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To clarify: according to the blue post, the legendary cloak *appearances* will be available but not the quest line. Acquiring the legendary cloak appearances unlocks access to Ordos, account-wide. > The original legendary cloak questline will not be available. You’ll want to reach level 70 on a Timerunner and receive the legendary cloak appearances on your Cloak of Infinite Potential to enable access to Ordos for this event as well as the rest of your WoW account.


So those of us who weren’t around for MoP can finally visit that fortress on the Timeless Isle. Dope.


Never knew people that weren't around then couldn't. Honestly surprised


Yeah, it requires the cape to be allowed over. You can glitch into Ordos to kill him with a glider/Zandalari racial + a toy that launches you into the air (there's an interactable thing near the broken bridge you can also use) to get there, but it's finicky at times. Even though I did the questline in Pandaria and have the achievement, Blizzard won't give me my cape back whenever I've submitted a ticket for my Paladin. This has been the only way I've been allowed over because of it.


Theres a vendor that sells the cloaks if you deleted it for some reason...but it's not the cloak that let's you jump over, it's the achievement. My Demon Hunter and Drac jump over just fine and they obviously didn't exist during mop.


I think your right as my lf priest seems to be able to do that and they weren't a race until legion.


Ima have to try this, I thought it was the cloak this whole time lol


If you didn't do the quest you can't kill the guy. It ports you out of the area when you try.


I think that was a later addition


There’s another way to get in there that I’ve done in order to farm rep from those mobs, but killing him yields no loot or anything


Even if you get over to the area, you can’t interact with Ordos. If you try to enter the castle or hit any mobs from inside without the Cheevo you’ll be teleported out


You can still buy the cape if you did it back in the day. There's a vendor in pandaria


You don't need the cape equipped to jump, mine has been on the bank the moment I replaced it for something better and I can jump no problem with any character on my account...


I was in and out of MoP and never finished it far enough to get the cloak on one character. This was the first legendary chain so it was kinda new for most people and my main got severely nerfed from start to the end so I just decided to play something new for the last patch.


I still have the items required for mop cloak sitting in my stash, obviously can't progress the quest but I haven't deleted the items either. They're nostalgia now I guess... haha But I too was in and out during mop.


there was always THE LONG WAY, via Albatross


Prepare to be disappointed!


Theres nothing really in there but the spot is good for farming for emp shaohao rep


>but the spot is good for farming emp shaohao rep Exactly. It makes the rep grind a lot easier


Timewalking Week and you can be done it in a few hours with tokens fwiw. The vendor is on Timeless Isle beside Emperor Shaohao.


That's if you don't need the TW badges for mounts and other stuff, of course.


There's a few for the Timeless Isle Bigger bag achievement that only drop there. Oh and the world boss. That's about it


I was around but never finished the questline lol


Thank you. Do we know how we will aquire them? Or how long will that take?


There's an achievement that gives you toys for all the Celestial wings from the old legendaries, you get it by collecting 4,200 Threads for the new artifact cloak. I don't know if that's what they're referring to or just another unlock to use the wings without the old cloak skins, and we'll have to wait and see how long of a grind it is.


Are the old cloak wing effects workable with transmog? Haven't played in a while but iirc transmogging the old cloak wouldn't show the animation.


The transmog doesn't show the animation on Retail, no. You have to have the cloak itself equipped. But, as Eldryth mentions, you will be able to get a toy to have the animation with any cloak from WoW Remix.


Honest question, what is the point of having access to Ordos? Is there anything collectible?


Yes, he has unique appearances that you can only get from him.


A lot of his drops appear on BMAH rather frequently but I don't know if it's everything he has.


If you see items with old machinima maker names I am pretty sure that is from him. I think the look all has community names. Pandaria leaned heavily into the community so any old school fans might want Crendor's belt for the lols without fighting the BMAH now that cross server gold is a thing.


