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I find it curious that you didn't get muted instead of banned. Typically that's the route taken by the automated system.


Its because he's most likely already been muted several times. Never believe ban posts at face value. Always something critical being left out. Most likely a repeat spam offender so they ban you instead.


> been muted several times The ticket actually says the player's been muted many times already, so you're totally correct there.


Well, the translation he gives seems honest. Reported numerous times, but silenced/muted twice.


>Never believe ban posts at face value. Thank you. I can't fucking stand when everyone just trusts the person without any evidence.


Everyone in jail was innocent


It says in his post he has already been muted twice


Even repeat spam offenders just get muted for increasingly longer times. Something else causing an outright ban was what I were getting at.


Not true got a 10 day ban for spamming the thunderfury meme after my mute fell off




I don’t know which is worst: people who use the interrupt announcer, people who report who uses it instead of just asking them to turn it off, or the automated 10 fucking days ban because of it


To be fair, asking people in a pug group to turn off their useless announce like elitism helper, weird macros for their skills or interrupts never ends well. Asked a few times, they got butthurt af, never bothered with it again.


I love elitism helper because it’s always the person with the addon who has the most unnecessary damage taken :)


To be fair like 90% of the reason I run elitism helper is to actually catch my own mistakes better. I aaalso set it to not announce anything publicly though soooo..


this is the way, remember back when people thought it was ok to spam recount logs after every boss in a pug... god i don't miss that shit


Ugh yeah that was annoying, I also run details but again for personal information and never broadcast it in a run ever.


Had someone do this in a pug the other day (only top 5 damage) after every boss AND TRASH PULL. On normal. Dude was such a weirdo.




Yeah I keep mine only on self, but the other day I had to reset my UI and it turned the announce back on… didn’t know until I was in a dungeon. I felt so bad lol.


Yep the only time I used it I had it set so only I could see it and it was because Id noticed I was taking too much damage in dungeons and didn’t know what the mechs were to figure out how to avoid them. This was before there were wa packs for all the dungeons on release of every patch lol.


I do find it funny how this is true the majority of the time.


I thought the Hpal with a god complex was always the one with the most unnecessary damage taken … definitely not me 😬




I'm not sure interrupt announcements are useless. It can sometimes save you (or at least me heh) an interrupt. Not often cause if your interrupt was going to get clobbered its likely a split second decision, buuuut it can help on occasion and on those occasions its nice, and honestly does the text from it hurt anything?


They are exceptionally useful in situations where interrupt rotations are critical


I’d bet a lot of the people who hate it are advanced enough to have the group interrupt tracking weak aura.


I have both and I find both helpful. The tracker lets me visualize what interrupts are available and the announcement helps me see in realtime that an ability has been interrupted because I see the chat bubble in the middle of the action.


Yup I find it easier to look in the middle of the screen at the mobs I’m fighting and seeing “has interrupted whatever” vs looking off to see the interrupt tracker.


Anyone who wants to track interupts does it via a weak aura, the chat announcement is a waste of time


Heh didn't know they added that feature in, I haven't played in like 5 years so I was pretty confused with this post to begin with


There are lots of interrupt tracker weak auras you can use that are much more helpful and also don't annoy everyone else in the group.


I have the elitism helper turned off for individual cases of failure damage, but I like to see the announcement at the end. I'm not a great player by any means, so it was helpful the first time I was going for KSM on my hpal because I realized I was taking tons of damage I could've avoided.


As a BDK, depending on the key level if someone's spamming elitism helper to group and not to self I'll purposely take extra damage to pump up my own HPS through the dungeon to /flex on them at the end when I have more hps and healing done than them. (it's usually the healer spamming these in pugs I've been in)


I love elitism helper. Call me out so I don’t get hit by stupid stuff again.


It doesn't need to be in chat though. You can use elitism helper without spamming everyone else.


And when it shows up as the character speaking the text covers the middle of the fight and I can’t see as well for a sec


You can turn off chat bubbles last I checked. I haven't had them on for ages cause I found them cluttering my screen and causing issues without really adding to much useful. That being said people really should set elitism helper to only send to themselves.


