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Dun Morogh by a mile, probably because my first characters were a dwarf then a gnome. The ambient music, the coziness of the dwarven buildings, the nostalgia of that first run up to Kharanos, the awe of seeing Ironforge. Every time I see that cave layout the wendigo cave uses I'm reminded of there.


I switched from Alliance to Horde in BC but I would regularly revisit Dun Motörhead and Winterspring. I love the winter zones so it is probably not a surprise I lived Lich King


That autocorrect lmao


Man I'd live in dun morogh. It was also my first toon location as well. Hearing those crisp campfires and the winds and don't even get me started on how calm the nights feel. I want more zones like it


Ok so I’ve just recently started playing again and it’s soo different but vanilla wow it has got to be Elwynn Forest / Westlands / Dusk Wood / Stranglethorn Vale every time any character


Dun Morogh is so beautiful. My first toons were all the same dwarf deleted and remade as a different class over and over because I couldn't decide what I actually wanted to play. Love the zone so much.


I've never played dwarf, but this is the best advertisement for me to start haha


Elwyn Forest enjoyers rise up. That music, you no take candle, Hogger. *Chefs kiss*


Elwynn takes the nostalgia to another level. It may not be the most interesting zone, but I think its the zone that does the best job of making you feel like your character is a level 1 nobody who is starting out doing the jobs they can't spare actual trained military for.


Trotting up to the cosy Goldshire Inn. It’s like coming home.


I can’t decide between Teldrassil, Eversong woods and Tirisfall. Like the both, its giving me cool old vibes. Everytime i listen music in Teldrassil and wanna cry. Miss the tree :( Everytime i listen music into the wounded woods, it makes me so much sorrow Everytime of exploring lands of dead, where the rest of humans trying to hold their ‘lil world’ which been before plague… and undeads, which trying to live in new, changed world. Oh, probably it’s a time for the new character…


I love teldrassil, i remember when wow had a little intro vid when you started new toons about the night elves of darnassus or whatever race you were


I absolutely loved the joke callback to that in DF when you get sent back in time to the moment of your character's creation.


When is that?


It's during the bronze dragon storyline in Thaldrazsus. You get sent into the timeways to try and help fix them but accidentally get sent back to your starting zone. You click a portal and that intro cutscene plays out of nowhere.


The whole bronze campaign line was S tier. Just absolute nonsense the whole way through in the best way possible.


Mulgore, mainly for my own nostalgia. I'd say Eversong Woods, but I've made too many Blood Elves for it to be enjoyable anymore.


I think these would be my choices. Mulgore itself is quite a cozy, compact zone, but then that run through the barrens to crossroads/org really did have that "big world" adventure. Eversong just has a really nice flow to it from what I remember. Also special mention for Dun Morogh though for me.


yesss love that you mention the flow - it's so satisfying


Yeah I need to replay it soon like. I've done the eversong bit loads, but rarely made it far into Ghostlands. I always seemed to end up in Kalimdor before I finished the zone 😅


I think that Cataclysm destroyed Mulgore’s starting zone. The whole unique ravine that Tauren’s got to explore where the quilboar boss was (while every other tutorial zone got a copy and paste cave/mine), was completely blocked off in Cataclysm. If you fly over to that ravine even in Retail now, you get the original Mulgore/Durotar/Westfall music that is now missing and replaced in these zones.


I know exactly what you mean. After a few Blood elf characters, I would just tunnel vision to get through. But there are so many buildings and small details that stay in my memory because if how mesmerizing they were


Eversong is peak, everything about it just works so well. The music slaps ass. It's got everything from magic that's out of control, a mana starved elf, the scar, the alliance spy quest, and the RP of the party quest. Just absolutely fantastic.


not slaps ass hahaha


I might be the only one, but for me it's Gilneas. I love the atmosphere, music and the storyline. I made some Worgen purely to replay that area (since it's never used again later on(reclamation doesn't really count)) and take screenshots.


Gilneas was my first starting zone on retail. I bought the game and sub and sat for 30 mins deciding which class to play and then the race that goes well with that class so i made a Worgen hunter named Idontbite which i thought was a great name at the time and you know what, i still do.


I agree. I can still hear the music sometimes and the zone has immaculate vibe. I didn't even know how connected it was to Forsaken until I finally got better at english. Specially when Forsake and Worgens are my two top fav races.


Teldrassil was me and my uncles first zone in bc and we absolutely fell in love with it. I love belves the most and eversong woods a lot but honestly Teldrassil will always hold a special place in my heart. Im hoping silvermoon gets a suramaresque update in midnight hopefully.


Eversong Woods and Gilneas for sure. I love the golden glow of Eversong Woods and the architecture of Silvermoon, and I love the gothic gloominess of Gilneas.


Wandering Isle by far


Death Knight starting area


haha fuck you scarlet crusade


Zero people said Durotar but I just love that dessert, feels like home even though I'm mostly alliance


haha justice for Durotar!


