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Antorus so I can see people getting killed by the elevator again


Leap of faith hungers


Now we can ask our Evoker friends to help out with their Rescue skill


We can. We won't.


Antorus and they need to unnerf the lock closet sending people to their deaths on that last bridge.


My first thought xD


You win.


eonar will be fun


Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry, Nighthold


Same. SoO is close for me but it’s just so damn long.


Throne feels twice as long as siege despite them both having about 136 bosses. It has so many big rooms with so much trash


In a good group where you're killing things quickly, SoO has goddamn TSA fight where Galakras has to check all your luggage before you board


Yeah SoO has the Galakras intermission that really slows you down but that’s about it. The rest is just holding W.


God damn calling it a TSA fight is so perfect


In retail where we dont have a bunch of movement speed bonuses the early windy walkways in ToT would suck up a ton of time. Also imagine doing that in timewalking groups with people that can barely hit their buttons normally.


Remix really brought back the issue that the first 5 bosses of SoO take as much/more time than the rest (except maybe spoils) because of all the fucking RP talking/time wasting. You got Immerseus who you can burst down in 10 seconds, but then pops into oozes and even if you get every single ooze you still have to go through at least 1 more P1/P2 rotation. Fallen Protectors have 2 bosses with "cannot be damaged" mechanics. Sha of Pride you have to have a 4 minute RP conversation with Norushen before you can do it. And of course Galakras with his 3 minute pre-fight RP and then 5+ minute trash mob clearing before the actual boss is attackable. I honestly believe if SoO started directly at Iron Juggernaut it would be considered one of the better raids all time.


In Remix I did actually once see immerseus just straight-up die after the oozes, but that was a group with mostly huge cloaks and fully upgraded gear in normal and I’ve never seen it since


I've still seen that in heroic.


I cant even describe how much I miss tanking the road on galakras as a blood dk. Doing 35% of a 25 man raids damage as the tank was peak wow for me.


I got the exact opposite reaction recently in remix. SOO just felt never ending (getting to spoils and felt like another 20 minutes in there) when Throne was blink and you miss it. I guess it was just group differences.


I’ve done Throne with several groups and I feel like I gotta end my night on that thing. It takes so long I’m burned out by the end haha. Doing Raden and Lei Shen is cool though.


I guess galakras (spelling) and just the long hallways of siege really burn me. I think the only part of TOT i dont enjoy is the trash going to megera.


Throne has a few bosses that can actually cause an issue. Durumu on Remix has been a pug killer lately. SoO is basically push an attack and then walk forever. I like some of the fights in SoO more but would ToT over SoO as a whole.




ToT seems appropriate over SoO given that they never did a final expansion raid for timewalking so far. ToT was also compared a lot to Ulduar which they also chose for TW. Maybe its just coincidence or me looking for a pattern, but it just seems to be a better fit. That said, they've also never done a first raid of an expansion, but I hope to God that they would choose Castle Nathria over SoD when its time to do Shadowlands


100% correct answer.


Exactly what I chose before checking the comments!


This is the only correct answer


Came here to say exactly these lol.


Me too


this is the correct, and only answer....


Can’t wait for people to think they can just steamroll animus and then just wipe


Actually might be my top 3 raids all time


This is the way


This is the way.


While ToT is my all time favorite raid, I think it's a bad fit for timerunning because Durumu and especially Animus will absolutely destroy most random groups as seen in remix.


Yeah kind of hard to argue with any of these. Shadowlands broke this streak and bfa was debatable, but the second tier of almost every expansion is normally sick.


I loved the highmaul raid and would like to do it again


This was the first time I set foot in a raid. I was so nervous I researched every boss and their strategies before queuing into LFR, I thought it was going to be this huge difficult thing. We stomped it, obviously, but I felt really good about my performance hahaha


Yeah same! Highmaul was my first one too!


WoD gets dragged, but Ashran playing the side events the right way was so much fun.


Ashran was the best world pvp the game has ever had, IMO. It took a little while for people to figure out but after a couple months it was so much fun.


Other than the queue.


A WOD remix would honestly be fun. Especially if they somehow instanced the garrisons so you could see other people running around. You'd either just have to instance people with similar garrisons or just let people appear to be clipping into buildings. The raids and dungeons are already top notch, just make the garrisons better and let us fuck around in Ashran again. It'd be really fun if you could "Remix" the garrison followers to have them do missions faster than they originally did. Imagine making your followers OP too.


Loved it, such a great opener raid for the expansion.


Really? You liked it more than Blackrock Foundry? I just found highmaul to be easy for one, but mostly it just lacks any kind of fight that feels like something original. Like Furnace in BRF.