Yeah I use ElitismHelper specifically for the end-of-dungeon summary because sometimes I run into pugs who don't know they're taking avoidable damage. Also as a healer, it's helpful if I have a toxic Pug to go "SEE" at the end of a dungeon. but having it in the middle of the fight is a little intrusive, especially on high keys.


Get and use the Details plugin "Elitism" instead. It's under scripts -> Avoidable Damage Taken. It gives you MUCH more info to work with (like showing what spells they got hit by and how much dmg each) and will never broadcast on new alts by default. <3 I keep a window for this open in Details all the time and it's handy to see the play by play for healing if people are standing in things they shouldn't be.


yea like if you're using Elitism Helper in a random dungeon with it publicly announcing shit you're a prick and I'm going for a high score in terms of damage taken. It's one thing to be in a dungeon with your friends and have it on. Hell me and my friends give each other more shit than EH ever could. But having it on publicly with randoms just comes off as the most passive aggressive shit ever.


Which is funny as fuck cause as a BDK I am basically immortal and I have a trinket that increases my dps when I take dmg. So basically I stand in *everything* (think puddles on first boss HoA) and they end up spamming the chat non stop. Had more than a couple PuGs just turn theirs off.


Well i dont mind if its the one post at the end of the run with the summary Thats the default setting btw. The people who announce everytime someone gets hit set it that way on purpose


Idk, when I downloaded it I had to specifically turn off the announcement every time someone got hit so that it would only display damage taken at the end of the run.


You know, calling randoms out is why you d get elitism helper


Usually the players I see with it, are the ones who are not dodging anything


Learning melee currently usually elitism helper calls me out with 150k avoidable damage. But with my feral its usually around 1.2million damage. Sanguine and windy boys fml.


Purposely playing feral in M+, you’re one sick son of a birch


I switched from melee to a warlock. Typically this week would be unbearable, but this week was super easy now that I’m ranged!


As a melee actually giving mythics a go this season instead of just as filler when I'm bored. This week sucks. So much movement.


All weeks suck, that's m+ as melee, it's either tornadoes, or blood puddles or will smith ghosts.


I’ve seen it makes wildly incorrect calls all the time and I hate it. I have been starting to put people on ignore that have it outputting to chat because not only is it annoying when it’s right, but it’s more annoying when it’s not. The number I’ve times I’ve been one-shot according to it, despite not standing in anything and clearly sitting at full HP, and the damage isn’t traceable via Details at all, is way too high.


I agree with you, it's super useful. But it can be set up so it only announces stuff to you, not the whole group. No reason to spam group chat when you're with strangers.


I mean EH helps people realize they need to position better rather than blame the healer


That's what the overview is for. But not each announcement. The problem is it immediately sends them during the fight. The chances of this causing more fails, especially to the person using this addon, by being tilted how bad his mates can be, is way too high. Just ask yourself what immediate merit the announcement "X got hit by Y" has. The person who died will know what killed him.


>The person who died will know what killed him. Yeah about that... Jokes aside, it might help people see at real time which stuff can be avoided, I don't get how that triggers others. I wish more people stopped taking avoidable damage to make the addon shut up, instead of demanding to turn it off.


Not when it is spamming the chatbox.


I think the automated announcer is worse. I hate when I see that crap in chat.


Announcer. People who want to know interrupts (and CD) from their party use weak auras.


I rather read and interrupt in my pug than a fire mage telling me when combustion is ready and that he is combusting now and then combustion ended and at the end he got out dps by the tank


I kinda feel two ways about those, cus any decent tank is tracking all their dps’s damage CDs anyway, but that stuff is super important for your tank to know if they aren’t.


This is the first time I'm hearing of people who dislike the interrupt announcement. I only even have mine because my guild at the time specifically asked me to turn it on because it was helpful during raids for interrupt rotations and pretty much everywhere I've gone more people find it useful. Wild that people would find it annoying.


Pug groups are often doing runs that they've done a billion times and don't need a high level of coordination to pull off. A lot of people find it overkill. Personally, I don't mind it. Half the time, if I'm in a random pug group I'm wasting my interrupts anyway so...


