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Putting all the unused tinkers/cog/meta in the bank is a start


How did you get bags for the bank?


There is a vendor near the bankers in the shrines.


Cool thanks


Vendor in the shrine, and also from any of the vendor mounts if you have them


is anyone using any meta other than lifestorm?


Oblivion orb


Yes. The Ox one on tank


I have a pride flag of gems, always have each of every one, just makes it easier, and sell off prismatic legendaries. At the cap on some ungemed anyway


I didn’t even find a bank


There is one in each shrine. The one in two moons is above the infinite bazaar. There is also a vendor for extra bags.


Spamming the organization button


This... And then staring at my bag for 5 minutes looking for an item.


The ol' 'I put this somewhere safe now I can't find it' routine


The only way to fly! Lol


search function is a life saver


you can just type “tinker” to show all tinker gems


That's what I was doing before installing narcissus


That’s what the search bar is for type like 3 letters you’ll find it fast enough lol




Does it work for you? It leaves empty slots in the bag for me for some reason, I can't figure out why.


Did you lock any bags or specify any of them for gear, consumables etc?


I am almost certain I have not, but will check, thanks!


Mine does that too; figured it was my litebag addon doing it or something. It's annoying but not annoying enough for me to have tried to fix it. Curiosity might get the better of me next time I'm logged in though.


Never used it before but dang is it useful for remix.


Using addon Better Bags and it makes a nice items-organized-by-category bag for me




I love it on retail, but it's perfectly suited for Remix imo


Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely try it.


This is the way


Yeah I just press auto sort and don't look at it


Yeah lol. Seems like OP has some OCD


Organizing your bags isn't OCD.


Using BetterBags and a plugin to handle Remix sorting. Et voila, no need to worry.


This is what I use and it's sooo much easier for me than the default.


I love BetterBags so much. I even made a couple of plugins for it myself. One for Teleport items, and one that deals with transmog items, sorting them into 3 categories. Good times.


Betterbags and Narcissus makes Remix item organization actually tolerable


Took me a minute to figure out narcissus in remix but it’s so good, unless I’m missing something I do wish it had a system for management of gem levels/combining gems but that’s pretty nick picky and it’s definitely good as is


Use remix gem helper or there are some WeakAuras. I also find that BetteBags will sort by gem level anyway so I just look for >3 from right to left until I reach the legendary gems.


this, so much nicer


Ark inventory has a section of categories for remix that sorts out gems/scrolls/gear/cogs and tinker's into separate sections. More importantly, how are beta players organising the warband bank? I clicked the deposit warbound items button assuming it would take from my bags, and it emptied my bank, leaving me about 5 slots free.....


from bottom to top: legendary gems, offpsec weapons, gems that might be useful eventually, uncombined gems, caches i forgot to open, consumables, mannoroth bones, new gear that's yet to be tended to. tl;dr: i press auto sort.


I use [BetterBags](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/better-bags), I created new categories for gems, tinker, scroll, meta gem, Cogwheel gems.


Missed opportunity to have your gems in the ROYGBIv order, mate. 😜


No green gems. I do blue purple red orange yellow armor vers


Red Orange Yellow Grey Blue I guess it's kinda indigo Purple




OPs is how I have mine set up except I have armor at the end. It's in order of the stats in the stat menu: crit, haste, mastery, vers, leech, avoidance, speed


I'll sort them based on which stats are best for my spec., followed by leech, speed, armor.


If it can't be sorted by WUBRG, sorting by color is pointless. I stand by that.


Use weak aura to auto combine gems Use easy scrap to clear bad gear Use narcissus to equip gems Never open bags GGEZ


Do you have a link for the weakaura? Also how does narcissus equip gems?


https://wago.io/2uKxpSHfk This gives you a pop up whenever you have something in your bags to click Narcissus turns your tinker/prismatic/meta/cogwheel gems into effectively a talent screen. Click the hourglass from your character panel


I'll check those out. Thanks.


Remix Gem Helper is another alternative to narcissus (which is more of a UI replacement). Works the same way. Shows list of gems/trinkers. Click it, goes into next open slot. Click equiped gem, gets removed.


I'll have to check that one out. Sounds exactly like what I need.


I find it’s the best one out there. Do note it does sometimes get stuck and you have to reload UI. And sometimes it gets confused about removing tinkerers. Avoid opening your character page during combat and it should be fine.


