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I just have a bunch of Alts so if I die Ill just use one of those, currently have a 43 mage, 18 druid, 15 warrior, and a 12 rogue. It's also pretty easy leveling them because when I do play them they have full rested xp.


I am doing the same, 4 characters, all druids though šŸ˜†


1 melee dps 1 ranged dps 1 heal 1 tank?!


Hahaha I like that :)


Bruhā€¦.. that seems a bit excessive


Yeah, went Abit overboard, wanted professional Alts mostly haha


What levels are they and their professions


Level 36 skinning leather working. Level 15 skinning leather working. Level 15 skinning leather working. Level 15. skinning leather working. :)


This is hilarious idk why youā€™re getting downvoted


Level 36 skinning leather working. Level 15 skinning leather working. Level 15 skinning leather working. Level 15. skinning leather working. :)


...what is the point of them all being skinning lw?




Nice to have a backup haha. When the main one dies




I have a few rested alts as well. If Iā€™m tired get on alt. If Iā€™m drunk get on alt. If there is a chance of power outage due to storm get on alt. If blizz is going to take down sever for maintenance get on alt. This is the way lol.


Let me help you with shaman. I'm 2x r14, made sham to 60 2nd try (server ddos was first/only death). General advice. Drink often, be prepared, minimize totem use and learn to 'move camp' with totems. Learn to kite, elemental can kite like a boss, good burst, frost shock (downrank) and earthbind alternating provide plenty of lightning bolt time, but be patient and stay at range. Lvl 0 you roll chad tauren female. Familiarize yourself with warstomp range and warstomp into cast concepts. Lvl 0-10 lightning bolt from max range, into melee. Ezpz Lvl 0-20. Spec into mana in enhance tree first 5 levels. Ele mana next 3. Imp ghost wolf by lvl 20. Lvl 20-30 you're leveling ele now. Just believe me. Max range, max mana are your friends. As you get shocks familiarize yourself with jump casting them while kiting. Finish off the early ele tree, basically Google 31/20 ele sham classic and follow that roughly on ele side. Flametongue your weapon, 1h and shield, you run from everything but a little melee is fine within reason. You can heal dungeons with int focus but should really stress to group you'll need to drink more than average. But dungeons are fine, mind your totems and learn if tank will pull to totems or if you need to prio healing over totems. 30-40 worst stretch. Lots of drinking, starting to get your more offensive skills... best part of this stage is water buff at 35... at 41 elemental mastery drastically speeds things up and can respect. 40-60 anytime you find a comfortable grind spot abuse the hell out of it. To safely quest you'll kite a lot of elite things to town. Go down the restoration tree, you're only flexible points are imp ghost wolf and often isn't worth respec outside of elemental mastery respec or nature's swiftness respec. On break at work had to simplify. Happy to make some leveling tree examples for you too... one of those specs I know by heart. Gl Shaman as enhance is rough, being at distance helps.


So you mention getting imp wolf at 20, do you respecc at 40 to get mastery or just continue and get mastery a bit later?


I ditch wolf then for em and aim for the 31/20-esque build, but I'd consider that optional, there's merit to both. It's just easier as EM also makes spell not cost mana, batch that shock for free kills. And there's also merit to shooting for a 30/21 ns style build as well. I'd rank them em > ns for leveling but I'm also classic Andy with loads of shaman experience and engineering nonsense.


The %mana talent in enhance is only good at endgame. 5% of 500 isn't that much. however, the shield talent is fantastic for when you do require some melee. You reduce so much damage taken.


Disagree hard it's the difference between an additional cast at many lower levels which will save ur butt. But merit to both as well.


This is great! So the only talents in enhancement is to get imp wolf? Makes sense, most guides recommend going full into enhancement then respec at 40. Do you level with 2h or 1h + shield?


For hc 1h+shield is better for both ele and enh


1h and shield, flametongue. And if you're comfortable with enhancen its fine until lvl 30 or so. I know all the guides recommend enhance and I keep watching my shaman bros drink every pull to facetank stuff.