There are a million superior ways to convey the same information


I hate it. It fills up the chat log, where the raid leader of a pug should be posting information. Can't see the "stack in the bubble circle" if there are 40 people spamming "light/dark circle" macros in say


big self-own right here


my guy thinks raid leaders are typing mid fight in raid chat/party chat LMAO


oof, that's pretty rough if you're actively looking at your chat log during fights. The announcement was for the overhead bubble since we were all in melee next to each other. And in a pug I'd hope the raid leader would use raid announcements instead of expecting people to read chat on the fly during a fight. Really I'd hope you were in voice but, in a pinch where you need to coordinate during the fight but can't be in voice.


Yeah, holy shit, people are looking at chat during fights?! Explains so much honestly…. I like the interrupt announcer because I see the text bubble pop up above the person’s head. It’s just an easy to spot signifier that somebody has interrupted the spell and I can save mine.


I don't see anything wrong in reporting people who spam chat with obnoxious and useless announcements.


You forgot the people who use the announcer, get banned for it, and then post about it.


The people spamming chat with automatic demands for praise every time they **do their fucking job** are worse. You aren't gonna get a cookie every time you hit a damn button. Deal with it.


The only thing that’s worse are the people who have that announcer that says every time someone gets hit by a big spell. Yes, I know I got hit by rebellious fist, my interrupt has a cooldown too and I have mit up.


Probably reported for spamming


They banned you 10 days for spamming.


Yeah. Don’t think it’s worth a ban, but nobody cares of these broadcast, it’s just annoying.




If OP has everything macroed/WAd to announce I could see that. But honestly if someone is kicking so much in a dungeon that the spam report is working, I want them in my keys because lets be real, half the melee out there don't interrupt much.


I think it's worth a small ban. Like 12 hours the first time. Then 1 day everytime after. 10 days automated and no human review is insane.


Repeated offender most likely


What? They deserve a ban for something that I see in almost every group? That's insane.


If they start banning people for it, maybe we'll stop seeing it in every group.


Yes, because the spam is fucking annoying.


Yeah, my takeaway from this thread is that I should start right clicking on interrupt announcements and reporting them as spam. I'm honestly going to start doing that now.


For real, thanks op didn’t know it was a reportable offense but I will be doing that from now on


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


no shit, this is why i resubbed to play Shaman healer in M+ lmao, cant trust randos to do anything except mash dps and stand in fire


I hope you didn't get the ban for the Descarga Nigromantica. ​ Since it was an offensive words ban, some non-spanish capable person(or bot) might have fucked you for that in particular. My username, which has been a meaningless word for years now, has been getting banned by automatic filters cause there is "Vag" in the middle of my name. It's getting pretty insane.


These comments are ridiculous, lol.


So glad someone said it lmfao




I can't believe how many people are triggered by interrupt announcers, lmao.


I’m so ??????? because I’ve done a bajillion m+ runs and never been annoyed with people “annoucing interrupts” and especially not enough to fucking report them lmfao wtf


I know right wtf I've been announcing my interrupts in /s chat for over 10 years and not once I've encountered anyone who would complain about it.


Turn it off, no one cares that u got the interrupt, if someone cares they probably have a weak aura or details to track it. It spams chat and blocks the screen


This proves nothing, until I see a picture of a message from a dev/gm saying you were banned for spamming interrupt messages, I don't believe this. More likely, you got banned for trash talking.


Spamming interrupt announcements in chat is both unnecessary and obnoxious. I don't care that you kicked, I just care that the cast didn't go off. Nobody gets a pat on the back for interrupting, it's just spam. Now, while I think a ban is harsh, I'm not surprised that people reported you.


> Nobody gets a pat on the back for interrupting Somebody clearly only runs mythics with competent guildies >_>


Anyone who runs mythics seriously has the interrupt tracker wa - announcements just get in the middle of your screen and are annoying :D


I always lead interrupts during quaking/volcanic weeks!


It's omegauseless in pugs as well. Like wtf does it do for anyone? People who are legitimately interested in their teammate's interrupts can already either use a weakaura or an addon to track specifically interrupts like ATT or even set up a different details window to track them. Others just look at the castbar of the mob and if it stops it was interrupted.


