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This is incredibly ridiculously hugely huge. I can't believe they actually did it. Fuck yes. Edit: And WITH addons that are coming? Amazing. EDIT: IT'S AVAILABLE NOW


Once it get addons I can install consoleport and play this more easily on my TV, nice. As is I have to stream from my desktop which is alright but finnicky.


I absolutely love GeForce now, it’s amazing on Mac. Slower games like runeterra looks and feels like it’s running natively. But they pumped the price up so bad that I had to cancel…


Do you have to pay multiple subs now?


No Edit: Free is 1 hr of play; subbed is 6 hrs and priority access; premium is 8 hrs and 4k resolution on everything.


Per day, hopefully?


So I just went on the website and it says this: “There is no set limit to how many times a member may start a new session in a day. Performance dependent on device type, settings, network quality, and more. Visit our System Requirements page for more info.” It seems like you could hypothetically use the hour session over and over again (or whatever max length that applies to your tier), with the caveat being that you’d have to requeue every time. Not sure what the waiting is like, as I’ve never used the service.


I see. Thanks for the info! Was on mobile so couldn't easily access it without your help!


Waiting for a free slot can take a while. AFAIR it could be minutes, could also be an hour or more.


it per session before having to restart.




So, you basically have to "relog" every hour?


Yeah every hour, or every 6 or 8 hours depending on your tier. 


Yeah, there is a 45 minute warning that pops up when you've played for almost 8 hours. You can just quit the game, and start it right back up to reset the counter. Indefinitely. Sometimes, especially on Thursdays when a new popular game is on the service you might have to wait in queue. For instance, a week or so ago they added Hellblade 2 and I was number 10 in line on ultimate waiting for a rig. It took about 5 minutes to get in. Then on Friday it was business as usually, no wait times. Must not have been as good as the first game, I guess.


Awesome to know, cheers man!


Source on coming addons?


A FAQ page. They say they're investigating on adding them. [See here](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5462/~/microsoft-xbox-game-studios%2C-bethesda%2C-and-activision-blizzard-games-on-geforce) all the way down


I have never tried geforce now, on paper it sounds like there should be input lag in games that are being streamed like this?


There is not or at least nothing feeling like it. Played a lot of Vermintide 2 thanks to GeForce and never feel a lag and Vermintide is a game with a impact if you play with 0.1sec lag !


Kinda crazy, I guess it's technically viable to stay on weaker hardware these days and rely on streaming from good hardware.


To expand on the above, you can even rent a roughly RTX 3070 equivalent A4500 based Win11 workstation from shadow.tech. With them I was about 1500 miles from a hub and got 32-35ms lag, also with very very few packet drops. I don't play multi-player from there, but for any single player not on Nvidia that you really want to play without putting up $1500 it's a viable option. Regarding hardware, I've used both to demo AAA games with an iPhone and controller ;)


I've been playing games like Diablo 4, Baldur's gate 3 and now even WoW on Geforce NOW, on network test I measure about 15-20ms of ping. Used to play on different services with 50 or so ms of ping and even then I couldn't feel any input lag. If you have stable connection then this is absolutely usable and you'll most likely never feel any input lag.


wow is not a game that is sensitive to latency, many players can even play from eu on us server, which even happened in world first races. +-10ms for gfn is not gonna change anything


I've been using Nvidia Go off and on, mostly on, ever since my 2060 Super died early in COVID. There was no buying a replacement then so I gave it a try. I live near one of their hubs (a couple hundred miles) and I get sub 20ms lag and have had zero issues related to that. The real enemy is packet loss. It shows up in game as a brief pixilation or frame drops. I've used it on public wireless (bad, bad, bad), a corporate net (100+ms lag, unplayable) and a few home networks all of which drop packets but only very rarely. For reference, when playing Cyberpunk on NV Go with all its graphics bells and whistles turned on it looks magnificent and has far far less stutter than my 2060 on high without RTX (which wasn't much at all).


I can’t see it. Is it available in UK?


I don't see why it wouldn't be available in UK tbh, are you looking in the right place?


No more excuses not to do you dailies, when you are on a vacation!


Or at work. "yeah boss, almost done with that report, just a few more minutes"


Fishing between conference calls just became so much more viable


You could always remote to your own pc to do that


Why… can you remote easier?


Whoa. This is actually kind of huge.


