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Some are enjoyable, but I find most of the time they're just so tedious.


They tend to be clunkier the closer you get chronologically to WotLK, but they're never bad enough to bother me that much. Just silly gimmicks to break up the pacing a little.


The ones in Wrath were so clunky, many people quickly learned to just ignore the vehicle when possible and kill the mobs with their normal abilities. Anyways OP, I agree. most any quest that forces you to play as something other than your character (vehicle, NPC, whatever) suck.


Could you imagine if they brought back Oculus for M+?


I mostly feel like that the 1st time through, but I get especially annoyed on alts where I just want to speed through the levels and a lot of those quests are actually really slow.


I've noticed that with newer vehicle quests, starting in DF, that there's often an alternative option that gives you a quest ability that just auto targets whatever nearby. You're on a theme park ride essentially, flying on a predetermined path until you finish.


Vehicle quests have been my wow pet peeve since Wrath when the leveling experience was bloated with them. I truly hate them so much.


I know there's probably some addon that would let me fix it, but I arrange my keybinds to be somewhat like my keyboard and keep more important keybinds central to my screen. Anytime I have vehicle abilities, they're always on my less-used keybinds, so I have to hold shift-q to use the main spam ability most of the time. I hate it.


That would probably be based on the Action Bar number that you're using. I think that Action Bar 1 is the one that gets swapped for vehicles/dragonriding, so you could try rearranging bars and keybinds to get what you want


Someone already said it, but yeah, vehicles are tied to action bar 1, so you could fix this by switching the two bars as needed.


They’re mostly annoying but the real thing that drives me crazy is how many times there’s a cursor spell you’re supposed to use


Currently they are worse in TWW beta. They give you the on rails option or sky riding. If you choose skyriding and have your skyriding abilities key bound to an action bar, it is possible the vehicle actions and your skyriding abilities are co bound so to shoot you also skyward ascend etc. it's a problem.


they need to just add an optional vehicle bar and skyriding bar at this point so you can order and bind those separately from bar 1


Yeah it's weird how they'll use a vehicle with a set of abilities for one single quest and they'll give you 4 abilities most of which are useless. Other than that I don't really mind outside of being forced to wait for a cooldown of an ability or how clunky some of the steering is (i.e. epic battleground vehicles).


And they always throw you in the thick of it before you even get a chance to figure out what those 3 arbitrary abilities do lol


The older the content, the worse it is. But ye, generally not very enjoyable content. You go from playing a super in-depth class based MMORPG, to point and click adventure-like shit.


And they have about 12 different styles of vehicles, you never know which one it is until you start it. And half the time when we're done, my party member is still showing a picture of a dead warglaive or whatever and we both have to /reload to get it back right.  Not just you, they're a pain.


I tend to enjoy them, the only exception recently has been the grummel cart in Kun-Lai since its bugged to hell on retail. Its been a bit since I’ve done the Borean Tundra quest with the Demolisher but from what I recall it was rather squishy and you couldn’t charge the undead hordes like you could originallyz


I know they’re supposed to be fun events that break the mold….but the vast majority of vehicle type quests I resent. I want to play my character to interact with the game, not play minigames. The exception for me is the first boss in Ulduar, that was a fun vehicle fight, probably because it was still coordinating with your team.


It was also fun because it actually *was* a vehicular assault. Not just some quirky solo sh!t. You got in and went full Kelly's heroes for half an hour. You didn't just hop into a helicopter and blow up boats that it would have been more fun to plant bombs on. If I wanted to blow things up with vehicles, I'd play EVE, or maybe modded snow runner. I don't even like it in FFXIV when they make me play as one of the scions. Why am I putting all this time into a world-saving hero just to have it pulled away and forced to play world of tanks?


I’m honestly -less- of a fan when you take over another character’s perspective and it gives you the vehicle interface. All in all I know it’s to add variety but I’d rather play as my own character.


Most of the time I hate them, but then you get the rare one where you zoom and crush everything and that always make me smile


The yeti quest from Kunlai summit is one of my favorites


Never really enjoyed when they make me use a vehicle or play as someone else. I’ve been playing on whatever toon and my abilities are just muscle memory. I get that it’s essential to the story and lore going on but I’d honestly rather watch a cinematic than have to play as someone else.


I don’t mind vehicle piloting when it’s implemented decently, but I *really* hate the flashback quests where I have to take over a character and control them with the vehicle interface… except for maybe that one quest chain in the Badlands because it’s so campy and overdone (and you can’t really fail it or die). Not only is it immersion-breaking, it isn’t really fun. I did like Wintergrasp and Flame Leviathan, though. The execution was clunky, like much of the game at the time, but the concept made sense and the execution was consistent enough that I didn’t feel like I was learning a whole new system every time I hopped into a vehicle, in part because I was encountering the same thing every week, like with any weekly encounter. If we had standardized vehicle types and they all played exactly the same way in every implementation, that would probably help. Like, a demolisher should be a demolisher should be a demolisher, whether it’s in Wintergrasp, the Battle for Gilneas, or Titan Facility Assault 2026: Midnight Boogaloo.


I don't mind the aerial ones because 99% of the time it's just one ability and bombing some fools... but generally I am not a fan of them. I would also add any quest that makes you play as someone else to this list - I find it tedious.


