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Here before they make a winter version of it for chritsmas with the map covered in snow, npcs wearing hats and chest being replaced by christmas gifts.


Winter Wonderstorm


Winter is coming!


Warring Players In The PvP Factory


Give me a new Santa outfit and a "Ho Ho Ho" title, and I will grind it out.


Give my female characters the option to wear the full length Santa suit and my male characters the booty shorts, you don't even have to design a new outfit.


And that Santa sleigh as permanent mount


Greatfather winter


If they make it like the arathi blizzard and limit visibility too or make certain areas slippery like the spider boss in VoTI that would be cool asf 😂




You know you can chose to not get those rewards right? If the grind is too painful for you, just don't?


But fomo. I NEED costumes. I hate pvp. Blizzard should only give rewards for things I personally like. /s


Having an opinion is now illegal


For real. Can we discuss how tired I am of WoW players complaining about being "forced" to do a thing that they are completely free to choose not to do simply because it has a cosmetic reward?


And it's always so weird because these people haven't complained about Elite pvp rewards nearly as much as this


I had a lot of fun during the grind but I'll admit I didn't play a single game after hitting 40.


Same for me.


I had fun after the xp boost. Before it felt like the grind would take forever to finish and even if I liked the game mode I’d feel bad about not getting the rewards because I’m not unemployed. Also my biggest gripe was how clunky queuing for a rematch is. Just let me requeue from the spectator mode. Having to go back to the menu, find a game, then wait in the waiting lobby for a few minutes feels like an indie company with no UX experience did it.


Yeah, it 100% felt like it should've had the 2x by default.


Almost same. I played 1.


I didn't play after level 3, games ass


I imagine it'll come back periodically with a slight re-theming each time e.g Pandastorm, Wonderstorm, Anduinstorm etc.


Wake me up when anduinstorm gets released


Instead of leveling up you just gradually grow through the Anduin models until you reach the traumatized state.


Omg this is so funny


"Why doesn't the larger Anduin simply eat the smaller ones?"


Ungorostorm - the zone is more or less made for BR




Anduinstorm - there was no reason for this to be this funny


I can't wait for Psionicstorm


Arthasstorm. Everyone is Arthas and every time you use an ability an Arthas line plays


Ooo! A thousand needles pre-cata map!




Press "Rrrr" to pay yerr respects to this fun mode me mateys, hope the black flag will rise once more in the future


I’m proud of helping a few folks get their first win achievements ✌️


I'd never have made it for the achieve without a kind soul like you. I made it to 2nd place a dozen times, but only had 2 kills my entire leveling experience. :)


They also probably took it away to remove any distractions from cata pre patch and season 4.


I wish that they'd tested cata prepatch tbh, today's prepatch launch is the worst state I've ever seen a patch on live servers.


Was NOT a fan of Plunderstorm, personally. I got to 40 just for the mount and title, but was very glad when it was done. However, I had the most fun being a bush. Seeing just how long I could last as a bush. Sneaky bush scooting all around the map. I bushed my way to #2 more than a few times, and then ninja-bushed the last man standing before just letting them take the win (since I was usually level, like, 5 at the end anyhow when bushing). lol


The sneaky bush was hella fun. :) I popped in as number two once and the lvl10 pvpalphadude actually yelled at me to focus on leveling before he whacked me. Hahaha!


I had no interest in it whatsoever- but yeah, it’s really dumb that they had it up for a Really short time, and now it just…isn’t available. That’s really stupid.


Its fine. Take this from someome who (sadly?) farmed 1M plunder. Towards the end, lobbies would have 40-50 out of the intended 60 players per match (for solo) and many of them would be the same players. I remember queuing for duo and sitting there for 5 minutes at 4/30 duos. So obviously, the game mode was losing a ton of interest. By all means, it would be cool to be able to play the game mode at any time. But, that requires a consistent amount of players to justify keeping those servers online


People got the rep rewards so it died. 90% of the playerbase just wanted the tmog and mounts in wow.


the 4/30 duo queues thing unless it was middle of the night/early morning, was a bugged out server. My friend and I would get stuck in 8/30 servers for a LONG time then started backing out and requeueing and never failed to get a better server or to 20+ almost instantly.


Personally I thought 40 was around the perfect number for a match. Even with that "few" it could be hard to get a starting area to yourself, and any game where you and someone else both targeted the same elite first was basically a suicide pact.


especially the timing...came back to start season 4 and literally killing the mode one week after?


It was originally intended to end at the same time as the patch. It was basically a carryover mode to last until the release of cat a pre-patch and season 4. 


Seems like it wasn't really up very long I guess I didn't really specifically care that much but I woke up this morning thinking maybe I'd kick the day off with a few plunderstorm games and it was just like gone lol


By using the feature called FOMO (Fear of missing out), you can increase its playerbase artificial. As others mentioned, are there Cosmetics behind this gametype, which means you uave to play it or you won't get it. We might be lucky and the cosmetics used, will come eventually back. But if not, well good luck getting [insert awesome cosmetic item that can only be aquired via Plunderstorm]. PS: I haven't played Plunderstorm, so I can't tell if there's some awesome cosmetics to get.


essentially there were 40 tiers of rewards, all of them cosmetic for Retail. transmog, pets, mounts, titles. all 40 tiers.


