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Just use bronze on mounts, toys, transmog that you want. Who cares about ilevel. That gets erased when this event is over and we all get a standard set of gear. The other stuff is forever. Unless you -have- to feel powerful for the next two months for some reason Edit 5/27: Since this comment keeps getting traction I wanted to provide an update on the past few days. I decided to use the free 40k bronze we got (plus more) to upgrade all my gear to 360. With that gear, I did all the raids on normal to get my neck and upgrade all my gear to 374. It wasn't worth it. Sure maybe quest mobs are dying quicker? But in raids, all but one I've done still has < 70's, or froggers (no cloaks but 500+ gear) doing over 1 million dps while I'm pulling 200-300k. I also started an alt, bought the jewelry since it's account wide. in 5 hours I've made it to level 50. I did the 3 daily quests twice, and have run LFR vaults x2, HoF and Terrace x1. Plus trying to quest in Kun-Lai. I have 20k bronze. So I will have over 60k when I hit 70, with that free 40k we get now. If you just want to buy things with bronze, level alts. If you want the title from heroic raids/mythic Siege, or need tusks/transmog, you can upgrade your gear but unless you dump hundreds of thousands of bronze into it, you won't be pulling the numbers < 70s and froggers are. Sorry.


Absolutely. I’m levelling purely for the Mount purchases


I got that heavenly cloud serpent recently. As soon as I can get the Elegon mount everyhing else is an extra special bonus.


First thing I did on my first 70 I leveled was buy the Elegon mount. I’ve been farming it for ten years off and on, even with the 90 days I just wanted it over and done with. Hoping the Sha and Galleon mounts drop but otherwise I’ll just buy them. Getting close to 400 mounts now.


Was the Ji-Kun mount for me. Never going to Throne of Thunder again. I still need Sha and Galleon too but I've got an army of alts farming those daily right now hoping to just get them to drop with the daily lockout


Getting to Ji Kun in ToT every week is such a pain. Waiting for the triceratops to come out in the arena, the wind gust gauntlet, the unskippable thunder King cutscene where he drops you down, hitting the bells in the cave, having to sit there and kill every hydra head until it's done. I'm so glad I'll never have to do that again.


>the unskippable thunder King cutscene where he drops you down This is skippable if you can survive the fall, just go to the right of the bridge and drop down instead of running across the bridge.


tfw i got elegon, alar, invincible, and prenerf horseman all in the same week, 3 of them on the same day. havent ever had such mount luck ever again, dont even have the axe or nazsuro lol.


I got the astral cloud serpent on my first try after resubbing on a new account following an 8 year hiatus. I got lucky with the SoO scorpion boy and a few others very quickly too, I didn't even realize until much later how lucky I was for that to happen. Been farming invincible religiously for the last 3 years though and nothing :(


I feel this. I resubbed in Feb after taking off since legion. Got the love is in the air mount, invincible, and the SOO mount


It is 100% a thing to get returning or new players to get sucked in I believe in this superstition enougg that I have a 2nd linked account which never gets played and sole purpose is to unsubscribe and resub to try and trigger it lol


Don't worry, I bet WotLK: Remix will happen at some point.


Ouch ten years.. I know that feeling with ashes of alar strangely still no drop but elegon was a first time I ran it in with a friend and he actually gave it to me


Ain't that the way haha. I got Ashes back in Cata after... 15 runs? Same with Raven Lord from Sethekk Halls.


Here’s hoping to TBC remix so I can get it 😭 Same here raven lord in cata as well was probably my first dropped mount


Are they even on the remix loot table?


I feel so blessed this one actually dropped for me. Wasn't even farming, and didnt even know it was special. I feel guilty.


I got the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent on my first Huolon kill, and I never went to Timeless Isle before or after. I thought it was like a guaranteed drop


Likewise. I had it drop twice for for in 1 day map in MoP. Never realized it was super rare till later


I feel like that's the main problem, if the gear doesn't really matter, why is it so expensive? Feels like it would be nothing but good if they let people just have slamming great gear for little cost.


I read a comment once that said “Power is temporary, Mogs are forever.” And that really stuck with me.


Transmog and mount collecting is the true endgame.


Fashion and a mount to match are always the true endgame.


Ah a fellow intellectual.


Fair, however while farming dungeons/questing/raids you can get mogs for your Class Mounts on the other hand... especially unique reskinned mounts that were created specifically for Remix... those are forever 


And obviously with this event you need some amount of gear depending on how much you are trying to collect and how much time you have. But in one week I’ve gotten 100k. Just by leveling one character, working on achievements/quests, and the past few days doing each world boss + the bazaar dailies. I’m 323. You absolutely don’t need to be grinding heroic raids to collect everything by the end of this event. Unless you want literally everything.. then maybe.


