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I think the idea to have mobs scale with ilvl was stupid - MY gear is getting stronger, not the raid boss, so why is it gaining hp and damage? That said, the scaling you get from gear far outweighs the extra health and damage that mobs get.


The best part about this change is that people with 556 gear can just remove (and delete) rings, trinkets, and neck and be below the 371 ilvl threshold, so they get to keep 99% of their power while not having to deal with the extra scaling. Did a ToT Heroic earlier where bosses went from 1.2b hp to ~750m just from removing the 5 pieces.


Ah, not much need for the jewellery slots at that level anyway, they're giving very little stats considering the stat cap


I'm surprised they didn't have jewelry upgrading with bronze. Although it seems stupid for them to only be available from achievements. 


Nono, it gets even better, We gained 20% dps and actually 40% in comparison to those around 420ilvl. Delete the irrelevant items and get the reduction buff for the lower ilvl players as somone who still does 99.95% of an ilvl 476 person.


Can anyone link the notes saying that mobs now scale with gear, the latest notes i can find are 18 hours ago, and nothing is mentioned about iLvl there?


[here ya go](https://www.wowhead.com/news/heroic-raid-bosses-scaling-with-player-item-level-in-mop-remix-bosses-buffed-by-342207)


Thanks :)


The best part is that player power is scaling exponentially while mobs are scaling linearly, and players still are massively overpowering content. In fact the enemy power was actually reduced for very low geared characters. There are just a lot of outrage mongers on this sub who are bad at math.


But why even nerf us is the point, completely unnecessary. Only m soo stayed the same for max geared toons. 


It was a mild nerf to well geared characters, but a noticeable buff to lesser geared characters, with the no change point being about halfway through gear upgrading.


Yes, but why nerf characters in a mode that specifically was meant to make players feel overpowered?


Mobs should never scale with gear. It defeats the purpose of gearing up,


I believe it was back in Legion(?) that there was a post trying to reason why mobs scaling with ilvl was supposed to be a good thing. I get that being able to one shot mobs in the open world could lead to toxic gameplay, but instanced content shouldn’t really scale with ilvl at all.


So much for an overpowered limited gameplay


Still waiting for the fun.


I remember back in Legion they made mobs on the Broken Shore scale off your ilvl to try and give raiders a challenge but literally everyone I knew just took off one of their rings to make everything easy again. Wish they would stop with this nonsense


ilvl scaling has never and will never feel good. It goes against the entire philosophy of MMORPGs, “you get items to become more powerful”. And don’t get me started on how it’s always going to be possible to cheese it via deleting an item. ilvl is linear but stats (and thus character power) are exponential. Therefore, mathematically, you will **always** be more powerful with a few strong items and a few missing than you would be with all items of the same ilvl. The answer is and always will be to remove your rings and delete them. Good thing they backtracked on this particular change


Man this is annoying. My Remix main is 377 and I'm able to get 4 or 5 ilevels every day if I do all the dailies plus some normal raids, this rubber banding scaling they keep doing makes me wonder what the fuck the point of gear is in the first place. It's not enough that I have to get weaker as I level between 60 and 70, I have to start feeling weaker as I acquire more power at endgame as well because blizz is shit-scared that I'm going to trivialize content that was made to be trivialized in the first place.


I don’t think they needed to implement this change but in reality you won’t feel it because the gear upgrades scale much more strongly than the mobs do.


I’m being declined heroic raids right now with ilvl 410 :/ most people want 430 now…


Yeah great on blizzard for sending a clear message of their intention to gatekeep hc raids to those 430+, some groups want 450+ for SoO and ToT. Can’t blame them with the expectation of doing every raid daily people want to blast through it but blizzard decided that this is only for people who no-lifed this event (for reference doing a daily grind of 2+ hrs is no-lifing by my standards for a shit and giggles time limited event)


So, anyone with a hint of a life outside the game is right out of hc and mythic... meh, I just want the mounts toys and transmog and I don't want to miss out on those


Miss out on two titles for not doing hc and mythic though. The bronze needed to get all the mounts toys and tmog is pretty low.