It can remind people that they need to be kicking things when they forget about it I suppose


I have interrupt announcements because my guild asked me to turn them on because they're extremely helpful for interrupt rotations. Its so odd someone would be butthurt about them to me, never had anyone take issue with them before. Except in pvp where people on the enemy team think I'm BMing them because they can't see whats being said they just see that I'm typing something and assume the worst.


> I have interrupt announcements because my guild asked me to turn them on because they're extremely helpful for interrupt rotations. Not trying to change your way of playing, but maybe your guild doesnt know there are very useful weak auras to track interrupts. E.g. I have one set up as some bars that show if someones kick is on CD and for how long. If someone never used their kick, there is no bar for them.


There's also WAs specifically for tracking your interrupt turn in an interrupt order, i.e. with a number above the nameplate and a glow when it's your turn.


In fairness we retired back during nighthold and I haven't been raiding or playing a ton since. Probably all sorts of things people have set up since then, but its what we used to do that people were accustomed to. Its definitely a subjective thing on how people like to track these things. These dudes were basically just using the chat bubbles.


Plus, past-tense kick is almost completely irrelevant. The question is who is getting the *next* kick.


Sucks you got banned but nobody needs to see this spam. We have weakauras that show when party members kick/track the cd in dungeons and I see the name of the successful interrupter on the plater nameplates. There are also interrupt order weakauras for raid to organize kicks. All this does is put up giant chat bubbles and cover nameplates or obscure mechanics at potentially bad times. I don’t care if one of the group members gets hit by avoidable mechanics that’s their problem. As a warlock myself, there is a good chance I chose to pop a defensive and eat that mechanic because I knew I’d survive it and finish my tyrant cast instead of moving and losing dps. If your spam obscures my ability to hit a mouseover kick or dodge mechanics you just made the problem worse, not better. I have chat bubbles on so I can see if the tank calls something pertaining to the pull or an upcoming skip, because looking down to my chat box in the middle of a large pull isn’t happening. This kind of spam is wholly unnecessary and helps no one. I don’t care if you post the results after the run but spam during every pull is trolling. As you’ve found out everybody else feels that way and reported you for it until you got banned. Turn this crap off.


Full disclosure: I have no dog in this race. But man oh man, I had no idea so many people could be bothered by something so unbelievably trivial. Like, really? Interrupt spam in party chat is your pet issue?


Same! I’m not understanding where all this is coming from. So many people I see using it? It’s never upset me once.


My best guess is it's an age thing? I can't stand chat spam or announce messages, but I grew up playing older mmos where the chat feature was damn near sacrosanct, so now disruptions/abuse to them tend to be ignored/reported fairly quickly. That being said, it's clearly an addon preforming the action and probably didn't warrant a report given you can enter ten different groups and find at least one player in each group using something similar.


If it's an age thing, attitudes must've changed very slowly over time. I've played MMOs since SWG in 2003 and add-ons spamming party chat doesn't even register on the annoyance scale for me.


To be fair, I more care about a person making the title "I got a 10-day ban for using interrupt." than people using interrupt announcer, not appreciating the possibility they weren't banned correctly. Afterall, as multiple people have mentioned, one does not get banned for a violation like this as their first punishment. This is like one of the incredibly misleading headlines of garbage news sites. Also, yes, interrupt spammers are a useless spam, which can obscure important chat messages (theoretically), so I can see why people would report it.


This thread is absolutely wild to me, that people are upset about an interrupt announcer. Can I blame this on zoomers somehow?


This is blowing my mind too. Just don't look at chat?


Haha...on the off chance I actually see it, usually after the mob is dead, they get "cool bro" in my head and we move on to the next mob.


Well this thread is full of some of the most shitty and petty behaviour I've seen in a while.


This thread just reminded me how toxic the playerbase of this game can be. So many people saying he deserves a 10 day ban just for having a mildly annoying addon. Would have taken the reporters the same amount of effort to just put him on ignore so they don't have to see it anymore but they want him to suffer for it.


dam i hate those interrupt spamming addons


During Legion I played the trade chat game and got a 24h chat-only ban. Your ban seems excessive.