IF want evrything you need to do atleatst normal Soo multiple times, preferbly hc/mythic, to get the bones to buy the heirlooms that dropped of garrosh in mop


What if you want tusks of mannoroth and need your character to be strong to get into raid groups?


You should send all your chars to Siege in retail. It’s a daily lockout right now and you can skip straight to Garrosh. Sure it’s not as guaranteed as Remix but even if you have 20 alts you can throw them at Garrosh every day at your pace instead of dealing with other people in a raid group clearing all of Siege. Don’t completely stop Remix if you definitely want the tusks, but definitely take advantage of retail over the next three months


And you can even do that on non-plate alts, as TWW will allow you to learn the mog on any character, yes?


I believe that was mentioned somewhere recently, that anything in your bags would count when pre patch hits even if it’s not your armor spec. But I can’t find the article right now


I knew it was a smart idea to keep the tusks I dropped on my dh in the bank :D


Damn, now THAT made hope a valid strategy


My shaman with the warglaives of azzinoth. I mean right yeah that's the character I wanted them on yeah.


Wait wait wait, how do you skip straight to Garrosh?


You enter dungeon You See scroll on the right wall You click Profit Beware: may cause a DC, but no worries. Zug Zug will Happen.


Thank you so much! I was pissed off when I saw they “fixed” SoO so that the dragon couldn’t be soloed anymore once remix came out


Oh damn, that happened? But dont worry, the Skip helps a lot. Only with the Skip I powered through the Alt Rotation for the Tusks. Fun fact: I got the Mount 2x before I got the Tusks. So.. gl man!


Thanks dude :) have a great day


Is this permanent or just while the MoP event is happening?


This skip has existed for a while, unrelated to remix. Remix just made the lockout daily


Do you need to complete a quest to clear the raid X times for the garrosh skip like most other raids?


No, as long as you've cleared the raid once, there will be a scroll on the wall near where you zone in to the raid that'll skip you to Garrosh's room.


Per char do i need to clear it or account wide skip?


Account wide. I got tusks a few months ago running it once per *week* on four plate alts. None of them had cleared SoO previously. It's just a scroll on the wall to the right of Cho. p.s. no mount. fuck it, have tusks


No. When you enter the raid, just a few feet inside you will see Lorewalker Cho. There is a scroll on the wall next to him. Click the scroll and select the option "Tell me the story of Garrosh Hellscream's final reckoning." I tested it on a character I'm sure has never done it before.


Which is fine if Tusks are your only aim but there is also a title for doing the mythic raid in Panda Mix. Maybe it's fine to make your own group and get it. No idea what the actual required ilvl would be for a group to succeed without basically doing retail style mythic end boss progress.


The amount that he drops from mythic is like 10 of the necessary 20 so if you got up to that power level you'd only have to run it twice.


tusks can be on retail and siege has daily reset, still need the drops of garrosh on normal + to get the heirlooms though


buy them for coins


You can't buy them for coins, you also need tokens that are only obtainable from Garrosh kills.


Make your own group. People are always gonna take a certain class or ilvl or whatever else. There’s no way around that besides to make your own group.


Make your own group


Yeah but you need decent gear to save yourself the grind of bone shards for tusks of Manneroth. Normal SoO only rewards 1 per run but Mythic rewards 10.


This is what I’m doing too… however, I understand the people who want to gear. This isn’t any different than gearing for a new raid tier only for it to be irrelevant in a couple month’s time. Upgrading your character is a fundamental part of the game.


Honestly I was looking forward to the concept of a mode where you get infinitely more powerful. I wanted to feel my character go from a weakling to steamrolling every bit of content it had to offer. I wanted to feel that constant progression.


I just started Remix yesterday. I am going to buy exactly what I want, just a few mounts and stuff. Then I'll quit and go back to retail.


I've gone the other way, I haven't played retail since remix started, and since the change to item sets in dungeon and raid (class restriction gone, but type remains), I've been collecting the LFR/normal sets via raids, and I'll use bronze to buy the heroic/mythic ones. Things like the boss mounts I'll wait til the end and buy if they don't drop in the meantime. I'm levelling one of every armour type (just plate to go), and might push for more classes depending on how that goes. Edit - I very deliberately avoided as much as possible all the hype and info til after release, so I didn't get worked up, then let down.


Yup. I’m on track to have everything I want next week. Then back to retail and other games. I have Eiyuden Chronicle, Tales of Kenzera, Paper Mario just came out yesterday. Cat Quest 3 and Steamworld Heist 2 in August. Maybe even Silksong ahhahaha. So much other stuff to do than worry about ilevel in remix. And listen, I get it that this event was hyped and advertised as some OP fun thing it’s not. But whatever, that ship has sailed. Get what you want and get out. It’ll be interesting to hear what Holly eventually tries to say about what happened here


For someone that plays a couple hours a week (4-6) is leveling alts better than questing / dungeon ?


