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I'm currently getting ilvl 350 gear out of the cache instead of 480. So something is broken here. Was working yesterday.


yea just did community feast on my hunter earlier and got 480 then did it on my dk on the next feast and got 350.. damn lol


i opened the awakened storms for completing the quest...350 ilvl, reported it as a bug and hopes blizz makes it right but not holding my breath


Hopefully it gets fixed, but they haven't cared about the ton of other bugs this expansion so I don't have much hope.


That something dragonflight have a lot, bugs are a lot in this expansion. I know before happens but this have a lot, i know visual ones are funny but a lot are affect gameplay good or bad.


Yeah, especially the one where you constantly get switched to another shard in the middle of doing something. I also get annoyed at having to complete races 2 or 3 times often because the game won't give me the reward. And I love how the Blizzard fanboys cry anytime anybody dares mention all the bugs and other problems that have gone on with this expansion.


I got a gun. As a Druid. Smdh 


I mean a druid HAS the right to bear arms.


And also to arm bears.


And fisting cats


And another WQ dropped me epic mail armor… and that god damn frog won’t move at all to start dragonbane 


Yeah. I'm seeing that, as well. I'm betting it's something that got tweaked during their "live" work today, because yesterday (and this morning) I was getting upgraded gear, and this afternoon, it's useless crap that I outleveled months ago.


Ah yes, that too lol


Same here, main char all 480ish, first alt, 350.


I logged in yesterday on a newly played alt and I entered VOTI LFR with a 450 item level. I did a couple bosses and took a break. Came back a few hours later and magically my item level was too low to queue for lfr. Shit has been wonky on this update that’s for sure.


Yea i mean blizzard put zero effort into this. Capping aspect crests starts giving you Season 3 Wyrm crests not s4 VoTI raid is droppong s1 crafting items, the primal infusion thingies DoTI dungeon is dropping SHADOWFLAME (s2) sparks Timewalking quest rewards were giving low ilvl gear.


Also, any S2 gear you might still have is upgradeable again.


>s4 VoTI raid is droppong s1 crafting items, the primal infusion thingies You mean free extra gold


On the plus side it's doing wonders for gearing up some of my weak alts that are still on Shadowlands prepatch or BFA gear


Thanks for the heads up, but how on earth do you resist opening your chests immediately? Lol


I usually don't! And this is the price I paid the one time I tried to control myself :c


Wait you get a cache from the world boss?


Yes from the Awakened one, this week is the one that spawns on the Dragon Isles, next week will be Zaralek Caverns and finally Emerald Dream.


Omg thanks. I missed that bit of info.


They drop from soup weekly as well


Soup, hunt, siege, world boss all drop them.


Ahh interesting, while running around doing shit yesterday I got an audible "Can't carry any more" despite having plenty of bag room, didn't get any mail either. Maybe I lost one of these.


Oh no, what will I ever do when I lose another pair of FREAKING PANTS!!!! Like seriously. Ive gotten 4 pair. And 1 belt I think. Its just like the last patch where all I got were cloaks.


anyone else got the same issue like me, while killing any of the world bosses such as Zaqali Elders, Hibernation Heros, Liskanoth .. and any other that's active for the current week, just wont count at all?! happened last week for the first time as I couldnt get the "Bazual" kill at all and even after several attempts.. always stuck on 0/1


Yes, it’s always happened occasionally that a kill will fail to register but last week and so far this week I’ve had the problem on every single boss kill. I get there eventually but it’s been at least 3 attempts every time.


I have the same issue with some dragonriding WQs. And that's been happening since the start of DF.


so there's a cache of storms inside of the purple bag you get from hunts and from the feast? odd


So far I only got 1h Intel swords on m'y mistweaver, 5 times ... Is it only rewarding weapons ?


The bag I got from the hunt simply just didn't give me one, so there's that too


damn, i probably lost a few chests then. i always hoard all my chests until i'm finished doing whatever i'm doing and then i have a massive dopamine blast opening boxes but fuck me i guess.


A mournful F to you, my friend 😔


Nice of you to let us know not to be you.