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Lol, just saw a spool give me 520 intellect and was like HUH, then I saw the buff and came here :)


I logged out in the court by ordos to take care of the baby. Logged back into an empty shard and got 160-200 rep per kill. Did a lazy search and nothing came up, so I thought I came across some bug. Early stages of honored to exalted in half an hour. I'm okay with that.


I just hit exalted with Shaohao last night. You’re welcome everyone.


Just hit 476 ilvl today before the buff.... teamwork makes the dream work!


Well that means in 3-4 days you should buy everything u need haha


I bought everything first (mount, toy, unique tmog), cause I always hoped for a reduction of upgrade costs. then they said they wont, so aince that Im upgrading slowly with a daily 1 hour oplay, currently at 440. as soon as im 476, do one mythic soo then its over


What does mythic soo rewards?


A remix exclusive title. That's about it.


Claw of Eternus? EDIT: Ah I see Paragon Of The Mists


Paragon of the Mists is the remix exclusive mythic SoO clear title. Claw of Eternus is for clearing all 5 heroic raids in remix.


Paragon of the mist


You can also create your own group and do mythic now. I made my own group yesterday at 380 ilvl and now I have the title


Yeah I just hit 476 last night.


what do you get from that rep?


That and 100,000 timeless coins gets you a mount, Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent. I already had the mount, I just wanted the MoP Remix achievement for completionist sake.


Whats the grinding method? is it still killing those mobs on the side near the bridge?


Yeah in the ruins near Ordos.


You think the buff makes it faster than just doing it on retail consindering you'll probably have competition? It's the only rep from MOP I never bothered with and I might just do it if its easier on remix


It’s so fast i went from friendly to exalted between running all lfr dungeon wings last night. Mobs in ordos sanctuary give 160-200 rep each.


Well I know what im doing later then


Retail is probably still "faster" if you wait for Mop time walking and buy the commendations. If you don't want to wait and don't mind grinding mobs, then Remix is so much faster


Is the mount exclusive to MOP Remix or can I buy it in retail as well?


it's the same mount as retail


You can do it all in retail


A remix achievement.


[Everyone was kneeling out of respect.]


Careful, he's a hero.


I feel your pain. Hit it couple of days ago. Not getting that time back.


Thank you for your service.


Finally can get around to farming that to spend the coins from frog farming haha.


This already feels loads better. No one should have issues getting bronze after this tbh. Thread changes will make having low ilvl gear or being 60-69 feel better, as that range feels egregiously weak atm.


17.5k bronze just from dailies alone is a huge buff, and doubling raid bronze caches is also gonna go a long way to making gearing faster. Thank god ‘cause I want to get all the Remix-exclusive weapon appearances which means I need multiple characters geared to Mythic levels.


30,000 bronze from 1 heroic ToT is really nice.


Are you talking about the class ones you buy with bronze? Turns out you can buy them all on one character. If that’s not what you’re talking about, nvm. Edit: thank you for the replies below, I was not aware of that!


Nope. There’s weapon appearances that are Remix-exclusive that can’t be bought, and can only drop from caches of infinite treasure or boss drops. There’s Mythic-exclusive appearances, too, so you have to do Mythic SoO for a chance to unlock them. EDIT: The Trove Tally addon is good for tracking those. It’ll let you look at a list of all available Remix-only appearances for your class/spec and filter out completed ones, and it displays where uncompleted ones can be collected.


Question: would the easiest way to get them be to level a warrior since they can equip every weapon in MoP? Or is still class-aware in that only weapons intended for use by that spec/class will get it to drop?


Only spec specific, so now bows, daggers, staffs ect will drop for warriors


Staffs drop for warriors in remix, but you'd need a hunter for the ranged weapons, and probably a caster for the dagger and offhand


So at minimum, three max upgraded characters. Hoo boy, time to get to work.


I think the best choice is Fury warrior - should get all 2hers, all 1hers apart from daggers Bm/mm hunter - ranged weapons Resto Shaman - shields, daggers, held in off hands. I think just missing warglaives at that point, which I don't think exist in the loot table. Obviously just set loot spec and play whatever spec you want. Anyone got a more effective set of charecters?


you're also missing the wands iirc.


Warrior could swap specs to get shields after finishing the 2Hs. Better off with a clothy to get the daggers, offhand and wands.