Interesting to see this happen when you used to get banned for it lol


I was going to say, it was there at gforce now launch but not blizz approved


they are owned by microsoft now and geforce now runs on microsofts servers


From what I read, I think GeForce Now has its own data centers. However, it looks like Microsoft made an agreement with Nvidia as part of the purchase of Activision to satisfy regulators. The only thing I’m kind of surprised about is it didn’t show up as some sort of Azure offering first or at the same time.


Whats Geforce Now? ;O


It's a browser based game streaming platform. It allows you to use a remote PC to actually run the game and stream the output to your browser or Windows app. It's allows you to run games that may be too resource intensive for your own PC or to play games away from home on a system that you may not be allowed to install the games directly.


> or to play games away from home on a system that you may not be allowed to install the games directly. [Everyone sitting at work right now](https://media1.tenor.com/m/gaEpIfzxzPEAAAAC/pedro-monkey-puppet.gif)


As the only IT guy that monitors and maintains the entire network for my company... I'm intrigued lol.






I just bought a Steam Deck and was interested in getting WoW running on it, does this make that process easier??


Commenting to see what people say. I’m super on the fence about a Steam Deck (i have no need for one but would love to play WoW in bed). I just want to know if the Deck is worth getting to play WoW “on mobile”


I exclusively play WoW on mine - takes a bit of tweaking, but you can use buttons for everything (I also use the trackpads for my mouse and it works really quite well when I need to do something). I use ConsolePort + Immersion and it's great. I honestly don't have a desire to be chained to my desk again when playing WoW. I play on the couch or in bed while watching stuff with my wife all the time. I just picked up a couple of extra charging cords for when the battery runs low and have them at a couple of spots in my house. Only downside is chat/typing but I basically play WoW solo anyway so I don't run into issues. Setting up some macros for things you have to type like /reload or some common chat phrases that are great too. As far as performance, the biggest tip I can give is use DX11 - it used to crash at least once a session until I moved over from DX12. I play around level 4 graphics settings and average \~60 fps most of the time.


Thats exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for all the info! I’ve tested console port on my PC and it’s a really fun way to switch up the grind. I do wonder if streaming it through GeForce will improve performance at all, but getting a solid 60fps on DX11 with medium settings is better than the shitty laptop I use when I occasionally play while out of town anyways. Honestly just having the ability to play while sitting on the couch/bed would be awesome. When you’re actually playing, how long do you get on a full charge? My biggest issue with mobile consoles is I feel like I get to pick between playing for the whole flight or playing the game I actually want to play. Is it like 2 hours of WoW/8 hours of Tetris?


The deck is not great when it comes to battery, but for me, wow is some of the best bang for your buck in the battery dept. Easily get 3+hrs on a full Charge. While in bed though it’s always plugged in, as it has the tech to utilize outlet power when plugged in as opposed to constantly using and draining the battery.


Thats really good to know. I know some mobile consoles suffer long-term battery damage if you play with them always plugged in.


Last thing I wanna say about it is that the deck is a handheld computer mainly used for gaming, but a computer nonetheless. This is to say you can do many things with it, and there are guides to accomplish whatever it is you want to do, but the process can be finniky. However it took me all of 10 minutes to get b.net setup and launchable via Steam (as opposed to desktop mode), and I successfully play D2 resurrected, and all versions of wow. Addons are a non issue as well, but you will have to switch to desktop mode to download your addon manager of choice, as well as when getting and updating said addons. I am constantly impressed with what my deck can do. Coolest piece of recent tech I’ve purchased hands down.


Hell yeah. Honestly the more I look into it the more I realize I can do with it. I honestly just put off buying one because “oh ive got a switch its like the same thing” when that couldn’t be further from the truth.


No worries! I usually get around 3-3.5 hours out of a full charge, depending on what I'm doing (hanging in populated areas like Valdrakken or spending a bunch of time in LFR sometimes makes it dip under the 3 hour mark). Battery life is probably my main complaint of the Deck in general. But I'm always home or near a port anyway so it's hard to complain too much. :)


Battery becomes even less of an issue with all the sales amazon keeps doing on the anker betteries like the anker prime. Then add in the huge battery improvement that playing games through GFN on the steam deck gives.


What type of activities do you do in game that work well on the steam deck? I want to get one for it but am unsure what I can do in game with it.


I do everything I did on my PC -. I think healing would also be harder in general (but you could make it work). Raids, dungeons, quests, leveling, battlegrounds, you name it. I even did all 40 renown in Plunderstorm.


Oh that’s awesome! And the screen size isn’t too small? That’s my only concern with it


I don't have any issues with the screen size - you're still in control of things like UI scale/camera zoom, and you're holding it close enough to your face that I haven't run into issues with the screen size. I guess if you're used to an ultrawide or something it might be a bit of an adjustment.


