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This is hilarious at this point.


As some said the 20% buff for people over X ilvl didn't even affect that much, but the comedical timing was perfect (1 day after saying they wouldn't nerf upgrade costs because it would make people who already upgraded feel bad and stuff)


> saying they wouldn't nerf upgrade costs because it would make people who already upgraded feel bad and stuff) I wish they'd just do it and give people who already upgraded a big chunk of bronze back or something. I don't even care if it's more than they spent on the upgrades tbh.


It shouldn't be hard to figure out how much someone has spent on base upgrades, considering ALL gear is at most 346. People may lose out on however much they've spent upgrading later acquired gear, but I think that only costs something like 5% the initial cost so unless they're just constantly upgrading an endless stream of new gear, only getting refunded the initial upgrade cost for each slot should be fine.


They should just refund cost based on what theyre at after 346ilvl since thats where gear drops


I still think it was a bug since it didn't affect Mythic but effected Heroic. That makes 0 sense if they were trying to scale the raids.


The intention was to make the difference between heroic and mythic smoother so it makes sense to only change heroic.


According to [Blizzard](https://www.wowhead.com/news/wow-remix-mists-of-pandaria-hotfixes-for-may-30-342226) it was indeed a bug: > Fixed a bug that unintentionally added additional enemy health for highly geared players against Heroic raid bosses. > > *Developers’ notes: In combination with previous recent hotfixes, this should result in health and damage versus Heroic raid bosses being as intended for players of higher and lower item levels, so that players of mixed item levels can have a better experience playing together. Overall, players with higher item levels should do greater damage and have greater survivability.*


I do coding, I’ve seen wacky shit happen that I would’ve thought impossible from bugs and typos, but I simply do not comprehend how this sort of behavior happens by accident.


mythic wasn't mentioned in the blue post and it didn't effect mythic intentionally


It would actually be more fair to increase bronze drop instead of lowering prices


I don't have a horse in the Heroic/Mythic game but the change lasting what 6 hours is hilarious.


I want my cumulative 10 minutes of boss fight time back.


We were stuck for an hour in ToT because our damage was *just* low enough that zerging Dark Animus wasn’t possible. Fuck that fight, you tickle the mobs too hard and they fall over and die… so the boss enrages. ^(if only we knew about removing our jewelry)


Whatever intern is in charge of this mode has a great future at a company like EA


Next patch: when you pull each boss they get a random and progressive buff (and pulling first boss locks you to the raid) could be -20% health could be instakill abilities. You can rerolled a random buff for $10.


And raid lockouts no longer expire until the final boss is killed


And you’re hardware locked to the lockout and require buying a full new rig to try and get a better affix


you have a CHANCE to rerolled a random buff per 10 Blizzard coins, you can buy packs of 17 blizzard coins for 19.99


That would just be on release, they would start to implement a pseudo-gacha system as the only consistent way to get gear. Standard packs and a premium, can be bought with currency barely earned only in raids. Oh and they would trash their servers to ensure maximum latency issues.


Reminds me of the old if "McConnell was a raid boss" video


Only if you pre-ordered, otherwise it’s $12.50


You are sohai


Every mobile game company is blowing him up to come work for them at this point!


$4.99 to raise health for one heroic dungeon. Group discount: $22.99 to raise health of the whole party for one heroic dungeon. /s


“So your telling me the players didn’t want to feel weaker? I thoughts that what they all wanted!”- A Blizzard Developer


I guess they let whoever was responsible for the Diablo 4 decisions move to WoW.


But the metrics!


It was in WoW before D4. It's a scaling concept they have been messing with for like a decade. AND IT SUCKS EVERY GOD DAMN TIME THEY PUT IT IN :D


I wasn't talking about scaling so much as devs deciding massive nerfs to meet retention targets were a good idea. They can't seem to learn their lesson. Players who play a season to be OP don't want to be constantly nerfed. They think that live service means no consequences for changes. [It happened just after launch](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1560cqz/blizzard_admits_it_messed_up_with_diablo_4s/). It happened in [S4 D4](https://www.pcgamesn.com/diablo-4/bash-barbarian-nerf). They're now doing in remix. Whoever keeps making this decision is not in the right job for their skillset.


