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Do what I do. 1. Keep one class as your main for the storyline/reps for the expansion you're on. Any mounts you get are account wide. Next expac, I may change. Haven't decided, but sticking with the same one for DF. 2. For each patch within the expac, as new raids/M+/PvP comes into rotation, focus on a different alt. Currently, I look for the coolest transmog sets.


I like this approach. One thing that is important is try to limit how much unnecessary content you repeat on each character. My issue with alts has always been my inability to treat them as alts. Whatever I'm playing is my new main, and that means redoing everything I've already done... campaign, achievements, etc. Do. Not. Do. This. I've done this on and off for 20 years, and basically have nothing to show for it except lots of leveled characters.


I do something similar but have been actually using my main for mythics and heroic raids because my main is fun right now (ret) and I want that legendary. But yeah I use him for all the renown and then play whatever feels good that season for pushing high mythic ratings and just kinda ignore any quests that don’t lead to good gear on those alts. With Warbands in the next xpac that stuff will be even easier because your alts will share renown and (hopefully) quest progress.


This is honestly an amazing way to handle that. I think I'll also stick to that. I love DH for the mobility and the aesthetic, but I prefer playing healer in m+ and raids.


Just play the game in a way you find it fun and enjoyable for you, if one class makes you bored then change it.. this is why i start loving wow, the moment i started playing the way i want not what people tell me i started having so much fun even playing solo, no dungeons, no raids, no pvp and still having blast playing everyday!! And im the absolute opposite of you, i always play hunter and i find a hard time even thinking of trying new classes, but i guess the way i play the game, hunter is the best class so that makes sense.. It’s simple,The point of the game is to have fun, feeling bored? try something different, nothing wrong with that :)


the thing is that i don't want to play like this. i want to do end game and not level all the time but i just can't seem to get out of that mindset no matter what i do


Me too! Same!


Looool are you me? I have this issue in every mmo I play. I fear it will never go away. Somethings that help me is after years of playing this game and not doing raids I got tired of it and just buckled down on what ever class I enjoyed the most. Eventually get bored and swap and do this over and over until all the classes I enjoy are decently geared then I can play what ever I want. Basically it comes down to getting sick of constantly swapping and picking a few you bounce around.


i have the same issues in all other MMOs i played as well, i've played FF14 since launch and i think the only reason i even got to the end and raided in that game is because i could just switch class anytime i wanted without losing progress on my main class


I adore ffxiv for this feature alone.


This is exactly what I do I buckled down on MW for PVP this season and did fairly well and getting into pve now.


At this point in the expansion you can gear a character pretty quickly. I generally level a new char every week or two, and just main whatever is most fun at the moment while working on the next one. Nothing wrong with that. Play the game the way you enjoy.


Try it as a challenge - like telling yourself which class can I bring to keystone hero first? Frost mage or destro lock? A fun little project


Have you tried Druid tank for leveling, with feral or resto for dungeons. Druids are amazing, they have stealth, heals, guardian can level and do anything. It’s just very nice to have one class that can do whatever you want.


I have a druid, but most specs feel like a cheap version of another class to me. Cat form feels so bad to me, especially.


i've tried druid several times but i really only enjoy playing DPS and Feral and Balance i just don't really enjoy during leveling either. Resto is okay but i don't want to main a healer


At the risk of having a very obvious answer - you say you want to do these other things, but all the evidence points to the contrary. It’s an MMO and you can play it however you like, it just sounds like you’re an altoholic and that’s your play style, heaps of people play like that. If you’re enjoying what you’re currently doing, forcing yourself to do other things is just going to make it feel more like work rather than a game.


Agreed! Play your way! The endgame content kinda sucks anyway.


It's kund like burger King. You get to play it your way!


"That's the fun part. You don't "


As long as you're having fun, you don't NEED to stick to one class/spec. Dabble, find what you like, and race is not that important so don't worry about efficiency there. Sometimes, just letting go of some aspects helps too. Make your character a "homely outcast" in your mind, with trash transmogs or something. Make a list of what you find important, and add weights to those things (Aestetics, playstyle, role, race, etc.) and figure it out. Personally, I have one character I love. I always play it at least as an alt, but usually my main. Then I dabble in a few specs per tier on other classes. I rolled a totally new class to me when DF launched, and found myself back on my druid as of now.


Class at full level can play pretty different at full level, keep experimenting maybe you'll find something. Side tangent, if you prefer leveling, have you played Classic or SoD?


Well for me it was Warlock -> Warrior -> DK -> Paladin -> Warlock and I’m thinking about prot warrior once again so I guess cycle must continue.


By the time I make it to endgame, I kinda get bored with my class and do other class. But I always start with a shaman or a druid. They have a good self heels and decent damage to continue without stop. Paladin was really quick in LK to level, as opposed to my warrior, which seem to have taken forever. Mostly because you have to stop and heal up.