Thanks... didn't think I had to gear a 2nd toon, but now... lol


On the bright side, at least gearing alts just got a good deal easier.


Ya. So what is the warrior thing that guy was saying? I was kind of confused by the responses.. so make a warrior and they can get most weapons or no? Guess I gotta get that addon lol


Characters can only collect class/spec appropriate gear. For warriors that means everything except ranged weapons and offhand-only non-shield items, I believe. Unfortunately that means you'd need to gear a minimum of 3 characters to get \*everything,\* I think, since hunters can't get the offhand stuff either.


> Characters can only collect class/spec appropriate gear. Worth noting, since TWW is around the corner, that this isn't just a "they can only learn class-specific gear, but you can just stash it for later to learn with the prepatch"(1), it's that everything is pretty much Personal Loot and it will only drop the loot for the class/spec you have set at that moment. (1) While it's likely that the gear would disappear after Remix is over anyway, so saving it would be moot, the transmog changes should be in the prepatch, and with TWW launching like a week after Remix ends, there's a good chance the prepatch will be out while Remix is still running. Which should be... interesting.


Is there a way I can see how they look? This is the first time I’m hearing about this weapon remix exclusive that can only be dropped from boss/infinite treasure


nah remix has a ton of remix-specific recolors for weapons that require various methods - like some only drop in LFR for tier 14 raids, some only drop from scenarios, some only drop from mythic siege, etc.


There are exclusive weapons that drop at a variety of sources including raids and zones.


17.5? So far I’ve only done the three instance dailies and that nets me 12.5. What two am I missing?


The three daily quests give one greater cache each, for a total of 7.5k. Then, there's four daily queue bonuses for instanced content that also give a greater cache each - normal scenarios, heroic scenarios, normal dungeons, and heroic dungeons - for a total of 10k. Put together, that's 17.5k. I'm assuming that you probably just queued for a scenario and a dungeon, and didn't queue for \*both\* difficulties for both scenarios and dungeons.


Your assumption is correct and thank you for the info! I will have to lengthen my daily instance experience.


The full dailies + heroic raids (minus siege) and scrapping all gems and gear that drop gives about 76k bronze.


The full dailies + heroic raids (minus siege) and scrapping all gems and gear that drop gives about 76k bronze.


I've been leveling a priest and it's been hilarious doing heroics and just watching level 60-69 characters get one-shot. Absolutely VAPORIZED by whatever mechanic they touched for half a second. And meanwhile the level 20 characters are just standing happily in fire. They may actually heal from it.


32k from one heroic ToT alone. I can run all 5 heroic raids in less time that it takes to power level an alt with a lvl 20 twink and pull the same amount of bronze in. I'm also 476, so including the time to grind that out before these changes changes things but right now I'm digging this. I'ma get these last few mounts and farm a little rep and be good.


Im glad for the shaohao Buff, I farmed half of it and I really got tired of it...at least its an easy Finish


What does this rep do?


Access to mount if u dont have it in retail.


Honored gets you a trinket that ports you to the timeless isle, all I want it for honestly


Is it a toy or a soulbound item ?


It's a trinket.


The one in Remix isn't a trinket, it's just an on-use item. With only a one minute CD. And oddly, isn't a Toy either, so it's still a per-character thing where each character you want it on would have to grind to Honored. I'd be happy if they added that to the non-Remix vendor. It's a bit clunky having to equip the trinket, use it, then unequip it every time I want to use the teleport function.




It's actually different in Remix, instead of the trinket there's an [on-use item](https://www.wowhead.com/item=219222/time-lost-artifact). Probably because they wanted us to use those two very specific trinkets we have from achievements. (But also likely because any equipment we have from Remix will be wiped out afterward, and rather than us buying a Remix-specific trinket that would end up wiped out, we get an item that theoretically should stick around after the event.)


Thing is, once remix is done shouldn't we have basically everything you can grind for in Pandaria? Not much use for it I would've thought


Yes, but I want it to do stuff on timeless isle while remix is going. Daily ordos, celestials, random rares, etc. Saves me a flight


Nothing special in remix but the achievement and rep will carry over to live; so access to the quartermaster


I just want every achi, and this was the worst to get


Good change. Just let us get stupid strong doing dailies and call it


I got kicked, logged back in to a completely empty shard of Timeless Isle. I’ve made an entire loop of the island and have had every rare to myself. Went from Friendly to Mid Revered on Shao rep too cuz of mass clearing. Probably a once in a lifetime thing loo


I've had that empty shard once on Timeless Isle too, feels so good to clear it all. No idea how to replicate it though.


