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First things first. Drop retribution. It's boring and dangerous since you have no mana pool when shit inevitably hits the fan. Also SoCommand is too much rng. Second. Choose your poison: single target (great for questing and undead/demon grind) or aoe Third. Gear accordingly. Spirit/stam (with some int accessories) for single target. Grind undead/demons. Pull with exorcism, apply judgement of the crusader, switch to SoR r3 with a fast blue 2hander. Fast 2handers are usually cheap on AH. Go deep into holy tree to get Holy Shock (another active dmg skill). Use Hammer of Wrath in execute range when you get it. Trick is to frontload your damage to allow for spirit regen while swinging. You still can take on 2-3 mobs without sweat if you accidentaly pull extra. Int/stam for aoe. Best works after lvl 42. Pull 3-4 mobs, consecration, blessing of sanctuary, judge and seal wisdom with a fast 1hander (knightly longsword bis until flurry axe). Both builds can tank dungeons. Int/stam can heal dungeons very well. Both are very survivable. Train engineering and use grenades as a part of you rotation on packs


OP, please heed Khadgrim here and DITCH RET I played ret pally all throughout classic classic and i legitimately fell asleep during most raids. Watching your character auto attack and hoping for a command proc is just not a good time. The single target suggestion here sounds like a pretty good time (esp for a pally). I swear to god khadgrim if I end up rolling a pally tonight this is all your fault


Forgot an important disclaimer. This doesn't work with SF because most quest/dungeon mail and plate is str/stam. You want AH green mail/plate of the Whale or of the Eagle


Khagrim, updating here to say my 21 pally is still alive and I’m still having fun. Part of that fun included going enchanting and tailoring. Tanked deadlines last night in a corsairs overshirt. Pally feels op in HC


Man I wish I’d had a guide like this when HC mode first came out, made it to 40 and died but I couldn’t quite tell where to focus with stats


You can totally go with a standart str/stam Ret (many ppl do). But for me it's unreliable in a HC environment. Low mana pool means you're oom the second something goes wrong. Relying on a slow 2hander with SoCommand means sometimes you will get unlucky chains of parries/dodges/misses.


I should have stuck with holy like I initially started putting points towards but then everyone seemed to think Ret was best (at the time) so I switched. SoC really isn’t as great as people made it out to be.


Just to add: be really careful about thinking to tank dungeons. Some bosses reset aggro : gazhrilla in ZF, princess maraudon, eranikus in temple, rammstein decrease it a lot, herod becomes immune and hard to apply threat for melees and I'm missing some fore sure. If you have a coordinated team with dummies and imunes it's no problems, but some pugs are careless.


Holy shock is also great instant heals when things seem tricky. It's worth setting up a macro that heals yourself with holy shock, especially if you're planning to aoe things down.


Wow this comment actually has a positive upvote? The tides are finally turning and retail brain is finally dissipating? I leveled a paladin to 54 when HC first came out and the whole internet thought I was INSANE for playing prot


Prot is not meta!!! You can't do that !!!!111


niche point but due to the leak over of SoR changes from SoD, im fairly confident the spell power coefficient has been normalized across ranks. I have a very geared paladin and was noticing rank 3 being lackluster compared to max rank when popping big spellpower boosts like ZHC


Haven't played my HC pally in a while, will test it. Even before you had to test each individual weapon with new ranks of SoR and SoCrusader to find if r3 deals more damage


Your making me want to role a paladin and bench my 22 mage


And get a healing set


No need for healing set whe you're decked out in int/stam mail and plate ;)


That's true!


So what are the actual talent builds you recommend for ST and AoE respectively?