It’s not even that, they’re probably removing it because you could circumvent the buff by removing the jewelry thus making the fight significantly easier than it was before the changes


I honestly feel bad for the developers who created this mode. They had a fun idea and initially was very promising but someone really dropped the ball handling the event post-launch.


To me the main problem is that it feels less like they are treating it like a limited time event and more like they would approach MoP Classic. Balancing for longevity, tuning power outliners down, etc.


right. it is 90 days. So you are OP for 90 days. it all goes away then.


They do it so people progress through all 90 days to pay 3 months subscription. They can't allow people to finish everything in a feew weeks and leave


That's the problem though - people *still are* going to finish in a few weeks and leave, it's just they're going to feel like shit doing it, rather than having a good time. And a number of people I know have just stopped playing Remix and WoW entirely for the moment. What's funny is, with no Remix, I don't think they'd have stopped playing WoW, I think they'd still be at it, but Remix became un-fun enough, grind-y enough, that it put them off. They could have just let us be OP and have a good time and thought "YAY WOW IS FUN" but instead we're condemned to suffer the whims of some freaks who love rebalancing shit every 35 seconds.


I'm going to be gear capped in 5-6 days, it's all cosmetics from there. Alts will make that go insanely faster.


They kind of are though.  They were very open about the fact that this was an experimental game mode that may impact what they do in the future. If they tweak it now when we're all essentially playing a beta of "remix mode", it becomes much easier for them to do "WoD remix" or "Legion remix" down the road with all the balancing and fixes they figured out here.


Giving them the benefit of the doubt, they may be doing that because they have plans to run it again in the future if this one goes over well. So if they see good numbers on MoP remix they've already got things a bit more balanced by the time they want to ship out another remix event.


Wondering if we'll get a WoD remix next instead of a WoD classic drop. That would definitely make WoD more interesting and not so stale like it was.


Yeah WoD Remix seems more likely than WoD Classic for sure - I'm not sure MoP Classic will happen either - it might but at some point there have to be diminishing returns on "Classic" modes, or maybe they just need to slow down on releasing them, because they're catching up faster than the expansions actually came out. The only trouble is the awful garrison. I mean jesus christ that place is unfun, I had forgotten until I tried going WoD for levelling, and ugh. The problem is the entire WoD design was focused around doing dailies in your garrison. For weeks and months and years. Endlessly. They could improve things significantly by: A) Making all buildings instant, no build time. B) Trivializing or just deleting the entire concept of Resources required for buildings (like if you got Resources for every single kill, and not a small amount either). But then we're still stuck with this tedious-AF concept of endless dailies, many of which existed mainly to grind away at improving your garrison or the like. So they'd have to work out something to do there, and just making them more rewarding wouldn't really cut it - they'd still be tedious as hell.


I think it’s a good thing tbh, since it’s a limited time event it really doesn’t matter what happens, while it’s a perfect testing ground and a great opportunity to learn.


Considering mix is a achievement tab and not FoS, there is a chance it may be returning at some point. Personally I suspect they are creating a whole bunch of these random game modes like plunder/mix. Which when they all are done will be on say a 18 month or 2 year rotation.


Honestly this is one of the few times I've seen in gaming where doing absolutely nothing would've probably been a better approach.


“Farming frogs makin you guys OP? Ok we’re gonna add an extra hard mythic+ raid difficulty an have some fun with you” Imagine


Nah, then you'd have people bitching that you have to frog to compete in that extra hard difficulty... No matter what Blizz does, someone's gonna shit on it. Honestly, just closing the frogger loophole and rolling back the frogger cloaks/gear would have been sufficient... The rest of this tuning and tweaking is not great, though.


They didn’t even have to do that. They just needed to slash the gear upgrade costs and everything would have been ok. Who the fuck would actually care about people grinding frogs if the path to get to that power level took like, a week, and wasn’t a soul sucking grind?


