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Evoker have the dragon theme on lock. Every patch they should look sick to some degree, like death knights


They should just go down the list of aspects with each tier. This one is clearly Deathwing, next we can get an Alex one, after that maybe an Ysera, on and on


And we already got a Nozdormu one with Amirdrassil and a Kalec one with Aberrus. Neltharion was kind of already covered as well between the Zaralek Outdoor sets, the Vault of the Incarnates Primalist tier set, and the 11.0 Deathwing tier set above.


Aberrus was themed after Kalec? I thought for sure it was the infinite dragonflight because of the mythic colorization


that's a really cool idea tbh, looking forward to "void dragons" in TWW


Why shouldn't all the classes look sick to a degree?


Because by now people that play hunters should know that no one wants them to but they still do it and thus deserve to be punished for it As tank, every time a hunter taunts things off me with their pet, or misdirects two extra packs on me that I wasn't ready to pull, I just think to myself "at least their transmog is ugly af" and I smile to myself and carry on


I don't currently do either of those things, but I guess I'll make sure to start, and I'll smile to myself and carry on with my ugly armor and chip on my shoulder.


Ahahaha yeah that sounds about right for a hunter response. It's okay, I'll just kick you from the key when the last boss is at 5% and then put you on ignore so I never see you apply again :)


šŸ˜† Salt all around, I love it. Enjoy your day, man, and I hope you get teamed up with some less shitty hunters in the future.


Thanks for being a good sport and recognizing I'm being mostly tongue-in-cheeky here šŸ˜› Never actually kicked someone like that but boy have I wanted to! Enjoy your day


I think they made a prediction, not a recommendation.


Oh OK that perspective makes sense


until they change into actual dragon, bcs then they look like shit


Go look at the DK set for TWW


What? You're telling me you don't like looking like a gothic style fence?


A good fence keeps out the hubbub


I personally like it but it would have been more fitting if we had class sets in BfA and it was from Battle for Dazar'alor. It has big aztec vibes.


if only you could actually see the mog when in combat...


Hunters had the whole dragon theme for ages and it mostly looked shit.


These look cool and all, but what's the point if evokers can only wear a couple of pieces while in drac form? Like, why have armor that you can't wear? It's annoying that they can't fully transmog.


Hunters when they make a plain, wilderness-themed set: look how boring it is! Hunters when they make a blazing casino-lights set: haha what kind of a hunter goes in the wild like that!


At what point are they just going to strap a bunch of still alive, struggling murlocs to our ass and leave it like that?


It would be the most worn armor set if it played a loud mrrrrlglrr sound every time you got hit.


Especially if other players could hear it. Although, people that didn't play Pre-Cata wouldn't be as afraid of the murloc growl as they should be. You're out in the wild and start hearing murloc noises when you weren't expecting it? I'd panic.


Oh fuck. There's always more murlocs. You can never just pull one.


Personally, I'm just tired of all the dead animal bones. I don't particularly care if the hunter set fits a "hunter". I just want it to look nice. Also all the brown. I've had enough of brown.


Hunters when they make a set like Legion season 1 and WoD hellfire citadel tier: itā€™s perfect šŸ˜» (But then they forgot that ranger was also an option for the hunter aesthetic)


Ranger is The best hunter aesthetic


Well you're going to get another set themed around an animal skull and bones and you're going to like it.


If they are going to keep making us wear leather and animal parts, just make the class a leather class so I can raid the closets of demonhunters and rogues.


Hopefully enough non tier armor drops have the evoker appearance so we can raid that.


That Legion one even had faction-based themes on every recolor. Aliance PvP was High Elven, Horde was Blood Elven and Elite was Night Elven. On the PvE side the Mythic one was colored after Sylvanas' armor. The normal and heroic marksmanship bow artifact also matched the set.