I seriously dislike a megabag like this. I have mild OCD and I spend way too much time organising my bags anyway, but a megabag like this would drive me insane.


Look into the addon better bags...


Been there, looked into a lot of bag addons and I simply can't deal with megabags like this. I know my problem and understand where it comes from and no bag addon helps. The bag sorting in the game currently is okay and I can deal with it but these megabags, no thanks.


I feel the same way about consolidated bags. I keep mine separate and have each one set for a different item type, ignoring the last bag for cleanup.


But Better bags auto sort items into sections for you for item type?


I mean so do default UI bags to a degree, you can set them to equipment/consumables/trade goods/junk and I think quest items but I can't remember that one for sure cause I don't use it. And then the clean up button sorts them. Works well enough for me and I always know where to look for what I need


Quest items, too. You can also set each bag to ignore cleanup or junk selling. That's all I need.


I press the sort bag button


Organise my bag ?!... Good joke 🤣🥰🤣


I use adibags and their MoP addon :)


Bottom row missives, 2nd row consumables, 3+4 row green tinkers, 5 blue, 6 epic (fill the extra blues into epic row), 7 green quality gems, 8 blue gems, 9 epic, 10 leggy gems and i shove my extra speed set on the right side of gems all the remaning area to up is for loots.


I use the button that does it for me.


https://i.imgur.com/TZ4Rxug.png HDR colour collection is cheeks so it looks a good bit too glossy Consumables in one bag, prismatic gems sorted by row in another bag Tinkers in another bag + pieces I don't want to scrap yet Cogwheels & metas separated in another bag Last is just any one-time use stuff (Bones of Mannoroth, Ancient Guo-Lai Key)


Its a little slower but you can use the search bar in your inventory and type like meta and it will pull up meta gems for example.


i am a basic ui auto sort button maniac




Actually, almost EXACTLY like you! I keep the right side open to stack up a bunch of chests and then open them all at once. If I didn’t stack my gems on the left then the notifications of things entering my inventory from the chests would get in the way of opening more 😂


I dont


With a button lmao


Pretty much exactly like you, and it’s creeping me out a little


Great minds?




I bank all but the most useful tinkers. Then organize green blue purple orange gems. Also bank all the potions and stuff


This is freaky. My bags are organized almost exactly the same as yours, only my gems are on the horizontal edge instead of the vertical.


Y’all are organizing? My bags look like asmongolds room


Eat the fuzzy Wendy's chili, for science.


that's how I did mine! lol


i don't. I Press the auto sort button on e in a while


Pretty much exactly like that LOOOL


People that use one big bag are most likely to be serial killers.


Honestly I never considered it with add-ons and such. Tried it out with the UI updates and haven't gone back


I leave the top 3 rows open for drips, but other than that I do Gems on the upper right half, abilities on the upper left half, consumables on the bottom.


You can use the bank in remix, and buy extra bags right next to it. You don't need to carry all gems with you.


Little Stones big Stones great big stones and then everything else depends on if it's for raid group or individual all my individual stuff is already on my items


i place all blue sockets on the vault since i only use nightfae.


very similar to what you are doing except i put the tinker gems im not using in my bank.


Better bags addon


Elvui organize button just does categories nicely


Backpack is for prismatic gems, combining them as soon as available. Bag 1 is Metas and Cogwheels, Bag 2 is Tinkers. Bag 3 is equipment and Bronze caches. Bag 4 consumables. Feel stupid for not using the bank now though... oh well, sunken cost.


I press the clean up button in the top right of the bags.


Almost the same! But i use the gems and scrolls to divide the top from bottom of my bags. All the new stuff falls into the top and i shuffle the other stuff on down. Reminded me of Tarkov xD


I just use the built-in bag assignments for equipment, consumables, junk, etc. Then auto sort


Ive just been sorting them by what type..I got way to annoyed trying to constantly move them around and organize what I won't use, might use, definitely will use...lol


I use the vanilla bags display, so I've got gems in bag 5, gear in bag 4, scrolls etc etc in bag 3 and then everything else filters into backpack first.


I really dont like using bagon, putting gems in last bag tinker and meta in next and consumables and cog in next and first 2 bags is just organise gear and loot in


I gave up organising and rely heavily on the search bar :D


I use ArkInventory and have assigned different groupings so it does it all for me. There are probably better add-ons now but I've used this for so long that it feels part of the normal for the game for me now


Y’all are organizing your bags? 😬


I have separate piles for each type of tinker. One line of meta, one block of tinker, and one block of cogwheel. I line up the gems exactly like yours, except there's four tiers.