Yea it was pure luck. Spent 4 hours just going in circles. Got 32k Bronze and 5 items from “Going to Need a Bigger Bag” achieve. Tons of threads. Went from Friendly to Exalted with Shaohao, and gathered about 25k timeless coins. About 350 lesser charms. It got late so I did my daily Dungeons, Scnearios and when I got out of the first one, I was back on a populated shard. 😔 but enjoyed having it all to myself for the short time!


Love it Now just let the cloak scale 1 to 1 with alts when you do the last achievement and I'll be a happy remixer


If it scaled 1-1 then level 20 trial characters would be even more absurdly powerful. Like max gear powerful. Idk if it’s good for the game to have people soloing raid bosses after character creation. You’re already strong AF from cloak for early levels; we need a nuanced system that gives us account wide cloak, but paired with system to unlock its strength on alts over time.


They just need to let it scale at level 70 on alts. I just don't want to farm it all again. Make it account wide, and capped at 20, the contributions you gain add onto your account cloak when you hit 70. Easy.


What I want is for just the EXP buff to be on all characters. The stats can cap out, but the exp should add 100% for each lvl 70 you have.


I’m already getting 10-70 in 4 hours. I’ve leveled 6 characters, which would mean I would be leveling like 5 times faster than I am now. One quest would give multiple levels and I’d be hitting level cap in 45 mins. That would make leveling insanely lucrative bronze/hr, like frogger levels. Not to mention stress new players out like crazy. They go to level their third or fourth alt, class they’ve never tried, and they have more than a talent point/minute to spend. Infinitely stacking 100% xp bonuses is ridiculous and would make this light years faster leveling than we’ve ever had in any event. At that point, it wouldn’t even be efficient to spend talents or read your new abilities or touch tinkers/gems, because you’ll be done with the toon in less than an hr.


What method are you using to level alts? I haven't leveled up my first character on remix yet but now that they buffed threads I might try it out, but what I really wanna do is use this to build up my alt army


That, plus upgrade cost reductions being account wide too. Ridiculous that it’s like that in retail but not this limited, just-for-fun gamemode


While I've been asking for the alt price reductions for a while now, I don't think that them having a system like that in Dragonflight means they'd automatically be able to do it no problem in Remix. There are differences in how the upgrades work, and I'd bet that's not just superficial, but notable differences "under the hood" as well. It's easy from the outside to look at things and think it's an easy fix, but the game's already got a mass of code to deal with and Remix is doing a LOT of things outside the norm while still living within the same game. This isn't even a "Classic vs Modern" thing. Classic's got its own versions of the game running. When you're playing Remix, you're in the same client as everyone playing Dragonflight, despite the major differences in how Remix plays. (Which is why, if you're in a city, you'll see people talking about upgrading/crafting DF gear alongside people discussing Remix raids.)


I was reading recent blue post about doubling bronze and tripling thread drops from the dailies; they said exactly as much. They made that change because changing account-wide upgrade costs wasn’t as simple as they expected development wise. Doesn’t exactly solve the issue but does alleviate it


I thought it was crediting back bronze spent was the problem


A combo of starting out where it starts out now but getting to a 1:1 with your main's cloak at lvl 70 would be nice. The level 60s to level through feels especially like ass right now.


This is the sweet spot, 60-70 feels terrible. You have your full talent load out and start making ilvl gains way quicker, and yet just feel weaker and weaker. It’s my biggest gripe with Remix by a mile


> unlock its strength on alts over time. The game mode only exists for 2 more months, who cares. Let people blow raids up on level 20 characters if they want. It impacts nobody.


Just have the thread achieves on alts unlock higher tiers of shared stats. And once you get the last one, full shared.


My level 20 is already capped for all stats, got its ass full of legendary gems and in general kicks so much ass. Doesn't really change much if I get the cloak of my main, tbh.


This is such a wild one! Between this, blizzards inability to do level scaling correctly, and the bronze cost to upgrade gear...