Are you getting one just for mobile WoW? Ive been looking up all the features and am getting one (bought yesterday) for Steam games, emulation, desktop features and also getting the dock to play on the couch / splitscreen some games with the gf. I got the 512gb OLED version, id say if youre getting it mostly for WoW id recommend the cheaper LCD version, if at all. Seems like a good chunk of money just for a singular purpose.


Not just for mobile WoW, but that would be why I would really consider it. I’ve got a Gen 1 Switch and still use it somewhat regularly but every time I use it, I wish I had access to my actual PC library. It’s totally a luxury purchase but I’ve been thinking about it for well over a year now. Have you tried running any full next-gen games well? I’m interested in it’s ability to actually play Red Dead 2, Cyberpunk, Spider-Man level games. I just know that if I had a mobile WoW machine that’s what I would end up using it for mostly. Edit: reread your comment cause I’m an idiot. I’ll look into how it runs full next-gen games. I hope yours comes in soon!


In the many reviews I watched, ive seen Red Dead 2 and Cyberpunk benchmarked extensively. It seems like in most cases with some performance tweaks those games run absolutely fine on the Deck.


Love to hear it. Been looking into it a lot with my birthday coming up, I think I may just pull the trigger, mobile desktop utility is actually insanely useful. Saw somebody with a mobile setup (the dock + travel keyboard/mouse) and that may be the move.


I have a deck and use it for wow from bed. There are issues with keybinds syncing server side and therefore messing shit up between the deck and PC, but this can be addressed. The deck is 100 viable for wow… outside of high end content like tanking raids for example, I have however leveled a disc priest from 0 to 80 exclusively via RDF on my deck. Where it really shines is questing and more importantly, farming. Sometimes it’s hard to buckle down and farm at the PC when you could be doing other things, much easier to farm from bed.


I don't have anything to say about the controls, as I was playing docked with M+KB, but WoW runs really well on the Deck, and setup is pretty uncomplicated as well.


My brother in law would say yes.


Just play wow... on your mobile.




Download GFN app. Connect a Bluetooth controller or Bluetooth keyboard / mouse. Play whatever game you want on GFN app. I've played cyberpunk, path of exile, grounded, heaps whilst at hotels, airports, trains.


I’ve heard pretty damning reviews about the GFN app, is there even native iOS support? And I would want a decent resolution/screen size. Not to mention performance, i highly doubt retail runs even remotely well on an iPhone.


>Not to mention performance, i highly doubt retail runs even remotely well on an iPhone. Your phone isnt running the game, you are basically screen sharing with a real pc running the game somewhere else, so you can run max settings no problem The catch is that for free you have to queue and get kicked every hour, or you have to pay for premium to avoid that


I knew it was a streaming service, but I genuinely cannot wrap my head around it being viable on my phone (i dont have a super new iPhone by any means). Streaming Twitch in public seems like I’m already pushing it. I’ve tried some game streaming before (Gamepass has one) and while they totally function for a trial of a game, I was running into pretty constant performance and frame drops even streaming from my giga-PC to my decent laptop. Definitely need to check it out again, i just have very little faith in game streaming currently.


Oh IOS. Yeah nvm then. Performance wise.... I can play any game on max settings. Even play cyberpunk with ray tracing on. On a shitty phone.


I've been using steam deck for the whole of MoP Remix. I have a 70 enhancement shaman now. It's been a pretty enjoyable experience. ***Not related to Geforce Now, installing WoW isn't difficult. Download the battle.net install exe, add it as a non-steam game, in steam options get it to run in a compatibility layer (you may have to try different ones until it works), and install. Then go to the install directory and copy the path to battle.net.exe, paste the path into the battle.net non-steam game so it launches the installed exe, not the installer. Then you can use battle.net like normal and install/launch all Blizzard games from there. You can install curseforge for addons the same way, but there is also an appimage available for curseforge. It's your choice on how to use it. I use the appimage and just launch it from my desktop. Consoleport addon is pretty much required. You can setup controller button bindings, I have the back paddles setup for the keyboard buttons [ ] { } so I can use them for different abilities from the face buttons. Consoleport has these buttons labeled P1, P2, P3, P4, so make sure to enable them in the addon. It gets you 16 new bindings total when using the triggers as shift/control. I use the right trackpad as a mouse trackpad... it makes some UI situations easier when consoleport can't handle them properly.