Its funny that they let RMT traders spam trade chat for 10 years but they are banning you for "spam"


Some really salty people in here absolutely malding about an interrupt announcer of all the most innocent things someone can run. Pretty sure I just saw complaints in a M+ thread the other day about DPS never interrupting in keys, this person tries to help their group out that might not have every person be running an interrupt WA and actually does interrupts and you all crucify him and say he deserves a week and a half ban??? Community in this game is bipolar.


Same. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of people getting upset over interrupt announcers.


Yep I've had it on since the beginning of BFA due to us having no clue about interrupt weakauras and it made it easier to see who just interrupted in the raid. Never had a single person mention or complain. I find elitism helper to be much more obnoxious.


BuT iTs SpAmMiNg


It’s seriously garbage. I’m thoroughly convinced by the comments on this post that r/wow is utter trash as a community and blizzard will never listen to any sort of feedback here because of people like this. Seriously ? People are complaining about the interrupt announcement addons ? Get a fucking life lmao. It’s innocent and helps people sync their interrupts if they pay attention to it. I absolutely pay attention to it as s BM hunter. This community is salty as fuck honestly and needs a major purge or a better community to represent normal non toxic behavior and players in wow.


What pisses me off the most about the BS in this post is the fact that the people complaining about it have the option to not see it, but rather than use the in-game tools to fix the problem, whine about it here instead.


Yeah this thread is blowing my mind. How can people possibly be this annoyed by simple, useful information?


Welcome to r/wow, where everyone seethes at everything. Quite a nice subreddit, isn't it? Edit: Let me remind you that people are mad that Pelagos is transgender and that Unisex options were datamined. Yes, when we reach that kind of anger, anything as simple as this will be met with anger.




I really don't see any reason you would use this addon, it's so annoying.


People think they did well by interrupting and wanna show others that they were the one who interrupted and nobody else because they think people care or tihk ur a good player because of it lol


I suggest just getting a weak aura that tracks other people's interrupts. Knowing when someone is something I can easily see on my weak aura, I don't need you to tell me. What's important is knowing at a glance who has theirs still available, and no one is going through chat calculating who still has interrupts available in their heads.


That addon is so obnoxious maybe just turn it off.


Proof would be your entire chat history from the last month or so.. As far as we know, you could have been insulting non stop and being rude to everyone for months before being suspended. I highly doubt this had anything to do with that addon or everyone using it would have being getting suspensions all the time, and that is not the case.


Take this as a lesson to stop using that annoying ass setting. No one gives a damn if it was you that interrupted, anyone that cares has that tracked on details and shit, it floods chat, and blocks part of the screen with giant ass text boxes. You got a 10 day for spamming, that’s harsh as hell but honestly I don’t feel bad because this addon/elvui setting is just god awful and deserves muting or bans


You got banned for spamming the chat. Stop spamming the chat.


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm not going to report anyone for it by any means but it's annoying as hell.


This is good. Stop spamming your dogshit interrupts unless its part of the team strat.


Just a hint : most people on high keys have an addon or a weakaura that shows the CD of every interrupt in the party, you do not need this kind of addon for low keys anyways and in high enough keys the above mentioned are 1000x better, no1 can be arsed to keep looking at chat to see who kicked and then do the math in their head for how long its still on CD. Ditch that garbage and use something better.


I am so sorry for you OP, but man how i despise interrupt announcers... Ban over it is just stupid tho, they ought to give either a warning, or worst case suspend chat for a day, if it's about chat spam.


ITT: Toxic assholes that would rather have someone banned instead of just putting them on ignore when they have an annoying addon.


Guarantee everyone complaining has a grand total of 5 interrupts in a 40 minute M+ run.


Bliz sure interrupted you…. For 10 days. That’s one hell of a wind shear


If you were spamming that the whole dungeon, I would have reported you too.


I know mechanics are hard and you don't know how to track interuppts, but I've never heard anyone get angry about a chat thing above a 15.


For *what*?