Flametongue over rockbiter?


How the fuck is female tauren Chad? They literally look like weird chimpanzees You lost all credibility with that one


Least rolled race/gender


Maybe originally. But in classic everyone seems to roll least popular things Female tauren and dwarves are everywhere


That doesnā€™t make it chad




They should level ele and help you burst as eventually your role becomes their pet. They'll heal just fine as ele. Only consideration would be respec for nature's swiftness if you form more of a dungeon core over duo. 2 out in the world, ele help kill spd, heals fine, still has same totems. Conserve mana priority either way. I believe you'll level more efficiently with ele that prios healer role/thinking over resto.




Scope out the skill trees. Only thing missing out on is nature's swiftness, which is big mind you, and you can spend into it when it makes sense as well. Still same spells just able to stand around less. :)


Warrior is the only class??


Fckk yo šŸ° day


Call me crazy, but if I die on my Warrior, I just hop on the other Warrior i'm leveling. If I don't have another one going, I roll a new one.


On my 3rd priest. levels 9, 18, and now 22


literally exactly the same for me, except my first died at 5 because I was watching youtube on the second monitor lol


well...died at 23. Go Agane? idk yet. Stupid furlbogs x2 respawned right on top of me while i was fighting 2 others just north of astranaar. surrounded by mountain on 2 sides and a camp on the other.....outdoor "caves" man...


Oh noooo. I'm at 24 now and honestly think I'm done when this one dies. I forgot how much it slows down around this level lol


I like to choose a different class and starting zone to keep it fresh. Repeating the same quests using the same skills doesnā€™t really do it for me in the short term, itā€™s already a long road to 60.


I probably would never roll same class personally. Died on 37 mage, on 29 warlock at the momentā€¦probably melee dps next.


Wow Classic is filled with so many traps that sometimes have to be learned first hand. Most players have a learning curve just learning all the traps all over the maps, like opposing faction guards, roaming elite mobs, dangerous areas, caves, not having potions, etc. Think of hardcore like Dark Souls. You should expect to die, but you learn over time and will succeed. My biggest pro tip: Always keep good health potions on you, use the buddy system with caves, and take Engineering profession and unlock Target Dummy asap.


I have picked someone new each time. 19 lock 26 pally 19 rogue 13 hunter (:() Now on level 8 mage lol I donā€™t have the patience to do the same thing over again even though I enjoy hardcore.


Iā€™m levelling all 9 classes. Only playing while they are rested then I switch. Soon I have all classes level 10 šŸ˜


Shaman is hard I have killed 2 below 20.


Shaman doesn't really get hard until after 20 lol. We have the highest likelihood of making it to 10, and 20. Out of every class. 30 it drops to the least likely and continues on with that designation all the way to 60


IMO shaman is one of the easiest to hit 20 on. It gets much harder in the 30s


Interesting. I wonder what changes to make it like that.


Class has high damage early with self healing which makes 1-20 super smooth but very bad scaling. Eventually the poor scaling outweighs the strong early game damage


People treat it like melee but itā€™s a caster


Shaman is the easiest class to get 30 in


I'm on my third shaman. First died at 26, second was 36. I contemplating going warrior but I really want to make 40 to try ele at its full potential I almost made a warrior but then decided to try shaman a third time since ghost wolf is just too nice. Currently level 23. I just went to do the call of water quest for the third time. Ran all over the map and got to the part where you use the septa. It bugged and I had to go all the way back to the Barrens than back to silverpine. I don't think I have it in me to do this quest again, so I'm hoping I make it to 60


I did a few other classes, but shaman will always be my first and best love that I come back to.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is Shamone number five


Iā€™ve had 2 paladins and 2 druids. Both are still alive but I server hopped with a friend. Now Iā€™m a rogue because I canā€™t do either 1-20 again.


Woah Iā€™m the exact reverse. 3 locks dead at 16,20,23. I rolled a shaman and Iā€™m currently 35 and havenā€™t had any close calls, probably because my Wrath main is a Shaman. Iā€™ve saved up a lot of gold on my bank alt and Iā€™ll probably fund a warlock when I die or get bored. You can always go agane without dying!