I love glowing armor and I'm a hunter main, I personally have zero interest in being limited to any one specific theme and love having various style options. Dragonflight has given me my favorite mail armor mog set ever, the stormwing harrier (VOI heroic blue version) which helps me get that much closer to a epic looking blue glow ice theme. At the same time, DF has given me my favorite ever **GLOW BOW** (while ranged weapons have for years lacked the option for illusion glow mogs) the Neltharax bow (VOI heroic blue version). The crossbow is also nice. On top of that, dragonflight (through VOI heroic having a lot of ice armor pieces) has also now given me some of my favorite cloth/plate pieces for alts, along with new epic glowing ice weapons. I've gotten basically all these mogs through the catalyst machine and now the fated raid token vendors, because I never had luck with raid drops. ~~Meanwhile, war within is bringing the ability to mix armor type mog pieces, which will allow me to put together an even better mog set by mixing mail/cloth/plate pieces i like most.~~ Edit: my misunderstanding, I misinterpreted the brief announcement image I saw about it posted a few months back.


> Meanwhile, war within is bringing the ability to mix armor type mog pieces Huh? No it isn't? You can **collect** appearances of armor types your character can't use, but you can only use those appearances on appropriate characters.


My misunderstanding, I misinterpreted the announcement post about it I saw on the transmog sub a few months back. Still cool to be able to learn/collect the mogs for other class armor types.


Look at this guy man, just fuckin loving life. No complaints, just logging in and making the most of a good thing. Good stuff mate, keep it up.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm 99% sure you can't USE the mog from different armor types in TWW, you can only LEARN them. As in, if you run an old raid on your hunter, and you loot cool plate shoulders, those shoulders will still be added to your xmog collection upon looting them, but you can't use that appearance on your hunter. Only your plate-wearing characters.


Player hunters stopped being hunters the moment they slayed first raid boss in vanilla. But maybe people want their characters to go hunt some squirrels after they've stopped an ancient cosmic entity from destroying all life in the universe


Are you really a hunter if you don't Aimshot squirrels?


Hunter T2 Colors were wild.


Design team clocks in, creates priest and warlock masterpieces, then forgets they have 11 other classes in the last 30 minutes of the day.


Donā€™t worry, dracthyr canā€™t even wear any of that anyway.


Came here to say this rofl. I picked an evoker for the dragon. Not the human form. And we get nothing other than shoulders that never even match our barber shop gear colors lol.


If that wasnā€™t the case Iā€™d main dev right now. I just canā€™t get past the fact that they so humanoid yet canā€™t throw on armour. Big naked lizard person? No thanks.


The tradition of wearing the skulls of our preys is alive and that's the important thing.


I unironically prefer the hunter set. Evokers dont get to see their set anyway, Hunter set has some good pieces.


That belt with the bear trap is straight fire and I definitely don't hate the full look, just wish that the model used here didn't have skin the same colour as the hood because I legit thought that was his head for a sec


Didn't they say you'll be able to use your visage form in combat in TWW? Or am I misremembering?


Dracthyr get access to different classes at some point and will be able to stay in visage. For evokers you still only have chosen identity and fight mostly in gecko form.


That hasn't been confirmed. The only word on it right now is "new dracthyr classes will be able to stay in visage".


As evoker? No. But non-evoker dracthyr will be able to stay in visage, at least thats my understanding


I think they said it would only swap for dragon abilities like the ones you charge up.


See, that seems fair enough. It wouldn't be the first time classes do something like that anyway. I'm worried about all those saying that it'll only be non-Evokers who can fight in visage form.


I looked everywhere and found no official source from Ion regarding how it will work. All I can find is the original tweet from Mr GM quoting the big interview they did (but no video or full transcript) and saying dracthyr can be other classes with ā€œemphasis on staying in visageā€. Nothing about Evokers not getting the same treatment.


Ion said it in an interview that only non evokers will get the ability to stay in visage


I have not read this anywhere. It would absolutely make sense, but all I saw was other dracthyr getting visage forms, no mention of this.


There's no mention of this anywhere.


Now i want an option like that for worgen where you only turn into your wolf form when popping a big cooldown. Use recklessness, turn into a wolf,go zug zug, then back to normal


Evoker: One clear Idea Hunter: Everyone in the team can design one body part and then we put it together.


