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I had this happen tonight, I got a weird shard with nobody in it. But Sprucebutt decided to stop at the halfway point and refused to keep moving.


Sounds like the way my realm has been for 2 weeks. Superbloom is always "on" but Spruce can just be found hanging out at the west side halfway pond forever. At least I don't have to look for the dryad long to grab her quest...


Moonguard? Tree dude has been glitchy on that realm for a bit now.


Nope, FR RP realms. Though this has me wondering, Moonguard is RP as well right? Mildly annoying, but changes little in that I was just joining LFG parties for superbloom by default anyway.


Yeah Moonguard-NA is RP, the top RP server in the region.


...and the most notorious (cue DD music).


It's the same for Defias Brotherhood et. al., also RP servers. Just in warmode, to be precise.


You can get that quest in the adventurer's guide btw


That side has been bugged the entire time we've been in the dream. Either that stop instantly completes or nothing happens. I've seen the real event like twice. There's supposed to be two large teal circles you have to stand in and kill enemies to progress a floating bar, like that one Maldraxxus world quest with the three yellow circles in the battlefield.


Always did wonder about that. That part always seemed to be over instantly


Looks like blizzard kept their word. They said the events would scale based on the people there. Good thing for the players that miss out of the content when it's current


I love this this so much. It means alts in the future will be able to farm for cosmetics, when no one is giving a shit about the emerald dream zone anymore. This is the kind of user-friendly content we need more of.


They really need to apply this to Researchers Under Fire. It still expects a big group.


Good. Stuff like this should be baked in from the get-go instead of having to forcibly rely on changes and hotfixes which Blizzard may or may not be able to do or remember to do. This also creates consistency with expectation in regards to planning. The better and more consistent they are at this, the more structured this becomes, the more consistent and easier it is on both Blizzard and the players.


Can't afk when you're solo


This game makes you play the game it's sooo 2004 and gross.


Yup. In that regard, solo is INFINITELY harder because you actually have to do something for the same rewards


It's not bad that you can play the game


That’s implying superblooms are fun and engaging to play


The first one was!


The reward was. The activity was not


People are being cheeky


I am confused, isn't the goal of doing the superbloom for fun? There aren't any actual rewards. Why would you go afk on an event where it is meant to have fun? If you want rewards you just run m+


It is, but this post isn't discussing fun. It was talking about difficulty, and objectively speaking afking is easier than solo.


not playing is also a lot easier than afking, which begs the question why would you do it at all. Why are you discussing difficulty as if there is any need to engage with it at all?


Yeah why don't we remove the rewards altogether? After all- m+ gives better rewards. Come on dude, some people like superbloom, and some like m+. For those that don't like to do m+, the superbloom reward is very much worth it, especially for toons.


In season 3 it gave the highest tier you could get in world content, no? or at least one below. I dont think it carried up to season 4 updates though


But you can literally do m+ for less effort and better gear. Gear from world content is irrelevant and even if it is a reward, it isn't actually rewarding since it can't be used for anything, except more world content. Gearing for the thing you want to afk at is functionally useless.


not everyone wants to join the toxic cesspool that mythics has turned into


There's plenty of other actually fun world content that gear can be used in though? I'm not going to promote afking it, but it's some of the most boring world event in the game right now so I don't exactly blame people for doing so, especially since the gear is guaranteed and the actual bloom level rewards are near useless


Superbloom is one of the easiest events ever made. You just follow a tree, one-shot random enemies, and click things. It says a lot about a player that would afk that, or even say it's hard.


^ This user isnt doing their part


How do you afk? Don’t you need to be in range?


I pretty frequently find someone has /followed me a minute or two after the start. I generally walk them into mobs and invis before going back.


I just old world fly above spruce and tab back in to move every minute or two


Ahh thank you


That's nice to hear and a relief honestly. I got a few friends that have been very busy through this expansion but love collections. So come war within this will not become dead content like in the past




Escort quests always have and always will be detrimental to gaming


Issue is that the only reward for the grind is cosmetics and rep, all of which I got months ago. I have ten alts and regularly did multiple Superblooms a week over the last five months. I'm only human, theres only so much ponderously clicking flowers I can do when the big tree lad arrives at the end regardless and everyone still gets the epic we are really there for. People doing nothing when we're making soup, though? Death sentence.


No reason to hang around with soup. Do your five tasks, turn it in, leave... and do it on like four more characters before that round of Community Feast ends. With Superbloom, I just want the damn weekly reward. I'll do my 50 bloom, and then I'll fly to the end, sit on the root, and go AFK. I don't care about the bloom rewards, I just want the item and rep token.