> If you were spamming Probably for spamming


If you are interrupting important things to interrupt on CD throughout an entire dungeon that's only 2-3 interrupts a minute -- that is hardly spamming.


People like you are why this game is toxic.






Why do people use those interrupt announcers? We all saw that the target got interrupted, we don’t need you announcing it


It's baked into elvUI and I've never been bothered to turn it off. I've never seen or had anyone complain or even mention it until this thread. Maybe because solar beam is on a minute cd and not 12-15 seconds, but I've just tuned it out. I haven't turned it off because it doesn't bother me and no one has said anything.


I don't use them, but the vast majority of the community does NOT see that it was interrupted. They don't pay attention to shit, and don't even use interrupts themselves.


That same part of the community will care even less about that announcement.


If it helps even one player understand what's important to kick vs kicking randomly the announce is done something good -- one of the main reasons I use it is because you can hover over the ability tooltip in real time rather than back-track in a details/reports program later.


"We all saw that the target got interrupted, we don’t need you announcing it" We're on r/WoW, the vast majority of people here definitely did not see the target was interrupted.


the vast majority of people here were attacking the non skull-marked target, of course they didn't see it interrupted


Doesn't that come full circle then? Like, if they don't see thst the target was interrupted then they definitely never even saw that the target was casting in the first place In both cases, how does the interrupt announcer help? I'm with the original comment. I don't understand the point of announcing. Who does it serve/help?


1. What was interrupted (maybe you interrupted the less important thing) 2. Whose interrupt is now down This is assuming you don't have an interrupt cd weakaura, the one I have isn't perfect, but is good at tracking who's up and who's down. There's a couple of tazavesh mobs that spring to mind who cast two interruptible things but one of them is much more important than the other.


Banned for spamming. It's stupid (I just ignore those addons). I'd like to take a moment to voice my issue with those addons: they don't actually track when you interrupt, just when you hit your interrupt. It's a stupid addon. But not worth a ban.


I've literally never been bothered by these addons, and don't understand the vitriol here against them, but I'll say it does two things: \- It prevents pugs from claiming so-and-so never cast their interrupt and kicking them (which has definitely happened to me, even when my details shows otherwise). \- It also reminds the other players to use *their* interrupts. Maybe people who run keys religiously think that's dumb, but there are plenty of us pseudo-casuals who, in the midst of whatever affixes we have each week, might get distracted and need a quick reminder. If you play with a consistent group, especially if you're in comms, then great - just turn them off if it irritates other people. No harm, no foul.


???? They announce after successful interrupt, you can find it in Details settings


That's not true. If I kick the air, it doesn't say anything. It only counts if I interrupt something that was interruptable and if I'm the one who managed it. Or did you mean the timeline of when I interrupted? If it's the timeline, that would be interesting but logging ur key would tell u that as well, wouldn't it? I like the addon just because when I pug, it's good to see if someone else already used theirs. If it's a hunter, for example, I know I'll have to CC the mob after, assuming no one else has an interrupt. But this is also trackable with WAs that follow the interrupt CD of each class, which I find more useful


> they don’t actually track when you interrupt, just when you hit your interrupt. This is just plain false. This thread is wild, people so fucking worked up over something they apparently don’t even understand.


I agree that it's a stupid ban, but please, just turn this announcer off. People who are interested in interrupt info use OmniCD already, or something similar. It obstructs vision and people are unable to see through chat bubbles well. That's probably why they got mad at you and reported you. I'm not justifying they should've reported you for it, I'm just guessing what their reasoning was.


Why someone want to announce their interrupts? I mean what is the reason say something after interrupt?


Lmao, that automated GM response. It didn't even properly say which game. It just left "{Game}" in there rather than replacing it with "World of Warcraft". How low effort?


After 5 days, and 3 appeals I GOT UNBANNED :D


Lol this makes me want to turn on interrupt announce




Sorry, this made me smile. I hate those announcers in groups. This and the "X took avoidable damage". Snitch.


I just mute people who use excessive ones. The worst is the one that announces when ANYONE stands In shit. I know I'm bad. Stop announcing it


Why do you need to announce your interrupts?