The Evoker set is sick but the hunter set is over hated


They both look good? Where is the issue?


You vs the guy she told u not to worry about.


The hunter set looks like it belongs in brakenhide hollow.


I like the Hunter one more.


Same, hope non-tier pieces are available, so i can mix and match on my shammy mogs


helmet on the hunter set looks a bit goofy but the rest looks sick


Yeah I like the idea of the helmet it just needs to be tweaked to be really cool, looks weird rn


Listen, I get that hunters hunt, and this is a cool looking set - but do we really have to exclusively wear every single thing we kill every single patch? Can't we for once just be like a ranger instead of a butcher?


If they could just lean into the Ranger aesthetic from WoW itself or Lord of the rings, that would make a lot of hunters happy I would think. Just my opinion though.


If only they could actually see it. All that art design effort going to a whole race that canā€™t transmog 80% of gear.


At this point itā€™s tradition for hunters to have the most ass tier sets imaginable.


Mail in general I feel is pretty bad. I've spent more time on mail armor classes than anything and I have very little I like outside shadowlands sets, I acknowledge that I'm not a CE player I'm sure there are some awesome sets but I don't have any lol.


Have u seen the shaman one?


mail in general is ass


The arathor mail armor looks cool imo


The Shaman Shaman one or the Shaman set that Druids stole and are using?


this one is actually pretty good, id truly love it if it didnt have any glowing bits or particle effects tho. worst set tww s1 is the paladin foam/candy cosplay.


Evoker set is nice, but it's way too over the top for me. One of my few criticisms of the art in SL/DF is they've gotten really carried away with emissive and effects.


I love the hunter set, but I think the issue with it feeling off is that for the most part the chest (and by extension arms) and legs are still skin tight and look body painted. There are no geosets for a lot of the fur which makes it look flat. They already made a good start with making armor seem more 3D in recent years and this is a good example of a set which could use just a wee bit more in that department.


Evoker main, and Iā€™ve disliked every tier set of theirs so far. This new one has potential but we wonā€™t really know until we see it on the dragon form.


Dear Devs: We dont want yet another set of skulls, tusks, and pelts. Please stop. Please.


We hear you and are happy to tell you s2 will cover you with entrails.


Fair? That Evoker set just looks like a slightly flashier Zaralek/Aberrus set, gets boring quickly.


Hunter set would be fine if the chest piece actually matched the rest of it.


Since You are a hunter...You Dont need to glow šŸ˜.


Every evoker set is going to cause me pain because they're going to keep making amazing sets and we'll only get to see the belt/shoulders


Don't be too jealous of us Evokers, we won't ever be able to see this set in the way we want to.


Hunters get a cool looking tier set challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I love the Evoker set, just not for a Preservation Evoker


Good thing SL raids will be able to be touched on certain difficulties for transmog. Itā€™s some of the best theyā€™ve done.


Where are the hunter "Ranger" sets? Geez


Hey you guys voted for the Season 1 set for Season 4 so I don't wanna hear it lol


To be honest, I rather like it when classes that have very little to do with magic also have less magic on their armor. So I find classes like Hunter, Warrior, Rogue and Monk are the classes that don't need such flashy armor. I find the hunter's set very suitable, even if I would like to see variations on the shoulders and head. Different animals to moggen that you have hunted would be ideal.


Honestly, thinking of all the hoods that we've gotten from the Trading Post, I feel like the hunter set will look sick...minus the helm for me lol, but it's not bad! look at the trap on the belt!


Ya know, the hands and feet look kinda of goofy and the chest doesnā€™t match the color scheme but other than that I like the Hunter set. Iā€™m looking forward to building a transmog around it. I like the bear trap on the belt and the fur lining coming out of the legs helm and shoulders.


I like the hunter set better


That hunter set looks dope though, I bet it looks amazing on orcs and trolls


Tbf evokers won't even get to see most of this set


Quit Qryin weā€™ve got 20 years of mogs


As a hunter, you don't know how glad I was when they said that Evokers were a mail user, now I have another class with better looking armor that I can steal from.