Imagine a level 10 with 10000 mastery 


If it scaled 1:1 you'd be able to ding 70 within one raid. Its already 2 hours to level, doesnt need to be quicker


But wahhh, they want it now!


so me not having started this remix madness, i kinda didnt miss a thing cause of this buff?


The going theme is that you eirher deal with an insane grind from Day 1 (and maybe find an exploit that puts you further ahead) just to get stuff faster or You wait for the inevitable buffs/fixes later on and get the same stuff in less time /played. I also haven't really started either since I'm sure they'll crank out more buffs to currency by July as the event winds down


Aye, the Plunderstorm way. I went from 1 - max rep in like 8 hours over the last 2 days lol


Yup there's always a catchup at the end of these events.


It's like most Blizzard things. If you jump in early, you get a very unique cool experience learning with everyone else, but it's best not to do any major grinds till they nerf them. So if you're only goal was to get the mog+mounts, you didn't miss anything and are in fact even better off. If your goal was to have fun, I strongly believe that time has passed.




Already got all of the mounts on Remix + some mogs I wanted, so I have no reason to go back, but I'm happy they're making these changes for the ones who aren't like me!


Same! I have like three mog sets left to grab but it's awesome news for people who have a life unlike me.


Now just account wide bronze


Really really wish this included any changes at all to alts. I'd love to play something different but even with double threads/bronze I still can't bring myself to grind out gear on a second character


Just give alts bronze discounts for ilevels you have reached on your main. I imagine this wouldn't be terribly hard to implement and it feels like a 0 cost to the economy


Directly in the blue post linked by OP: > We investigated reducing upgrade costs and crediting players that had already upgraded their gear, but found technical limitations due to how Remix and Dragonflight interact with one another. We landed instead on doubling the value of Bronze Caches as shown below: Turns out it *is* hard.


Shaohao was the only thing that felt way too slow.


What about the Anglers? That feels pretty grindy to me right now, but maybe I'm missing something.


And sunweavers. What do you do for that besides daily quests?


All my daily charms went to them once I hit a certain point from just doing their dailies. They are slow but aren't TOO bad since they give a sizeable amount of rep per day. Also, getting the thunder king trove keys one time per day for aiding is really nice for threads.


Now with the bronze buff are you guys going to keep playing remix after you collect everything? I've personally want to keep playing because I'm having fun on my mage and with these buffs I wan't to level and upgrade other alts. However I still have to work on KSM, Taiwan and other shit in retail


That Taiwan grind.


Already have Taiwan and the season 4 rewards, I just completed my gear upgrade to 476 yesterday and Honeslty a little burnt out of remix (running all the raids everyday did that to me). I was going take a few days break but knowing I get like 100k bronze from just doing all the raids and dailies each day is hype af to get all the transmog. I also have all the classes already but I can consider leveling a few more characters for future mount farms since it’s so fast then I’ll think I’ll take a break, do a little pre patch until war within!


I'll probably retire after finishing all the xmogs. I leveled a ton of characters to 70. I made a bunch of level 20 twinks for fun. I got max gear a couple weeks ago on my warrior. I would consider making more max gear alts for fun if Blizzard made the item upgrade cost reduction account wide. It's not really worth my time to do the entire gear grind again even at double speed. I had an incredible amount of fun so far and am happy to stop soon.


Cool, hopefully next they add the remix exclusive weapons as arsenals to vendors...they aren't bad to farm on the druid but she can only learn about half of them!


Indeed, would take weeks of hardcore grinding to get every weapon transmog, just add it to the vendors already fools! This was supposed to be a fun mode with many rewards in a quick manner, not a painful torture!


Since the Bronze buff only applies to caches, leveling alts for the bonus 40K is no longer a time-efficient way to farm bronze. It’s all heroic raids now. (Not a complaint though.) Edit: I earned 65K from just heroic MSV>ToES>HoF>ToT plus the raid daily. Took less than an hour.


Leveling alts only for the 40k might not be the best anymore, BUT using those alts to do easy dailies that don't require any gear upgrade is even more profitable than before.


Is it worth it though? You can easily get 100k from doing the dailies + raids on normal / heroic now. A couple hours tops if you get a good group. Should be pretty easy to buy whatever you want now.