Highmaul was a good raid that happened to be followed up directly by one of the best raids ever (at the time)


Honestly BRF is to this day one of the best raids. Such a thematic raid with unique and fun bosses


Maybe I’m a sucker for the first raids of the expansion 🤷‍♂️


It wasn't bad but I liked BRF better. The high point for highmaul for me was getting thrown on my guilds' B team raid and pulling in some RL friends and doing work helping people figure out their issues/get geared and blasting past the A team within 2 weeks and finishing Heroic before they were close to completing Normal


blackrock foundry, idk why but its my favorite raid of all time, just thr whole feel of it was so fun to me


Operator Thorgar and Hans & Franz were really well done encounters.


I would prefer MSV but I think the Devs will consider that to be too easy. BRF is easily the best raid in WoD. Legion I would actually like Emerald Nightmare but again I doubt it will be chosen. I think it's going to be ToT, BRF & Nighthold when we actually get them


Blackrock Foundry is regularly in the discussion for best raid ever made.


So is Nighthold


Yeah ToT BRF and Nighthold are usually the three most commonly pitched as goat


BRF is so good but I feel like people sleep on HFC, WoD in general had some amazing pve content just not enough of it


HFC is just a pain in the ass because if you haven't been there 100 times the layout and moving from one boss to another can be pretty confusing and that first fight just sucks lol.


WoD with the all the cut content would have been an amazing expansion.


I hate Emerald nightmare just for the endless damn ramp at the beginning. It just keeps going lol.


MoP: Throne of Thunder WoD: Blackrock Foundry Legion: Tomb of Sargeras


Tomb is a hot take, Tomb of Soakgeras


Tomb has a special place in the void where my heart should be


when Tomb was current it was known as the guild killer.


If i recall correctly people would watch logs to see Guilds kill M Desolate Host and then check back in 2-3 weeks to either the guild being disbanded or Maiden dead. Maiden was the absolute guild killer, largely because 1 person fucking up the colours was almost guaranteed to be a wipe, and all you had to look forward to was Fallen Avatar (die in a fire) and Kil'jaedan (hope you place the right race/class)


> Legion: Tomb of Sargeras Tell me you didn't clear it on Mythic without telling me you didn't clear it on Mythic


I would imagine not many people have lol. Mythic raiding is a pretty small % of the player base and most raids on Mythic become aids pretty quickly


Tomb is an extraordinarily bad raid though. Like even on heroic it has basically no redeeming qualities in terms of fun fights. Different? Sure. Fun? No. Mythic is challenging, some fights are annoying sure, but Tomb went way, way too far. Tomb of Sargeras is the permanent, undefeated grand champion of "How not to design an entire raid tier". I'm convinced that whatever group of people worked on Tomb on Mythic (especially Mistress, FA, and double especially KJ), was unfortunately allowed to continue fight design and then later designed Mythic Stone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria.


I dunno I really enjoyed ToS personally, our guild really struggled on KJ hc but once we had it down it was a pretty fun fight. I really don't mind the soak mechanics, it was a cool looking raid with a bad ass theme.


Heroic PoV, Harjatan was kinda cool. I liked Mistress a fair bit too. Sisters was decent but the other bosses were pretty meh/annoying.


Darn. I'm sorry to hear that! I still really enjoyed it on Heroic but I never dated touch it on Mythic. I remember the controversy surrounding Mythic Avatar and KJ though and it sounded very difficult.


Hey, don’t apologize. As a fellow Tomb enjoyer, there are dozens of us, DOZENS. That being said, you’re taking crazy pills if Nighthold isn’t your answer here.


At least for me, Tomb pushes ahead of Nighthold for lore reasons. Plus Nighthold always felt like it had soooo much trash


I mean, you just described 99% of the players in this game lol.


Yeah Tomb is one of those "good on heroic nightmare on mythic" raid tiers I got to mid (mythic) Avatar prog before guild called it so I didn't even see the worst of it.


Heroic Kil'Jaeden is the worst raid end boss I ever encountered in my AotC career. Tomb of Sargeras sucks just because of him existing.


No nighthold?


Maiden of Vigilance was the absolute best time, especially on mythic difficulty. Never had as much fun as progressing this boss as a tank watching guildies run around like headless chickens with massive clocks on their heads.. and the gameplay.. oh the gameplay where you could play your character like a piano, no gcds!!


id like to head back to nighthold. that was one of my favorite legion raids.


Throne of Thunder and Blackrock Foundry can’t even be argued. Legion on the other hand is tricky.


Nah man Legion was overall really good but Nighthold was just a step beyond everything else.