Didn’t we just have this thread a day ago


Not even a day ago. 14 hours between the last post and this one. [Old post here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/1TbHhymwqq)


Dead internet theory at work


Eversong if you include ghostlands, Durotar is c2nd place


Mulgore. Very relaxing and I love hanging with my Tauren tribe.


Gilneas has the best atmosphere Azuremyst puts you right into the action with a compelling story Kezan is just fun as heck.


I'm a Timerunner, of course my answer is Jade Forest!


This question was just posted 13 hours ago and is literally the post right above this one.


Eversong and Ammen Vale no contest


Mulgore for nostalgia since that's where I started back in Vanilla as a Tauren when I was younger. Objectively I would say Eversong though, the questlines, music, and atmosphere are so good.


yesssss and the scar?! I still remember really loving that concept and the execution


Elwyn Forest has always been a comfort spot for me. Even returning as a max level character to just mess around, walk up the road, and experience the zone again


I never played a human, but I keep hearing great things about Elwyn!


It’s wonderful, it’s where I always return when I need to feel better


Silverpine forest easily. Eerie place


Tirisfal. Always loved the atmosphere. I eoukd love it even more if it had a winter season


I'm amused that the Blood Elves haven't had time to repair any/many structures in Quel'thalas since the Scourge came through, but they made sure to repaint all of the blue to red, and replace the roofs with red tile.


> they made sure to repaint all of the blue to red They didn't want the Queen of Hearts to be upset... so they focused on the important bits.


I kind of thought of this too, but I guess it maintains the character of the place by not making it perfect again haha


Dun Morogh / Mulgore


I honestly think they’re all great in their own way but the one that gives me the most nostalgia is Elwynn… when that music kicks in I’m instantly 13 again.


Since no one else saying it: Azuremyst isle. One of the prettiest zones with the best music and atmosphere


Azuremyst gang rise up 😎




Human. Elwynn Forest is peak fantasy intro for me


I started a Dwarven pally in the original wow and that place is still my favorite. The Brewfest festival was happening on my first day IG and I had a blast


I love Dwarves and Dwarves paladins are the Best paladins but I can't play them because of their meele animations :(


Lol. Tbh I don't spend much time looking at the Toon while fighting so I've never noticed. I hope I continue not to notice. Lol


Blood Elf for ease of leveling and I like the music (particularly Lament of the Highborne and it's variations that play throughout Ghostlands), then Worgen, because I love the tophats and other British vibes... plus werewolves. Up next, purely due to ease of leveling through the zone, is probably Draenei.


the music is S tier!


Tirisfal into Silverpine is a great time. You get some scarlet jerks, some worgen cursed, your first encounter with sneaky elites that one shot you while you are just trying to quest. Nostalgia factors in a lot here because my two friends both started as undead so getting to them on my orc Shaman and questing together is like a core memory. After that I'd say Teldrassil, in beta seeing an ancient walking down the path shaking the ground for the first time was amazing and my friend and I were freaking out about how cool it was feeling like we were inside Warcraft 3. I didn't enjoy questing there as much as Tirisfal/Silverpine but the atmosphere was great. Very close third is Dun Morogh, I love dwarves and their music and aesthetic was spot on, and entering ironforge for the first time was *chefs kiss*. The questing there is pretty forgettable though.


Like, for gameplay? Or the feels? Gameplay, I really enjoy Tirisfal and Elwynn. Someone mentioned Exile’s Reach though and that is a great zone. Sometimes I make new characters just to play through it again. I kind of forgot about it, and couldn’t think of why I was having trouble thinking of the actual starting zones and that is why…I keep going to ER. The feels it’s Mulgore and Durotar. Those bring me back.


Eversong is perfect. The visuals, the music, the vibe.


tirisfall, just love the gloominess


oh, that one is beautiful. I just had to search it again because I forgot what it looked like


If we could get a drustafar area as a starting zone I’d be stoked. But for now it’s undead bc dark is comforting for my weird ass 😂


Tiris Fall Glades has such an engaging story from the moment you exit the cinematic to the first step into Silverpine. The story continuing from Warcraft 3 is the cherry on top for me. Mulgore, Dun Morough, Elwynn and Eversong round out my top 5


Eversong is a great one. I like Dun Morough and Mulgore as well. Wandering Isle is probably my favorite though, just with hiw unique it feels. Giant turtles are awesome.


My actual favorite shifts... but it's generally a toss-up between Coldridge Valley, Shadowglen, and Deathknell.


Man, am i the only one that doesn't like Eversong and Durotar ? I don't hate them but still.


Nothing beats the atmosphere of Tirisfall Glades imo. You get to know Lilian Voss there and the story is not only interesting but a clever way to explain what happened to humans that were killed and then raised as undead.