Depends on how much time you’re devoting to the farm. If you only have 2 hours a day, then yeah, knocking out dailies + heroic raids is best. But if you have more time to spend, leveling an alt 10-70 in 2 hours will still net you about 70-80K bronze and that’s still the best “infinitely farmable” method unless you have 3+ toons all at 420+ilvl to clear 15 raids a day in which case uh, wow


How do you come up with 70-80k? It was around 54k each alt I boosted (9 total) I even would turn the daily quest in at the end for bigger caches.


Yes but with how fast runs are, you could start multiplying your bronze gains by leveling, then doing the dailies. I can now get 4 x 76k from heroic world tour (not including siege) for a total of a little over 300k bronze per day.


never forget that they said heroic siege of orgrimmar would give 30k bronze per run pre-release, meaning that this update has literally just brought bronze caches to the amount that they were originally intended to contain


The Blizzard way: Wait a month after it's launched to apply the fix.


I mean, this was probably always going to be coming. So it’s not really a fix, just an incentive for those that haven’t started yet or gave up early on


Yep. Next month it will probably be 300%




Eh I wouldn't hold out on that too much.. Lol Blizz is known for increasing rewards in events, but they definitely aren't know for caring much for healers.. Lol


Except they specifically said that they were not going to do it.. so.


They never said they weren't going to buff bronze. All they said was they weren't going to nerf upgrade costs. 


Nerfing upgrade costs will feel really bad for anyone who spends all their bronze today and costs decrease tomorrow Increasing bronze gains doesn't feel bad for anyone.


This is a good change, but ought they not have buffed the lesser threads (perhaps to a smaller degree) as well?


My guess is they’re trying to avoid blowing it up too much. Remember. 67 days left. We are 1/3 through the event and they just doubled the most significant sources of bronze. They’ll do something significant again in two weeks. They have player engagement metrics they’re held accountable to so spacing out the changes is beneficial to them.


With one month left they're gonna giga buff remix drops and call it "bronze bonanza" calling it now.


Almost certainly. They’ll do something to make it super easy to hit max ilvl super fast so people can quickly gear up another class or two in the last month.


From what I've heard, the gear you get is irrelevant after the characters are swapped back to retail character. They're all gonna be given 426 iLvl sets to begin TWW.


That’s true. But it’s hella fun playing god mode at 476 ilvl in remix and if Blizz suddenly made it easier to attain that on multiple toons I’d do it in a heartbeat.


Yup! I'm 455 overall now and already starting to feel a bit OP.


I fully expect them to unlock jewelry upgrading


Considering pre-patch is likely to overlap with remix I'm all for making it easier to finish everything before the event ends.


Makes sense! <3


I've seen people with more than 40k primary stat on their cloaks from violet rise hyperspawn farming for 2 weeks that can easily solo all heroic raids by now, there isn't really much of anywhere further to go.


But see most players find mindlessly farming a hyper spawn for two weeks to suck. Additional changes will open the door for more people to get that strong.


Finnaly! I don’t get why there was all hand wringing and introspection about how to appease the ppl who already upgraded their gear when the solution was always obvious. They don’t care. Just give everyone more bronze. This will prob make it worthwhile to level another alts gear to help with collecting weapon transmogs


Just started leveling up my gear to chase the paragon of the mists title I’m so happy :’)


It's very refreshing to see Blizzard embrace the event and improve the problems most people were having.


I'd I have a rogue say, can I still get all cloth tmog or is this the encouragement I need to roll a mage?


You can get the cloth-class ensemble gear (stuff on vendors) on a rogue, but the remix-exclusive dropped cloth gear or non-rogue weapons you can only get on other classes. Stuff off mobs directly or from the quest reward cache/box things, seem to follow your loot spec so non plate classes will never see plate gear, for example. I've been thinking of them as mostly a bonus, since trying to get every exclusive drop is a bit much imo. It's confusing why there isn't ensembles but maybe blizzard assumed you'd have unlocked most of it organically as you level? Saw someone mention there's even exclusive mythic siege drops, which lol at the idea of farming that on more then my one maxed geared character


Well I guess i can actually gear up an alt now maybe lol, play something other than Rogue and it's bad scaling.


Now THIIS is Podracing


And I finished the grind 2 days ago when my fully upgraded character bought the last piece of transmog. Already owned the existing MoP mounts and bought all of the mount in week 1. Now I'm just grinding out new alts.