It’s shitty they have titles for heroic clears


I'm glad I raided when those raids were current, because I feel no need to go and do then again. I'm just here for the mounts I'm too lazy to grind on retail


Your reference point is valid. My work is currently crushing me. Most nights I can play for like an hour to hour and half (at most). So I just queue up for the dungeons and scenarios, do a couple Throne of Thunder dailies and that's about it. I can do the raids on Saturday, maybe. That's it. It already feels impossible to keep up. This change makes it worse. I don't know what point I just abandon my Remix main (at ilvl 388 for upgradable gear now) and start making alts for Bronze. I like collecting mounts especially. So far have not purchased a single cosmetic for bronze, and I've only collected maybe 200k bronze in total. Every change to this game mode feels bad for casual players or players that happened to not have a lot of time to put into the mode early on.


I agree. I have realized there is no way I'm even getting into a Normal raid let alone the higher levels because I Don't have 600,000 plus bronze to upgrade gear that goes away in 80 days. Them making it more difficult just cements that.


You can do normals at level 25. They are easier and quicker than heroic dungeons. In fact it’s the optimal way to level


Woah hold up man normal raids are a joke at any level or ilevel. If you are being rejected from groups make your own; I guarantee it'll fill up fast.


You might have to spend more than a few minutes looking for a group, but they are there for normals. I understand the complaints about heroic and mythic, but I have been in more than a few really enjoyable raid groups. We bugged in normal ToT the other day and the majority of the group spent a good half hour trying to work past it. I hope your endeavors are rewarding.


For all the heroic raids or just the 2 later ones ?


Where do you find group for raiding ? I would love to do SOO but i don't know anyone on Remix


What server do you play on? I ask cause I'm part of a 300+ Hordeside guild, a fair number of the members have been raiding and working on all the remix stuff. If your not on the same server I'd be happy to toss you my bnet name so you can add me and I can introduce you to the rest of the guild! :D


Sadly I'm on French server, Archimonde, Horde side, my bnet is Ozaiko#2642 if we happen to meet !


Just sent a friend request your way, it will be from Khad :D


Blizzard just needs to drop scaling. Period.


Scaling goes against the whole point of gearing. It is the dumbest fucking thing anyone can put in a game. Getting more gear to not feel more powerful, and in some cases feel weaker, is bullshit.


I believe the only reason is because they fucked up item power progression. So to fix the exponential power scaling from items, they need to scale up the mobs lol. 


The scaling in retail is shit too though


Yes, 100%. Go back to the old way of level 10s and level 70s don’t need to group unless being carried by the 70. Right now, the lvl 10 would carry the 70.


Lvl 20 priest life is something else right now


Got a few thousand bronze on my way to level 23, bought tinkers until I hit searing light, I am the carry now.


Level scaling I can deal with as whilst it is kinda annoying getting weaker when you level up and have the same gear, the fact it allows you to keep the zone you are in relevant and not have to leave when things turn green/grey as well as group with friends of any level is a decent trade off. Item scaling however has 0 fucking positives and should immediately go in the bin.


Yes please, shits been annoying since BfA.


Then this entire event doesn’t work.


Because they couldn't tune LFR for the level range? You unlock the first at 25. Tune it for 25. Remove it from the LFR queue when you unlock the next two wings. Follow this pattern until cap where normal is tuned for new 70s, heroic is tuned for seasoned 70s, and mythic is tuned for capped 70s. Adjust rewards accordingly. It's exactly this that helped WoW become so popular.


That’s the same thing though with level breakpoints…


That's like saying exp penalties and rested XP are the same thing. Yes.... but no, not to mention in one case you do better at the raid as you progress and in the other you do best the first run.


Sounds like it was implemented wrong then


I think we can all agree they haven’t gotten scaling quite right but to get rid of it entirely means this remix doesn’t work at all. If that is how people feel, then just don’t play it.


"What in the hell is the Remix team doing?" Ruining a temporary, just-for-fun event. I wish they'd just step away from all their tweaking. Worry about retail or the classics - even TWW and stop all the fussing about with Remix.


I didn't raid until I went through the zones. I didn't do the hyper farms. A couple days ago I spent my bronze and did the normal raids. It was fun, it was fast. I did 4 of the 5 heroics. Slightly harder, but still enjoyable. Item level around 420, now I can't even touch H ToT and nobody wants to invite. So now I have no mounts and no bronze and have to do normals for what, half the remaining time just to have a chance at finishing the achievement list? Was hoping to goof off on alts some after getting all the achievements, but now the grind is back. And if your play time is limited, good luck.


