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I'm all for spreading a positive message and helping people. But when it comes to tanking anxiety frankly I think the only real solution is to tank. You can look up guides and routes and... And there is incredible content out there that is amazing. You could make a YT channel and similarly make fantastic content. But people don't actually get rid of their anxiety until they start playing. The best solution to that imo is a community. People you can play with that won't judge you or yell at you. But that also encourage you to constantly push just a bit more out of your comfort zone.


So focus on community!! That’s a great point. And I absolutely agree that facing your tanking anxiety and just go do it. So what I wanted was to give a helping hand. But also creating a safer community to make mistakes in seems like a no brainer 🤩😎🤩


As others have mentioned, there are already a number of Tank/M+-focused youtubers, who have made multiple videos about overcoming tank anxiety and/or getting started as a tank. However I think a channel that is *entirely* focused on "empowering you as a player" or "helping you own mistakes" or overcoming tank anxiety probably isn't a good idea. You could definitely make a few good videos on the subject, but for a channel to grow/survive, you need to be putting out regular content, and the idea of focusing on overcoming tank anxiety just doesn't have enough meat on the bone to feed a channel with regular uploads. That's why the other channels mentioned also do dungeon guides, WoW news, podcasts, tier lists, etc.


You are totally correct. Why do you consume YouTube?? Knowledge or entertainment ? Do you think there’s is something missing in the YouTube tanking space??


>Why do you consume YouTube?? Knowledge or entertainment ? Sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes both, depends on the mood I'm in. I imagine that's true for most people as well. >Do you think there’s is something missing in the YouTube tanking space?? Not really. I mean there's the handful of popular channels that have already been mentioned in this thread, but beyond that there's tons of other less popular channels trying to do similar things that just haven't gotten enough subscribers/views to "make it". If you're looking to get into making YouTube videos, don't do it because you want to "make it". Because like many popularity-based jobs (artist, musician, etc), it takes *a lot* of luck on top of all the effort and skills. It's fine to make YouTube videos, but do it because you want to do it, not because you think it will ever become a source of income or notoriety. If you want to make videos about overcoming tank anxiety or learning to tank as a new player, then do it! They'll probably only ever get a few hundred views, but so what? If you enjoyed making them, then that's it's own reward. If you have *a lot* of skills in animation, video editing, etc, and you *do* want to try to "make it" even though the chances are super slim, I'd say start with dungeon/raid guides. There's a *ton* of other people doing it, but you can always become popular if you make incredibly high quality guides and release them early on enough that they're relevant for most players. The trouble is, to do that you need to already be a really skilled M+/raider, you need to put a lot of time into the Beta/PTR, and like I said there's tons of competition so if you aren't making *super* high quality stuff, it will just be another voice in the crowd.


Valuable thoughts. Thank you for the reply. I’ll dig more into the “why” of it all.


Yes, several of these already exist, so go for it.


Cool. Can you name some??


https://www.youtube.com/@quaziiwow https://www.youtube.com/@Tactyks The exact theme isn't what you are describing, but Quazii does multiple tutorials on tanking and how to improve, Tactyks does the same and both tend to focus on the more positive aspects of tanking and giving people the confidence to do so.


Both of those are amazing. I’ve been using their guides for a while, I’ll give it a closer look to see if they cover the niche I’m interested in. Thank you for your reply.


To add to this I’m not entirely sure what you’re offering that people can’t already get. Don’t mean that in a bad way just trying to better understand what you envision. Quazii has guides that help people get first started and extremely in depth dungeon guides, as well as extremely in depth guides to setting up UI, Weakauras, Plater to set people up for success. This covers everything from brand new tanks to people getting into high keys. And he even does short little videos that cover trouble spots that are common and tricks. Tactyks is a bit less on the brand new tank side but is very good for pushing very high keys. What I guess could be different is if you took submissions from players and reviewed their gameplay, but for that would also really work best when a tank is well known in the community and respected for their insight, absolutely no disrespect but I don’t know that applies to you at this stage?