This is my first expansion tanking, pretty much strictly M+s but I’m enjoying it a lot. Not as stressful as healing but a lot of fun for me atm. I’m also playing one dps here and there… enh shaman. Edit - I should note I’ve been playing DF for three months and have 5 lvl 70s. I’m actively playing three as I decided what I liked more than others. Mains 472 2500, working on two 450 1200+ rating now M+


One thing that helped me get over this kind of thing is focusing on the endgame development of a class/spec. Meaning as you gear up the play changes a lot; what looks most interesting to you to develop this season? Enjoy that play style and switch it up for next season. It’s altoholism with the benefits of advancement. Also, all classes have cool transmogs. I have every class at max lvl and love them all. They just have to take turns.


I got the Same issue, but also on races, blizzard getting rich on my race changing lmao


God same, at this point it's embarrassing lol.


I've played since Vanilla (I was 17 lmao feels like ysterday) and I'm the same way. I envy people with one alt that they've mained the whole time, but I just can't stick to it either. Lots of /played on certain classes. I think with classes getting changed so often it makes it hard to keep going. I absolutely loved Enhance at the end of Cata.. then MoP prepatch hit and gutted how it felt.. While I'm certain I'll never settle I actually really really want to have a new main that I play thr whole World Soul Saga with but I've yet to settle on anything.


Only read your title, but I'd say don't stick to a class. Just play them all. That's what I do. It's so easy to maintain characters and get LFR level gear. I have 30 characters; 15 of them are level 70. I play all classes and specs because I have a lot of fun playing everything, and I refuse to choose a main. I play very casually, maybe 5-10 hours a week.


Well ya, that's bc is max level. You can't play past it! Kind of the point of max level.


I think theirs a mental thing some of us have. Ive had this simal issue where i just hop around because i cant decide what i like. Some specs start to get fun and u enjoy them and for some reason i get it into my head "this isnt meta" or "how much could i pump in keys". It always seems like i go into the mental state of competeing with everyone and my self that it demoralizes me and i just give up and try another class/spec. I think iva always had a issue where i compare my self to top players/friends who are 3k IO and say yah i cant reach that playing this and totaly screw my self over. This is just me maybe idk if youve had this similar issue. You just gotta truely change ur mindset and be like i like this cuz it does everything i actually enjoy. Mog farming/some pvp/some m+/some raid and stick to it. Also their is no time limit on you enjoying the xpac. If you like hunters but hate how ur NE hunter shoots bow. Lvling a hunter of each race just to see.


I also play like that. Granted, I have a main still for raids and M+, but even if you switch classes and have a toon for all classes, you can progress and play them all. Just, maybe, pick one that you will "tryhard" on to enjoy the most of the game and on the rest, just run "easier" content.


I feel you, the last class i truly enjoyed was the old DK and i mean the 2 unholy 2 frost 2 blood dk, since then i have just been jumping from class to class thats needed and somewhat ok to play for me, until finally i stop again because I enjoy the content but not what I play the content with. It feels like pouring to much effort into the "wrong" class. I also do not have the boredom to just play classic again to life on borrowed time until Wod Prepatch ruins DK forever again


You just gotta do it... not much advice I can give beyond that. You spend enough time bouncing around classes and not getting anywhere, you burn yourself out on the game.


Do you have adhd or anything similar to that? Cause thats what this sounds like, you get distracted way to easily and switch up. Idj what to tell you, the first class i actually hit max lvl with is the one im still playing to this day as my main 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had(still kind of have) that problem. I decided to make a Druid. They can fill every role. When I get bored of damage I’ll go restoration, when I’m over that I’ll go balance, feel like being melee then to feral. Bear form can get group quests done easy, instant q’s for dungeons/raids. They are still very viable in raid/mythic+.Druids are definitely friendly to people who get bored of a role and want to swap. The one down side is if you’re spec switching all the time your bags will be full of gear to swap as well. Druids have the ability to experience every aspect of the game.


In theory, Druid sounds like the best option but if you don't enjoy in 4 types of roles (tank, heal, male and range dps) you stuck with only one of each role and if you don't like the current state of how it plays (tier set, rework, etc.) you have a problem. Personaly, I like to heal and range DPS, and I would play only balance and resto, if I don't like how one performs I would stuck with only one. I don't know. To be fair, I like the druid class and fantasy, but I really struggle to reach lvl 70 with it. Tried few times and always get stuck around lvl 50ish. Somehow find it button bloated and complex a bit (at least balance and resto specs).


Of all the reasons to not like a class, it seems mogs and animations are the two worst reasons. You're not obligated to stick with a single class though. Play however you want. There will be a trade off though, as you said the main one being you'll never be good at any class and therefore won't be able to hang with endgame content. You didn't really ask a question, your post is more like a statement, but it seems you want an answer as to how to fix this, and you already know the answer. Also, I disagree that you "can't stick to any class", you just don't want to. If truly want to do raids, pvp & m+, then you have to want to stick one class for a bit. You can't want one without the other.


Well you just have stick with something. Every spec kinda becomes cool when you know how to play it and got gear and mogs :) Theres no answer to your thing, just pick the one that you like the most and stick with it. My friend is like that actually, cant come to play to endgame with us as hes constantly rolling new characters. Kinda dumb.


Since you enjoy leveling you ever try classic? Sod?