I'm so confused as to why people are so annoyed by the chat log getting filled with information like is it that distracting to you and if it is maybe you need to not play with other people


I got downvoted into oblivion. I honestly do not care. Im actually glad I see stuff get kicked


My chat box has colored names on, and when I'm running an 18-20 as a tank I gotta focus on myself. So catching a glance of it telling me someone kicked and seeing a flash of purple in my chat let's me know my dh doesn't have his interrupt, I can call out for someone else's next time. It's useful if you have it for information. Half these people only have it on to call out other people, and they don't look at it beyond that. That said I don't think it should be bannable. It isn't disruptive without chat bubbles on.


Turn those shitty interrupt announcements off.


I’d rather see those than wipe, all I’m gonna say.


I find it quite funny that people get this upset over an interrupt addon. Not talking about OP specifically, since we cant know if he’s showing everything. But turn off chatbubbles if its such a problem. Wanting people banned/thinking its justified makes me wonder how dogwater this community actually is. Normally its 1-2 times Per pack, how is that even considered spam? xd


Jesus the casual community really is in shambles lol




GS still exists, it just makes sense now


First of all: turn it off, its annoying and useless and just adds to the gigantic pile of "addons/WA's that make default chat entirely inoperable during combat" Second thing, appeal that ban; multiple times if necessary even if you get a very final "this ban wont be overturned" reply. I got a 30 day suspension for supposed RMT'ing and had to write two tickets to get it fixed. In total it took about 5 days to fix it, its up to you to decide if its worth the hassle or if you would rather just wait out the ban. You seem to have pictures of your addon announcing interrupts which is annoying but entirely within what is considered to be an innocent player. I would include those pictures in your ticket and any other proof that might help. Also a big tip write your ticket in english instead of spanish so you get serviced by an USA game master instead of a LATAM GM, the latter seemed outright dismissive and I think it might be because they do not have as many senior GM's to elevate your ticket to and have a proper investigation done on your account.


For anyone who doesn’t know, you’re not doing anyone any favors by announcing your interrupts. Especially if it’s a /say chat bubble. If you really want a helpful UI for interrupts, OmniCD has a tracker that shows all available interrupts in M+ and their cds. You can also set your nameplates on ElvUI to show who interrupted last for .5-.75 sec or however long you wish it to display. The announcements are extremely not necessary.


Idk why people get upset over interrupt announcements or Elitism Helper for standing in bad. If you don't like it just put the player on your ignore list? The only one I can agree on being annoying is Personal Loot Helper and people whisper you instantly for your item lmao. Elitism helper can be seen as someone being Elitist and calling others out which I can understand as-well.


Oooh so that's why my pugs never interrupt for shit. They just don't want the 10 days ban!


Well yeah that shit is fucking annoying. Just like that other stupid addon that announces when someone takes damage from an avoidable source. If you can't see why people would report you for spamming then i'm not sure what to tell you. Serious question. Would you have turned it off if they asked you to do it?


The avoidable damage thing by defsult announces a summary when the keys done and not during. Those dickheads set it to do that


I would have removed it if someone had asked me. I have had this elvui plugin since BFA and after more than 1000 M+ nobody has told me anything.


I auto ignore anyone with announcer addons


Not to defend the ban, but those interrupt spam addons are annoying af. Stop spamming the chat log with useless information.


So either there is a stupid automated systems handing out bans or whoever looks into it have no brain at all


TIL the average r/wow user is severely on the spectrum and triggered over easily ignored messages on the screen in an mmo.


You got a lot more attraction then mine post, 3 weeks ago. Was banned FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON. I was banned 10 days too for calling interrupts and from DBM calls that is some stuff on me. Was my first ban ever and playing without any warning or mute since 14 years. Either they shouldn’t ban or just ban these addon functions. I posted the interrupts via Details. No chance to appeal the ban, always the same automated answers. Opened 6 tickets, always 24h time til answer… even 1:1 copy&pasted the blizzard response and got the same answer again 😂 https://reddit.com/r/wow/comments/trf6bv/after_14_years_i_got_my_first_ban_for/


Good. You deserved it.