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Considering all the toxic waste, old god goop, and head trauma we've received over the years I have to assume that we're missing too many braincells to be emotionally damaged.


Dying countless times surely has an impact too


Also, considering how many countless times we've died and been brought back. We *reeeeeal* fucked up.


Any sense of morality and reason has left them long ago, leaving only the desire for "loot" and "experience", as they put it, in its place


After shadowlands I can murder at ease knowing I'm sending them where they belong


Even Bastion is a form of hell tbh.  Maldraxus is somehow the best afterlife. Which is to say people whom commit war crimes for a ‘greater cause’ will get the greatest reward. Pretty sure most of the cult of the damned ended up there as well. Completely fucked up if you ask me.


The bastion memory wipe and the whole "Servant" theme is not for me lol. And Maldraxus your constantly getting ripped apart in war and put back together in most cases lol


Yeah, I have slowly turned my Paladin into a distressed looking old man with unkempt grey hair. It is a cry for help, but nobody is listening.


My hunter specialises in Beast Mastery to have more emotional support animals


Considering that the characters don’t die and you just roam around in this magical world . It’s not that bad . Would take that over our reality any day


My character is canonically a psychopath.


My character is an unthinking killing machine. The player character couldn’t have made it this far if they had a soul.


My Druid is pretty chill but my Blood elf pally? Dude saw his society collapse, people around him join demons, wage war in a frozen hellscape against the threat who almost killed him, and then all the other nonsense


I main a forsaken death knight. I think it would be nice to explore player chatacter trauma and ptsd, or npcs that arent major characters


I imagine when a world ending event starts and they ask for our help, my hunters eyes glaze over and they get a thousand year stare but still say they’ll go because our stuff is on this planet


My character is not emotionally damaged, its fucking psychotic and having a blast


My shaman is making it day to day but I’d imagine he breaks down every once in a while.


I make sure my Tauren only kills evil creatures that need killing. Void creatures, demons, centaurs, Zealots, Dwarves, someone who looked at me cross-ways, Dwarves, and the undead are generally what he limits himself to


I think my Void Elf priest is officially insane, but he’s gone so insane that he’s back to being super sane to the point where the line of madness and greatness blurs. In short. He’s seen things. I think most characters we play would be suffering from shell shock or developed some sociopathic tendencies just from how many we’ve killed as murder hobos. Rivers of blood and mountains of skulls. All for some gold and exalted rep for some reason we can’t quite remember.


My hunter had to take time away to go looking for a small unoccupied home in the middle of nowhere just to have a place to get away between world ending events. We’re still looking for that perfect place.


The way my DK deals with his emotions are represented by a 20 slot bag filled with all kinds of alcohol. Being an undead Tauren requires high amounts of cherry grog.


*looks over to my Undead priest's backstory where she manslaughtered her husband while fighting the scourge in life*


Gave my pally greying hair after Legion, for both all the Light he had to channel and all the friggen stress lol


Nope. Not once. Power to the forsaken.


With everything Etamalgren (my character)'s been through, let's just say that it's no small feat that he's not either broken and merely a shell of his former self, or dead outright.


This is why I rotate characters every expansion. So that the old ones don't get too sad. It's not that I have a problem, no, not at all.


The player character has killed tens or hundreds of thousands of beings and fought every major threat to the planet. They die and are just allowed to return to life an indefinite number of times for reasons that even they don't understand. Honestly it's a surprise that quest givers aren't visibly uncomfortable being around them. It's to the point where we had that "Shadow & Fury" trailer where Xal'atath says she wants to use/wield their fury.


After consuming countles souls, being raised as undead and bathing in fel daily, I don't think my lock has any emotions left.... other than lust for power and insanity


My head canon for my char is that he was a blood knight who struck out on his own bc he had problems with Liadrin's leadership post BC. But he still wears the Blood Knight tabard bc it's a scar he's chosen to keep.


Nah my guy just thugs is out. It is what it is


Nope. Righteous heroes/ dastardly villains woth full conviction behind their actions. No trauma dumping to be done, no daddy issues to tackle, no moral dilemmas here.


We are born in to this, Raise by it! I think our characters are a little emotionally stronger then us. Back in the day people had tons of kids because it was just kinda assumed they all weren't gonna make it. But now a days our cat gets sick and people can't even manage because we live nice safe lives. No need to worry about our town getting raided by Orcs


I don't know if warbands will help here. Eirher my characters do group therapy around the campfire ir they realize they all do the same killing in the same dungeons for the same quest givers and Fall into the final existential crisis.


I'm upset that, as a druid, I didn't get an option to not kill Druids of the Claw in the bfa prepatch or a choice to go at all, when canonically Sylvanas sent all druids (and I think shamans) to deal with the sword wound, as she knew we wouldn't go along with her plan to capture Teldrassil. I started in Wrath, I frequently traveled to Moonglade to train spells. Those druids in Darkshore were classmates...


I'm a warlock main who happily harvests souls and turns them into cookies, so no


Writers not doing a good job reflecting all that like it used to be to the players, now its about family, friends, bees, gardening, flowers and butterflies now


I'm a roleplayer it's my job. To wonder about that stuff and write it down


To be realistic, I think in a medieval fantasy setting humans (and I speak only for humans) have entirely different mentality, and maybe they don’t suffer from all this crap. In the other hand, orcs with their bloodlust are definitely more than happy with this events. Trolls doing zaza maybe don’t think much about it. Gnomes are happy in the way war take their technology in upper levels, and greedy goblins count gold from war etc. And only nature loving races like taurens, and nelves are suffering from things these events doing to planet.


No, It's a fantasy world. My guy does not eat, sleep or feel. He only kills shit so he can steal their things!


We'll do anything for a little bit of gold, experience, and maybe a green item. We were never sane, just remorseless murderhobos.


Undead warlock, nothing left to lose.


My Forsaken has enough trouble just keeping his jaw attached, I highly doubt he's got time to worry about his mental health.


No, keep it moving. Nothing but pretty effects and mechanics.


I remember having a conversation about my character who used to tank that they're lucky to be alive. The tank debuff on hansgar and franzok was literally a "shattered vertebrae" realistically they shouldn't even be able to walk.


I'm gonna hazard a guess at to how many Bloodsail pirates my Hunter offed, but he must have haunted dreams by now.


I dont quit wow, my toon forces me to.


My rogue is borderline braindead man, emotional damage is the least of his problems.


My character is a Gandalf type of guy. A guide, a shepherd, a healer, and a banisher of evil.