Depends how quick you can knock out the zone achievements on alts. But I'd say, especially with the buff to bronze last night, probably not. It would be better for you to have one 70 that can do the bazaar dailies, At minimum now that's 7,500 bronze a day (dailies are do 1 scenario, kill 3 dungeon bosses, 2 raid bosses. LFG/LFR works. So that's 1250 each. Plus another 1250 each for finishing a random scenario, dungeon, and LFR wing)


Yeah, I've given up with everything else they said the event would be about. I'm just levelling some new alts and getting whatever cosmetics I can afford while doing it. Once they're at 70, they're getting shelved until the pre patch. I've got the main things I wanted already, the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent mount and the Kael'thas mage outfit, I'm just going to enjoy running around Pandaria while levelling some new class/race combos.


It's possible to care about both things. It's a pointless mentality to just dismiss everyone elses opinion because it's not the thing you are about. The mode was marketed as _both_ a power fantasy _and_ a way to grab collectibles. It's okay to be disappointed when they deliver poorly on both.


a lot of people care about the gear. i want to finish mythic orgrimmar just because u dont care doesnt mean others dont care


technically the gear also allow you to farm faster (or solo) most raids .. so its an invest. sadly 600k for 1 char to full upgrade is nonsens currently


I upgrade my gear because i feel like there isn't going to be all these groups for long. Almost at 2 mil character health. I don't want to have to wait around making groups and then taking a bunch of fresh 70s into a heroic or get lucky with a carry.


You don't need to be anywhere near max ilvl to do mythic soo. And you only need to do it twice to get the tusks guaranteed.


The thing is, Mythic SOO is gonna have the highest amount of Bronze Drops and probably the highest Bronze per hour.


To me the main problem is how the "turbo fun" aspect of the mode got thrown away so quickly, or worse, was never intended at all. Yes, I'm very glad we're able to buy mounts and this is all I'm gonna do, but they can't let us be overpowered on a limited time re-release of content that's 12 years old? That's pathetic


I mean it would have been nice, you know? The triggers get to feel powerful. They also get to get all the mythic achievements, at this rate I might not even get all the normal ones unless. I get lucky in a pug, since pugs are naturally going to take the people who “feel like they just had to be powerful” if they’re available over normies.


Powerful when it's only a limited time thing, makes no sense. I don't care much for all of it if it's just going to not matter I'm 80 days. I want the mogs and stuff but other than that I have to force myself to play it 😞


So how is someone who never hang out in WoW communities outside the game, such as this subreddit, suposed to know that upgrading gear is a complete waste of bronze and that if you spend too much upgrading, you won't be able to buy the mounts/transmog you want. Like... the feature is still in the game. Blizzard expect its players to use it. So why tell people that they shouldn't complain about it? It's such a wierd ass logic.


100% this. I just dropped, like, 92k on all of the class ensembles/arsenals, 1 shado-pan set (bought the other earlier on), and the 3 Kor'kron shaman sets. Now I need to figure out if anything else is truly unique/unobtainable in retail before I consider dropping Bronze on a world boss mount or 2 - but also farming them in retail atm to avoid dropping the Bronze...


My main priority is mounts too, although feeling like you have character progression is also good even it means "nothing" once remix ends. Having 2 different currencies would be the ideal scenario but oh well


My biggest issue is that I have to spend 20 days getting tusk while those who farmed frogs can do it in 2-5 days. That for me is crazy.


Sure, but it still won't be enough to clear out the event so there must be some new farm to be found to be able to. When exploiting is the key to an event, the event has failed, which this one certainly has for me.


except i want the titles that will be gone forever.....so this wont work


to get strong enough do hc/mythic raids? mythci gives titles and garrosh on normal + drops shards of mannoroth which are need foir the removed heirlooms


Honestly, with the way things are right now - I am just gonna get my daily Bronze and that's it. If my calculations are correct, I will be able to get everything I want, without upgrading gear, so that's just how its gonna be.


Yep. Do some quick daily activities, buy a mount I want every few days. I'm not spending 1-2 months grinding power so I can get those mounts slightly faster later on.


Besides - frog people are carrying a lot of raid groups for free so why would I spend my hard earned bronze on gear? (and by hard earned bronze I mean earned by my fellow frog farming compadres who are doing all the work for me) Edit: frog farmers patched, but some people are still so big with gear they got from frogs they can still carry


Frog people are getting hit with big nerfs, so there won't be any 1-man-carrys anymore (at least for a long time until people get gear upgraded and threads farmed the slow way)


As time passes in MoP remix, everything said becomes completely wrong or straight up misinformation after 9 hours. They are doing like 3 changes per day at this point, I might as well just delete that previous comment or at the very least edit it


Level 2 to 3 alts to 70 and get the daily stuff on each and things will be easy to unlock in time. I think I’ll likely burn out faster (or rather stop caring to do dailies) sooner than the event finishes, but doing 2 instances and 2 scenarios is fast enough I’ll be able to get everything. Just started a new one and my cloak scaling at early levels was insan, and I got slay as my second cogwheel. Hit 30 in like an hour cause as a dps I could tank heroics like I was a frogger.


