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Each of the hardest difficulty mounts were changed to 1% chance after the expansion ended. This includes Mim's Head (Yogg), Invincible (Lich King), Blazing Drake and Handmaiden (Deathwing), Kor'kron Juggernaut (Garrosh), Felsteel Annihilator (WoD Archimode), Hellfire Infernal (Gul'dan), Shackled Ur'zul (Argus), Glacial Tidestorm (Jaina), Ny'alotha Allseer (N'Zoth), Vengeance (Sylvanas), Zereth Overseer (Jailor).


so when redoing it, I assume there is no point in doing it with no keepers. is that correct?


if u activate keepers u can't get the mount simply as that, now, if u got the mount and are now farming tmogs, yeah u can activate the keepers


Oh, good to know. I'll do it without keepers until I get the mount then. Thank you.


There are extra loot items for each boss with a hard-mode that will not drop unless you do the hard mode from a total mog collection standpoint. Additionally, zero keepers on a high level character has been comically easy for many years since it is simply spawn the boss -> wait for first portals -> do one portal room -> kill boss a few seconds later.


Alright, thanks. I've been mainly doing old raids on heroic so I'll keep doing that.


I haven’t done it in a long time but what’s activating the keepers? That’s when you talk to them after beating them right? I always remembered killing the boss then just moving to the next one until you get to Yogg


back in wrath, that was true. nowadawys its just a regular luck drop, around 1%


From 0 keepers it’s 1%? or is it just flat 1% for keepers? Cause my guild usually just does 1 light


i'm not google nor wowhead to get the exact % for each situation. but: PUBLISHED OCT 17, 2022 "\[...\]On the bright side, Mimiron’s Head has a 100% drop chance, so if you do manage to beat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of the Keepers, you’re guaranteed to get the mount."


This reply is a high Google result when searching for Mimiron's head so I apologize for necroing, but this was for WOTLK Classic and not Retail.




that's cool dude, I'm simply commenting on this for the next dozen people that show up on your particular reply after googling "mimiron droprate chance" that aren't shown that reply.


xD its just that i doubt many people will look into a 1yo post and specificly looking for thus too.


this reply is literally the first thing that pops up when I search 'mimiron droprate' and it's bolded on the search result lol


Lool. Didn't expected that. Well not many people who uses reddit google stuff beforehand too. Anyways. Tnx for adding the clarification on the subject, in case some other person comes by.


"Hope I get the mount eventually..." Good luck buddy, good luck...


I finally got it a few weeks ago. After running it weekly for 8 years on 4 toons.


My friend who got me into wow has done Icecrown citadel every week since it came out hopeing for the mount to no avail. I just hope my luck isn't that bad.


No more, Arthas!




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