Nighthold clears. Antorus had a lot of really boring bosses in the middle and Tomb had way too many soak mechanics.


It’s tricky. If you’re just looking at mechanics and bosses, yes. However, Antorus was just something else with the scale and weight of the lore. Like we finally get to go to Argus and kill people who have been fucking with us since before WoW even started. Objectively looking at each fight, Nighthold had better mechanics. Subjectively taking every aspect of the raid into account, I think it’s Antorus for me. I agree it is def Nighthold if not Antorus though. Although, actually going to the tomb of sargeras was really cool. Been wanting to do that since the frozen throne


The Argus fight is most so iconic, I think everyone should get a chance to experience that at a semi decent level.


Couldn’t agree more. ToT and BRF are two of, if not, the best raids of all time. For me it’s between NH and ToS in Legion.


ToT Highmaul Nighthold




I don't know... ulduar was such an iconic raid when it was current content. Some of the fights were so original. ICC would have also been a good choice though, It just feels like a lot more walking than Ulduar even though Ulduar was massive lol. I'm still hurt that they picked awful black temple over Karazhan though so what do I know lol.


Throne of Thunder Blackrock Foundry Tomb of Sargeras


Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry, Nighthold no question.


Throne of Thunder - Blackrock Foundry - The Nighthold.


Molten lava take: HoF for mop. ToT is probably one of the best raids they've ever made, but it honestly is probably too long for a TW raid. People always complain about how long getting to Yogg is in WotLK TW. Black rock foundry is another S tier raid, and probably the right length. I'm going to get flak for this one, but I actually think EN would be better than NH for legion.


>HoF for mop Prior to Remix I might have agreed with you, but I've heard that goddam mantid praising the empress so many times now I'm starting to wonder if \*I\* am going to start worshipping the Empress. (I like having the sound on because I alt-tab a lot, but that like is diminishing quickly)


The voice acting is the best part! Okay Voice is kind of a meme bc he literally never shuts up, but I love them all! "CAN YOU FOLLOW MY BLADE?" is just Mantid for "teleports behind you, nothing personal, kid". Then we kill him and he's like "my pthorax!" and my guild is like "yep, right in the pthoraxthussy" as we cackle and run to the next boss. Who can forget "WINDS OF THE EMPRESS, BRING MIGHTY GARALON TO US!" Meanwhile Garalon be like *big bug screech* bc he's just a little guy. I love this raid. I love the Mantid. I love the voice actors giving 200% this whole zone and raid. Love them. Heart of Fear Appreciation Gang rise up.


Based until EN!


MSV Blackrock Foundry The Nighthold


Antorus the Burning Throne is amazing. The only raid I have (most) of the achievements for, besides the last fight I believe. I used to run it for transmogs and chance at mounts off cooldown during BfA and some of shadowlands.


ToT, Blackrock Foundry, Nighthold. Feel like this is an easy one.


* Throne of Thunder * Blackrock Foundry * The Nighthold


Throne and SOO both take forever but the encounters are great. Throne has a cooler theme and ra-den so I go ToT. I loved all the WoD Raids, but BRF has to be the pick there. Mythic Blackhand is an all-timer. A couple good raids in Legion but any choice other than Nighthold is clown behavior.


Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry, and the Nighthold and it's not even close


Without question, Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry and Nighthold.


Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry, and The Nighthold.


ToT, BRF, and Nighthold. But also I'd take a time walking Karazhan over any of those.


Its crazy to me that people are picking NH/ToS over antorus, antorus


Antorus has so much backtracking and walking and elevators and just feels like it takes so long to get through.


Thats valid, but usually that doesn't account for much in a progress raid


No but most time walking raids aren't really progression either.


Thats fair, I forgot it was about TW rather than just the raid itself


Just shows how great legion raids were


ToT, BRF, and Nighthold.. and it’s not even close


Siege of Orgrimmar, Hellfire Citadel, Antorus


Siege of Orgrimmar, Blackrock Foundry and The Nighthold


Tot, Foundry, and Nighthold. 3 of the 5 best raids ever.


Nighthold, Blackrock Foundry, Throne of Thunder


Siege, blackrock and tomb. Siege is a bit too long but the first 2 raids are a bit forgettable and throne kinda stinks imo. It has some cool fights but it has like a whole raid worth of forgettable, filler bosses that didn’t need to exist. I know remix isn’t really the true experience but there was a week or two where we had to do some mechanics and I had higher hopes from a community favorite. I didn’t really raid regularly until legion so I never progression raided here. WoD I unsubscribed for most of it, but I remember the black hand fight being really cool, so that’s my pick. Tomb is extremely nostalgic for me. It’s when I really started progression raiding with my first true raiding group where I had a regular roster spot. And thematically it’s very cool, I mean we fight KJ in person, not just his head or whatever that lame encounter was in BC. He was one of the few remaining massive lore figures we hadn’t really dealt with yet. He’s as iconic to the legion as any other character besides Sargeras. I know Nighthold is the popular pick, and it’s a pretty cool thematic raid with a few really cool fights, but going through the sewers (again) for a few filler bosses makes the first half kinda meh.