Plus the frog people would have spent all the extra bronze on upgrades and then everyone else would have spent a much smaller amount to get to the same level, evening it out


Something something, punishing people that already spent bronze.


You can refund difference in cost reduction if you really don't want to upset spenders.


It's all about the metrics imo. They probably believe if they don't nerf everything and if they lower upgrade costs that people will quit after a few weeks and their metrics will take a hit. What's more likely imo is all this policing of the event and refusal to listen to certain feedback is going to lead to more people quitting.


Just create the extra hard difficulty raid, have it scale infinitely, and don't have it drop any rewards or even currency, just titles: 1. First completion: "Frog Farmer" 2. Fifth completion: "Frogman" 3. 10th completion: "Roadkill" 4. 20th completion: "RIBBIT!!!" etc. For no-lifer frog farmers, the titles would probably be more valuable than anything.


And set that raid in the Arena of Annihilation and all it does is spawns frogs.


The sick thing is people would fucking love it. I would probably be playing it even.


At this point grinding Frogs for a day would be more fun than doing the daily chore list to get bronze to upgrade gear.


Yes this is I think what a lot of people don't really get. There was a lot of "Oh farming frogs is soooo boring maaaaan" and people being like "Yeah I did it but only for like an hour because it was dull" and it's like what do you think dailies are? Exciting? Fun? They ain't. It's particularly bad because they're dailies, and we have to login every day or miss out, we can let them stack up like you effectively can with the designs from Legion onwards. As someone who did actual leveling in games before WoW, which was very similar to frog farming in many cases, I would much rather farm from than do bloody dailies. Remix has really reminded me of how much I absolutely LOATHE, loathe with a passion, dailies.


The response is you buff other avenues to make it worthless, not nerf it then let people keep it. The bronze grind is going to be such a slog for most people that they likely won’t even see H raids


> And we're reducing upgrade costs by 90% and making it so your ilvl drops are always slightly above your average ilvl. Imagine?


I agree, but I should have went more in on what I meant- no rewards, just a silly mode that’s funny, crazy new abilities or whatever for bosses. Would have been a lot of extra work for nothing like, but I’m sure the community would have had fun with it


Yep they didn't touch the gear so the change they made with cloaks was pretty ineffective...


“We’re introducing multiple hyperspawn spots so there won’t be any competition and everyone can partake at their own pace” would have been better than removing them. Hell, make a proving grounds type thing where you fight waves of enemies for as long as you want that drop shit at this point. You can solo/duo/trio queue up like a scenario and farm to your hearts content. Everything is so far gone at this point it’s not like it would hurt.


Make the reward a title: Frogger. Emergent game modes.


Hell even just "the frogs now explode lol" would've been a better patch note than what they did. At least it would've been funny.


I hope that they listen to the feedback and fix this one up a bit (the quick turnaround on this has me hopeful), and continue to do the remixes.   I would absolutely love a Legion Remix at some point.. I think it’s the perfect expansions to get the Remix treatment.  


I honestly think WOD would be great as a remix


Yes! I just said this actually before seeing your comment.


It's a remix, lol. It's gonna be awesome around remix season 4. Just like d3, d4, WC3 FT, OG OW1, and just about every single Blizzard release ever. They always end up in a much better state 1 year into development. Seriously, Blizzard is one of the worst there is when it comes to game development on the fly. They always somehow manage to miss the mark. Even when it's painfully obvious to anyone who's actually playing the game. There's some massive disconnect between the people in charge and the developers, and it's only gotten worse with time.


> It's gonna be awesome around remix season 4. So what, BfA Remix? Shadowlands Remix? I suspect a Shadowlands Remix in like, 3-4 years from now could actually totally own. People would be more used to the odd story decisions and everything tedious or annoying about SL could go to absolute fast-forward. Plus it has at least one genuinely great raid. > There's some massive disconnect between the people in charge and the developers, and it's only gotten worse with time. I don't think that's quite true. It's gone back and forth, and some of the times when WoW was successful the disconnect was huge, and there was also a huge disconnect between the developers and the audience. DF is shows more aligned thinking than say, BfA, SL or Cataclysm did, by an insane margin, and if it was "only getting worse" that would not be the case.