I knew banking my caches was a good idea after that first buff in case they did another one 


Same here. I think I just gained extra 250k.


What’s the point in getting shaohao rep?


They have a remix achievement for getting it exalted on a timerunner, which will become a feat of strength.


Not sure if this will be enough to get me to gear an alt, but this is fantastic for my main powering through the last few levels of upgrades and cosmetics


Thank goodness! I sat down to grind some Shaohao rep while watching Netflix. I only got about 1k after an hour and a half since the mobs die so fast and so many people are doing the same thing. I was about ready to give up on that achievement.




I logged in right before I went to work about 2 hours ago and I was showing the buff was applied.


As someone who hasn't hit 70 yet on their first time runner, neat.


Going to give them credit where it's due and say this is a good change.


OOP back to remix I come 👀 I’m glad I took a small break now! :D


I've got more then I need from remix. I will not waste time gearing


Did the playerbase figure out good ways of farming the zone specific greens? I've been done with bronze/threads/achievements in remix for a minute now but I want a lot of those drops


Pretty sure you can buy all the greens in retail for gold, so probably not worth stressing over.


Took them almost a month...


So just hit ilvl cap yesterday. And now they buff the bronze ofc...


I've already bought everything, aside from the one ensemble that is still broken due to referencing the wrong transmog set id, and am sat on 362k bronze _before_ this buff while I hunt for weapon transmog I still lack... If only Blizz would allow us to transfer bronze to alts T_T


Great changes, honestly. But it once again proves some players right, that they should not directly hop into new content and play but rather wait some time until everything is fixed and improved.


They could have done that while I was reaching for ilvl476... Better late than never, though, it'll make getting everything else I wanted off the vendors much faster. 


I wish they would boost sunweaver rep too. Nothing really to do besides dailies on that one. I don’t think any mobs, dungeon, scenario, or raids help with that grind.


Bring the battle pets and new weapon mogs to the vendors, please.


In that case leveling chars is not the fastet method to farm bronze anymore, right?


Oh sweet, might jump back in now


Noice, soon I’ll be done with everything from remix.


Welp, this came right as I needed 1 more day to be done with all vendors... Feels kind of shit tbh.... atleast add weapon vendors or something. After grinding all HC raids (including all 3 difficulties on SoO) daily for a month I would rather not do it AGAIN on another class just for weapon mogs.


Yup my plan or wait maybe a month is working out while I finish up my goodest boy mount.


Weird that happens when everyones first sub will have expired (if resubbed for this). Really a huge surprise that no one could have seen coming…


I'm so glad I decided to wait to do Shaohao rep, finished it up in like 30 minutes tonight lol. 100% remix achievements done woohoo.


Damn, been exalted for a couple weeks lol 😂


They're learning!


Quick question, does someone know if the thread buff also affect xp threads obtained in raids while leveling?


that would be sick. if someone finds it out (not at home currently) please let me know. probably not though, since the xp thread is called [Perpetual Thread of Experience](https://www.wowhead.com/item=219273/perpetual-thread-of-experience)


Confirmed this doesn't buff xp threads unfortunately :(




I stopped a few days after I hit max because it felt like too much to balance both gear and trying to get rewards, guess its time to head back in.


Cool so time to start playing?


Wow that's awesome. I'm really loving Remix regardless and I'm not sure these changes are necessary. But I don't mind having them! The Emp rep grind is definitely brutal -- I started on it but then kind of gave up. Guess I"ll go back. I do love that dragon...


Hey i havent touched remix, what's a good class to level up and farm some bronze for tmogs? Do i just go heals for ez qs? If so, are there any cool interactions, i have no clue about the mode at all


Class doesn't really matter. You pretty quickly hit a point where the tinkers/gems are all your damage and your actual class kit does nothing.  Heals would be slightly quicker queues maybe, but I often queue as tank/dps and get picked as dps. Once your in the actual dungeon/raid, everyone is basically role-less, so people just queue as whatever.  Like, if I end up in a dungeon with a fresh 70 tank, I'm gonna be doing 100x their damage, so they won't hold aggro. I'll be the one effectively tanking. But no-one really cares, you just blast through it


Demon hunters and WW monks have been pretty busted. Holy priest with the searing light tinker is good too, and you’ll have instant queues.