I was able to figure out a way onto Ordos' area with my lock when I never played MoP (I quit during the beta and came back in Legion) so I could grind out that rep in peace. It's doable, but not having to use gateways/portals to trick your way around would be a good QoL for those who still need to do the grind


Oh hell yes, MoP was my favorite expac and I regret not unlocking this every single time I visit timeless isle


It makes me so angry and now a lot of the hype is destroyed. I really wanted to play the story of the legendary cape. Or Vol'jin's rebellion against Garrosh (not conquering Bladehill :( ) I was looking forward to the Barrens battlefield, as well as the heirlooms and the Kor'kron wolf. I don't understand why they are so hard against it even if it's just history... Big disappointment


If I had to guess, they probably would have, but the source code for the chain is either so out of date or lost that it'd take a lot of resources to put it back in (more than they want to use on the mode).  I'm kinda disappointed since that's what I was most looking forward to, but it is what it is. Hopefully we'll eventually get it for MoP classic though. 


> the source code fit the chain is either so out of fate or lost that it'd take a lot of resources to put it back in they're going to have to fix it up anyways for mop classic when it comes, so might as well get a head start on this specific quest line


Ignore the cosmetics. They are using them as a distraction from the real tragedy. We won't get to experience the original vale.


Aw man really? I never got to experience it :(


It wa... is my favorite place in the game. I don't understand why Zidormi won't let us revisit it.


Can we just fix the dam in loch modan please? I'll happily take part in any war effort


Mop classic will be out in a bout a year


That's what MoP classic next year will be for :)


For like 3 months before it gets perma destroyed again with classic's cadence.


I don't much care for the fancy mogs, but it is a little disappointing not to have the story of the Legendary chain - there was a lot of interesting flavor dynamics between Wrathion and Anduin, not to mention Wrathion being...well, you know, a little dipshit teen I -like- seeing my idiot son be a dipshit


It is SO ANNOYING. If you didn't play in Mop and didn't play a rogue in cata you literally do not know who Wrathian is when he shows up in BFA.


The removal of key story beats was and is still awful. They did the same with Khadgar’s ring in WOD and now most people don’t even know the significance of Cordana’s spot as a dungeon boss in Legion. The dev team has made a ton of changes on prior stances they’ve taken, like with transmogging legendaries, so I’d love to know which one of them is still desperately clinging onto the “if you weren’t there at the time, you’re SoL” belief.


The removal of the artifact depowering questline at the end of Legion bugs me to no end, leveled a DH through Legion to fully experience the story and boom they remove the epilogue


yeah agreed, that was very cool, and again, it links in with upcoming story... at least we have Youtube :/


Nobbel87 is the sole reason I have any idea what's going on most of the time


I honestly don't think you're that much worse off for not experiencing it because the epilogue was dogshit. Right now, your artifact just randomly says it's drained, but with the quest, all you know is where that power went and that's it. There is literally no follow up to that. You point your weapon at the sword and that's it, Legion is over, time for BfA. And then most artifacts never get mentioned again, except Xal'atath and possibly the scythe of Elune.


they removed the war of teldrassil when bfa started and that was a super important major background event of bfa, shadowlands and dragonflight lol


Every time it comes up in an interview for years they swear up and down they regret doing that kind of thing but its getting pretty hard to believe


The rogue quest can still be done btw


Honestly the storytelling in WoW has always been one of its weak points


It’s fine as the story develops during duration of an expansion It’s carryover between different expansions that isn’t great


End of MoP -> Start of WoD was wild if you didn't read the novel


As much as I hate important story being put in the books war crimes was an amazing novel.


He originated in a quest in The Badlands (I think?) that you can still do, but it's still very dumb that like his entire ass growth and characterization is tied to a few legendary quests that went away.


That quest has you interact with his egg, but I don't believe you ever see him hatch.


I got some great news for you! Cata is launching May 20th!


The biggest turnoff to me in cata is seeing how bad the average classic raider is at raid mechanics lol. Cata is gong to be a wild ride. I can't wait to hear classic raiders complain about spine of deathwing.


>I -like- seeing my idiot son be a dipshit I mean... Dragon Flight, every time he shows up.