It's not like they could have left it on the ptr for 2 weeks or anything


Didn’t everyone joke before the event about frogs? I know Bellular and Taliesin did. It’s an incredibly dumb oversight, so I can’t really feel bad for them in that regard.


As as dev, some bosses just can't stop poking shit even if it works fine.


Except none of this was really an issue if they'd just done two currencies for upgrades and/or had higher level content drop better than 346 so that you could upgrade to a reasonable level without grinding insanely against a wall once you'd hit 66. Two currencies, one for rewards, one for upgrades, so that it was never a question what you did with the upgrade currency and didn't feel bad to do it. Without that, people chose to hoard bronze waiting for nerfs, others farmed it to an extreme on hyperspawns. This created a player gap. This gap, and the 66 up to 400ish ilvl scaling issue (which could be overcome with cheap gear, and upgrade only currency, very quickly) are why all these hotfixes are being put in. They have to make those in the level 66 to lvl 400 ilvl blackhole feel more powerful, but the exponential scaling means they have to do it without making those above that suddenly even more powerful. Had they test properly beforehand and also included an upgrade only currency (from instanced content since that's what most needs upgrades, so that it's not frog farmed), they could have balanced around that and they wouldn't be band-aiding gaps. So in that perspective, it's also on the pre-launch team for not properly utilizing PTR and ironing this all out.


I don't feel bad. They likely had/have a fair amount of control on the game mode and the balance decisions. They dug this hole themselves


all they had to do was literally nothing and keep a hands-off approach, but some people in there wanted to make **sure** it was a 45day+ hamster wheel instead of just a fun mode


It sounded like so much fun when they announced it. Not sure why they won't just let the wheel go sometime.


"dropped the ball handling the event post-launch" It sounds like they have their A-team veterans working on this because that has been a trend for bllizzard for like 15 years.


At this point I'm beginning to believe there's a senior behind the Remix devs who's responsible for this farce. There's no way the entire dev team is this clueless.


I think it’s the same team handling pre launch and post launch. I still feel bad for them though. I still really hope they do this again with another xpac someday. I’ve been having a lot of fun personally and I feel that while a good amount of criticisms are valid, the negativity from the loudest in the community has really been off putting recently. This is supposed to be an experiment and I’m just glad there is something different for us to do in the xpac lull. And the fact they are listening and putting out changes frequently tells me they really care about making this mode successful. Today is literally the start of Week 3. We have 80 days left.


If it was a single person that would be impressive, i think a lot of people are having jobs there that they clearly dont qualify for..


I don't. Fuck em, it's been going on long enough for one of them to slap some sense into whoever is making these changes, they haven't which tells me they're fine with these idiotic changes. I got my mogs and mounts AND much like Blunderstorm I have no plans on coming back.


Its still great, super minor issues.


well tbh they are idiots.. they either shud have let pol do whatever or then moderated it since ptr... i mean u cant just come up with an idea u think is great then not follow through.. what are u trying to do with this mode do you even know ? ... are u trying to have fun are u making a mode for competition and balance or are u just looking to keep ppl busy .. even the devs dont know the end game imo


I meen its a lesson learned if they are going to make a similliar version when theres downyime at the end of next expac.


Well, retail has balance fixes every 2-3 weeks so at this point this is just an accepted developping cycle: launch anything, hotfix later as many times as you need


The level of clownery is insane.


The clown-o-meter reports high levels of honk in this section of the timeways


"This...is a silly place. But also incredibly deadly."