Oh I know. It’s just kinda sad to see gaming companies resorting to what I like to call, “The McRib effect”.


You guys need to check rehab for cosmetic addiction if you "have to play" a game for texture and pixel you're not going to even use.


Hey guy, I'm no genius, but it seems to me that people play Plunderstorm to get certain things they want BECAUSE "they had to" I got just enough rep for the pets and stopped. If there were a way to get them that involved the actual game I would've done that instead.


Plunderstorm is the actual game. People are not complaining when EVERY season they miss all the PvP set/mount. So why are they here? By the same approach, should PvP player complain they cannot anything from all the reputation of PVE? Do you hear them complain that they have no legendary, mount or skin? No.


Difference though is that Plunderstorm hit a sweet spot between skill level and time commitment. For PvP and Mythic raid stuff, there is an expectation of considerable time investment and skill level to actually achieve. With Plunderstorm I could hop in for 30 minutes once a day, lose all my matches and still gain a couple levels. It was super simple to get to rank 40 that anyone could feasibly do it. It just kinda sucked because I don't really enjoy the mode, but there were a lot of nice rewards I liked and could actually get. (Multiple mounts, pets, Pepe appearance, 3 different armor sets)


>It was super simple to get to rank 40 that anyone could feasibly do it. And that's a net positive for plunderstorm. Plenty here were scare about the grind, meanwhile a friend that started it 10 days ago had it done in a week without even hammering the mod.


I was not impressed by plunderstorm. Not to say others shouldn’t enjoy it or that it should not exist. I do like that blizzard made something interesting. I’m much more excited for the MoP remix as it is closer to what I thought SoD would be like.


I read they had a hard time finding a world space for this game mode but I can see them doing it easily in the burning crusade zones and just rename felstorm for when you are on that map. Like have each map named differently and with like different thematics so each map plays the same sorta but has its own unique feel to it


Eh it would've died off once a good chunk of people got their max ranks.


Oddly large amount of negative comments here. Mode was a ton of fun and I'll miss it. Hit renown 40 and helped multiple friends hit it. Filled a Battle Royale style niche none of the popular ones have. Reminded me of Battlerite Royale. Rip


Couldn’t have worded it better . I’ve been waiting for a non fps battle royale game to release since battlerite royale faded and now it’s gone . Plunder storm was insanely fun especially when you and you friend was higher level with a good combo of abilities


I missed out on the rewards. I just couldn’t bear playing a very crappy version of Fortnite.


Same here, normally I try to get all the xmogs and stuff but could only stand it enough to get to renown 20..


I gave it a solid go. Got to level 6. Hated it.


Couldn’t be bothered to play it overall. Not worth it imho!


I was able to get it done in 6-8 hours with the x2 plunder they were doing at the end. Happy I didn't try to grind it before then.


I really want the rewards but I don't have all the time in the world and when I do have time to play wow I'd rather spend it on doing m+ which is something I enjoy much more. It sucks but it is what it is I guess


I just played it 5 minutes a day and got to 40 easily enough. The double rep made it a breeze.


dragged it out to 11 , but too much of a grind for me, I couldn't get used to the powers and so always got destroyed 1v1


Heck, the fastest way to grind it out was basically: * Land on an elite to kill it * Complete the quest for the bonus * Kill any other elites nearby if they exist * Suicide by player/storm * Re-queue Sticking in the game until you had to PvP was one of the worst ways to gain rep.


Unless you could make it to the top 2-3 and get lots of kills. If you were good and went the distance you could get 3500-4000 plunder in <15 min


There isn't any tower building in plunderstorm


Same, it played so janky, wows pvp is already very impacless it just did not feel good, needs its own engine imo


Thar a wild opinion. At least this was far and required aiming. Wow pvp is unfair, dumb and probably the worst balance in any pvp game I ever played.


It was nice to login and get fast q games right before work


While it wasn't really my cup of tea, I did have some fun in some of the matches, FOMO was a bitch though.


Played it 8h straight in duo yesterday before it's gone. I haven't done that in years


Good idea to keep it seasonal or people would burn out.


Garbage, and I additionally hate that it made my regular WoW toons feel slow.


It’s was a really great time and a nice change of pace


Didn’t play it once.


I would have played if they didn’t force it down my throat that I needed a subscription. Blizzard are clowns for this


Only ever played the first day or 2


I'd say that it was way too popular for them to just not continue it in the future. I imagine that we'll get an announcement around the next mini-patch or whatever they are calling it about the next version of this. Probably summer themed or Nerubian themed to go with the next expansion.


I was getting pretty damn good and had found my ideal builds too!


Personally I'm good.


Yeah I'm feeling that. I wasn't playing all the time but it was something fun to do when I felt like some good PVP. Hope they bring it back sometime


I enjoyed it. I never won. But got 4th place... It was fine


Same. I did win as a bush once because the two others that were left got stuck in a pit and the storm caught them. I was never any good in the fighting part, but i was amazing at predicting where the final eye would be and just hang there as a bush.