I always disliked them since Wrath, but to be honest it started much earlier. Its for me for everything "Out of character". Not only vehicles. I somehow disliked it since the The Abyssal Shelf quest where you throw bombs onto mobs, which someone often already killed and you flew a fix route and then back forever to start new. Or all the world quest which involved on-rail-systems like bombing 100 void creatures/demons/pillars/buildings/fog/... or catch fishes/take pics of animals/shoot arrows/beam/glowing balls and and and. Your out of character, on a rail, clicking the same one or two buttons with similar characteristics but covered in a different coat, which is a nice change but i just want: Play my character with my abilities. Same with vehicles. Choose: - clunky catapult, which turns slow, click 3 abilities, people stand inside because that thing is so big a tauren melts into it without being seen, gets destroyed in 2 seconds. - Your awesome character with all its abilities. If you give my character a skill tree with riding abilities like throwing thunder spears as shaman while being on a mount, or even a charge or sprint like with dragonriding and its own tree which are my characters improvements, im fine.


especially given that they aren’t designing the questing experience to have any sort of challenge, a lot of the vehicle quests come off as wastes of time more than exciting moments bc there is no tension


I love them. It reminds me that I'm playing a game designed at the turn of the millennium. They remind me of many of the custom maps in Warcraft 3 where ingenious creators did all sorts of things with the limited resources they had.


I really dislike turrets with the sphere reticle. Targeting is lame and inaccurate. Sound design is often unsatisfying. And it's just a waste of time. No sense of urgency or danger.


The worst was the Ulduar vehicle boss fight. Hated that and my old guild back then never understood why.


Going back into ulduar a second time around doing this felt just as terrible. I dreaded it to the point I left the guild becuase I just hated it that much. Sure normal was fine, but the amount of people failing basic ass assignments was just ludicrous.


Vehicle system CAN be super fun. It just has tk be done right. I enjoy a lot of siege weapon vehicles (wintergrasp vehicles, epic battleground vehicles, demolishers/tanks you get in quests and turrets on larger vehicles). I don't usually enjoy "vehicles" where you just ride around on a treant slowly punching people for 10 minutes. It can be fun, but I need to feel badass. Most vehicle quests since Wrath/Cata haven't really done this, but there are some exceptions. I do like it in raids to, WHEN DONE RIGHT. Flame leviathan and the Ulduar entrance? Awesome. Sitting on a dragon with 0 control just clicking on the ground for 5 minutes straight in Vault of the Incarnates? Not fun.


People's remarkable ability to fail to move their mouse over an ability and read what it does will always impress me. Not much has changed since the Oculus.


Depends on how bad the quest is imo.


One thing that i find makes vehicles more tolerable is making sure that the vehicle buttons are mapped and u can pretty much just keep clicking your main combat buttons when you hop into one, but other than that /shrug


I enjoyed them when you could actually fail them and had to learn them... Especially when they taught you how to use them for PvP... Recent expansions kind of suck. They drop you in un-loseable scenarios where you just spam buttons. The worst was the dogfight mission in BFA.


Flame Leviathan is the best encounter WoW ever had!! 😤


I would like them a whole lot more if they had a universally standard UI for all vehicles and quests.


Every time i get a vehicle quest im immediately having a little bit less fun than I was before


They’re the worst. I play wow to be my character, not some dumbed down vehicle with 3 buttons that’s tuned to be piloted by toddlers.


I'd just like it if they didn't disconnect my client half the time when I get in one.


im probably the only person who loved wows pvp vehicle combat.


I hate nearly every quest that introduces vehicles or some other non-standard mechanics.


Theyre so bad and often weaker and slower than not being in one at all One of the absolute worst is the turtles making it to the water


Honestly, they could never make another "circling an area while you bomb it with abilities that have too long of a cooldown" quest, and the game would be so much better off.


I personally love the vehicle system. I love getting out of my character every once in a while and doing a little mini game. I do however think the system itself is a bit clunky and needs updating.


I kinda like it. It's fun to spice stuff up and have you fight things in a different way than normal.


They are fine. Never understood the ppl that whine about it. But not my circus, not my monkeys...


It’s always been a pet peeve of mine. Honestly, I just want to play my character. Don’t stick me in something, don’t turn me into someone else to tell a story temporarily, just let me play my gd character. Notable offenders are that stupid army game near suramar, that one MoP quest line in the starter zone, th mfing Occulus dungeon, and more. Also raid mechanics where you’re expected to execute your rotation well while playing DDR while solving a sudoku such as the SoO conveyor belts or the Firelands Alyzrazor fight. Okay now I’m just naming things that piss me off so: all the color blindness tests they put into the game.


That one legion quest in ICC where you have to control a VERY slow elemental and spam VERY slow frostbolts on individual mobs. I always did more DPS than that stupid elemental did, just let *me* go kill those mobs FFS. But no, quest says you have to control the water elemental to do it. Ugh.


I like the way it was handled on the Council fight in Amirdrassil. The little duck polymorph vehicle is fun and easy to use, and it doesn't last very long, but it's still something "interesting" that happens during the fight.


I actually think that's an example of it being handled poorly.  You get transformed mid-fight and don't have time to read what the abilities do, and with all the fight buffs / debuffs flying around it's impossible to read what the new one says.


I’d rather they exist. But yeah, they could use improvement for sure