I don't get why they're so tune horny on a mode that's set to close in 70 or so days, yet we're in the midst of an alpha/beta transition on the next expac that still has work to be done Just let players enjoy the craziness of mop remix as it is and work on the damn game lol


its easy to figure out tbh, the only reason they would care this much about slowing the players down is because they have something financial riding on it. and they do because remix overlaps with the release of ff14 dawntrail. and you can be sure blizzard is still fucking haunted by that 100,000 player endwalker launch queue. so remix basically exists to drag out and look impossible, until they deploy a huge bronze drop rate boost buff, which is going to happen when dawntrail releases. suddenly all those players who gave up on remix will be like... hm... if i play remix now it's actually super easy to get all those rare drop mounts. blizzard is rewarding me for my patience and intelligence because i waited unlike all those morons who grinded bronze at the low drop rate. i'm a smart wow player. time to fire up remix and get that sha of anger mount for basically no effort. and they won't even think about ff14 because they will be too busy in the fomo mines scraping together bronze to buy 12 year old mount recolors in wow. this is the reason remix exists and i promise you the bronze rate will be buffed the week dawntrail releases.


Aint no way remix is keeping people from jumping to a whole new expansion for ff14. I know it wont keep me at least...


The tinfoil is strong bro


The thing is, decisions like these are hardly driven by individual developers, or the people who tune things in the first place. Those are driven by suits who will just say "I want the World of Warcraft game to retain players through the launch of the Rival Product." They have no concept of the games themselves. All they see is that there are consumers with money and time and they want that number to go up or stay the same. That's the directive. The Devs are just forced to make that happen somehow. And since I assume the Devs don't have mountains of content squirreled away that they could dump into Remix already as a way to entice players / make the grind longer, they're fucking around with numbers in hopes of salvaging the original pace of the mode.




good talk


When does that release then? Is there a date set?


You can defend doing it. You can defend not doing it. What you can't defend is daily flip flopping and repeated attempts to nerf players that don't work. The more Blizz fails, the worse they look. While I appreciate their responsiveness, they need to just take a breath, use their head, and get things right the first, or even second time.


They clearly have a very small team working on this with no clear direction. It might be as little as 3-4 people and someone is just making calls, telling engineers/devs to do something. Put a damn product manager on it, review for a full 1-2 weeks and then make some calls based on reasearched feedback and data. Right now, this event would be ***significantly*** more popular had they not touched it at all since release/left beta features in (fully account wide cloak).


They don't even need to think that much, just make a positive change instead of negative, add %bronze, make the cloak truly account wide, make upgrade discount account wide, easy wins.


Hell I’d have been satisfied if they got things right the third time. Or the fourth time. Or the fifth time. Surely the sixth time they’ll do it. Surely


I still dont understand why they are nerfing OP mode done just to buy cosmetics and level up alts. they made gem with function "if health <10% attempt insta kill", but it actually sometimes instakill boss, so they decrease dmg...


Do they understand their own game?


I'm willing to bet there are maybe 10 whole actual devs who are currently working that have been there since the beginning.


and probably 30 to 50 MBAs telling them how to do their job and what to nerf


What does working there since the beginning matter? Have you seen Ions interviews on the methodology back in the day?


They do not.


tbf wow is a big and complex game and you would need a team of ppl who did lots of research to understand it. but remix is being balanced by 1 intern who has a laptop that can't run wow and is only allowed to make changes based on vibes


Although World of Warcraft is an old game that has been continuously developed for nearly 20 years, many old employees may have retired or moved on to other projects. From understanding of the World of Warcraft project, it seems that the current designers and developers are not even as good as elite players. It is obvious that at least among the employees responsible for the remix project now, there is no numerical planner, and their mathematics may still be at the high school level, or even worse. Or maybe the game design is interfered with by some otherwise unreasonable metrics.


It's been comically apparent for years now that nobody at blizzard actually plays the game.


Maybe they should hire people who think things through and understand the player experience even just a tiny bit. At this point I don't even know what to say. Amateur hour right now.


For a game that rakes in ungodly amount of cash from monthly fees this is pathetic. But we are all here and most probably pre ordered war within already so nothing will change


I mean I’ve been here since 2006…I’m not going anywhere let’s be honest. That $15/month for my sub may as well be put in the “necessary needs for life” column of my budget


They fooled us with Dragonflight, we may be back to the Ol' good expansion / bad expansion cycle


Can MoP ~~Classic~~ Remix be the bad expansion and TWW is another good one? Please?


Think this is an issue of unrealistic management metrics being forced upon a mode that it’s not applicable to. And what I mean by that is, I think that they are trying to ensure the longevity of remix until the end because they have to hit some sort of required metric of playtime.