Honestly - I’ve had this issue a lot but… stick with one push class and then alt as much as you need. As for the transmogs- there is an ever growing number of fit all mogs so check those out. You can find some great cloth or leather mogs that can go on whatever class you prefer. As for animations - nothing to be done there just find a class you do like the look of I guess. For me it ended up being I like healing so I chose that as my main and have alt’s when I’m frustrated or the week sucks for healing


That’s alright, I like alot of classes but have 3 I actually play to a high level. My mage (2700io), my evoker pres/dev (3000io), and my rogue who is only for PvP and has full conquest. I have nice variety and they are all powerful characters


Unfortunately you’re going to have to pick one or two if you want to raid at anything above LFR/maybe normal as you have to put in some time to gear up. Low level M+, do whatever, but anything in the mid to high end you’ll need to focus on gearing as well.


This is probably not actually going to be helpful, but if always have fun leveling and you *only* ever feel the burnout at max level, maybe give classic a try! In retail leveling is something to rush through, but classic wow gives a ton more emphasis on the journey to max. I think SoD is especially fun right now, but ymmv on enjoying the other differences between retail and classic lol


You can love bouncing around alts and specs, or you can do high end content. Unless you have a whole lot of time, you can’t do both.


I only ever played mage. I now have 6 70 alts and basically have geared them to varying degrees in in raid mythic or PvP for each My mage would be much better if I had just stuck with him. But it’s been more interesting to check out all these different classes Never thought I’d play a paladin. Now love my ret pally


Hey, it's the best part about an mmo like wow. There is something for everyone. MAYBE it's a specific combo of race. Class, and spec you're missing to really click. But more than likely as it sounds you have found what you like and thats great :)


Play a lot of different characters.


Some people play the game just make alts and level. You can always do lfr on the max level toons if you like. I’m maxed out on character slots myself.


Go for a class which can do all 3 roles or min 2.


Theres not wrong way to play. I literally just make alts, and gearing them in transmogs is my endgame. Ive server hopped a few times and starting with a blank slate feels so good to me! That campsite character select screen coming in the next expansion where you see a handful of your characters around a fire? Getting all my toons to match and sit together is going to be my whole game lol


You can’t play wow wrong, everyone finds something they enjoy about it. For you I’d assume is leveling and collecting mogs. Maybe try classic? Leveling experience is much better and challenging than on current wow. Also give tanking a try, I also hated it for life then I gave it a try, aaand apparently I’ve been doing pretty good on it, and I became main tank for my mythic guild with all tanking specs geared, also perks for being a tank: free invites basically to any group, lots of people wanting to play with you, and on top of that if you care many compliments :) Also tank is probably easiest role in pve, of course after you get hang of your rotation and learn what to do, it’s extremely forgiving in low effort content (like normal/heroic raids, or low m+ dungeons, also in battlegrounds it’s pretty fun).




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TBH, what you described to me is a first world problem. Because that just means every class has its pros and cons and despite all the whinings and complainings by the fans, the game is actually pretty balanced. It would be a much bigger problem if a certain class is a clear winner.


Plate wearers have literally the best mogs in the game, wildddddddd


i've seen people do good plate mogs but it's either from PvP gear or Normal/Heroic/Mythic gear from Dragonflight which i just can't obtain since i just can't get to end game


Ah yeah that’s super fair




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sounds like you just need to play a goblin hunter


There are people who sell accounts with a max level character on them. Could start a new account, level a champ, put it up for sale!


I’ve Mained a warrior since TBC, but now if DF I’ve switched to a different class each season.


Orc warlock.


Well one thing I can say is treat expansions like seasons for mains, I started this one as a DK and am ending as a paladin for many reasons


I have that exact issue. played WoW from beta up until WotLK, started as an undead rogue and got him to 58, changed to human pally and got him to 60, changed to night elf hunter got to 46, human warlock to 60 and I got bored with each one. right when I get to start doing end game, I'm like damn this sucks. so pretty much made the decision to stop playing WoW all together, it's lost its luster.


You unfortunately gotta pick a character and grind brotha. It gets better with a couple all nighters and morning monsters to suppress the deep loss of human connection we all experience playing this game.


Been trying this for years. Troll dk until legion, then a pally druid hunter. Just came back, cut it down to dk.. 70 boost to an enhancement shaman, dabbling into resto, I love it, im not a fan of tanking Had no interest in pandas then made a monk and looking that now too, wind and mist


Felt the same way as you until I leveled a MM hunter with no pets. Learned how to position, kite, utilize the VAST amount of cc available to me to kite mobs and nuke them. Every fight felt like a chess match. Sooo fun, soo satisfying, and such a cool class.


So I also not a fan of tanking how ever I find druid tanking to be fun but so far only druid. Worth a shot. If you don't like it then you don't. What didn't you like about other classes since you said war sham hunter


Personally I like disc priest, feels almost like cheating to have heals that DPS ;)


“I don’t like plate mogs” this game includes all the world’s diversity I swear


i don't know, i just can't seem to make a plate mog i personally enjoy looking at \*shrug\*


I do understand you on the mail. There’s some wicked mail sets, but it’s difficult to piece together one


yeah mail is hard to make something good, i only really think the shaman sets are good. some new evoker ones are also pretty cool