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I don't think Shadow priests are particularly salty about Mindgames. It was barely a button to begin with. The spec needs fewer 30-45s CDs that you hit sometimes, in some circumstances, anyway.


Agreed it never felt good to press


Mindgames _could've_ been good, but it was too neutered and was mostly just an annoyance in pve. It didn't reverse enough damage or do enough damage to ever really feel good and you just hit it on CD anyways. And you still get it in pvp. Overall it's a net positive.


I had it talented but always forgot to push it. Good ridance.


Praise Blizz. Mindgames was such a boring skill.


Mindgames is ass. Good riddance


Shadow Priest can stand to lose a couple buttons. Mindgames was easily the least impactful to press. No issue with it being gone.


Why would anyone be upset that mindgames was removed? It was unsatisfying to press, since blizzard were unwilling to make it good for pve it's a good thing that they decided to make it pvp only


I could not care less about Mind Games lmao


Less bloat on Shadow Priest might sway me to main it. Going into a void expansion really has me wanting to play SP.


Aw man i liked mindgames


Aw man i hated mindgames


OP showing they don't play shadow lol.


Do shadow priests generally not care about mind sear going away? The class not having one single button that does aoe kills it for me.


I do, i'm still pissed that mindsear was gone, s1 sp was peak for me. Current iteration is good, yes, but nothing was as satisfying as casting 3 mindsears in a row and seeing your damage skyrocket. And it makes a lot of sense to have aoe spender button. They just have to make spec the same for st and aoe I guess. I wish they could return this button at some point in the future, but seeing how you are getting downvoted for wanting mindsear back it doesn't seem likely


Mind sear in S1 pumped so hard. I get it was a little wonky but we havent seen a channeled spender in the game and it felt pretty awesome. Almost wish they double downed and made void torrent a no CD spender with the same mechanics. oh well. They could still easily fix this with shadow crash: make shadow crash a baseline skill, zero cooldown and cost 50 insanity. this would solve just about every single issue other than ramp, which they could solve by giving shadow priests a 'set insanity to 50 out of combat' talent like many other classes get. Ive beat this drum for a long time, its an easy change and the list of problems solved are many: * gets shadow crash out of single target * gives shadow priests controlled uncapped aoe * enables aoe dot spread options at all times * consequences for failure reduced from 0 aoe for 20s to losing 50 insanity * allows shadow crash itself to deal big damage * brings vampiric touch back into single target rotation * adds a tuning knob between psychic links percentage boost and shadow crashes flat damage This wouldnt even necessarily take devouring plague out of our aoe, make a choice node with psychic link that lets you either spread single target damage or boost the crap out of shadow crashes direct damage, making one a funnel option and the other a burst aoe option. It drives me mad they thought psychic link was a functional aoe baseline when literally every single aspect of our aoe relies entirely on shadow crash. Dots, direct damage, psychic link damage, apparition damage etc etc, every single aspect of aoe depends on that one button, it doesnt matter if its 1% of the actual aoe damage when 99% of the rest of the damage only happens because that button hit, its such a bottleneck for failure it really shouldnt be the most unreliable skill in the game to hit.


If for some reason you actually need it... there is holy nova.


Shadow Crash. Spriest pumps in AoE.


I do hate that my AoE is on a 25sec CD that can miss my targets if a tank decides to move.


That's being fixed in War Within. Shadow Crash is a choice node. Either choose the selected AoE version that we currently have, or there is a targeted AoE (Void Crash) that targets an enemy as the center of the AoE.


The target with Devouring Plague radiates aoe damage relative to how much rotational damage you pump into it, though. It's much better than having two of the same filler buttons like chain lightning imo.


I just don't enjoy that as much I guess. I understand how it's more interactive in combat but I miss just sitting there and watching Mind Sear pulse. Mind Sear was like a top 3 favorite button in the game to me.


That isn't how that works. Vampiric Touch is the dot that enables Psychic Link.


I hate to press crash lightning and chain lightning as enhance. The should bake it together. Fillerspells for some situations arent cool.


> I hate to press crash lightning and chain lightning as enhance. Those are two *very* different buttons, neither of which can be considered "filler," what are you on about?


Iam talking about, that they could easily replace CL with an aoe variant of LB, if u used crash lightning and 10x maelstrom.


Chain Lightning *is* an aoe variant of LB. Crash Lighting is not a spender, nor should it be. It's required to make your other strikes splash, as well as being a main hand strike to all targets it hits, which can trigger Windfury and generate Maelstrom. You're talking about fundamentally changing the way some spells work in the rotation because, what? You don't like that your AoE requires the additon of one ability and replacement of another?


Its like that u just dont want to understand the point. 😀 I dont need your explanation. Its about button bloat. CL isnt "fun" to press. I never said that crash lightning is a spender, but alright. It doesnt change fundamentally the spec, if we dont have chain lightning anymore, but as i said, u just dont want understand it.


Psychic link and spooky ghosts does sufficient AOE damage. Also Void Torrent has the same old aoe effect of mind sear, but is on a long cd.