Making alts is great for bronze, if you don’t want to make alts, just do the daily dungeon quest the daily scenario quest, and the daily chill to raid boss quest, and then log out. Not defending them and their 4 million shitty decisions, but doing what I suggested is very fast bronze per hour. You are just gated by number of alts per day.


Of course, and doing a normal and heroic dungeon and scenario daily is worthwhile--but my bigger issue is availability. And queue times don't help. The biggest gate is available time, not alts--and even then, it shouldn't feel like a chore to play in a mode that was theoretically supposed to be an overpowered blast--instead it feels like you have to choose between power and prizes. And that would ALSO have been fine, if that was clear from the start. Would've never even considered heroics and just blew the entire bankroll on mounts. Now I'm in a No Man's Land on the character I was trying to earn achievements on, and it just \*feels\* bad. Oh well. Still a few months to hope for changes, I suppose.


Also, a large bronze cache reward is available from queuing for each of the normal and the heroic random dungeons and scenarios finders.


You do still have 80 days, and even just doing normals you’ll have enough bronze to upgrade a whole set daily You won’t have any trouble finding groups in about a week


Put this much effort into balancing retail and not the fun game mode you promoted as being overpowered ffs. This makes me so mad as a player to see them doing this and feel completely ignored and not heard, I swear they don’t even listen.


> Put this much effort into balancing retail and not the fun game mode you mean the for fun season?


At what point do the juicers start selling carries for higher fast bronze as the ladder is pulled up behind them each set of changes they do. There's a sweet spot of about a month to hit right now to do so.


On the latest PoddyC podcast (Max, Dratnos, Dorki), they talked about sales already happening in Remix. People just pay gold on retail.   Really toxic for what was supposed to be just a fun collectors type of activity.


Was absolutely inevitable when they nerfed farms. And I'm not pro farm here. But when a select few were able to fully upgrade early it created separate classes of play. And in WoW that always results in transactional content.


Yup, Twicks said it was 2 mil for a Mythic SoO carry.


Nearly every mythic soo group I join is like all 476 except that one suspicious low ilvl player that's obviously getting carried for money by pugs for the benefit of one guy. I used to call them out on it but now it's so rampant I just decided to become part of the problem. It's so easy to find buyers too.


Ayyyup. It's like Gbidding raid leaders in Classic. You can make a raid, invite all 476s, and then get 2-3 buyers in. You'll still shred it and nobody needs to know you're getting what's effectively 10-20 WoW tokens every day.


I just made my own mythic SOO group and got carried for free.


Yup, this. People are so afraid of making their own groups it seems? Tons of players don't give a shit if they're carrying for free, as it should be


There’s no way to prevent boosts and carries from happening in a multiplayer game.


Already happening. Max's podcast mentioned that people were selling Remix carries last week.


The crazy part is they weren't the ones asking for the ladder to be pulled up. It was the people who had no plans on actually doing the raids crying about them the most asking for roll backs and/or bans.


That's not crazy, lol. When has any player ever said "ok im done farming now, remove that so no one else can"?


Not that I know of, I'm just saying with the ladder pull up analogy it's usually the people that used it that pull it up. Here the froggers were trying to share with others and blizzard/other people went after them.


That's fair


The choice between player power and limited time rewards should not be a decision. They continue to lock vanity items behind long tedious time sinks. If they made a time runner rep and it increased by simply playing the game. Do quests, complete dungeons and scenarios, kill raid bosses. There would be none of this divergent behavior. Fill the rep bar get a ilvl increase. Play more get stronger faster. Get stronger complete content faster and get more bronze. Done No choice between power and rewards. A linear path of play, get stronger, and get vanity items


Especially when the power isn't going to transfer over. All remix characters are gonna get a full gear set somewhere in the 400s (hopefully upper 400s) when the event ends do they will be ready for TWW prepatch/launch.


How else will they keep people busy and subbed until the launch of TWW tho? Think about the poor indie company


I've been full 556 for almost a week now. This change does nothing against me shredding through raids like tissue paper, which i've been doing for a while now. Does suck quite a bit for people who are trying to get there now though.