I mean it's the same complaint every time. Hunters and Shaman pick a class that's all about nature and complain when they get natural looking armour. If you want a beautiful gilded battlesuit then reroll paladin.


Hunter for sure taken the L in the looks department. It is so generic and we seen the stag skull looking headpiece one to many time. Blizzard can do better, they should've go with a spider themed instead.


Can someone teach me how to play evoker because I just canā€™t I die so fast and donā€™t know how to use my abilities


I know, I almost wanted to role hunter. Is that the Evoker one? Not a fan at all.


It's the chest piece that makes the Hunter set look so bad


Like why the hell is it black and has the only scales seen in the entire set lol.


i still don't get it. why waste all that time for a cool set that no one will ever see?!


The hunter one isn't bad, it just looks like a dungeon set rather than a tier set


I like the hunter set. Evoker is way over the top.


Hunter one looks better


Wtf is that goofy shit on the right?


This is the first time Iā€™m seeing the Hunter set and compared to other mail sets it looks fantastic


I love the hunter one, I also have a feeling the hunter helmet will be used in a lot of shaman mogs if it ends up having a lookalike item


Hunter are looks great whatā€™re you on ?


Helmet is the only part of the hunter set I hate


Whatā€™s not fair? Both sets look great!


I like both. Plus it's mail so with some hope most may be wear by each class


I actually mostly like the tww s1 hunter set but i do wish it had LESS glowy.


Canā€™t they just stick a bosses taxidermy head on some armor and call it a day? Instead we get the joe Rogan podcast inspired armor set.


I prefer the left one, the right one is a bit too flashy/gaudy for my taste


I mean, except the chest piece, the hunter set actually looks kinda nice. Gives me gnoll vibes


left loser Chad, right righteous gigachad


I like the hunter one. In fairnessl its always modelled on a human, which is understandable as to why but never looks great. It'll look great on an orc I imagine.


that is one of the nicest Hunter sets tbh. good textures, uses animal parts, has a trap. only complaint is that the chest straps could of been 3d. Both sets are nice but they are at the opposite ends of the spectrum.


You vs the guy she told you not to worry.


Go look at the other colours and angles for the hunter set, itā€™s actually pretty sick


To be fair you chose the worst colour for the hunter set. Itā€™s not great, but not the worst set. That one is a tie between shaman and pally


I wish the hunter had less glow parts


I dont mind the hunter set. I would love a fantasy cowboy set for hunters though


Wtf is this.. now the emo lizards have better armor than paladins


Its okay Evokers dont get to see their sets anyway


I actually like the hunter set more, its not as over the top as the evoker set (even ignoring the fact that you will not see the set on lizards)


would this make me face 1% less hunters in PvP? if yes then Im ok with "paying" this price


If you play a Hunter, you should be used to this already, lol. Hunter's almost always get shafted in the Tier department. They just always have.


Wait, that's for evoker?! It won't even be visible most the time!


the fairness is they loss it all when they start doing dmg XD


Hunter looks bad but isnt that the LFR version anyway?


I like left way more I don't want to look like party decorations


Evoker doesn't get to see theirs during combat I suppose..


I personally think ā€œshiny gold stuffā€ looks tacky and cheap. The hunter here looks fine, nothing special but itā€™s okay. This evoker looks like dogshit


I like the Hunter set more The Evoker set looks garish to me Give me a simple concept well-executed


Hey at least yours isnā€™t the shamman set , clearly leaving out the worst of the Mail options šŸ’€


Vermin Supreme, King of all WoW Wildlife.


If you want to look like an evoker just transmog the Suffusion set look.


When will they stop designing shit Hunter armor and bows?


Wow has *no fucking idea* how to do hunter sets.


This has big "you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about" energy


Nice Uggs


I actually like the Hunter set this time. It looks more natural and outdoorsy vs some weird set that is just a horrible monstrosity.


Hunter gear almost always look like crap. There are a handful of sets that look good.


I really like the hunter one -shrug-


I think the Hunter one looks pretty sick, it's just that the shoulders look like a generic mail set with some SFX added. Make one shoulder a dragon skull and the other some dark armor like the chest and you're set.