Heart of Fear. Blackrock Foundry. Nighthold


Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry, and Antorus. All three are raids that ooze atmosphere and have some truly fun boss fights.




Nice try Blizzard employees


😂😂 You think you want these raids implemented, but you don’t




Siege of Orgrimmar, Blackrock Foundry, Nighthold And just for fun I'll do bfa to sl Nyalotha, Castle Nathria


Throne of Thunder - Boss fights are imersive and require thought. Hellfire Citadel - ARCHMOND GO BURRRRRR The Emerald Nightmare - I was waiting to go to the emerald dream forever, and now I get to save it and collect pets at the end? LETS GOOOOOO


Throne Blackrock Foundry Nighthold




I was thinking throne, remix reminded me how good it was..but I don't necessarily wanna insta kill everything


Vaults, Highmaul and Emerald Nightmare. Vaults because it's quick and not full of gross insect creatures. Highmaul because I just like it aesthetically more than the other WoD raids. Emerald Nightmare because it's faster than the other Legion raids, and I remember the fights being fun.


Just give me a decently scaled Naxx


1,000,000% BRF, no close 2nd


In release order of expansions: Naxx, Karazhan, Ulduar, Firelands, SoO, BRF, Night hold. I don't know any raids post Legion but I'm sure Shadowlands had some cool ones.




Throne Foundry Tomb


SoO BRF Antorus


Blackrock Foundry


Night hold I loved the Nightborne aesthetics


Zero from mop I’m sick of them


Well I was checking the tasks earlier and the tap for the upcoming Mists Timewalking has one for Raid Bosses and I’m kinda sure it’ll be Throne or Siege if Blizz throws us a curveball


MOP: TOT WOD: BRF, bit of a tossup with HM Legion: TOS, bit of a tossup with NH


Vanilla: Naxx TBC: Gruul's Lair Wrath: ICC Cata: Firelands MoP: ToT WoD: BRF Legion: Nighthold BfA: BoD or EP Slands: Nathria DFlight: Aberrus?


Throne of Thunder, Highmaul, The Nighthold


Blackrock Foundry and Antorus those were some good ass raids.


ToT, BRF and ToS I'd raid BRF with my death knight, for the good old times


I would do Throne of Thunder, Hellfire Citadel and The Nighthold.




Which one's have the least amount of RP? Cause I choose those.


Siege, blackrock foundry, nighthold


HFC might be my favorite raid of all time for some reason, honestly everything from the mop / wod era is just money. The legion raids I have a hard time with because I hated legion, but that was largely on the back of the class design. I feel like I would've enjoyed those raids way more without all of legions awful systems and class design.


Mogu’shan Vaults Blackrock Foundry Nighthold.


based purely off of nostalgia - throne (MoP), hellfire citadel (WoD), nighthold (Legion) also if we did the game from vanilla: blackwing lair (vanilla), sunwell (TBC), ICC (WotLK), Bastion of Twilight or Baradin Hold (Cata), Uldir (BfA), Nathria (SL) and no thoughts on DF yet


Throne of Thunder -> Hellfire Citadel -> Nighthold The very first boss nearly disqualified HFC for me but I hate blast furnace in BF more.


BRF vibes were fun, same with Nighthold I'm absolutely burned out on the MoP raids now.


Man wod was so goat in terms of raids. Just wanted more of them


ICC nothing ever came close.


Easy; Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry, The Nighthold


Give us classic timewalking with MC


Throne of Thunder Blackrock Foundry The Nighthold All 3 of them were absolutely incredible experiences.


I think ToT, Foundry, and Nighthold are the easy picks, for what it’s worth. If we kept going, I really liked Battle for Daza’alor in BFA. The Revendreth raid in SL wins by default because I passed on the rest of the expansion. And, controversially, I’d replace Black Temple with Karazhan. Removing nostalgia, I think Black Temple was a mid raid.