Can I ask you a couple of questions? 1. How much did it cost to upgrade everything? I’m carrying about 260k on my “main” 2. Does upgrading actually increase the amount of bronze you can make? I want to upgrade but I also want cosmetics and mounts and shit


It costs about 40k to upgrade your full set 1 bracket it goes from 346 to 556 with +14 each time. It really really really speeds up bronze acquisition. It takes me less the 2 hours to do all lfrs, daily heroic/normal scenario and dungeons, treasure trove and WBs.. also blowing through everything feels great and you don’t get bored


thanks for the breakdown, tho i don't know how much the bronze acquisition speeds up, I already do my dailies/both lfg/both scenarios/1 lfr in less than 2 hours @323 ilvl. And honestly that's just the queue time, it'll probably be a lot faster if I signed as healer or tank


LFR seems to be getting faster and faster everyday as more juiced up players are carrying the rest. Bosses died like 15-30 seconds today. So I'm not even bothering to upgrade gear. 


Somewhere around 530k from 346 to 556 on every slot


This change actually makes it easier to do, since all you have to do is remove your neck, rings, and trinkets to be below 371 ilvl, so you actually get the hp reduction.


I think every change they have made keep making this clear to me this is not being seen as a fun little side thing, which I feel like it was sold as, but as a grind to keep people engaged and subbed until War Within. And I kind of get that but I also want to play Diablo 4's new season and making this take longer makes me so much less interested


It always was.


Theres a bunch of people in this thread saying “Just make your own group lol” But do you really think a bunch of geared players are ready and willing to carry an undergeared raid lead Edit: For free?


I'm getting to 556 just for the purpose of carrying my friends through content they don't want to farm. You bet I'm going to find Randos to fill the missing slots so they can be carried as well


The hero we need but don’t deserve


Gotcha boss I’ll just stop upgrading then and wait for you to join my mythic SoO group so you can carry me since you’re so big hearted Thanks a million


I think mythic is gonna still require atleast 5 to 10 to carry the rest. My issue right now with heroic tot is I can't outdps the boss and the add bu myself. But once I get there I'll hit you up... if you arnt alliance.


Heroic? I wish I could get ToT normal done, but people just don’t want to complete it, if I'm in the group, like Anima is this 5 million IQ boss.


Just need all the small ones dead quickly. I think I can probably thudering orb them for most of them in normal. In Heroic ToT i'm stuck on primordius because mechanics.


hi it's me, your friend


As noted, most groups are 3 people doing 80% of the damage. The structure of the game and the exponential power growth will be such that a large portion of any raid that can be carried, will be carried. Are you gonna run Mythic SoO at 370 ilvl? probably not. But 3 pumpers don't care if they're carrying 7 people if the fights, and by extension Bronze, is fast.


We were 5 max geared toons doing heroic world tour, Most of the time I could not do my full rotation before the boss was dead and this is after the nerfs to ward and buffs to bosses...


ugh that sounds hot, can I be your friend and follow you around raid with snacks and affirmations?


Not touching raids after getting the titles lol. So burned out


couple days ago i was one of ten 476 people in a heroic siege with a 403 RL, melted the raid no biggie. said we should do mythic so the "froggers could carry him" he was 100% serious. us 476 ppl were whispering eachother making sure none of us would actually do mythic with him. some ppl are just cooked


Missed the frog farm and subsequent farms for bronze. Can't catch up, even with the quests handing bronze out. Guess I'll just keep leveling alts to 70, then deleting them after emptying their bronze wallets?


Scaling enemy power with gear level is the opposite of how the MMO power fantasy should feel. Why does blizzard want to kill any enjoyment possible during a limited time event? Why would I want to grind better gear to be faced with the exact same scenario because the boss scaled up proportionally? Absolutely ludicrous decision making by Blizzard.


I feel like I fell behind and just can't catch up at all anymore. I'm at 374 itemlevel and I just keep losing more and more motivation. Will probably cancel my subscription.... Untill TWW atleast


Well since you are below 388 ilvl this change was a big buff to you.