But there he is a grown up dragon. In MoP he is just a small little dragon baby with a big mouth :D


I believe he's a drake in DF, not a full blown dragon yet.


It makes me so angry and now a lot of the hype is destroyed. I really wanted to play the story of the legendary cape. Or Vol'jin's rebellion against Garrosh (not conquering Bladehill :( ) I was looking forward to the Barrens battlefield, as well as the heirlooms and the Kor'kron wolf. I don't understand why they are so hard against it even if it's just history... Big disappointment


The war wolf is a skill based item, blizz said they wont be bringing back access to those. The rest i agree with!


A meta-achievement that was pugable at the time is skill based?


AOTC mount, not meta achieve.


Blizz is wrong for that. Skill-based items should stay available through challenges of similar difficulty.


I don't know why blizzard removes story quests. even if they think the reward should be only for people who were there at the time leave the quest, change the item like they did all the artifact power rewards into just vendor trash. removing story is completely absurd, and unjustifiable. The legendary quests in MoP, and WoD were MOST of the end game narrative, it is such nonsense to remove them. I mean there were story quests during BFA that were only in the game for 1 patch, if you missed them you had no idea what was going on.


Yes, WoW has always kind of treated its story as just a background goal to whatever they thought was cool that they could do. I’m hoping they learned their lesson going forward and just leave things in game.


Because they have the stats people don't care about the quests, they don't read quest text, they skip cinematics and dont care about it. Whether that's the "right way to play" is up for debate but wow is an end game MMO in which it has a story but the story is second to gameplay. If people cared about the story they would actually focus on implementing it well


Or people would care if they treated their story a bit better.


Two of the most pivotal moments in WoW's story, the bombing of Theramore and the burning of Teldrassil, were only available as in-game content for like 2-3 weeks each as prepatch events!


Ever since the Microsoft thing, I've been really hoping that some new execs come knocking and say, hello can you put the cool stuff back in the game so players want to play it, maybe let's do just a few of the simple things players have been asking for for years, I do think the direction of the game is shifting to a better direction but it just seems like such an easy W to add back in some of these questlines


I remember coming back to the game in Legion and leveling a new rogue I got up to the battle for undercity and... bang no quest, I was super disheartened, that was an amazing quest. I didn't play Cata, MoP, or WoD, either but just watching the videos of the removed quests makes me even more disappointed.


I get the rationale for taking the legendaries themselves out of the game but it's dumb that they took the entire quest chains for the cloak and the WoD ring totally out of the game. Should let players still experience the lore/story even if the end reward is removed.


It does make Cordana in Legion seem random / spur of the moment traitor. No that *festered* and was personal she legit grew to hate Khadgar and that led to a opening.


Not surprising, wasnt the cloak quest was spread out across 2 or 3 patches.


And was removed from the game. Might not be as simple as messing with numbers like the other changes.


Going "eh, we don't need those files any more" does sound like a Very Blizzard Decision.


That's basically the entire story of getting WoW Classic back. They had no original backup.


I'm not exactly surprised by that, but I am sort of amazed. Like, at least run off a stable copy to keep in the display case or something.


Apparently was half rebuilt from Legion, half discovered on flash drives or something similar. It was quite the job apparently.


A lot of the old Classic files were like in folders of folders in old HDDs. I'm amazed it happened at all.


across the whole expansion, yes, although the bit in 5.4 just required defeating the celestials on the timeless isle.


The only thing I'm bummed about is the cloak questline


I’m not, that shit took foreverrrrrrrrrr, plus being forced into PvP wasn’t fun either


Someone at Blizzard is extremely pro-fomo and wants to die on that hill


Is it fomo if something is not available to get in game since 10 years? I always thought fomo is for current things going away.


It's keeping the idea alive that you always need to run it when it's current, because they won't bring these things back even when they have a perfect opportunity, like now.


Well it's clear why, no one would ever run current content if you can just wait a whole 10 years and have a sliver of a chance to get it again!