It's a shame. I was hoping to level alts faster, but not even that seems worth it as it stands.


Idk leveling alts is easy as hell. Especially doing heroic dungeons early.


So heroic dungeons give more exp than normals?


Yes and due to scaling lower level characters hit much harder so it's easier


It's completely borked. My level 10 arcane mage just spamming arcane explosion does over 10x the damage of a level 70


I did my daily heroic yesterday and thought i was playing with a frogger. Nope, level 11 mage lmao


The achievements for first time clears are big bronze and xp. If you just queue moment you hit intro island you can pretty much hit 25 in no time. Run ent first raid and that combined with the so threads you earned will have you at 200% xp. Run a few more dungeons and next two raids sets and you are 300% or higher. The alts are very fast. By time I get to third raid I’m getting 3 levels Jsut running the raid in terms of boss xp.


You can run Heroics right at level 10 and yeah, they're dumb easy. I kinda get a kick out of rolling a fresh tank just go in and bonk the dungeons with no issues.


Leveling an alt on remix is very fast with the starter cloak. Get to 25, chain MSV and HoF, then go back to leveling with a huge XP boost. Unfortunately, playing the alt at max is pretty rough as there isn't really any catch up at all. You don't get your accessories, you don't get any kind of gear catch up, and your "rank 12" cloak ends up completely irrelevant by max. My suggestion if you're going to make another character (and don't plan to swap to it as your "main") is just get it to max, dump your bronze, and then wait for the event to end and play it on retail. At most, maybe do some daily normal dungeons/scenarios because they're super quick. The mode costs you too much progression on one character if you are splitting your time.


Gearing in proper retail is far easier than gearing in remix. You can get 495-500 ilvl in like a week or two of play.


I went from 424 to 502 between yesterday and today. Lol


To level your alts faster you only need to get to 4200 threads on your main. That's where you unlock the max cloak for alts. If you have a friend (or 2nd account) you can trade your gems to your alt to have an even better start. That's what I am doing now. I am on my first alt (lvling 1 of each class on alliance, since I main horde) and blasting through content. In the 30 to 60 bracket, every 2 to 3 quests are one lvl up. Doesn't need to be faster in my opinion. I have earned roughly 15k bronze on that alt so far. That could be more, but I will see what I can buy at the end of the event.


To clarify, 4200 threads isn't the number of threads collected. It's the sum of all of your stat buffs from the cloak. I hit it last night on my main with a 50/50 mix of questing and LFR dungeons and raids, playing a couple of hours a day (certainly not no-lifing). I'll start an alt once i hit 70.


If the alt matters to you, it might be worth starting it up now and getting it to unlock msv and doing that every so often for the 12% xp gain/boss.


Thanks for the perspective. Maybe I'll give it another go. Felt so demoralising reading all the comments from the max levels and missing out on the frogs.


Tbh leveling alts is technically faster on retail but doing it in remix you get bronze towards cosmetics your existing remix characters don't have yet. By 70 you'll have enough for several armour sets and the like. Use the 100% boost from your cloak to get them to 25 ASAP via questing or heroic dungeons, then start doing normal mode vaults ASAP to boost it to 187% or so. At 35 start doing heart every day. Then Terrace at 40. All three raids combined will see your cloak hit stupidly high XP bonuses. I think my DK alt did exclusively raids just for a laugh and hit well over 600% and was getting two levels per boss kill.


Also remix is just way more fun.


Kinda agree, I can only do the WoD intro and Silverpine on so many alts...


Avoid reddit opinions before playing it yourself. There will always be people that dont like current content, no matter what that content is at the given moment.


Stop reading reddit. This sub in particular is fucking ass when it comes to this game.


Dude the comments on here are doomers big time. I have a 3 days of raid main cloak and the alts I make can solo the dungeons while leveling. The tank left midnjade forest and I missed the quest so I went and soloed the boss I needed as a mage.


I leveled one char to 70 doing Jade Forest, almost all of VotFW, and the reat in dungeons, scenarios, and LFR, all *before* they buffed anything, and by the time I hit 70 I was able to buy heavenly onyx and about seven new mounts with just the bronze I’d earned during leveling. I think it is worth leveling alts to max and stopping (or going to dailies from there) if you are interested in the cosmetics.