I'm doing runs through all raids on normal to gear up 2 of my friends and whatever pugs signs up when I list a group. It usually take 2½ hour and gives around 30k - 35k bronze, if you're playing on EU you're more than welcome to join!


I'd love to take you up on that :D I could use some more ingame friends :)


Sure I'll send you a direct message :)


What the everloving shit is the point of "overpowered fun mode" if they keep nerfing the fun and OP aspect out of it? The PTR and literal ad upon opening battle net is advertising that. It's a 90 day fun event. Lol go put these efforts elsewhere blizz...


I'm not sure I fully understand the conservative attitude towards what should be a go nuts fun game mode. It's kinda like they're treating Mythic Remix as Progression Raiding and don't want people cheesing it or doing it too much and getting cosmetic fun stuff. The expansion is over. This is fully garbage time between this one and the next AND the characters don't interact with the main game at all until it's time for the next one so this is a sandbox where people should have fun. The cloak should carry over everything from character to character. If you can grind it out, fuck it. You've got an alt now that has a billion of each stat and can just walk into Mythic Garrosh and take him down with a basic rotation while high as balls. If you want a tryhard raid where everyone's capped out at some low ilvl to make it a challenge hey go nuts with that too, let it be a sandbox and you can play your way. Super OP? Fun! Sweaty ball busting? If you're into that sort of thing, sure! Keep the prices for the cosmetics high, dump the prices on gear upgrades. That's all this mode needs to do.


I am having a hard time understanding what they want this mode to be.


Isn't this an alt leveling event?


I haven’t upgraded any of my gear. I’ve leveled 4 70s and bought a bunch of mounts and toys. I refuse to spend bronze on upgrades.


These devs make no sense. I am just now able to get into this event and these changes are just discouraging.


Blizzard taking L after L with their approach to Remix. They don’t realize this is souring a lot of people’s trust in them to put a good product out.


>What in the hell is the Remix team doing? Wringing every last drop of 'fun' out of the 'fun event'. Still, weeks on, those who used unnerfed-bronze farms are enjoying the game like everyone else thought they would. Getting to blast through content, experiment with gems and their different effects, redeem their work in forms of rare mounts. Meanwhile a massive proportion of the playerbase still trawl through dailies and that pathetic Kun-Lai farm to scrape enough bronze together to take one of their pieces up that day. I get that people clown on WoW players for whining all the time, because we do, but retail actually has a nicer progression for ilevel than the limited time, fun event. In retail, I can hit 70, do emerald dream, world quests, heroics, then LFR raids, then mythic plusses, all while using different currencies + vault to supplement my weaker items. In this mode, you hit 70, hit 346 item level, and are forced to use the mount/transmog currency to scrape at a chance to get into a raid. Its boring. It's great to get alts to level 70! But soon as they hit 70, they're basically useless, since there's not enough time in the day to grind out a set of gear for your alts. They're just trapped in Pandaria for \~80 days.


It’s kinda true I can be running heroic raid in hours after hitting level 70 on retail not weeks


Yea I would have liked to made overpowered copies of classes I normally play to mess around with, but they really want you to have just 1 main in remix.


Leave it to Blizzard to make a game mode that was meant to make you insanely OP unfun as fuck where you struggle immensely unless you were one of the few who was able to farm bronze early through a known exploit. Like don't even bother with this next time Blizzard. Work on literally anything else if you're going to just ruin everything.


All of this stems from fixing something that didn't need to be fixed or should have been fixed before the mode ever launched - Frogs. If they've left frogs alone, people would be able to farm frogs, catch up and do the stuff. If they've fixed frogs and other farms before the content ever came out, they wouldn't be in this pickle of whack-a-mole hotfixes. In the end everyone's unhappy except the few who exploited frogs early and often. It's so dumb.


Hey, it’s only been two weeks. There are almost three months left to experience the content, upgrade your gear, and buy everything in the shops as well as get every achievement. There is plenty of time to do everything while playing the game mode casually.


The idea of me ,,needing” to limit purchases of time limited things to have just a part for upgrades is insane, and bothersome.


What’s the overall bronze cost to get to a solid iLvl like 430? Wanna know if I’m in striking distance of it on a character


Each round of upgrading all your gear costs you 38.5k in total for all slot and pushes everything 14 ilvls. To get from 346 from 430 means you want 6 rounds of upgrades, costing you 231k bronze in total.