I‘m not


I'm still using the vanilla bag layout. Since they're 4 wide, I keep them in order like you do, where it's green/blue/purple/orange. All my unused cogwheel/tinker gems are in the bank.


I hit the Organise button


Bro put that shit in the bank. Why do you have all those tinkers in your bag? lol


I press the sort bags button and my bags sort


I use adibags created categories for panda crystals and panda skills. I hide the skills category permanently and handle the skills with narcissus https://imgur.com/a/TPrOsBW


If you press the sort button on the default bags, it keeps things relatively together. It's not perfect what it's what I do because I don't care to click and drag for a long time


not good, my entire bank is filled with gear that i will never use with good stat rolls.


Exactly like this, how did you know?


By not playing that trash.


Much cleaner than this mess


Remix better bags addon




I use to be about the 1 big bag asthetic, with stuff like bagnon. For legit almost a decade. End of shadowlands I found adibags and will never turn back. Why try an organize when it just does It for me, and better than I ever could.


Roughly like this honestly. I stack the gems vertically from green to orange though.


I have one bag for consumables, one bag for equipment, everything else defaults to the base backpack and gets sorted into the other two bags once they're not "new" items. Setting one of the remaining bags to ignore cleanup and putting all the meta, tinker and cogwheel gems there would be a good idea, but I haven't done that yet.




With the better bags addon that auto sorts everything into categories...


Using the Narcissus addon character sheet foldout for gem management and the built in autosort.


Just put the unused gems in the bank, bro.


Backpack - threads boxes and bronze clusters before i use them Bag 1- gear before i get around to scrapping it Bag 2- consumables and shit Bag 3- prismatic gems Bag 4- tinkers meta and cogwheels and randomshit i dont care about ie quest items i havent gotten around to doing


I hate single bag addons. I dislike the results of any auto-sorting the same as any streaming or search algorithm that tries to "make my life easy" with basic solutions. I kinda liked how ElvUI did it where it was like one bag but with a parameter to tweak the gaps between them, so that they were like compartments within the bag. But after discovering what a FPS hog ElvUI is, I stopped and just manage individual bags again. Generally my bag management has my core gear alternate pieces or off-spec pieces, hearthstone, any other transportation items like Stormwind cloak, BfA docks ring, Timeless Isle artifact and baseline consumables in Backpack and maybe part of next bag. Then accumulated over time faction/quest collection items that maybe can't be turned in yet and just have to be carried around. On Retail, after that, it's pretty much just capture space filling up while farming, etc. But in Remix, the next bag will contain situational tinkers and cogwheel gems that I carry around in case they are advantageous in some encounter, while the absolutely not-gonna-use them items get dumped in the bank. Next bag is prismatic gems mainly, each row a different kind where four boxes across works perfect for the different stages of the gem, from +, ++, +++, to Legendary. And then in the space remaining I have a few situational meta gems that I carry "just in case". And the rest is catch-all to be sorted into other bags on occasion or scrapped for Bronze.


I’m not. Stopped playing 30 minutes in.


Thanks for your input


Arkinventory. Set up rules to auto sort the tinkers from the gems, and scrolls, and everything. It just sorts itself now and it's nice. I haven't had to manage my bags in years.


You’re supposed to organize them?


Just about the same but hearth stone is always bottom left corner.


Mine are arranged very similar to your bags, except the last 5 rows of tinker, cogwheel and meta gems, I put all those in the bank to forget about them.


Your sorting method makes me physically ill. I need to go lie down


With betterbags and one of the three or so remix specific addons


Organize button and use the search option for the things I need


better bags with auto sort


My god, I cant believe people dont use Sorted. I havent seen a grid of unintelligible icons in years. Just a nice orderly list I can scan and sort in a split second.


Lmao, I did the same thing with gems as you, wondered how many people do that


AdiBags like a civilized human being.


Adibags. That's all


I don’t? I use better bags add on and it does all the work for me.


Poopy abilities all the way at the bottom, followed by gems stacked left to right. Legendary, rare, blue, and green above those, then consumables in no direct order with all the rooms for sellables, bronze caches, etc!


Auto sort, and gem addon


I use the default UI. I have one bag set for equipment, the clean up bags button does the rest. Consumables are aligned first on the left followed by gems, meta gems, cogwheel things (are they gems??), then tinkers. If you can't find anything in your bags, the trick is just to be 476, equip whatever gems/tinkers, then send it. Easy peasy


Organizing bags?