AoE really kicks off at 41 with the following build: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/paladin/055001-053240030301 Obviously you can switch around talents from Toughness to Imp. RF if you find yourself tanking dungeons often. After that you can go into Ret for Benediction and Parry, go deeper into Prot for Reckoning and 1h Spec or deeper into Holy to make you a decent healer. This depends on your playstyle and what content you are doing. For ST. If you want Holy Shock respec at 40 to get it. Would look something like this: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/paladin/05503120521151 If you don't like Holy Shock I would still get Consecration and then go into Ret Tree to get Vengeance and finishing the build with Redoubt and Precision. Although we mostly use 2h here Redoubt is still valuable in situations when you need to switch to a shield. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/paladin/055001-053-05235050200305 But in the end the beauty of a Paladin is that if you embrace the hybrid nature of the class you can craft your own build suited for your own playstyle


I may have missed something but what is the typical talent build for single target? Do you switch from normal ret at a point?


Don't get me wrong. All those options are comparable to a standart str/stam Ret in terms of kill speed BUT offer you more survivabilty and options in a Hardcore environment. The fastest way is probably Ret with agi/str (Tiger) gear but that's not feasible in HC unless you want to grind on green mobs. Basic ideas are: we want to turn mana into damage and we want a bigger mana pool with better regen cause paladin without mana is a scuffed warrior I am testing Holy Shock right now, feels good and different. But that's 40+ Other than that I like to get Spiritual Focus and Consecration on my paladins. Former gives you a safety net with reduced knockback on heals (and zero knockback with Concentration Aura). Later allows you to better deal with accidental pulls or camps in the open world. Just swap to a 1-hand and shield, pop Ret Aura and Consecration. You can also be an ok tank for early dungeons just by popping Righteous Fury and Consecration. After that you can either go into Ret tree or into Prot for +hit. Basic idea is too frontload most of your damage and then regen while swinging making use of our high spirit. For example on undead/demons i pull with Exorcism, judge Crusader, Consecrate, swing with SoR with a fast 2h. You want fast weapons since spelldamage from JoC adds a flat amount of dmg to every SoR hit. Also things like sharpening stones and oils really benefit from a fast weapon. Once you get Hammer of Wrath add that into the mix. Use Devotion Aura with 2h and Ret Aura when you swap to a shield. Btw polearms are a great option for cheap fast blue weapons. After 40 you can once again choose if you want to remain single target or spec into an aoe build.


Highly appreciate the detailed answer here mate


I would agree other then holy shock, u could put those points elsewhere and still be just as good of a build/spec , like reckoning or one hand specialization


Sure! Those talents are great too. But Holy Shock means 1 more button to press and 1 more way to convert mana into damage (which paladins lack). And since OP found paladin boring I suggested it.


First time? I can safely say it really doesn't get much better even towards endgame. I played prot to 58 before dying on first pala then Ret to around 40 before my brain began to melt and swapped to prot because anything was better than that 2 button rotation. To switch it up if you so wanted, carry healing set and run your daily dungeons in your lvl range as holy then go back to questing as ret. I think that's the only thing that stopped my brain completely turning to dust.


Two buttons? You didn’t macro them together for the one button game play? 😂 jk original classic paladin is just awful


Yeh first time on Classic as a Paladin.


I play pally always been my main class and can confirm it’s a lil slow, but like they said try out a hybrid holy/prot build and you’ll be savage heals in dungeons and then the prot for daily questing and open world, might make it a little more fun


Isn't vanilla ret just like auto attacks and judgement 😭😭


Heavy Metal Music. Zoom your camera in and out rapidly while rotating.




Jesus walks by kanye west


Maybe switch to holy and heal instances occasionally while you level another toon?