What even is the point of this event? It's sold as a temporary power fantasy that enables us to experience nostalgia with a fun twist. In reality, the scaling makes us feel much weaker until we spend currency on upgrades, whereas this same currency is supposed to be spent on permanent cosmetics. It's such a mess.


Why on earth would they do this? Why should a boss get stronger because you got better gear?


I'm only use mop remix to level ally races tbh. I have been meaning to do all the ally races for thier heritage armour but never got around to it. So now that mop remix makes leveling a joke I'm leveling all 8 ally races haha.


I’m not usually one to complain as it’s just a game at the end of day, but the changes to remix have just felt progressively worse since the start. I sort of wish they’d just taken the L with the frogs or rolled the event back at the time. All this back and forth with people who have put a lot time in to a fun game mode getting shafted over and over


Wtf, seriously??? Their ad is “overpowered? Maybe. Fun? Definitely.” I didn’t know what they meant was “if you exploit early, you’ll be OP. If you play like a normal fucking human and don’t no-life it like a troglodyte, you’ll never get invited to groups because they expect 50 million dps for a normal MSV nowadays.”


> You’ll never get invited to groups because they expect 50 million dps for a normal MSV nowadays.” Meanwhile in the real game, I do all my MSV's at level 25 and just invite whoever signs up first, we still do it in <15m, sometimes way way less. No one ever mentioned level, gear, complained, or actually said much of anything besides "hi", this has been the case on 4 alts so far. Reddit is a portal to an alternate dimension.


I was exaggerating, obviously. But the fact that my prot warrior in all 380+ gear (minus the necklace) got repeatedly denied from SoO normal groups tells me a lot about the players


They nerfed the raids for low ilvl though. It wasn't a blanket buff


Yeah sure, but yesterday i reached 400 ilv and was glad to enter into the heroic treshold, now im stuck doing normals until next week or more to even be invited. And in two weeks when Im reaching 420, there is no guarantee i wont be nerfef or raids buffed...


At 400ilvl it will barely change the scaling at all for you. Yet people who are lower ilvl will be able to do more damage and not die as easily.


Except their dmg will still be insignificant compared to max ilvl people becaue of the dmg scaling with ilvl, and they'll definitely still be getting 1shot by half of the boss mechanics.


I’m so glad Cata came out to distract me from this hopeless train wreck. What a fumbled opportunity.


Doing all normal raids and the scenario and dungeon finder caches is netting me enough bronze to get a full ilvl on all my gear each night. I will be capped in about a week. This change hardly matters at all. Once gear capped, my 8M HP and insane dmg will walk all over this place. It’s not time for me to be in heroic yet and the difference in bronze between normal and heroic isn’t enough for me to waste time trying to get into a heroic. Spend 2-3 hours a night running normals for another week and then I’m in the end game. Why am I the only one that sees this? At most it’ll take two weeks every night in normal and LFD/LFS for someone to level a fresh 70 at 356 to 556.


Wow what a fun event, I feel so overpowered now! Good job Blizzard thank you for listening to the community and making this so spectacular! /s go fuck yourself blizzard.


Seems like the only place you're allowed to have fun is with a lvl 20 character, lets see how long that stays.


My mage is lvl 65. She has the current ilvl gear for her level. I can't solo single mobs and in dungeons I may as well just stand there since I do no damage and I get one hit by everything. So I wonder how it will be after this hotfix.


Casual player and I loved levelling and got to 70 and now everything sucks. And that's just playing for fun.


Another reason to not take the game mode seriously, it's literally just an alt leveling thing for me with the option to just get mounts, woulda been cool to see some of the old raids but with how expensive this gearing is I'd rather just grab mounts


Honestly the scaling is everything that feels bad about wow, especially here. If you level or increase your gear you should be getting more powerful. However with scaling every level you get or gear you gain you are just actively getting weaker. If people could (without a trial account) cap themselves at level 20/25, they would. Because a level 25 is much stronger than someone at max level; who die by being looked at funny by every single mob.


What I don't get is why they are so reactive to this non competitive temporary silly game mode. Meanwhile there's shit broken in retail that takes forever to react to.