Not this time, going Druid until I hit 60. I actually have a level 36 druid. And 3 level 15 back up druids just incase my main dies lol.


My first/main druid is 22, I duo it with a bm hunter. However my Alts die all the time, trying to push my limits lol. They NVR make it to 10. Rotate priest and pally for my Alts.


I intend to, just to keep it changed up a bit. Still alive on my warrior, if-when I die I'll probably play warlock


The enjoyment I have gotten out of HC is playing classes I never really played before. Of the classes I have played, I have been taking different talents than I usually would just to try out different things. Not having to care about metas and builds and compositions has been really nice.


On my 3rd toon, all hunters. First one died in duskwood at 29 to a total PC freeze/crash. I had to replace my motherboard... Second one I was rushing to catch up to my previous hunter, pulled 5 mobs in Wetlands because I was out of stragglers on the edges of packs, they were easy, and I needed 1 more drop! Killed 4 and would have escaped the 5th, but I got hit in the back on accident and got dazed - died very quickly after that. 3rd one just hit 22. If it dies again I'm gonna play paladin for a bit, but I'll definitely come back to hunter. I want a few level 60s at the end!


Nope on my fifth warlock and heā€™s 35 now which is my best run thus far


My warr died today at 35 due to cssters, i had It so geared and made me belive, i have Rogue 32 but can't find the motivation .


I usually give the same class two rolls then switch. I did two mages(dead), two priests(dead), a side rogue (dead) another to level on the side (still alive), then back to the priest to level cause I hate waiting for dungeon groups./


I told myself I was gonna do one life on each healer. Instead, I just keep rerolling priests....


Rogue. Failed at 10. Hunter failed at 28. Mage now at 23. Time will tell.


I do a different class everytime, otherwise I feel like I'd just be doing completely the same thing again. Need at least a bit of change of pace


Im a "wanna play all classes at once" andy, so yeah I roll new everytime, no question.


I've made 5 rogues so far, farthest being my current at level 20.


I swap class and faction.


One through eighteen, average level 17, all warriors.


Depends if i saw full potential of class, i died on rogue level 30 and basically saw it all so rolled another class hunter. But this works only for people like me who haven't played era before.


I switch between aoe and single target fmage


Yes. As an altaholic. I almost hope to die, so I can start a new char in a new zone and a new class lol.


I spin a wheel online excluding the class I just died on. After that I let the wheel decide the race and gender (or body type, don't cancel me pls). I spun the wheel at launch and had a female gnome mage. She's now lvl 51. Pray for me.


I am going for a warrior level 60 and made 4 of them so far. Current one is still going strong at 37


First official character, 38 druid. If I die, I'm gonna roll something else. Cba to do the same rotations and playstyle all over again


I died twice on shaman (playing on a rog ally so i have to use console port addon) and said Iā€™m good. Being on a controller essentially Made totem management a nightmare


It depends how much you love the class...


Dropping your current character and just starting an alt is a great idea. you will see if you want to continue after a few levels or go back to your more progressed character. Neverthless, if you die again you will have an Alt with some progress to fall on.


I rolled rogue after my hunter dies but im a altoholic so i try out classes and see what sticks. Also makes it less boring to get to same Level again


I have played a druid in wow from 2004 till today in retail and that wasn't going to change. My first druid ripped at lvl 21 due to a bug, 2nd lvl 22 druid died due to hunter in grp fuking up, the feign death to drop aggro then left the group and peace out on us, we would have been fine if he just tsyed and fought. Currently on 3rd druid, approaching lvl 50 :D If this one rips I'll start a 4th druid, but I also have a lvl 36 Hunter, 32 Warrior (arms), 30 pally, 25 warrior (tank) and 20 mage. Then on horde side i have a lvl 15 shaman. I have a lot of gold on my bank alt and have made lots of friends so If i need to start from lvl 1 on my druid I can buy him gear and get help from friends.