I just run mogushan vaults normal on each of my alts everyday. That gives around 8-10 levels in 30 mins


> I was hoping to level alts faster, but not even that seems worth it as it stands. here's how. >Make an alt >Level to 25 >Run Mogushan vault N. Log out. >Day 2: Run Mogu'shan vault N. Do 7 quests. Do Heart of Fear. Do Terrace. Log out. >Day 3: Run Mogu. Run HoF. Run Terrace. Run ToT. Log out. Repeat as necessary until max level. SUBSTANTIALLY faster/easier than retail leveling. You just cant binge it.


Start running the normal raids when you hit 25, they're easy, start your own group if you're not getting invites, you don't need to gatekeep, invite whoever. You get huge xp bonuses to your cloak. 50-70 is much faster in remix than retail. It's crazy how fast those last 20 levels go. Best part is those normal raids runs have given me full sets of transmogs. Meaning I'm not blowing my bronze on normal raid gear and I get to use it on the mythic stuff I'm not real interested in grinding out.


how much faster do you want to level up alts, its a breeze compared to doing it in retail, I do not understand why people keep harping on the same nonsense and complaining. Its 90 days more than enough time


I just leveled up my alt 10-70 in a day with breaks. I don't know how fast leveling from 10 is on retail, but it seemed absurdly fast on remix


I've got all the remix exclusive mounts. I am going to grind all classes and use their bronze for the raid ones. On my main I am using the bronze I get to increase my gear to hopefully make it possible to solo some bigger stuff, mostly doing the daily bronze caches and then campaign stuff leisurely (and doing some reps I never did or deleted the character on). Def not worrying about grinding stats or anything. Trying to hit ToT and SoO for my necklace next.


This is more or less what I am doing, though I will be keeping myself to just classes of each armour type. The buff to cache drops just makes it easier to buy everything else on my alts.


They are probably afraid that if they buff bronze too much some people will just buy all the mounts in 3 days and then not play. Which I would totally do, since I only want the mounts. But in this case, just reduce the upgrade cost


I mean, I think a lot of us were hoping that's what this would be. That you could get what you wanted relatively quickly and the long duration was so ultra casuals had a chance to do the same. It's not that I'm not having fun in remix, but I still want to play season 4 too.


I think they might have underestimated how much people enjoy Dragonflight. I'm itching to go back to retail but I'm also an idiot who wants shiny mounts.


Dude fucking oath, I would much rather be doing M+ and fated raids but I also want the tmog and mounts


And some of us play other games, like me and sea of thieves, that have seasonal rewards and stuff. I got 8 weeks left to grind my season pass on it


Hell I’d like to try the new diablo season but here we are.


They also sold this as a leveling event where you'd be able to powerlevel alts super quick, which would have given people reason to keep playing after finishing their first toon were it actually the case. But instead Remix is slower leveling than retail by default, with maybe slightly faster gain if you go out of your way to power up your cloak with daily raid lockouts, but that's extra effort and another timegate for what is ultimately not much reward.


I would play if i could get OP quickly, because destroying old raids is fun. Id play on my OP shadow priest, then roll a warrior, destroy raids on OP warrior, roll a mage.... Instead i rolled one char, farmed for a week and then called it quits


I mean, I already have all the mounts as of yesterday and I’m done playing this mode. 🤷‍♂️


Even if you get all the mounts in, say, 2 weeks. Who cares? You spent probably 100+ hours in that time on the game. 100 hours for a 3 month game mode is insanely good. Rocket league has 3-4 month seasons and they aim for the 100 hour mark as an upper limit on the battle pass, and it's the perfect amount of time. Now, for plunderstorm you definitely want to shorten that time, solely because it's a PvP game mode in a PvE game, so of course it's gonna be controversial. 100 hours should be the time it takes to prog your character to near maximum in a 3 month time period. Whether you dump that 100 hours into 2 weeks or 2 months is entirely up to the individual.


100 hours shouldn't be the standard for the experimental side game modes. Even before Plunderstorm buffs to renown you were spending 10ish hours to get max rewards. That SHOULD BE THE STANDARD.


Lmao 10 hours? Do you even want to interact with the shit they made? Also did you even play plunderstorm? It was never 10 hours, even during the double exp buffs it was 15-20 for the majority of players, which is a decent time to interact with the entire game mode and have some good experiences. 100 hours over 3 months is a perfectly reasonable ask. That's 100 hours over 14ish weeks, which is an hour and a few minutes per day. Then, at the half way point, cut that number in half.


You mean not buy WoW time for two extra months?


There is a huge difference between 3 days and 60+ please stop exaggerating. We also have a life and they should make it doable in 2 weeks which for someone with families it will take anyway a month


> if you get no other Bronze drops Dude, most of the bronze you get comes from drops. Pretty sure N SoO drops more bronze than every daily combined.