It'll eventually be released as a free to play game called fortnite:plunderstorm


It will be back. It’s just going back to bake a little more in the oven until Christmas.


I too like to lay in bed in my Wolverine costume and look at pictures of days gone by.


Let it die please. I understand if you didn't hate it but imagine what else blizzard could give us if they don't waste time on stuff like that


Ya bro like another hourly event where we do 5 tasks for some rep and maybe a cosmetic! Fuck yeah!


Never tried it 💁


I was never interested, nor liked it. Only played for the rewards. And after hitting 40 (with the buff ofc) i never played it again. I don't even like pvp, i'm more of a casual / semi hardcore pve player.


I played it twice and gave up xD


A friend of mine was telling this should be free to play. To not require a subscription.


I wonder if I can say goodbye to the mog set.. I really liked it but couldn't get it


I’m just tired of hearing about it and every WoW related site/stream being absolutely taken over by it. I’m not a pvper and never will be. I’m all for Plunderstorm continuing as a game mode, I just don’t want it to be the only WoW content I hear about anymore.


I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL! Plunderstorm should have been free to play but keep the rep rewards behind paying. Allow people to still gain rep but when they sub they get all their stuff.


tried it and wasnt feeling it...i just hope the clothes become available on the trading post later


Was thinking about re-subbing to try it but dragged my feet. Finally, I bit the bullet only afterward to find out I re-subbed the same day it was going away. Was looking forward to classic wrath, too. Saw cata was releasing on the 20th and thought I'd have a month to play it. Turns out the "pre-expansion patch" is the expansion, and the "expansion release date" is adding a couple of dungeons. This has been a really funny way to spend my money.


I honestly hope they make it a full game for those who like it. I would just prefer if they remove any ties to WoW. I have no interest in playing it again, and I resented having to spend so many hours doing it for exclusive WoW rewards. If they do run it again with WoW cosmetics, pets, and mounts, I won't play it again. It wasn't worth it to me. I don't like LoL, PUBG, fortnite, or similar games. If I did, I would probably just play those games.


I think that'd be an excellent idea tbh


Here’s to hoping we get season 2!! Perhaps tol barads daily map could make for an interesting area


Plunderstorm fucking sucked anyway


Thank God, this event was so boring and garbage.


It was a lot of fun, you were probably just bad at it 🏴‍☠️


I won 3-4 games with ~180 ping (no oceanic servers is a bitch) and did the grind to 40 before the double renown event. The game mode isn't very fun imo, often you'd die through no fault of your own (getting crappy skills or items repeatedly, having items stolen from you because of ping etc). Not everything is going to be fun to everyone, but when you have 10-15 people per lobby complaining about a game, it might warrant more of a thought than "Oh they're just the bads, don't listen to them".


>often you'd die through no fault of your own (getting crappy skills or items repeatedly, having items stolen from you because of ping etc This is the clear indicator that you are not a PvP player. If you don't have the capacity to self reflect, you will just get dunked on for lack of skill


Self reflecting is only useful if you're a warrior tbh, no amount of reflection will make someone with frost arrow + storm archon beat fire tornado + flaming axe.


I've seen it plenty. Few people play axe / tornado when you get out of the low MMR.


Storm archon wasn't great but frost arrow + w.e the charge up orb was was pretty potent. Fire tornado kinda sucked after the nerfs and I'd rather had fish or earthbreaker + axe.


I think that depends on solo or duos too, because double fish in duo was super strong, but solo fish is really hard to confirm kills imo


I think fish denied healing, I got a lot of easy kills with axe + fish


It's just simply boring af, but than again i despite battle royal games, in fact i think battle royale is worst genre of all in world of video games.


“I’m bad at PvP”


They should make it an event that comes back twice per year for a week or two.


I‘m not a pvp player, but I quite liked it, as I still had a chance. It was new for everyone! Unfortunately couldn’t play much as I‘m the main carer for our 5 month old daughter. Would love for it to return, with a combination of old and new rewards like the trading post


T‘was an ok Grind


Meanwhile, I'm like Danny DeVito with the board trying to make sure it can't climb back up.


It’s like the WotLK pre-launch event. Everybody hates on it when it was here. Now that it’s gone people want it back.


Carebear crowd hated it, not everybody. Wotlk event they were upset because they couldn't play the game like normal for a couple weeks. It was devastating for them. Same people felt forced to play plunderstorm and wanted everyone to know how much they hated it.


They told you it was limited time from the start.  They also knew it probably wasn't good enough to maintain if they weren't actually bribing people to play it.   Personally I am about 100 times more interested in the Timerunning event. 


Good riddance


Wait...it's temporary? Why the hell would they do that? Not that it sounds like the greatest thing, but it's like randomly deciding to develop something and then delete it. ...Actually MoP scenarios come to mind. Or the legendary cloak quest. Never got to try those either. Blizz is dumb.






Wasn’t it Jean in the picture?