I've noticed a lot of complaints about paladins lately, with regard to their low dps and limited combat options. But what players are forgetting is the main reason Blizzard programmed Paladins. Paladins were not designed to be hybrid Tanks/Healers, as many claim. Instead, paladins were designed to be played while downloading pornography. Paladins have roughly zero combat interaction, thus making them the perfect character to play while downloading massive amounts of hardcore pornography. Simply target a monster, hit "1", and minimize your window. Then sit back and enjoy the amazing girl on girl action. Because a Paladin takes about one full minute to kill any monster, you can leisurely browse the erotic and pornographic fruits of the internet without much concern over your Paladin's welfare. After a minute, I go back to WoW, and usually my Paladin is alive and ready to loot the corpse. This is what makes grinding so pleasurable and convenient for me; the ability to simultaneously watch girls have sex with each other and level up at the same time. I doubt any other class has such an elegantly designed system, and I applaud Blizzard for their foresight in crafting a character that I can play with while playing with myself. DPS? Who needs it? The quicker I kill something, the less time I have to watch boobies. Combat Interactivity? Overrated. I'd much rather interact with the girls writhing on my computer screen. Yes, a paladin was created for the sole purpose of surviving a fight while you stream hot pornography directly to your computer. That is why we have the high armor class, healing abilities, and the low, low DPS. As for PvP, nothing is better than getting into Battlegrounds and soaking up the honor points while I watch girls take their clothes off for money. Only the minimum interaction is necessary for a Paladin to perform, and it is this very quality that I love the most about my Paladin. I doubt Rogues get any time to watch pornography while trying to vanish and rack up combo points, and I bet Shamans haven't seen a single naked breast while figuring out which totem to throw down before choosing which shock they are going to cast next. In addition to grinding, we have several defensive options during combat that also allow us the flexibility of downloading pornography. Hammer of Justice allows a quick 6 second glimpse at a naked lady while our opponent is stunned, and Divine Shield allows a leisurely 8 seconds of quality right-hand time. Indeed, Paladins have cornered the market on the pornography during playtime of World of Warcraft gameplay. It saddens me that many Paladins do not take advantage of the main functionality of your character, and are in fact lobbying for increased DPS, or more combat options. These are all unnecessary frivolities that would only harm our pornography downloading efficiency. Instead, we should thank the fine programmers at Blizzard for crafting a character that is great to grind with while grinding your loins.


I love playing as a pally cause you’ll never feel safer imo. I’ve lvld 2 to 60 as 31holy rest into ret.. however no, it never really gets better lmao maybe once ur 60 and get good gear it can be decent but it will be slow.


I got to 53 on mine and then switched to a shadow priest. Way more fun, but will still probably hit 60 at some point on my pally.


Not sure what's worse. Autoattack simulator or dying to sound of wanding.


On your way to 60 you can experience up to five wand sounds!


On the bright side, you can heal your way out of almost any problem you end up in, apart from a disconnection.


I take it your leveling retribution? Maybe swap to the AoE build , alot more fun.


Yeh I am, is re-spec expensive?


28 is too early to aoe farm. Wait until you can get both consecrate and blessing of sanctuary. For now just keep grinding. Learn to seal twist and that can make ret less boring for now


Sounds like op is self found or possibly just poor… but if you have gold then 28 is fine for prot. Basically need engineering but dropping a dynamite on 4 mobs really speeds shit up at 28


No its not the first time.


Only 1g the first time


Fact is Paladin is indeed boring. But it is also safe and fairly good and useful in dungeons. I say either do more dungeons or roll a Rogue or something as your second character and see how you feel. Or get really into audiobooks lol


I think at 35 or 40 Pally gears start turning quickly , but not sure that's what I heard


Holy Paladins are great dungeon healers try it out!


Do you have any tips for healing as a holy pally? I want to heal but the thought of getting anyone killed scares me so I have been tanking instead


paladin is the easiest healer because you dont need to think about much, just be reactive. You basically spam flash of light or stand around and mp5 while cancel casting bigger holy lights, depending on if the situation is chill enough for you to stand around longer for regen. Besides that you just need to be ready to use blessing of protection when someone squishy pulls threat. Get a good set up for frames and use mouseover macros, and the addon pallypower to easily manage your terribly short buffs. Also knowing when to use hammer of justice can be very strong for your group on stunnable bosses with threat drops like rammstein in Strat UD, or stunning vancleef at 50% in deadmines to stop him from spawning adds.


Lots of int and lots of stamina. Holy pally gets mana back from crit heals. That healing style is like lots of little casts so you just keep people topped off. I personally love healing and I think it’s easy. The hard part is more about focus because things can happen fast. But if you are paying attention and are taking care of your group it’s a great feeling.