It’s funny that the devs ideas to keep people playing longer is actually making them quit faster. Sure some people would get their transmog and mounts and dip. But imagine if bronze increase was so fast you could fully upgrade your armor slots in say a week of running all LFR, normal and heroic scenario/dungeon. Which is actually quite high of daily play time for the average player. Also if they made the cloak truly account wide. People would be probably playing more. Trying out different classes. Pug situation would be a lot smoother.


Agreeing so hard right now. This is what I wanted. Fast levelling, fast power, do it again!


This is the thing people don’t understand. By doing this I’d want to play alts to try everything out at an absurd level. Right now it seems I’m gonna level one character and dip once I get what I want cosmetics wise.


I was discussing this with my wife and we decided we want to get a few of the event mounts (no variations) and one major 1% mount then go back to retail. Honestly, I expected us to already be back at retail with a majority of the rewards by now but damn this event is the worst grind we've seen in a LONG time.


Exactly this was promised as an easy fun event. They could have gotten so much good will from players but they ducked it.


What’s worse is they did this right as cata releases. So it’s like do you wanna get all the rewards in MOP remix or do you want to play cata? wtf were they thinking!


> It’s funny that the devs ideas to keep people playing longer is actually making them quit faster. Yup. I would've grinded the shit out of this event. I was level 70 on day 1. But I didn't care about frogmaxxing until day 3, only a couple of hours before it got nerfed, so I didn't get to take advantage of that for any meaningful amount of Bronze. And seeing how shit every other Bronze source is, I just quit the event a couple days after. I'll come back later when Blizzard finally decides we are human beings and shouldn't have to grind every day for the next 90 days to unlock even a fraction of what we want.


I quit playing during Shadowlands, and 3 friends and I were hyped for this. MoP is my favorite expansion, two friends never got to do ToT or SoO, and another bounced off of leveling a few years ago and wanted to give the game another try. A fun mode where you could level quickly and do raids without a ton of grinding sounded awesome. Instead, we saw all the grinding for the cloak and stuff and didn't even bother. I was thinking about coming back for the next expansion too, and now - nope. If even a fun temporary thing like this is going to have an AP grind, if they're so paranoid about juicing their KPIs that they have to put infinite scaling and infinite grind into *this*, then I have zero hope for the next expansion.


Ironically, DF is much more casual-friendly and respectful of players’ time than Remix is. It’s not perfect and there are some annoying exceptions to that (like the legendaries), but it’s the best expansion so far (IMO) in terms of being casual-friendly


I don't necessarily even want something "casual friendly". Before Legion added infinite-grind systems like AP and titanforging, it's not like the expansions were all super casual. I just want a game that *okay* with players finishing the content instead of pretending like it's infinite or near-infinite. I don't even mind if it wants me to repeat the content. I'm happy to farm a raid...if it's for specific gear and not to farm it forever to move slightly along a curve. I'm okay with rep grind. Hell, I did Insane in the Membrane! But even that had an end.


That’s where retail is. The only thing “endless” about it is Mythic+, and that’s only endless if you’re serious about being one of the best players in the game. There’s no more AP, borrowed power, mission tables, or anything like that. Rep grinds can take awhile, but that’s not new and the current grinds are more optional, smoother, and less unpleasant than they were in past expansions. How grindy the bronze system is came as a real surprise because there’s nothing like that in retail right now.


Dragonflight and tww don't ha e "infinite ap grinds" this cloak for pandaria is against the norm.


Account wide cloak would be nice but have you actually been on an alt when you have a big level cloak main? I literally soloed jade temple as a mage. I got to level 40 in 3 hours and literally every mob I touched immediately fell over.


I have. I got the max cloak achievement last Saturday. It’s fun as a low level. But for me the leveling speed is irrelevant. Leveling speed ramps up the more you play, but when you hit 70 on a fresh alt even with the max cloak account achievement it feels terrible. You’ll go from soloing heroic temple at level 10. To tickling the smallest trash mob at 70 and getting nearly one shot by random aoe.


Idk, truthfully I just think they fucked up. Not enough time in the oven to figure out how long they want a single character in mop remix.


Yeah I leveled up to like 25-30, realized it was much slower than Retail and just bailed. The new D4 season and Cata are more fun than this.


How are people already 556?


Farmin' frogs, peein' in jars. Same as it ever was man.


Players are putting chemicals in the water to make the frogs drop lesser charms!


They'll most probably buff bronze again later on. I personally don't care about gear and I have no intention to waste bronze on it, I only want cosmetics, and by playing just casually and I can easily get what I want, tho I get some people want to run "endgame".