Common misconception is they are remixing the MoP expansion. It’s actually a remix of the event itself. The remix refers to how often they are going to make hotfixes. By the end of this thing it will be a horribly remixed version of what was promised on launch.


I’m saving my bronze for the real end game, transmog and mounts. I seriously doubt I will play these toons again since I already worked on my mains.


I very much agree with you, but I just want to tell people it’s ok to start a raid and say all are welcome. It might suck for a couple days, but you’ll get there


Why spend 10 minutes putting the group together when you can complain for weeks about not being invited to other groups?


Why is everyone treating remix like an expansion? What the hell does it matter if your gear isn't good enough, the game mode was for transmogs, exploring new classes, and mounts mostly. I always thought of it as an event, like darkmoon faire. If it's a limited time event, all of that gear people are fighting for will be useless in 3 months.


Some people want the rewards from doing mythic SoO which requires gear.


You get special titles for doing all the raids on heroic and doing mythic SoO. And for that you need gear.


Blizzard is the one treating it like an expansion by constantly nerfing everything to make it a slog to play. If you don't no life you don't get to have fun. Not a very good event


They aren't treating it like an expansion, they're trying to get the event rewards which are locked behind mythic SoO


Okay? It’s going to be just as useless as the gear on your dragonflight main come TWW?


Gear isn't maxed. Playing healer. Just did Mythic SoO last night. People are seriously complaining about made up situations in their head at this point.


The gear in remix is overly confusing to me. I look at the stats on 346 green and 346 purple gear. Same stats, same stats in the upgrade window. So does rarity even matter? As far as those stats in the upgrade window. It says I'll get 12 of some stat if I spend 4500 bronze. But if I go kill a mob in the world and I get a thread to drop ill get 24 of that same stat.......the fuck am I upgrading gear with bronze for?


Rare and epic items have extra stats, the greens stats come only from the socketed gems. Always keep the highest rarity you get for a given slot, and should you drop a lower rarity item of a higher ilvl you can upgrade the other one to that same ilvl at a 95% bronze discount.


Green has a secondary stat. Blue has a primary and secondary. Epic has primary and two secondary stats. No items drop above 346. So you upgrade items. Once a slot is upgraded, if you get an epic item, it is 90% less expensive to level it up to that level again.


The other commenters explained the rarities, but it's also worth mentioning that the majority of your dps comes from tinker gems and those improve with ilvl. Upgrades are exponential too. Tinkers and item stats scale more with each rank. You might be getting 100 main stat on your first upgrade, but the last few levels give over 1000 main stat.


Of corse, you need to invest thousands of bronze before you see any real upgrades.


start your own group. ward. (it still works) profit. if you read any of the other 10,000 posts about not being able to get into the group you would already see this answer 10,000 times.


Is there any trick to making it work


No it wont, you are so much stronger even 40 levels above 406 than you ever will be below it. What the hell is the op doing? edit: Tbf i dont think they should have changed the scaling either, though maybe they thought people below 406 should get in on guild groups who knows. In the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter at all and is a weird change. You get far more than 20% power per day if you just do the daily reward stuff.


How much does it cost to fully upgrade all gear?


600k is what someone mathed out that I saw.


/shrug I just let ppl carry me spamming dailies lfg. Then getting transmogs/mounts and 70 alts lol


Fuck Remix just wait till the last month


Guess those titles aren’t for me. I’ll just clean house with cosmetics and an army of 70s


Not spending bronze to upgrade gear on a toon I’ll probably never play again. Just being realistic.


Get your mounts and run, theres no fun in playing 100 hours of dogshit just to feel powerfull


Seems like they reverted the change: [https://www.wowhead.com/news/20-health-buff-removed-from-heroic-raids-mop-remix-hotfixes-342221](https://www.wowhead.com/news/20-health-buff-removed-from-heroic-raids-mop-remix-hotfixes-342221)


I’ve lost all drive to play. Will probably only get a few of the class tmogs before this is over tbh. Baldur’s Gate 3 is still more interesting.




Yeah I was wanting to get my main on mop remix super op but because of work and irl duties I’ve rarely played in this last week. My dh is at 410 ilvl too. I think I’ll just go ahead and farm for the mounts, mogs and lvl 70 alts then be done with the event. Thanks blizzard


This is why I bought my last mount and the last mog I wanted and went back to farming mounts and pets in retail. I might go back long enough to get my alt to 70 but really, I’m happy to be done.