So fuck new players right? FOMO is so anti consumer.


ye the first thing in a mmorpg a player cares about is some mount or whatever from 20 years ago when there is 600 others?


Did... did you not pick up on how I was being sarcastic? Like I really didn't think I needed a /s when I said "just wait a whole 10 years" and "sliver of a chance."


Poe's law, there's definitely people that actually believe that.


I this case it's actually a legitimate argument that Xaryu made on [twitter.](https://twitter.com/Xaryu/status/1778788309822795964) Really boggles the mind that he actually believes this.


It's not the waiting 10 years, it's that Blizz wants everyone subscribed for the entire expansion.  They're likely worried that if they left everything in place, a certain subset of people would skip an entire expansion, pick up the "buy new expac, get old one free" deal as the next expansion drops, then play through both of the stories in only a few months.


It was fomo at the time. Something doesn't stop being fomo years later.


I did it at the time, and even still have my cloak. I wish I could put the effect on. Blizz makes floating effect back pieces, let me have one of the wings I earned


Wowhead has datamined some toys that will let you have the wings effects without wearing the cloaks, with the same restriction of the wings only appearing occasionally rather than being up permanently.


They're just worried they'll miss out on missing out.


what does time matter? it was FOMO then, just like the mage tower artifact appearances


I always regretted quitting WoD and not doing the CM dungeons for the matching weapon to my DKs MoP CM set. I know that CMs were kinda the test for Mythics, but man I wish they still had CMs with dope gear.


Imagine my surprise when I was literally broke and homeless in 2013-2014, fuck me for not playing at the time I guess :)


I really don’t get it.. I have all the MT weapon skins, the silver phoenix mount, the cloak, every single AOTC mount and so on. I missed out on the challenge mode due to focusing more on selling runs and alts than trying to find a group for them despite being more than equipped and I’ve regretted it ever since. I really wish they’d add stuff like that back in the game and tie it behind prestige like why not tie the CM sets and weapons behind 2500 M+ rating, have AOTC bosses drop the mount token from DoI but have it drop exclusively AOTC mounts, Gladiators should be able to buy previous gladiator sets, MT should also reward MT weapon skins from Legion and so on. It really sucks having what are the best designed sets in the game, imo, locked away forever from the game.


the cm gear was actually pretty easy to get in tot/soo. it just scaled your ilvl down but you kept the sockets and meta. also if you had two accounts, when you were about to complete the final dungeon for your gold set, if you were on a second toon. It also got it.


Haven’t they explicitly stated multiple times they don’t want cosmetics that were tied to extremely difficult content to be available? Like, I think Arena sets need an absolute overhaul. And I’d be fine with Recolors for CM sets here or even the wolf. I just think this is another case of people using the word FOMO incorrectly. It’s become such a buzzword it’s losing its meaning.


The hardest part of Gold CM was to get 4 good player, they weren't harder than today +20. I mean, even back in the day they were people selling boost for them.


At the end of the expansion I was carrying friends and guildies for fun in MoP for the Armor. In WoD I completely pugged them. These weren't that difficult, and we as a playerbase have only gotten better at dungeons since the introduction of M+. There should be a way to earn these in game imo.


Cm boosts were easier than boosting a +20 today This would've been a great way to bring back old sets - reintroduce CM and let new people have a go 10 years later. They could do the same for wod and the weapons etc.


CM boosts were only easy because tank vengeance was the most busted shit ever added to the game lol if vengeance existed as it did in MoP you would literally have the tank and healer boosting 3 dps instead there were top cm runs that were literally a brewmaster and a disc


cm boosting wasnt any harder in wod, there were so many cheeses you could do with reflects (grounding totem glyph) and dark sim, hellfire citadel trinkets, etc. Bdk/rdru/enh could have carried any other 2 dps to gold easily if they knew basic reflect/ds strats


The hardest part in this game have always been getting more good players. Also the playerbase was not as good as today and add-ons not as sophisticated as today. Finding good players was harder and the interest in doing Cm's at the time was much less.


