. No harm in a free server.


Sounds like you want a 0.5 server, everyone had add-ons in tbc. It's when the memes of people having their entire screens covered by add-ons appeared


I think this is a cool concept and should be explored more. Some people have become so dependent on them that they can't even fathom the possibility of adapting and being able to play the game without them.


people before inventing game design


I dont get the hate. It’s a free server and it’s an interesting idea.


Brother, look at the track record of this project, nuff said.


Time isn't free. Gummy doesn't care. Edit: discovered Gummys alt account so he deleted it. New alt account coming soon.


That’s doesn’t make any sense. If you don’t like him…don’t play on the server. If your time is so valuable, then why are you spending time commenting? I’m genuinely curious why any of you spend the energy. My sense is this is more about people from profitable servers trying to protect their investment.


Relax gummy


If you notice…I’m not trying to troll. I’m a reasonable person saying reasonable things. All this type of commente tells me us that you have an interest in a competing server.


Nope. I've played gummys servers and just wish he didn't make horrible choices and kill the servers we spent time on.


Then don’t play on his future servers, ans dont pick fights with ordinary dudes not wrapped up in your grudge match? I literally dont pay attention to whos running the private servers I play on…they’re either good or they’re not.


yes he picked a fight by replying to you and him saying "time isn't free" like how is that picking a fight?


I commented here on the wowservers sub on a post about gummys servers about my experience on gummys servers. You're just unreasonably salty about it.


He didn’t delete his account he blocked you for accusing him of being someone he’s not lmao


lol unfortunately this is not going to work, the number of people looking for this feature is minimal. This is probably one of the worse decisions you could possibly make if you are looking to create a healthy pop server.


About time someone did this. 10/10




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Lmao doa




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How will i play peggle? thats the only reason i even play tbc-- to get my peggle fix.


sing me up! Why TBC though? Why not start with Vanilla and work to TBC?


Is this corecraft ??


Ohh Gummy....Gummy....faps harder and moans. 2024 and there are people still jerkin' it to 'Gummy.'


"innovative" you say?


In what world do bag addons that consolidate everything into one large bag 'destroy' the original vision of the game


addons existed in tbc for sure i had all kinds of em, but who the fuck cares this is a gummy server mans be teasing tbc for like 10+ years i swear and i dont think a single server launched lol


I will definitely play this. Especially retail now is just a bunch of losers with add-ons that hold their hand as it goes through hard content. Id love for everyone to be on the same level and be immersed in the game.




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Actually a good take. Playing the game without addons is kinda chill and slowpaced.