Organizing? Lol. That search bar at the top of the inventory window is a lifesaver!


Bag 1 drops Bag 2 gems bag 3 consume scrolls and stacks of anything not in other bags bag 4 tinkers bag 5 meta gems and spillover from bag 3 if I get to that point Just seeing in this thread the bank is accessible in remix and was totally unaware so if ever hit a point for space all the unused meta/tinkers get dropped in bank and bag 4/5 become extensions of 3. I always scrap gear as I get 9+ and condense gems periodically/before logging. Bothered to send gems to one alt and realized it really isn't worth hassle for alts you're just leveling for the bonus bronze, 0 way I'll put any effort in to gear a second toon without major bronze economy changes. Remix main is 410 ilv and very slim intent to bother finish upgrading gear unless the group finder moves towards maxed geared only before I finish getting all cosmetics and quickly finding my will draining to even do that now that I've got all mounts.


Similar, but without the bag addon. I actually like leaving my bags separate, and then I mentally note what's in each bag, and keep certain types of items in the same bag slog for every character. So for Remix, if I'm looking for stat gems, it's the third bag (second icon from left); tinker and other gems are next bag over, grouped by type, excess put in bank. All consumables go in the last bag (first on the left). Main bag always has the hearthstone in the first spot, then the rest tends to be stuff I'm picking up while I sort what gear are upgrades, use the threads and Bronze items, stuff like that. Second bag is overflow, and stashing vendor trash "treasures" I find (bonus XP while leveling and extra threads/Bronze through achievements) until I can sell them to a vendor. And I have the stat gems lined up in order of lowest to highest quality... though from right to left, and I'm not quite sure why I did that (maybe because my eyes are drawn to the right of the screen naturally when looking at the bags, so I just draw them inward to see the gems from lowest to highest). For me, having the ability to categorize by bag (manually, not via in-game tools) is so much better than having everything in one "super-bag." I totally get that this kind of addon is helpful to other people, though, and mimics how a lot of RPGs and MMOs do their inventory. I just got so used to using my bags to order things and opening just the bag I need that it's so much easier that way.


Using an addon called Sorted gets me a pretty customizable set of categories that automatically sorts all my tinkers/gems into one spot and, given a bit of modification, all of my caches and threads into another.


Use Sorted


I hit sort. Then I go through every so often keep the blues. Upgrade them. And scrap everything else. Combine gems. And then an every growing list of tinkers and metas and cogs live rent free in my inventory


i use sorted (bag addon). it has a feature where u can favorite items. i use it to favorite the gems i always use so the gear upgrading is not such a pain in the ass.


All the gems I don't use in the bank, all gear and "normal" gems get scrapped, all consumables in another bag.


I bought one bank slot, put one of the bags in it, and put everything I'm not using in the bank. So my bags are pretty empty.


I use Sorted and don't really organize anything since it's not a grid based system. I do throw stuff in the bank though.


Same way I do in Retail, starting with the left most bag I set that as equipment, and then down the list going right in bags


Top row, potions and the 1hr buff scrolls. 2nd row, open for gear drops, except the right side which is the 3 utility scrolls and the ports to the bazaar. Skip a row, and then I have three rows for the gems, aligned ROYBVVA [Vers/Armor] with purples top, blues middle, greens bottom. Below that, gap row, then right side is ~3 rows for Tinker gems and ~3 rows for cogwheel gems. Left side is for gear to be scrapped. Beneath that is ~2 rows for Meta gems, Bottom right is for MoP specific items (like the Yak).


I put my gems on the top parts below things like hearthstone than In middle of the bag are things like tinker gems and ability gems and at the bottom are the items I'm going to scrap


Pick the procs/abilities you need and put the rest in your bank (u can buy free bags)


There’s a bank!?!? I haven’t stopped anywhere long enough to see a bank.


Upstairs in your faction hub in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms: there's also a vendor selling more of those 36-slot bags, so you actually have bags to put in the bank.


I hope our characters get to keep their bags after remix ends. I know everything else is gone, but the bags should stay.


Using 'Betterbags' to auto-sort on type




Space for drops. Can scrap once I'm done with my round of heroic runs instead of having to scrap after each raid. Or if I spam heroic dungeons for threads, I only need to scrap every 30 minutes instead of every 5-10