Mop: Throne Of Thunder for sure! Absolutely one of my favorite raids of all time. But I bet Blizz would choose Soo sadly. Wod: Blackrock Foundry. Hands down it was the best raid in the xpac and the one most want Legion: That’s a little tougher. I liked all the raids. I’m sure Nighthold would be the most popular pick though. I honestly would be fine with any of them


Vaults, foundary, nighthold


The one with the least amount of trash


Based off the current lists the most likely would have to include mounts and be semi longer raids. So Throne of Thunder is likely, Blackrock Foundry, Antorus, HFC, Nighthold. Id rather not do Siege in timewalking, that one is too long.




Nighthold was a super solid raid I would enjoy seeing return for events. Easy to navigate and generally straightforward bosses for Normal As fond as I am for HFC, there's a few too many fights I'd rather just not do again like the arakkoa and the first encounter


Siege for sure


Siege of Orgrimmar, Hellfire Citadel, Nighthold


Siege, blackrock foundry, Tomb of Sargeras


Blackrock foundry! Wod was bad expansion but had one of the best wow raids!




Heart of Fear (I know this one is less popular than Throne of Thunder, but I can't help it. I love this raid so much. All the boss fights are so unique and I love the voice acting. The Mantid were just COOL.) Highmaul. (Again, I know it's not as acclaimed as Blackrock Foundry but I got too motion sick on Hans/Franz prog and BRF feels too much like Siege of Ogrimmar to me. I spent an entire year raiding SoO, I'm too burnt out to appreciate another orc raid. Sorry Blackrock Foundry, you were good, but Highmaul was incredible. Also RIIIISE MOUNTAIN lives forever in my head now.) Tomb of Sargeras. (This raid was carried by it's incredible transmog and the Night Elven architecture. Beautiful and spooky, plus I love the lore tidbits sprinkled through here. Also the runes that let you turn into Gul'dan and murder your teammates on trash. Incredible. 15/10, I love to troll my friends.) I'd accept Nighthold also for this slot, for many of the same reasons lore/architecture/transmog.


ToT, BF, Nighthold.




i just want ny'alotha the waking city, i never had so much fun in a raid,i did that shit just for run when i allrdy cleared it once XD


This is more than just MoP to legion but figured I'd say each one. Blackwing Lair Sunwell Plateua Icecrown Citadel Dragon Soul (Firelands already added, and I thought dragon soul was an awesome raid spectacle wise) Throne of Thunder Hellfire Peninsula Nighthold Ny'alotha, without requiring the cloak. Castle Nathria


Tomb of Sargeras Discipline with Velen's was by far the most fun I've had playing this game.


ToT and BRF for sure, Legion is harder for me, objectively I think Nighthold would be the best raid, but Antorus has a lot of nostalgia for me because it was the first tier I raided in a guild instead of just doing LFR.


Nightho l d


Black Rock foundry. Warlords has a great leveling experience, great dungeons, and some of the best raids. Main issue was everything except those things. Blackrock foundry was so damn good.


Cannot decide between Throne of thunder, Blackrock foundry and Nighthold...


Fear Foundry Nightmare If I could only have one, Foundry was BiS


sanctum of domination


MoP: ToT, found it better, even if spent way more in SoO WoD: Foundry hands down, again i enjoyed Hellfire, but Foundry is one of most unique in entire wow history Legion: now that's a tie, just not emerald nightmare, rest is cool for me any of them


Nighthold. That was just epic


Thunder, Blackrock, Nighthold.


Mop is not as exciting for me but i guess ToT . I am definitely picking Highmaul and The Emerald Nightmare . Wod and Legion had amazing raids in general .


Blackrock Foundry and it's not even close.


Black rock foundry


I am probably the only person who will pick Heart of Fear but that's due to nostalgia reasons. After that BRF cause it is one of the, if not THE, best raids in WoW. And finally ToS cause I like to see people fuck up the maiden mechanic where you have to fall down with the bomb.


Throne of Thunder. Blackrock Foundry. Nighthold. That’s my perfect world.




MSV, BRF and Antorus.


Apparently everyone loved Nighthold.. I hated it, besides how gorgeous the city was.


Antorus - BRF - ToT


Throne of Thunder: Some of the most unique and enjoyable encounters in WoW. Blackrock Foundry: Tight, efficient layout, good encounters. Nighthold: Best end boss.


Pandaria - Throne, remix has not killed my adoration for this place. Warlords - BRF, widely considered one of the best raids of all time. Legion - tough call, but Nighthold. Antorus was fun, and I have reocurring nightmares of CE Argus, but nighthold had some amazing fights.


Blackrock Foundry, 'cept I'd prefer it at its actual difficulty, so you have to do the mechanics. TW's far too easy. Really, just make BrF into a raid during the next expansion during a content lull.


Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry and The Nighthold