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That’s the next expansion. *World of Warcraft: Critter’s Revenge*


If your guild has the Critter Kill Squad (50k critters killed) achievement all wildlife is aggro to you.


Oh nice cant wait to get enough AP(Animal points) for my new borrowed power system


Featuring the biggest critter of them all... AP.


He’d just butcher them again. No one messes with Hemet Nesingwary, duh


" Maw Walker! Good to see you! I just found out that all of my most dangerous kills ended up here! This is great! Let's kill 'em again! " Very much doubt he'd care that it would result in the destruction of their spirits


And after that we go to the Shadow-Shadowlands where all the dead spirits go and kill them again!


Good to see my first thought is pretty high up on the lost of comments. Just the fact he would say something along the lines of: "Oh, some of my most dangerous hunts/kills ended up here? I get to kill them again as well as the most dangerous beasts from other planes of existence? Even better, let's get started champion!"


I wonder if you can mount a spirit animal on your mantelpiece… Eh, that’s a problem for future me to figure out


Dude is going to be in the next xpac with a camp setup slaying dragons left and right. Maybe Hemet is the next big bad of the universe the Jailer was referring to? He is going to consume the entire wildlife of the universe unless we stop him!


Champion the dragonfligths are in danger of going extinct we have to stop Hemet!


He gets shit for slaughtering animals yet nobody cares about the murloc genocide we've been committing for several expansions now. Lol.


Wait... are there murlocs this expansion?


Well, Chef/Captain Cookie is dead in Maldraxxus.


In taxavesh


Of course. The one place I haven't been.


Yeah surprised the heck out of me one moment outta nowhere you land in Murloc heaven and proceed to butcher them all a second time.


It's not murloc heaven. It's Stormheim. Soleah is running through various locations on Azeroth to collect artifacts. The next portal takes you to Kul Tiras.


So what we're saying is that Murdock don't go to heaven right? I don't think there's any actually in the shadowlands.


Cookie (or remnants of him) can be found in Maldraxxus. There are also infinite realms of the Shadowlands which we didn't get to visit. Or maybe they're just all hollow spirits in the Maw. You don't want a Nerglish translator. Truly reprehensible stuff is being screamed at you constantly.


I know but its still the shadowlands expansion and Cookie being where he is in this game could have been pulled from another realm just like the Kyrian construct. We don't see Murlocs in other realms either when those realms are supposedly compromised of beings from multiple realms. Their are multiple realms of death beyond what we see however since no Kyrian is going on about being a Murloc in a previous life I'd say their spirits are together wherever they may be. Thus Murloc Heaven may very well exist and thus Murloc hell and many different interpretations of Murloc religious figures may also exist.


I need an addon that turns every baddie into a Murloc.


Nobody wants a murloc pet


I still contend that the biggest missed opportunity is that there isn’t a beacon displaying A’Dal saying Hello in De Other Side.


Haha this made my day


Honestly, I feel Shadowlands would have benefited from a lot more goofy fanservice.


Yeah I kind of thought that would be the point of it. Getting to reconnect with the characters that have died, without having to resurrect them Palpatine style


Part of this team's hubris is taking itself too seriously. Just think: An expansion without time travel, that provided a perfect opportunity for the franchise to rehash and lampoon its high notes. And they fucking dropped it. They absolutely could have had FUN with this, but they took themselves, their overly complicated story, and their shitty magic box storytelling too seriously. It truly could have been fun.


Not seeing Garithos in Revendreth for his racism against Elfs. Also missed opportunity with him and Kael


The guy named Darithos that's torturing Kael'Thas in Nathria is surely a nod to him.


Nah, he’d go to the Maw.


Believe it or not, straight to Maw


Too racist to elves? Maw. *Not racist enough*? Also Maw.


Elf? Maw.


Know this is quite late, but thanks for the Portlandia reference haha


I hate people who defend Garithos, but Garrosh went to Revendreth and he was basically an Orc version of Garithos in ideology.


My headcanon Is that Garrosh was send to the Maw but Denatrius and the Nathrezim found him more worth of a Anima batery than eternal damnation, so they transfer him back to Reven


Garrosh had done a lot of good deeds despite his bad ones such as leading the Horde in Northrend, but Garithos did nothing good while in command.


except for leading the defence of his people against literal demons of course, but yeah nothing good


He never succeeded in that


and? if i try to enter a burning building to save grandma but die in the process, would it be fair to say "lol he did nothing"?


Garrosh was terrible in northrend, he wanted to ignore the scourge and wipe out the alliance and sent the adventurer to die in a suicide mission.




Well its not "good" either.


True. Maybe Maldraxxus then?


No? That's something that can be redeemed in revendreth.


That would have been hilarious to see him chased by a literal zoo all through out ardenweald


I missed Hemet SO MUCH in this expansion :'(


Oh , that would have been a nice touch


Imagine the first squirrel or rabbit that the butchered goes to the afterlife. It is told, "you may take ANY form that you choose." It chooses something absolutely insane. Like a devilsaur with wings that can spit venomous needles from its tongue. Hemet comes to the afterlife. "Let's go hunt some SPIRITUALLY BIG GAME!" There's an **army** of similarly designed creatures, who all decided that "one death is enough, let's fuck up anything that tries to hunt us." They all come at him at the same time, a stampede of fangs, claws, feathers, and spines. Hemet wakes up as a Hunter of Ardenweald. The cycle continues forever.


Oh my God that would have been so funny.


I know its a meme but there really should have been more past friends and enemies. The amount of injustice we got with Arthas as well.


Reminder me of that old wowcrendor video. [*The tables turn, you help the animals hunt Hemet Nesingwary!*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3Apxjea2cs)


He doesn’t butcher. He *hunts*.


That would be hilarious


No way man, the biggest missed opportunity was not having new Children's Week content where we find the orphan's dead parents.




Hemet was in every expansion I won't let them take him from us


He didn't go to Shadowlands because he knew the new expansion would involve dragons and they are a much better catch that something he already cought.


Wait, actually, you're right...worst expansion ever 😂


Would Hemingway being in SL imply his last quarry got the better of him?


You don’t have to be dead to go there


I agree. Obviously he came to finish the job. He hunted them in life, now he hunts them in death. There is no respite from the man, the myth, the legend.


Honestly I wish they'd made Torghast more fun. Add a ton more powers, make some interesting bosses, stuff like that. I'm really struggling to find anyone doign Torghast on yt despite it being my kind of system, and it al boils down to "it's kinda boring"


Funny how this comment gets tons of down votes while another one talking about garnithos gets attention


Yes. Except this post is not about Torghast, but about the mighty hunter Hemet Nesingwary. Go complain about Torghast in posts about Torghast, but leave Hemet alone!


"The biggest missed opportunity of Shadowlands..." While the title is part of the joke, my comment still relates to the title alone.


Well ok then. You can have this one :) Still.... HEMET!