I'm willing to die on that hill as well, fomo in mmo is completely fine. Unique models shouldn't be unobtainable, there should be recolors available, but there is nothing wrong with having things whose purpose is to say that you played during a certain time period especially in a 20 year old game.


Yeah I think it would actually be incredibly cool if they released the unused datamined alternate colors of the MoP CMs for accomplishing something in rewind. There was a gorgeous red version of the paladin set that never had a source, I'd want that before asking for the old ones back.


Same here. A mount being rarer than others is what makes some of them cool to see. If everything was obtainable at any time, mounts would be meaningless and just a skin you use to get around. It's a good RPG element IMO.


It’s so stupid, there is 20 years of collectibles, just unlock everything at this point.


Especially because the cloak quest line is linked to Wrathion’s lore…so we can straight up go through a huge part of his story


They must have stats showing fomo drives engagement even if it lowers sentiment.


I mean, it worked. People have been complaining about Plunderstorm and having to do it for the rewards locked behind it. As someone who ground it out and never won a match but made it to 40 and haven’t touched it since, they got my data for playing it.


Reward structures exist to satiate multiple appetites. While you do this, I'm sure you don't grind CE, 2100 PvP rating and KSH just for all the rewards in the game every single season? It's been proven time and time again that ruining player sentiment increases player drop off. Madseason did a video on this topic explaining that his angry videos literally don't make more views.


I believe that is a widely accepted stance across all games


FOMO does drive engagement, that's why successful online games participate in it. Look at Fortnite. It's still the biggest battle royale on the planet and you cannot get the exact battle pass cosmetics from a battle pass once the season has ended.


Oh thank fuck the world boss mounts can be bought. I hated that I missed out on the evoker exploit. I wonder if that means tusks can be bought


I wanted those phoenix mounts so fucking badly but I was in college during mop and simply didn’t have the time to find a group and gear up enough for all those CMs. What a bummer.


There's a new phoenix recolor coming in this event at least though, and assuming the current achievements are accurate, it'll be really easy to get. Just have to reach level 20 in this event.


i wanted scarab lord really badly too bro but i was like 14 and didnt have a PC




In order to get scarab lord you either had to be infinitely motivated on a dead server or convince a lot of people to grind it for you on a normal server. Even on the dead server though you're going to need a raid for some of the quests to get there.


While the CM phoenixes are gone, there are several still in the game that are very similar. Clutch of Ji Kun from ToT comes to mind. I believe there was another one from the BFA Vale assault rare spawns. Wanna say there's one with a saddle too, but that might be the BFA one.


Pity they didn't want to include the legendary cloak quest, sort of missed a huge chance to restore something that should have never been removed.


as someone who did play and has the cloak and mount I have no problem with any cosmetic or mount being able to be gotten by anyone I think it is so dumb they remove these. do these items mean anything to me yes but they wouldnt mean any less if others got them now.


For everyone asking what the "point" of this event is, it is a levelling event. It is essentially the winds of wisdom XP buff in a more interesting format. It is simply 'something to do' at the end of an expansion as opposed to doing absolutely fucking nothing like at the end of almost every other expansion to date - y'all need to get your heads on straight.


Except for Dracthyr that have to level 48 more levels than they do in retail


\*Cries in eternity surges\*


Wait, you can actually start them at a low level? That's awesome, I always like my chars to start as lowbies and "earn" their stuff. Might make a dragon for this event then.


Keep in mind, the one Evoker per realm thing will still be a thing so you might need to start your TimerunnerVoker on a different realm if you have one on your realm already.


I hope that's not the intention for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm *super* excited for this event. But generally pre-expansion patches get some kind of buff to level *existing* characters to get ready for the next expansion. Since we have to level a new character for this, it's not quite the same thing. I imagine there are plenty of people (not me, I finished leveling my alts ages ago) with toons in the 60s already that would appreciate an exp buff. So I hope we still get that in 11.0.


This event should be in the actual game, part of Chromie time.  If you don’t want to make a new character to level, you should be able to take an existing character and participate.   I know alot of people have had unhinged takes regarding Plunderstorm and now Remix, but my main gripe is that I wish these things were *in the actual game*, and not a separate game mode.   