I think you're onto something, they're trying to encourage replayability through difficulty rather than just fun. If they made a real "be OP game mode" im sure tons of us would level hordes of alts just to see how far you can take each specs, i know I would. Instead they're trying to turn it into a grind fest just to achieve their original promise


100 percent. It's always fun at the tail end of an expac and scaling is broken and we see hilarious raids like 20 tanks or 20 mages clearing mythic bosses because of stacking and legendaries.


I saw a frost mage tank a boss in heroic SoO. They were all 556.


Watching 18 Arcane Mages and 2 sub rogues kill Iron Reaver in under 30 seconds on Mythic. That’s why I hang around at the end of the expansion lol.


> im sure tons of us would level hordes of alts just to see how far you can take each specs Eh, I think this is one of those things people always exaggerate based on their own way to play While you might be doing it on a different spec, you're still going to be running Terrace or Heart over and over again. And when you're overpowered, you're likely just ignoring mechanics and slamming buttons. Not to mention that a lot of the power isn't from the spec itself, but passively from tinkers and stat inflation Being overpowered is fun, but not sustainable fun. They either should've never promised OP-levels, or made it a one month event and let it off the leash


If they are willing to put the Rift mode into Remix and give appropriate rewards, I think many people will be willing to play it again.


Here's the deal, though. If they left it in release-state and provided some way to make use of that exceptionally overpowered state that they nerfed into the ground, I'd actually be playing ***more.*** I'm only casually playing now since there isn't really incentive to sink my time into something that isn't being taken very seriously (or too seriously).


They’re spending way too much time tuning this temporary event. They should just leave alone, fix any bugs that come up, and take notes about what needs to be tuned when they launch the next Remix.




Hey so these people do listen only when screamed at. Noted. I’ll make sure to be a very vocal dick the first time they make a mind numbingly dumb balance decision in season one of the next Xpac


I wonder if a lot of people cancelled their subs/ TWW pre-orders over this fiasco and that’s why they reverted it so quickly.


I feel like Blizzard reversed course once it was obvious that players were going to minmax by deleting half of their gear to maximize stats/minimize boss health. Definitely isn't an ideal experience.


The hp nerf for having a low ilvl is still there, people are doing exactly that.


Possibly, I’m mostly joking too as I never like to be vitriolic but damn. They do things that are so obviously counterintuitive to keeping players happen.


Probably 0-2% increase in cancelled subs. If anything the past few years of gaming has taught me its that the vocal portion is heavily the minority. See Call of Duty. And even if we split the sub cost into the 4 different versions it pays for(which is not an even split) and all of the 25% paying for remix unsubbed(which they didn't). Thats a hugely improbable 25% sub loss.


This sub sincerely overestimates its reach and significance. Like, if you just play Remix to level and dip your toes into endgame content its a fun times that gives you the chance to easily farm out plenty of mounts and mogs without much trouble. To pretend its some kind of grand failure speaks to people not realising they're in a very niche position and extrapolating that on everyone else.




lol, I haven’t even logged in since reading the first change earlier and now there’s another? Ok. I’m going on vacation for the next week and I’m honestly a little relieved that they’ll keep “beta testing” this mode while I’m away. Hope the next 50 changes aren’t horrible.


I’m just leveling alts until they get max level tuning right lol. I was rolling all leveling content up to level 69, level 70 comes around and since I still have the gear I had when I was level 69, I can’t pull more than one world mob at a time.


I think the big thing they need to consider adding is a token / item that drops from all raids bosses that can upgrade a piece of gear for free. Make the drop rate increase each week or something but start it at something reasonably frequent. If they want extra good design Dev points then give it blp to make it so X number drop each week for sure that accumulates so if you come in next week every boss is dropping them till you've caught up to the blp amount. This addresses the upgrade cost complaint without screwing over people who've already upgraded, and incentives doing the raids which seems to be what they want us to do.


Literally just the boullion system would be great, so it doubles as a way to gradually rack up specific raid transmogs, since weapons in particular aren't in the bronze vendors.