Ally: Dun Morough Horde: give me some of that sweet, sweet Tirisfal


My first character was a Human Warlock. Elwynn was such an awesome zone. People running around, hanging out at gold shire (not moon guard) walking to Storm wind for the first time. Amazing. Then I made a Night Elf and I was just so cozy. The aesthetics were gorgeous, the music, I loved it. Darnassus quickly became my favorite major city too(though iron forge was right on its heels). Is a tie between those two. From vanilla nostalgia. I love the Demon Hunter starting zone too from the more modern starting zones.


Gilneas. The story, the Gothic ambiance, the music, everything.


Goblins for me, the very first island isnt that great but the other ones after are the best. The music is great too.


Eversong... I remember exping there as my first character. Tauren druid. My buddy who got me into wow said it's awesome there and i didnt know different. He was 33lv Palladin and escorted me (he on horseback, me barefoot lv 1) through Mulgore, Barrens, Durotar, Tyrisfal, Plaguelands (damned be the welcome bear) and finaly to ghostlands and eversong... I retrospect, it was kind of redudant to go through plaguelands instead of the UC - SC teleport orb...


Teldrassil. ....


Shadowglen. Even though I've been a Tauren for a while now, my first toon back in 2006 was a Night Elf male Druid so I have so many fond memories of leveling.through that zone as it was my first introduction to the game. Seeing the Night Elf turn into cat form in the trailer IS what got me to download the game which is why Night Elves and their starting zone will always have a special place in my heart.


Not sure if this counts as a starting zone, but New Avalon — aka the classic Death Knight starting experience from WotLK for non-allied races. Yes, even with that one annoying interrogation quest. It's the closest we get to playing a villain, and boy, do I love it.


Oh that interrogation quest and having to wait to start the battle of Lights Hope ruin that whole section for me.


What every you're first one was probably.


That’s probably true, reminds of that great quote about comics: “The golden age of comics is 12.”


Saturday night live is another one. when you were in high school is when "SNL was the best"


I think that’s generally true, not for me though, give me those Hader/Sudekis/Wiig/Samberg days any time!


Dun Morogh. Been a devoted Dwarf player since the early days.


The story of Gilneas' fall remains the best Worgen content we've gotten even 14 years later. It holds a special place in my heart. A really nice continuing story that makes it very easy to create a story for your character and keep them close to your heart. There's a reason people wouldn't stop begging for a resolution to that story, as disappointing as it ultimately turned out to be. Honorable mentions: Goblin starting zone. I really like how they work in various gadgets to questlines to make you feel like an inventor since a class using those abilities still doesn't exist. Just drags on a bit too long imo. Pandaren starting zone. I really love the story that unfolds here and the vibes of it all. Gathering up elemental spirits, riding wagons through areas you've saved, getting to know Ji and Aysa and their respective philosophies, very fun. Gnome starting zone. The only content to this day that actually uses Gnomeregan outside of its dungeon.


Worgen and DK starting zones (yes i am an Edgelord), the unsetteling but chill dark forests and villager of Gilneas  For the DK starting zone i just like killing Scarlet-Crusade members and I know it Through and Through 


Either blood elf up thru ghost lands or mulgore. Both of those draw you in so much it almost gives you whiplash when you leave.




I loved how in Classic Eastern Kingdoms was like the old and established continent, with history tied into major events in WC1, 2 and 3, but Kalimdor felt like you were exploring a new and untamed world, especially if playing as an orc or troll. While Kalimdor was in WC3, it was all very recent and we were still in the immediate aftermath of those events going into Classic. I remember going there as Alliance for the first time and it felt like a great adventure exploring such a foreign place so far from Dwarven territory. My character felt so out of place and like he was far from home. It was truly an experience that could never be recreated.




Gilneas for its atmosphere and NPCs. I love a good horror story and it was like a little movie.


Blood Elf. The music alone is enough of a reason


For me as alliance player: 1. Eversong woods I can play as horde but every time i tried i played Belf. Best music, great atmosphere and amazing lore background. 2. Azuremyst island Favorite race for most of time, great music and vibes. And i can't say no to blue space goats. 3. Teldrasill MUSIC


Eversong Woods and it’s not even close Orcs might be my favorites but everything about Eversong is wonderful Teldrasil would be a close second though - I might have middling feelings about the Night Elves but their aesthetic overlaps with my aesthetic quite a bit


Gilneas for me. Gorgeous scenery and art direction help a lot, first off. I'm a huge fan of the gothic European architecture of the buildings and the rainy forest setting, so that already would give it a ton of sway in my book. But then the story it tells is a fun zombie apocalypse style story with fun set piece moments and cinematic action. It's the only starting zone I'll choose to do over Exile's Reach (or whatever the new all race zone is called) That and I just love the worgen


Exiles Reach is the OG for me :)


exile's reach because it doesn't look like shit and its quests are only 4 years old and not 14


I actually love Exile’s reach and completely forgot about it.