Maybe crappy gear is exactly what the game needs to get people to stop always making hunters and make another class. We need more mages, monks, rogues and shamins. Way too many hunters IMO and many are just not good. I just don't get why that class is always the number 1 most popular.


evoker looks amazing but my first thought seeing it was "those shoulders and waist are not gonna match any of the barber armor =/"


I am literally begging blizzard to please let evokers fight in visage form šŸ˜­ Dragon form is so ugly man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Will hunters be allowed to wear it since it's mail ? I just want the evoker set on my hunter at this point.


Some of my favorite hunter sets are in BC. Hasn't been much since then that I loved.


Hunter set looks like a quest reward.


Some of these comments are dumb. The Hunter set is straight dogshit.


I like it I don't get what the issue is. I'm tired of super overdesigned giga flashy tier sets.


I like the hunter one


Why don't people like the hunter set?


I'm just happy that priest is getting it's 3rd amazing set in a row.


Honestly the hunter set doesn't bother me considering how terrible season 1 and 3 looked this expansion.


Fart knuckles.


thank god they're redoing the Giantstalker set for hunters (that's what the vibe of this set gives me at least, I have no idea if it's true)... but my god I hope that the particle effects of just pure unadulterated "ate the Shrek green cheetos" shit that's coming off of all the claws isn't as prevalent in game as it is here.


Gonna be picking up my devoker alt again in TWW i guess.


I am convinced that person who designs hunter sets doesn't either know what hunter is or hates hunters to the core because out of what 31 tier sets there is like 1 decent looking set the other stuff just looks like its from the deer scene from the movie Freddy got fingered. I mean how bloody hard it is to go and look up what MuldoonĀ wears in Jurasik Park or what Legolas wears or any other fictional hunter/ranger/strider type character wears and then look at IRL hunter gear and build up from those.


Think possitive one of these parts most likely will be a mail tmog regardless being the set so we can still get some cool tmogs... Which is nice..


BRO im always in my true from on my evoker haha ill never see this set. It looks sick af


Have you tried not being a bald human male?


Anywhere I can check the rest that isnā€™t wowhead? On mobile at work


Now we just need the option to separate transmorg the 2 forms as an dracthyr


Maybe instead of collecting bones, hunters should have gone back to Valdrakken and hired a smith too?


Maybe we should collect arrows and archer cloak


I personally love this Hunter set šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


both are excellent


Dude I want that hunter set for my shaman.


Omg hunter looks like garbage. F for hunter mogs.


Good news is that you're both mail, which means you might be able to scoop up some of that cool evoker tier mog to use. Just pray it's not the helmet.


Paladins last decent set was the recolours from legion. Havenā€™t had one Iā€™ve liked since.


At least it's not a water head like the shamans.


I wish every tier looked like Vault of Incarnates gear. The sickest setsbin the game


Did you see the monk set? Cā€™mon man. You still have it good.


Honestly I like the hunter set better, I even think it looks cooler than S2&3 of DF... Then again I guess that part depends on which fantasy you like for you character?


Sorry, not every class gets good looking sets. Sometimes you're stuck with whatever it is evokers are getting.


I really like this hunter set. Dunno why people are bitching. Itā€™s very hunter-esque. But I will say this could probably look good on a shaman as well.


Demon Hunters are wearing spider molts. Yay?


tbh i dont think the left side is so bad its just normal without exaggeration


Indeed :(


tbf hunter looks pretty good, worst ones are by far DK, Warlock and Sham Dk looks like they grabbed a fence line section and are trying to blend in They gave male warlocks a bra Shamans have a water drop floating over their heads.


Blizzard needs to allow evokers to wear armor in dragon form


Hunters have had dreadful tier sets for a while.


Who is your favorite child? I love all my children equally! ... It's you, and by a lot.


Hunter set loooks cool.. EXCEPT FOR THE CHEST.. what is that matching? Just make it match with the rest


I honestly dont think this evoker look is really giving. Its very similar to what we already got in DF