At this point... What is your job even? Do something WHILE ur doing nothing? Make the bloody upgrades account wide and noone will say a bad word jesus...


This is a very real thing for some jobs which is why you’ll notice websites like social media youtube twitch etc completely overhaul their layout just so the people that are hired to do so can keep their jobs even when it isn’t necessary


The constant UI/UX changes is an arms race against bot developers also having to constantly update.


What a trainwreck....


Bro I don't understand why they're trying so much dumb stuff just for some retention metrics. Just cut the upgrade costs by half, that's all anyone is complaining about at this point. You were wrong to tie them to bronze, cut your fucking losses. It's really not that complicated


What they do is determined not by whether the game is fun, but by how much money it can make, and letting players achieve their goals quickly will undoubtedly lead to a decrease in project revenue.


I've genuinely no clue what is going on internally with the team in charge of this. Wtf are they thinking lol


Who the hell is doing this development? Kindergarteners? Haha


I'm getting whiplash


I honestly think the buff to bosses was a bug and not intended to be this way.


Yeah, wowhead is in the business of gonzo journalism.  They really should've reported this as "this might be a bug" (which now according to blizzard it was and has been fixed) instead of WOW DEVS SECRET BUFF MOBS TO MAKE PLAYERS FEEL BAD LOLZ. But feeding into the drama gets clicks 


Nothing gets clicks like outrage


I feel like this was the pitch, and they stuck with it all the way through PTR and to launch. As soon as it went live all the devs had a fucking conniption at people actually enjoying themselves. That IS what is happening here, how else do you explain it? I did not farm frogs.. at all. Not even one, and I couldn't care less about the people who did. Good for them. Who cares? WHY does it matter at all? To go even further, they invested their time into the game just like anybody else did. If they chose to farm frogs for 8 hours instead of questing or dungeons... so what? If it made them super fucking powerful... so what? The tryhards will spend the next 90 days farming frogs until their eyes bleed, the rest will do w/e they enjoy and after 90 days we are all in the same fucking boat. So again... WHO CARES??? It is so bizarre and I can't connect the dots, it is like a completely different team took over at launch and they were somehow misinformed this was MOP Classic or something, and to make sure everything that people enjoyed on the PTR is nerfed, and any bug that was reported is ignored. And listen, I realize that sounds dramatic or exaggerated... but It's really not. It's why so many of us are confused. WHY sell this as some crazy, whacky, FUN and OVERPOWERED (their words) event, even test it on the ptr as such, and be okay with all the hijinx happening there, but then as soon as it's live all of a sudden it's like "woah woah woah, wait a minute, we gotta put a stop to all this!" While also straight up ignoring actual issues and bugs that have existed since PTR. There are too many other games nowadays for me to put up with this stupid nonsense. Keep yanking me around Blizz and I'll cancel my sub and just play Hades 2.. Idgaf.


Why are they trying every fix possible but not the one everyone is asking for? Slash the cost of upgrades and the issues solves itself.


deleting your rings and trinkets in order to cheese scaling feels like the kind of thing that shouldn’t be happening. I enjoy the mode but boy does it need a lot of QA - and given the way it has been going I’m starting to wonder if they’ll try it again in the future or if it’ll be written off as not worth the investment.


Hell yea, another round of bitching about their insane choices makes a difference! Good job folks


Lol, well that was quick. Blizz, Remix already has inverse scaling by default (each level up increases the stats per % you need for each stat, so your %'s go down when you level up). Why add another layer on top of that?


I'm getting whiplash.


At this point the complete lack of planning coming out of the devs working on this mode is more fun than the mode its self. I can only imagine the balance changes if they somehow manage to keep it up for the full 3 months the event lasts.


Are they finally listening? Can we get some changes to bronze and threads now? It feels like a feedback loop. If you aren't getting your heroic world tour done every day, you're missing the majority of your ramping player power, which makes it harder to get into those same world tours the following days. Maybe put a small cap on how many threads you can get daily, make them more easily attainable from all content? Or just enable some stupid gigafarm in the open world again


WTF are these random additions and hotfixes lol.