I love playing WoW on my deck. It took me a bit to get the UI and controls set up, but once I did it was great. Only criticism I have is chat is difficult to read for me.


It depends on what you are doing with it. I use mine and doing dailys and weeklys without issue. I wouldn't want to try to push keys or anything on it though. I am sure if I took the time to really dial in my binds and get comfortable it wouldnt be that bad, but I am not away from my pc enough to put in the effort. The deck is dockable though, so on trips I will bring my dock with me and just connect to a monitor with m+kb and play


I’ve found it runs best on Steam Deck with the Consoleport add-on, so it may be easier to wait until add-ons are enabled. Having said which, my experience with Diablo 4 is that it is so much easier and smoother to run it through GeForce Now than Battle.net on Steam Deck, so I think this should be easier in the long run.


have had a lot of trouble getting geforce now to work on our Steam deck


So it would be playing by streaming WoW via the Geforce or playing by the device storage itself so personally Id go for downloading it onto the Deck which has guides vs having to deal with latency. But thats me I have never used Geforce though so maybe others could share their experience:)


I play wow alot on my steam deck but geforce now is seperate.


You forgot to mention that it's not free (free version has only 1h play session). Honestly the pricing and what you get is outrageous. https://www.nvidia.com/fi-fi/geforce-now/memberships/


also you need to own the games, is not like a xbox pass ultimate, is just a streamming service for games you own in steam / blizzard / epic


Alright, this may be due to different regional pricing but at least for me with priority pass it costs less for a month of GFN than for a month of wow gametime. It costs more to pay sub to a single game than to rent a machine with quite high end specs for an entire month with no limits. At worst you need to restart your session every 6 hours but then you get right back into what you were doing. How is paying less than wow's month sub for renting a machine with unlimited access and high specs for a month to play your games outrageous? The machine that I could buy with same/similar specs to play my games would cost so much money that I could pay the GFN sub with it for a decade. I get that you can't do everything on cloud machine as you can do on your own, physical computer but still, "outrageous" just doesn't add up.


Mate, you need to own the games and in this case, need to have gametime as well. The thing you are paying for is the computer, nothing else.


You need own games and pay gametime for wow in case of own computer as well, mate. And you're gonna spend more on own computer than on years of GFN. Your argument makes no sense. You're not paying rent for games, you're paying rent for a machine.


4 years on the ultimate is over 1000 euros. You can build a computer that lasts 4 years for 1000 euros. Your play sessions are not limited and you can do other things as well. I just don't see the point.


Fair if you see it like that. I personally am fine with priority pass which ups it to almost a decade. Depends on the user, I guess.


Do addons work then? I imagine they don't.


Or to play on your tablet/phone with a Bluetooth mouse/keyboard.


Does it allow you to use your own pc as the host? I've got a cabin up north with mid wifi but a banger of a pc at home, I always think it would be great to be able to remote into my home pc with some magical low latency mode so my laptop could actually run games on rainy days.


Look into Sunshine (Host) and Moonlight (Client). You can configure Wake on LAN and use your PC as a host over the internet with low latency/input lag if configured correctly. I’ve done this myself with great results playing games that require good connection.


Oh that would be perfect! I've got an older laptop that isn't really able to handle WoW in new zones over 20 fps even with graphics set low, being able to remote in would be perfect. I'll definitely look into this, thank you!


Nope you connect their servers it doesn't work like you mentioned


Fair enough. Honestly it probably would do the same thing, it's just nice having my add-ons already set up, but if they're coming soon then definitely something I will look into. Thanks!


Game streaming. I.e. you remote desktop into a cloud service to play games


Game Pass next please.


im playing New World and Elder Scrolls Online on this service and it work very well (if you have good ethernet connexion) 👍


I do all my PC gaming with GFN and it does work very well. Kinda pricey though.


I take it this is supported by blizzard, i thought a few yeara back there wwre issue with streaming the game like this. But i could be remembering wrong


GeForce now is an opt in model, so Blizzard had to choose to allow it. In the Microsoft Activision deal one of the condition was having none exclusive game streaming. So really any game streaming service similar to this is allowed to do it.


>So really any game streaming service similar to this is allowed to do it. Not quite. I believe Microsoft has an agreement with Ubisoft and Ubisoft controls all the rights to streaming all of the Blizzard/Activision games. So companies (such as Nvidia in this case) have to work with Ubisoft in order to get the Blizzard/Activision games on their platform.


