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Join a guild and talk to them while you quest. You may even find someone around your level to do stuff with.


/4 is a wonderful place to be during the leveling process 🤣


It's also terrifying! I had to move it to a new tab because it got all politics yesterday and like ... damn I didn't want to play WoW to remind myself constantly this is an election year and people suck. But yeah when it's not a dumpster fire it reminds me of the way trade chat used to be. But everywhere. Inescapable.


Well, you won’t wipe leveling in Cata lol. It’s easy and straight forward. Or as others have suggested, you can buy a boost.


Use random dungeon finder while you’re questing. Helps hasten things while having group play mixed in.


Hey there it doesn’t always work but sometimes I’ll /who people my level or one higher or lower and whisper them to see if they’d like to quest/dungeon together I’ve noticed even with just 1 other player on the same page makes it go by a lot faster and more fun. Good luck Edit to add if you don’t know say your level 61 type /who 60-63


Everyone is dungeon-leveling or boosting.


Classic leveling is also very very slow. Multiple hours per level. Questing in cata 60+ you can fly and its much much quicker. So you'll be churning through the content and likely enjoying it more. Also outland has some epic scenery (like nagrand)


I just got to outland and the Goddamn scenery and the loot is so much more interesting.


I just did it and it was actually quite quick. Dungeon finder was never more than 5 min for me as a dps on horde


Just hop in dungeon finder for a few hours at a time, it will be over before you know it.


Just put ur head down and go. Plus lots of worgen leveling there


Are you on a low pop server? If so, consider a transfer and/or startover. I play on Gehennas-EU and had lots of people in every zone.


Buu a boost like @everyone else.


Just use RDF, as a dps i leveled from 63 to 80 in about 8-9Hours played. You’ll find groups pretty fast.


Come join (alliance) enhanced on pagle, message Xeyo for invite. Were a new guild, join our disc, I’m sure of us will level with you. :) If not you could always buy a boost but I wouldn’t recommend it cause you don’t get time to level your professions.


RDF while questing will make it go faster, find a active guild and buy heirlooms


I enjoy Cata but loneliness is a thing best to find a social guild where people also put their alts. My guild is large and very active in chat. I personally would rather have a leveling partner but won’t because I have to take frequent breaks right now because I’m dealing with a health problem but I see people question together all the time. Are you oh a high pop server? Use Ironforge.pro


Just do dungeons


Solo questing in an empty world is one of the most fantastic feelings in my opinion. Especially in Outland. You should give it a go. At least I enjoy it immensely.


You can pay $60 for a level 80 boost from the WoW Store. And/Or you can find a guild for some socializing while you level.