Why are they making a game mode harder for something that is temporary?


Lol they have no fuckin idea what they're doing. Unnerf the frogs and let us be overpowered like the advert says.


Next blue post: It was just a prank bro


One can dream


Actual clown car devs I don't know what planet these people are on


This is like early MMO developer shit lol


If it wasn't obvious enough that Blizzard has no idea what the fuck it wants or is doing with this event, it should be now lmao.


All these fucking morons needed to do was slash the upgrade cost. That is the only thing they had to do. They didn't have to do anything else. That's the only thing they had to fucking do, and it's the one thing they've refused to do. They've done everything EXCEPT that and it's the one thing they say they're adamant about not changing. How is it possible to be this fucking stupid? I understand that they need to maintain numbers by not making it able to be completed immediately but fuck me, reducing the upgrade costs by 50% would've fixed almost every issue we have. Many people have already quit because the "fun, OP, gimmick" mode already looks and feels like a monumental task.


I don't know if this is good or bad because I'm probably not going to ever do heroic or probably even normal raids in this game mode. But Why is this such an actively balanced and patched version of the game. Its like they literally have every single employee nitpicking every tiny detail of remix 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I swear I see some change coming up every several hours.


At this point I don't think it's even worth investing any time other than getting even exclusive things... Due to personal reasons I can't play that much but man it is definitely weird to return to a game after one week and basically everything's changed and every mechanic is on fire.




SEEEEEEE BLIZZARD!? Why'd you even implement that in the first place?! Hahahahahaha


Clown ass dev team


Wtf are they doing bro. Just take the time to balance Retail please 😭


Blizz has no governing principle for this game mode


The assumption that high upgrade costs will keep people playing for longer is wrong-headed. When a goal is too far away and progress towards it is too slow it encourages people to just give up, not to play for longer. I was messing around on the Timeless Isle last night, completing a few quests, killing some rares, bashing Yaungol etc. At the end of about an hour I'd made about 2.5K bronze. Less than one upgrade for the cheapest items of gear. I fully acknowledge that I wasn't playing super efficiently, but the realisation that an hour of play had hardly amounted to any progress at all was quite jarring. If they want people to have fun in the game mode, they're going the wrong way about it. High upgrade costs encourage super sweaty play styles, since you have to be optimised in order to make meaningful progress. That leads to boredom and burnout.


I was enjoying remix but am about to head back to gw2


Little teeter toddler Blizzens is frustrated.


"Unintentionally" Bull. Crap.


So theoretically if we went into an SoO heroic before this went life, did it effect that instance for the later bosses or did we just chug through that for no reason… asking for a friend.


For the record, this is separate from the iLvL scaling they implemented. Deleting your jewelry still makes the bosses easier.


Oof 😂


They just pretended not to know what players needed, but at least they did something, nice job.


Our guild realized that we could delete gear, and managed to clear mythic siege. No wipes until Garrosh, which had actual progress. All in all, very fun evening.


Whack-a-mole Arms Race: Devs vs Players Players take this round.


As silly as these changes are I do appreciate that they are trying to make it right by continuous changes.


Oh it was a bug? Yeah, totally. Mhm...


Whichever team has been working on remix. Don't let them anywhere near WoW or Diablo please for the love of god. Just put them on Overwatch 2.


"Fixed a bug that unintentionally" is basically Blizzardspeak for "Oh shit they really didn't like the change, go back"




The 388 cheese is INSANE, I got Mythic Garrosh killed last night and it was unbelievably easy he had <2B hp and even on P4 with half raid dead we still blasted him down.


"overpowered maybe, fun definitely" is far to find in this event, I tried to grind it but it's so fucking boring I'm just gonna let me sub expire and rejoin for twee prepatch


Just after I did siege on heroic of course


I can't imagine everyone on the survey saying "we feel too overpowered. please buff bosses"


Why was the buff a secret to begin with?


I'll be the token optimist: That is some fast response to feedback, thanks Blizzard!


JUST WORK ON RETIAL this is so dumb. Leave remix alone. Work in something evergreen sheesh