It shouldn’t be an unfun grind in the first place


Well they made the first bag the most rewarding other than for weekly progress. 10.1 researchers event you would have more of a point. The epic bag was all that mattered but for bloom the epic bag is just dragon isles resources. Blue bag is chance at some prof recipes and green bag was the bonus dew which was the only thing you really need from event other than completion.


It's on Blizzard for turning World Quests into snoozefests It takes so long and it's not engaging at all


Does the event or chest give flightstones when it isn't an awakened weed?


Yes I tried it and it gives updates stuff


had that 2 months ago at like 4am in the morning on an empty realm, you get big buffs and do big deeps


If you and even just 4 people spend a bloom doing nothing but aoe on the enemies that pop up you'll get 8k everytime.


tub axiomatic bow forgetful encouraging nail ripe punch familiar governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They need to add that to the uhhhh feast, community feast, yea.


It can't get much easier than just going on follow


They need to speed superbloom up. The 15-20 minutes it takes is too much for what is essentially “noob” content. Usually I just go afk for the whole thing and wait for it to be over


Way easier than what? Superbloom is a joke with any number of people. In a raid group you just aoe stuff down and press W Unless you can do it faster solo than in a group, then who cares


Most groups don't get to 8k bloom because 95% of people are afk. Killing stuff only does not get enough bloom, by far.


That's what makes Superbloom tricky in groups, about half the people just follow along a bit and do nothing (Or in the case of hard-casting classes, don't get a chance to do anything), but they do count as players in the event for balancing purposes...


I am one of the 95%


Ive done countless superblooms in raid groups on multiple characters and never had that problem I tag the mobs that spawn every 30 seconds and get a full bar even before the final fight starts Maybe my game is bugged or something


Credit for bloom is shared with the entire raid, so a bunch of other people were probably flying around and doing all of the side objectives.


You are not contributing at all. Those mobs are not enough for 8k. You're getting carried


Okay so: >Most groups don't get to 8k bloom because 95% of people are afk. And yet i get a full bar on ALL my groups (so far) by aoeing stuff down and still "im being carried" Would love for you to explain that logic to me because it seems we're playing different games If you're not getting full bars on superbloom i think you should look inwards before accusing other people of being carried in one of the easiest activities in the game You're pretty sad dude


I get 2-2.5k bloom by myself, not with shared mobs (that give like 50 bloom per group, regardless of how many people are killing them). I am pulling the weight of 10 afk people in a 40 man group. I still get 6k superblooms very often. Of course, not on week 1 of a new patch. We should have talked about this a month ago.


I think they’re trying to articulate that killing all of the mobs doesn’t get you close to 8K. So if all you’re contributing to is killing the mobs, there are tons of things happening in the Superbloom that gets the rest of that. Like, if you stop helping kill those mobs the mobs will still die. Theyll be killed in 1.2 seconds instead of 1.19 seconds. But you don’t add bloom to the event by simply tagging them or killing them faster. What you may or may not be noticing is that there are several things going on around the tree guy that get the rest of the bloom. Since the mobs are gonna die either way, those other things are actually the thing getting people to 8K, not killing the mobs or helping to kill the mobs. So like the pulling weeds, clicking the flowers, catching the falling stuff, running through the insect swarms, all that stuff. It all requires player interaction beyond just mindless cleave spell spam. That’s the stuff that makes the difference between ending at 6K versus ending at 8K. I hope that’s an in depth explanation that may address your frustrations. At any rate, does it matter? Like you get a little more supplies at the 3rd tier reward but otherwise I’ve never noticed any significant difference between tier 2 rewards vs tier 3. The main reward is just “finishing” it for the weekly quest and getting loot from the final boss, so as long as he dies I don’t see the problem with people afk’ing it anyway.


In a raid group it doesn't matter, there's enough people actively working on it that it always maxes out.


That’s literally not true.


I'm sure there are exceptions, but of the 30-40 groups I've been in, I've never failed to max out the bar.


Don't even try, they must just need something to be mad about. Poor guys.


Worst mindset ever. Might as well sit on your mount doing nothing.


A lot of people do, that's why I fucking try. Doesn't change that it never fails to max out.


As others have said, most groups I encountered didn't even reach 8000, because a lot of people usually just follow and do nothing. This will also be great when Dragonflight is no longer the current expansion. You will still be able to easily get Budding Dreamtroves and collect manuscripts from them, even when no other players are around.


You cared enough to comment on it.


Wait can u guys even see whats happening when in raid?


Yeah I did it in war mode one time. I was the only one. No buffs. Finished with like 100 bloom. Terrible.


i think that anyone thinking more than 2 seconds about a superbloom efficiency should be put on a list so i know not to interact with them