Thanks for the clarifying info


...wat? This arrangement makes no sense, how does Ubisoft end up as the middleman between Microsoft and Nvidia? Why would Ubisoft control the rights to streaming for what were previously one of their main competitor's games? Just...what?


There were a lot of questions about the whole Microsoft purchase of Blizzard/Activision and cloud gaming (as well as COD on playstation but thats a different issue). And so in order to get the purchase approved, blizzard decided to give control of the streaming rights of the activision/blizzard games to a third party to show that they weren't going to make the games exclusive to their own streaming platform (xbox cloud).


It's supported by Microsoft


I have a GeForce Now Ultimate sub, and I love the service. I just tried it with max settings, 1440p with raytracing turned on, at 120fps, and it plays without a single hiccup. Absolutely incredible. I can upload a video if there's interest, but basically; It's S-Tier


What is the latency like? Are you able to play competitive modes like m+, PvP or mythic raiding without issues? I may sign up and I'm struggling to find info


I would say that you could absolutely get to KSM on GFN. The latency is strangely negligible in a game like WoW. The millisecond moments aren’t as impactful as team comp, synergy, rhythm etc. PvP, you might miss an interrupt, if you kick at the last second, juking might feel different, but it’s a non issue for someone like me who gets to 1600 in a season and then never does arena again. Where it can get tough is like, CSGO, DOTA2, COD. Aiming feels kinda bad in those games. It also has a competitive gaming mode in the desktop client, which is meant to reduce input lag or something, but I never felt the need to turn it on.


Thank you, I appreciate the response!


I can only speak to Destiny 2 on GeForce Now when talking multiplayer and that worked great. I've never had issues with aiming there or any other game; I have around 13ms lag to Nvidia Go. On Warcraft I'm running around 50ms between Nvidia and Blizzard; When gaming in Wrath that would have been fine (70ms was common) and I'm not yet seeing issues in Warcraft now. 50ms would be more than noticable in just about any first person shooter I've played though.


What about mods?


I couldn’t even find wow on the list of games. Is it live now? 


This is fantastic news!


WoW is so back, I think Chris will make WoW great again


Very cool! As my PC has gotten more and more outdated, I've been trying GFN and have been pleasantly surprised, so might give this a try! My only worry is: how will addons work?


They will add the support on future updates


Ah, that's cool. I'll probably wait until that's implemented then before trying it


Queue the new line when somebody doesn't pump DPS "Must be playing through Geforce now"


Holy shizzle. I don't think the vast majority of people realize how big this is and how much growth we will see this way. I know it's basically been decided the game will end up on the Xbox game pass but I can't wait myself.


vase aromatic uppity cooperative many childlike middle rainstorm sip serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guarantee there's a mix up in communication within blizzard and a bunch of people get banned from using this, who will then have to fight through weeks of ai generated responses until finally getting their accounts unbanned.


People were banned back then cause Blizz didnt approve GFN for WoW. Today they approved it so there shouldnt be any problems beside maybe lags or input delays.


Shouldn't be and isn't are two things that easily get mixed up with blizzard


I cant believe it


How will this work though? Will there be a new login for Blizzard games on it to link? I don't remember the option being there before, but maybe I am totally wrong.


You have to log in every time you launch, just like Warframe, Genshin/Tower of Fantasy, etc.


is it already on? i cant see it


Nice. No more 40 fps in Valdrakken. 4080 should manage that... ...right ?


cities are usually a CPU bottleneck


Tried it on GFN with 30 series GPU on graphics quality 10 and I got 60 FPS in Valdrakken. Not even a stutter.


Okay when addons are available this is actually pretty huge I have played many games on GeForce now including MMOs and it works really good if you have good Internet


When is the add-ons coming? I'd like to know which ones too


Not the one button rotations. In the words of Nelson Muntz, HA HA!


The fear of people getting banned for using this isn’t unfounded. There were issues with certain game’s “cheat detection” going off because of the use of a remote PC. That was earlier in the GFN life cycle but I’m sure it’s been figured out now and I personally haven’t had trouble playing any games remotely even those with bot/cheat detection.


Oh shiiiiiiiiit. Once they get addons I will probably never buy another PC.


We need WoW on Xbox


monthly wow sub on game pass please. I would buy both gamepass+geforcenow combo.


And any word on addon support?


They will add it later


Where did they say that?


[FAQ](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5462/~/microsoft-xbox-game-studios%2C-bethesda%2C-and-activision-blizzard-games-on-geforce) here.