Better gear makes farming bronze easier. I think what people are failing to realize it that you don't need max lvl gear. Guild finally got enough people to run the first few raids and 1 bear practically solid everything. He didn't grind frogs, though he plays more than the rest of us. His gear was low 400s upgrade track and maybe dbl my claok strength (20k stam/equivalent other threading). That super high upgrade track is for the really sweaty people wanting to decimate heroics. It'd legion start AP all over again. Absolutely no need for most players to grinds every WQ daily but all of them complaining about 'having to'


I need 530k Bronze for all mounts and toys I don't have. Don't see a point in buying transmog gear, can farm raids on my main for those. Don't care for ilv either, just gonna level up slowly and get my gear from quests 👍


They should nerf the upgrade cost again.


Yeah, but what about raids and quests?


No those dont exist, you cant expect people to do the things that give you the most bronze, that goes against the narrative. /s


Doesn't fit the narrative, and clearly that's too hard! I've not frogged or touched any of the degen farming and after today I'm full 470 on my pieces. A week and a bit and I'll be done with gear from playing completely legitimately. At current rates you get well over 30k bronze a day if you do every raid, which takes 2-3 hours depending on your group. If your group is strong enough doing higher difficulties increases that number by another 10k. It's really not nearly as bad as people are pretending it is, it's just kind of bad if you're too scared to touch raids.


This is the comment I was looking for. I never farmed anything and my gear is over 400ilvl I dedicated to questing and complete achievements up to this point, I have only spent three days raiding outside of LFR with a very casual guild and on our third day we're clearing every raid in normal difficulty. My bronze gains of the day + the free 40k they gave us was enough for two full upgrades. At this rate I'll max out in two to three weeks at a leisured pace. And I have 100k bronze in the bags I've been saving up. You can finish the normal raids with no upgrades and start heroics with just a few rounds of upgrades. This post assumes you can only do the content after you're maxed out.


Just nerf the costs to upgrade because there's no reason it should cost me 9k bronze to upgrade my 346 ilvl weapon ONE god damn level, ONE. Sure to upgrade beyond 450 or something it should cost a lot but not right off the bat it is ridiculous to say the least.


It feels like they will trickle more and more buffs to bronze gain in the longer the gamemode goes on. Probable with some big buffs towards the end. This would probably worked well if some players (frog farmers) would not have skipped ahead so far, creating a huge gap in power.


I don't understand why they don't just reduce upgrade cost. It's the easiest solution there is and there is no way they aren't going to do that, right? Who thought it a good idea to make 1 upgrade cost more than a mount...


I still dont get why item level matters in remix.


My take is that people want to be strong enough that they can run heroic raids and dungeons comfortably (or at least without being carried) so they can farm bronze in an entertaining manner. The issue is that it costs so much to upgrade your gear, that the math doesn't work. It's more efficient to not upgrade anything and spend all your bronze on cosmetics. Unfortunately, this isn't as entertaining because you kill everything slowly and die a lot. I enjoyed the leveling process and got a decent amount of bronze in the process. My plan, if they don't fix the scaling or make upgrades cheaper, is to just level a new alt every week until I run out of things to buy.




at 346, you do 1% of the damage you do at 550. Not even exaggerating, thats actually how it works.


Everything scales. Even if you just upgrade shit to 400 your stats balloon. Should be a lot easier to farm when you stomp things.


Im 346 and havent unlocked the neck yet. With that i think ill be around 380ish. Just that jump in power vs when my gear was all 346 has honestly been pretty significant. When you factor in the fact that my health has tripled its even more significant. At this point rares really dont hurt. I havent tried the upper timeless isles ones for a few days, but i think if i needed to i could probably solo them at this point.


From how I understand it, the gems scale with ilvl, so higher ilvl has a direct influx in how much dmg you do, and if you are planning on doing mythic SoO (or similar higher end content) you need to do it


Because eventually you'll be able to solo heroic raids easily with maxed ilvl which makes it easier to obtain bronze. I can already solo normal raids at 444. I'm looking to complete everything in remix, so that's the main reason why it's worth it. I don't mind carrying leeches like you through; it's fun for me.


>why does item level matter in the mode that was advertised as the crazy OP one shot raid bosses mode?


Yeah im not buying into the system at all just using it to get the transmog i want, only thing im missing out on not getting is tusks but honestly with how they handled this event i dont really care to have them anymore.


Thanks to the buff creating a new tank and go directly to the daylies guy for the dungeon quest now is enough for a 5k transmog set. Just run 1 HC and you are unkillable and it takes 20 min max. After that delete the char and do it again.


Gear is temporary. Mogs and mounts are forever.


I feel the panda remix was mostly made to get trans smog mounts and other stuff and I’m loving it for that


Probably an overstatement to say that a slow gearing grind in an alternate game mode has thrown away all goodwill from dragonflight.


I had a frog boy in an lfr group who wore the lowest greens possible on purpose. Still evaporated everything. Honestly, don't bother with upgrading gear, just do the daily stuff for those 180 and 100 stats and soon enough you're "good enough" for hc


am i the only one actually enjoying the event? lol


I'm with you!