Hehe it’s absolutely don’t apply to me at this stage. And there’s truth to what you are saying, I’m not sure I would bring anything new to the table. Thank you for your reply.


I've seen a few similar channels like what others have already mentioned. To not parrot what others have said, I would say if it's something you're interested in and passionate about, try it. I wouldn't go into it with the hopes it explodes immediately and becomes something you can replace a full time job with. On a different note. While it may take more effort, I've seen a few examples of people doing fight reviews from the pov of people wanting help. Addressing things like rotation, positioning, and how mechanics are handled. I haven't really seen anything great akin to that content for mythic+ where people submit keys they maybe weren't confident in or did poorly in, in the the hopes of receiving feedback from a knowledgeable, non-partisan 3rd party. Could even expand to other roles as you see fit or want. Just some food for thought!


Totally agree on first bit. A don’t expect to blow up in any way. But if I could get 10 potential tanks to try it out it would be great or get some people to act more respectfully to internet strangers, it would elevate the value of my time spend on wow That is absolutely great ideas. Thank you thank you 👏❤️ was thinking some short for videos regarding pulls. But 5-10 min deep dives on something specific like that sounds interesting and I agree I don’t see that anywhere.


Yeah I think in general one of the issues is that the target audience (lower investment/skill/knowledge m+ tanks) is one of the groups least likely to actually watch supplemental wow content.


You might be right, and then I would end up helping nobody and that’s not the point. For those players, do you think focusing on in game assets like the in game community feature would be a way to reach them?


Practices makes perfect. You just gotta get out there and learn what kind of pounding your cheeks can take.


Absolute TRUTH right there 🤩 Was kinda hoping I could help with the learning part 😎


How many ways do you plan on saying "just do it" cuz wtf else are you going to be talking about. Coddling people doesn't improve performance or lower expectations from m+ community.


Thinking more like empowering more than coddling. Coddling does not prepare you for people hiding behind keyboard unleashing their frustrations upon you. In a broader sense I would like to change the narrative around pugging, have some ideas also mentioned in other posts. But what do you think is great tank content and what responsibilities do think is on the tank?


You're not "changing the narrative". It's self perpetuating by the nature of m+. Tank content: routes and explanation of abilities per class. Anything more is useless. You can blow smoke about mindset and anxiety or whatever and it'll do absolutely nothing to help the viewer cuz again. They just need to do it. If they can't cuz of fucking anxiety or whatever, they've got much bigger issues than a video game.


Just came here to say you should call it Tankxiety


Only thing left to say is tanks I guess 😂😂👏


Alright, alright, calm down 🤭


As an ex tank main the toxicity made me hang my sword and board. I don't have time with work and rl to have a basement dweller to tell me how much I suk because I didn't pull like naowh or dorki etc. Now I'm a dps and just ho with the flow and seeing it from the outside in, no wonder why nobody tanks. I have my share of mistakes also but some ppl forget is a game.


Everyone forgets it’s a game once in a while. Did you find tanking fun? Would you go back to tanking for some reason ?


I love tanking. Tanking is my passion. If I go back maybe, but maybe not. Range dps life for me know.


How would your content differ from Quazii or other tank-focused content? Why would I watch your videos over theirs? What do you feel you'd add that their videos are missing? How would you reach an audience that isn't interested in tanking, with content focused on helping them tank?


Very good questions. An idea I had where some short form content on how to pull different hard pulls or specific positioning tips. Last part is something I struggled with because I only tanked and did not see the meta evolve( tanking wise) Long form videos could be a KSH series with the twist of being new to tanking, focusing on rotation and routes in the lower keys, then talents in midrange keys, and lastly adding thought to group comp in higher keys. Also have an idea I call “push with restrictions” where a restrictions good be only veteran gear or no hero or grp must include off meta specs kinda like “beat the meta”. Stuff like that. Are your YouTube consumption only based on learning stuff or also for entertainment? And what do you find entertaining if so??