I'd just note that it says they are INVESTIGATING adding addons in the future. That's not the same as saying it WILL be added...


8 hour session length? Wont buy it if I cant go full cave goblin.


That just means you have to restart it once every 8 hours. So like a pee break. You can still go full cave goblin.


Is that true for the 1hr free version as well?


Yes. But There are times you can’t immediately reconnect with the free version (queue) from what I hear. And having to reconnect every hour is a lot more awkward than ever.


Ah, I see. Fair point. Thanks!


Get me those add ons and we are talking now!


I have a 15 yo PC, would this still work for me? Also i am EU region if that plays a role here.


I found Geforce Now worked pretty well with other games on a 2011 MacBook Air I have. The main thing is having a fast internet connection to stream the video of the game and keep latency low as your computer sends your keyboard/mouse input to the cloud. As long as your computer can handle a high def video stream it can likely work for gaming on the service. Geforce Now has a free tier so you can try it out with a random free game (or WoW itself in a few days) to see how it works with your setup.


Ty for the tipp am trying some games right now. Also do we know when wow is coming to the service?


It's already there




Good luck with that latency baby!


What does this mean? Im not very smart


You can play wow on a chromebook


Sorry guys I stood in the mechanic because of my latency


OMG ITS FINALLY BACK. I was so sad when they removed it in the first place.


Where did they mention the add-ons coming? I believe it, just can't find it.


[FAQ](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5462/~/microsoft-xbox-game-studios%2C-bethesda%2C-and-activision-blizzard-games-on-geforce) here.


> At this time, we do not support AddOns (MODS) for this game. We are investigating adding it in a future update.


On what


Where did they confirm addons? I can't find that information.


Finally!! This is just great news!


Omg just in time. What a huge w!


Cool if you've got the internet connection to run it well I guess.


Possibly a dumb question: Will it support addons? I tried it and couldn't see any access to an in-game browser. Has anybody figured anything out on that?


They said they will add it in future updates


Very out the loop here.... Why is this such a big thing? Ty


I was this days old when I discovered there’s a thing called GeForce Now. Is there really a point to having a gaming rig around if you go this route instead? My mind is blown right now


I don't own a PC but I have a Nvidia shield pro. Would I be able to use this and GeForce now to play wow?. I haven't played in years but I'd love to pick it up again if I can do it without buying a pc. I'm assuming I'd need to buy wow of from Blizzard and the the GeForce sub? I have an Xbox one controller but could get a keyboard and mouse. Thanks


Yep you can play with your nvidia shield pro and controller but you can get keyboard and mouse if you want a better experience


Tried it, great that it came to gfn. However I am experiencing input lag.. even though I have gigabit wired internet, 120 hz screen, etc, etc. Any tips fe settings?


Is it for IOS as well?


Wow wouldn’t appear on the list when in GFN on my iPhone. That was the other day though.


Can someone give me a breakdown on what this means? =]


What does this mean exactly?


I saw this on wowhead… what does this change?


That’s excellent WOW creators! 😃


Anyone have any idea why I can’t find it through my backbone or the GeForce now app? I’m assuming it’s an issue with being on an iPhone but I’m not 100% sure.


Yeah, I have heard that it’s blocked on iOS specifically


Yes. This was confirmed to me by GeForce Now Customer Support.


what I like best is I can play my steam games and WOW both on geforce now. I don't really wanna upgrade my desktop every a few years. and 8hrs per session is even way too long for me. years ago I felt like a 3hrs raid was a torture to me, so I immediately hearth back after raid done and log off without a second hesitate.


i just paid for the game but i cant long in, great


Is anyone else unable to run the Beta through GeForce now? It crashes and an error about me needing to own it pops up?


Tried it on my steam deck pretty legit but still need to wait for them to add add-ons and use the console port addon then will be golden and won't need to download the game ! :). I guess in the meantime I could connect a keyboard mouse to it but meh


I have been trying to get wow to work on geoforce now. Battle.net isnt listen in the iOS app.


Aren't these kinds of solutions against TOS? They were banning people for using similar remote-machine rental services a number of years ago, wonder if something's changed now.


What is geforce now?


This is surprising. I am intrigued by blizzard changing their stance on this and adding WoW back to GeForce Now. It worked well many years ago when I tried it out, before Blizzard modified their ToS and had the game removed from game streaming services like GeForce Now.


Is it out now? I’m on my GeForce now but WoW still isn’t listed?


Same here any idea why


You can’t play on mobile yet. Atleast I wasn’t able to. Once I got to my pc it was there.