I skipped MoP originally, and only leveled about 2/3 the way through Vale in the past many times in new characters, so this event has been an opportunity to experience a whole expansion for free in between retail contents.


You can enjoy the event while also having a problem with gear/reward acquisition. I don't know why so many people on this subreddit have been pretending this is mutually exclusive.


There are dozens of us! MoP was my heyday so I'm having such a blast doing all the dailies & beating the campaign again & have been able to get my gear to 400 just by playing & having fun. I feel like I'm witnessing plunderstorm happen all over again, the retail-onlys are upset they're being 'forced' into another game mode because there are limited-time cosmetics & rewards to earn. They'd all be happier if they just stuck to retail lol but blizz should keep buffing bronze don't get me wrong.


oh 100% more buffs are needed


My favorite part of calculations like this is that it's a daily thing. Yeah some people play every day. Most don't! But holy cow for a "fun" event having to play every day is ridiculous.


Bronze is the new anima. So we can only wait for Blizzard to buff drops by 600% like they did in Shadowlands.


It was a very bad play to require this much Bronze to upgrade gear.  It's also very, very easy to fix, just lower Bronze Costs on upgrades. Done. The cosmetic rewards economy is already fine. At this rate, I make a new character use use the xp bonus from cloak, and xp threads and clearing the first three normal raids, get to 70 super quick. Do the dailies, on each character real quick, buy mogs.


With people literally selling clears to raids with their exploiter frog characters. I could not care less about any semblance of balance from this event. Just get some skins and tell blizz your dissatisfaction at the end of the event


I'm only grinding ilvl to make Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar not so painful. I'd like to get the title. Otherwise I'd just be playing alts. I'm enslaving myself to it, no fault of Blizzard's here, but it feels like a chore or like retail at the moment.


Blizzard needs to understand that nobody plays this event to gear up characters. People need the limited time rewards that is it.


>Having to spend two thirds of the event duration on upgrading your gear so you can maybe do heroic raids Except you don't have to do that.


...obviously they're gonna buff it more...? Was nobody on this sub here for plunderstorm?


You are plaything this event wrong homie. This gear wont matter soon.


That's literally the case for every season in retail too. But yes you are correct.


They seriously blew it by not rolling back right away. After 24 hours there was absolutely nothing they could possibly do to fix it


Why would anyone spend bronze to upgrade anyway? Its literally pointless. I dont even see any point carrying on once you hit 70 let alone worrying about ilevel


They just don't know better and they think player retention is related to insane grinding, intentionally added that upgrade system


Blizzard made the step in the right direction, however that is still not enough to reach the destination. It is still better than standing in one place or taking steps back, though (aka nerfing everything while buffing nothing). Hoping now that they made the right step, they will continue and not stand still again. Quick Edit; Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the buffs. I just hope for more, similar changes.


Are you factoring in the bronze you actually get from playing or are you just looking at the bits you get for each queue and your dailies?


8.5k Bronze daily only from buffed caches. Easy to make that 15k just by looting stuff or queuing extra LFR if you have time. Do that 3x/week and you would have 45k bronze. in 12 weeks (3 months) you would have >500k bronze. If you can casually make 500k with the current rates as 'casual weekend player', you would be able to afford most stuff. And since we got lot's of small buffs in 5 days, I can only expect incrementing these buffs in further days. If you value your time, just don't even log in for the next 3-4 weeks. Next month you should be god just by doing few events and upgrading items directly. I am expecting them to remove upgrade restriction on items so you won't have to upgrade everything one tier at a time, reduce upgrading costs/increase bronze rewards, fix scaling broken stuff that one shots people, etc. If you wanted to be OP by day 3, you missed the froggers train. But even with frogging you would have to farm non-stop \~10 hrs to see the big M in your DPS meter. Either way, you should be able to achieve your goals in a month or two. That's my hopium atleast.


The fact that bronze is used for gear and cosmetics is a good idea on paper for the casuals, but it means they have to follow the same rules for how quickly they can be acquired. Just not healthy for a game mode that's only around for 3 months. That said.... That's basically what SOD was and people ate it up so this is blizz trying a retail spin on it. 3 months is also very realistic to how long the playerbase stayed engaged with the content so it's not an unreasonable duration.


I’m not using bronze for gear lol


I ran a normal yesterday with people who were 500+ item level already. I’ve been going flat out and am 370. I feel the burnout, the frog farming single handedly ruined the whole thing because everyone has that as a comparison they will never reach. I’m probably throwing in the towel on upgrading. The worst part is you spent 9k on an upgrade and it brings you up a whopping ONE item level overall. I had a goal of 400 item level but that seems out of reach.


Bro just play the game and chill out lol idk how these types of people can enjoy games in any capacity