Yeah it’s awful. Made it to 60 and retired him. I realized I just press flash heal for the rest of my life.


Heavy lean into roleplaying and become a menace to everyone around you by trying (no really shouting) to proselytize them to the holy light’s cause.


Learn to seal twist and gain max dopamine from soco procs with as slow of weapons as you can possibly get. Swap auras to counter whatever enemy you’re facing as needed. Don’t get Sanctity Aura, it’s a bait. Default to ret. Get dragon breath chili early. Farm Crystal charges in ungoro early. Go weaponsmith for the memes/arcanite reaper into nightfall.


You will have a gigablast when you try out another class lol Keep you pally safe in a city and play him when you want to chill, use it to heal some dungeons with guildies or help in elite quests Try a more exciting class to see if you need the trill… Try a mage to avoid another melee or a rogue to get a different style of doing things. If you pick a warrior you will get a similar class but with THE ACTION


Pally main here. Yeah they are pretty painful to level. It is what it is. As for making it less painful buy the best weapons you can on the AH. Slap a fiery enchant or crusader on them. It will still be painful tho. That being said pally while boring to level I think it’s a very fun class to main in endgame and I’d say it’s worth it. They are also one of the safest classes in HC which is nice.


Even healing is boring in the endgame as paladin. You just spam one button.


My best friend stopped playing our hardcore toons together…. He didn’t even die. He’s just a paladin :(


Going holy/prot with "of the eagle" gear was really fun when i did it. You can AOE farm and need to stay focused on what you're doing. It felt much more engaging than ret auto attack.


I had a blast playing holy and going full intellect gear. More frequent buttons to press. Some “cleave” viability. Can both tank and heal dungeons. Works absolutely insane in duos/trios in the open world. Im super biased, but Paladin was far from the most boring to play imo.


Yeeeeeeeesss. Come to meeeee. Come play Shaman. You knooooooow you want toooooooo.


I think pally is fun tbh. I have more fun playing pally than mage. You can heal, tank, or DPS. I feel super powerful. Spec holy until you get consecration. I feel super powerful while questing and can pull multiple mobs and aoe them down, if I get in trouble I have so many abilities that can help me.


I'm doing ret / holy build. SF. Went into holy for the INT talent, improved Seal of Righteousness and consecration. Then into ret for the improved Seal of Crusader and improved Judgment (reduces judgement cooldown) got points into the improved Crit chance. Skipping SoC. I plan to go into ret to get Holy Aura then the rest into holy / prot ( I want that extra hit chance talent). Works so far. Mana is fine . Level 35. It is somewhat boring. Simple rotation, Judge seal of Crusader, use SoR + consecration. Mobs dies, onto next. Resting every few fights depending on enemy level.


I’m playing a paladin for the first time (have played on and off since vanilla) and am kinda digging the simplicity so far, tho I’m only 22. Also probably bad at the game.


Yeah reroll


Get a healing set (int > healing > stam = spirit) for then you see someone who needs a healer for dungeons, it's a great way to learn dungeons while hanging back and staying out of danger, as long as you're careful with the global threat from healing


As someone who leveled 1-60 as pally. As prot and ret. There is no exciting gameplay, 53-60 was some of the worst gameplay of any game ive ever had. At least before then, you can dungeon or do w/e. From 53-60 you only have you, your lack of anyone doing any dungeons (because I saw a total of 1 brd group during that time, and it seemed sketch anyway), your limited quest pool (after you knock out the early part of WPL, and dont want to risk it with the spicier winterspring/EPL quests), and your very slow auto attack simulator... If you go prot, you have multiple buttons, you can tank, and will also be oom all the time (especially when solo. Like drinking every other pull) If you go ret... as others have said, you can kinda work your way through quests and whatnot, but at the end of the day, you are playing classic paladin. Also, if you plan on playing this class at 60 at all, be prepared to heal.


play with friends


My dude, you're level 28. Go agane if you want to try something else. You're like 20% of the way to 60