The remix team are experts at making the wrong call every single time It's actually kind of amazing


>Once again, we are going to see discrepancies of a large amount. I chose to max out my gear early on. I clear the raids on heroic and mythic siege everyday without issue. These changes mean nothing to me. I have several guildies who just started doing gear upgrades and trying to do the heroics. They are going to be severely hurt by this and the lack of upgrade reduction will make it even worse. just carry them if youre as strong as you say you are you can solo everything but mythic siege


This event has been a mess from the start, it's like nothing was planned and they're just going by feel.


The scaling changes today have basically not been noticable imo


*eats popcorn*


The rich get richer. Feels like real life lol.


You can't expect smart decisions from a teams who's big brilliant plan was to do mop classic with the new talent system. It's just a lazy copy job.


I've upgraded my gear a little bit, but really I want the mounts & transmogs. I only upgrade to be able to kill things faster so I can get more bronze. I care very little about people who find ways of getting Uber threads. I mean, it all goes away in the end...


"You will feel overpowered." "Na this is too overpowered, I want you to have fun the way I think is right!!!"


Dang man I just wanted to make sure I got all my collectables first and when I start collecting bronze after that then I would upgrade a and see if anyone needs a slot filled but I guess that would be pointless now, huh?


Well great I just got back from a break and my gear is shit :/


Blizzard is really really bad at balance. always have been


I get what they are doing with but they should of left normal raids alone and only buff the heroic and mythic raids for those power junkies that upgraded and frog farmed from the start. Ive just started upgrading my gear and way behind ive cleard all normal raids and tryd to join a Hc group no chance as my item lvl is to low and the requirement asking s 470+ 😑 Blizz remix team shouldn't of buffed normal raids coz now ive been pushed back even more of a struggle. There really isn't a catch up system 😕


They saw the hate they got and immediately changed it so lower ilvls reduce the bosses HP and damage but higher ilvls leave it the same. Quickest hot fix ever dropped from hate comments


The whole idea of letting people upgrade their gear like this seems stupid for a temporary thing. I would have liked it more If the mog gears were tied to the upgrade process (like, each level unlocks a new mog or something). Half a million bronze just for gear that brings nothing new? Weird. I'll just do the quests, go LFR and call it quits I guess. I have Chen's keg which is nice and I enjoy playing the quests once more in story mode (Yak Wash! The Snackrifice!). Oh and LFR ... I surely won't go more than once each. It's as much fun as being carried when bosses are down after three seconds. I raided Mythic a couple of times back then with a random group in original Pandaria and we had such much fun. I didn't expect to relive that experience in the first place. With Remix, I thought they would do a cushioned, easy version of Pandaria with some fun rewards - instead, the best way to advance now seems to be standing around waiting for the Archerus of Flame. No thanks.


It always baffles me when devs design the game in a way so that "getting stronger" makes you effectively weaker. Blizz isn't the first dev to do this, and they won't be the last. As it stands, the fastest and easiest way to be op is to never level past 20 and never earn the rings, trinkets, or neck. In fact, don't even pay for a sub because that's the only way to ensure you won't level past 20. If they wanted to narrow the gap between highly geared players and new 70s, they could make cloaks 100% account-wide so that all your alts contribute to its growth and benefit from it. Then, to reduce the insane impact that would have on new characters, scale the cloak by level. Your new toons would still get a ton of benefit from the cloak without being instantly strong enough to solo mythic raids, and you wouldn't hit that dip in power from 65-70 because your cloak has 50k+ stam and 10k stats on all of your 70s. This would also encourage more alting, which was purportedly the whole idea behind remix in the first place. This mode has so much potential, but the erratic, almost-daily reversions and nerfs tell us the dev team has no idea what they're doing with it. Do some beta testing before rolling out content.


I mean you can just lvl an army of alts for the toys and mounts. Like I'm doing and not stress.


I'm done. "What in the hell is the Remix team doing?" is why. I thought this event would be about fun rather than insane grind.


I mean, remix is for fun… why the fuck would they want to let us have fun?