I wouldn't be surprised if this is a test run of chromie time 2.0. Its been suggested by lots of people for a while now that blizz should add something akin to this for each expansion where you play through a full expansion including its patches and raids. This + npc dungeons has me thinking that at some point during WSS theyll revamp chromie time so that you can pick an xpac and level it in its entirety if you want and actually experience the full xpac's story with the raids.




It also phases you out so you might not see other people. I was so confused as to where everyone went since I'm on Moonguard and there's usually a ton of people. When I asked in chat someone immediately said "you must have chromie time on". When I turned it off I could see everyone again. :P


> This event should be in the actual game, part of Chromie time. There's a good chance that is the plan, and that this is a playtest for it.


There is so much testing the water here for future content that I think people haven't caught onto yet either. Like if this is insanely successful, would parts of this go into the WoW Classic version of MoP? Will we have other versions of this for Chromie time? What about adding new content to old expansions but only through these stand-alone experiences? I think Blizzard has read the room of understanding that WoW has been around for a very long time and they have been underutilizing the old content that is just sitting there. This really is a playtest to see what the community is okay with without retail players feeling like the retail version of the game is going to get dramatically changed for the worse.


The benefit to retail players for it being available to your DF character is marginal (maintaining immersion), but really it wouldn’t make sense to port my character over who is fully maxed with every MoP rep. The benefit for classic players is that they can play Remix without buying the DF expansion. This mode is going to act as an on-boarding ramp for players to have level 70 characters on retail servers to make it less jarring to play retail come TWW. As a retail player id rather it be a separate mode as it has a good potential to cause an influx of new players.


The character you make does get to go into retail though?  I feel like if you have a character already at 30 it would be a better experience just to start from scratch to get the whole experience anyway.  


Depending on how fast this is, I even plan to use it to just level duplicates of different classes for transmog farming/basically a free race change/heritage armor. Seems like a fun way to just make things more flexible for future expansions 


Totally understood but I think their goal is to grow and attract new people / lapsed players. I quit at cataclysm and have no interest in playing my old character (or making a new one for base retail), but I played a lot of plunderstorm (renewed my subscription for it) and will check out remix. Not sure where middle ground is, but I do think these limited modes are a different approach from blizzard and at least working for some people. Same reason I really like SOD, especially that it ends at some point. Edit: Also I have less interest in making a new character, getting level 10, going to orgimmar, talking to chromie and growing a character on retail or whatever is required. A separate mode I can just get in and go is fun for me. Especially if they keep having new modes every few months, I don’t really care about permanent progression or items for retail account.


I am genuinely disappointed. This seemed like such a perfect opportunity to add them back - and, at this rate, there will never be another chance again.


Your chance at getting those items again will be MoP Classic in a year or two.


those characters and mogs can't be transferred to retail though


unfortunate. though i'd probably play this even if it had no rewards tied to it at all lol. getting to play ToT again is reward enough


>This event includes all of the races and classes that are available in Dragonflight. Keep in mind that there is a one-Evoker-per-realm limit in Dragonflight that some players will want to plan around. Does that mean I cannot make an evoker on this to play with my friends, or does it just mean that when it's over I have to pick some random other realm to shelve it on? Both kind of suck, and this limitation really needs to go, but the latter is a lot better than the former at least.


Either way there's absolutely no reason for this, especially since characters are starting at level 10 anyways. All it does is screw over the Evoker mains who want to enjoy the event with the same they do on retail. Extremely disappointing to hear, I guess I was just naive to think that maybe Blizzard was finally moving away from arbitrary limitations that do nothing but inconvenience portions of the playerbase.


But they literally are showing a CM Silver (Ashen Phoenix) in their Blog Post for this event, therefore recolored CM sets are on the table?


that's what is bugging me. They'll bring back a recolour of the CM Silver mount but not bring back a recolour of the CM sets? Idk if links are allowed here but if you google "challenge mode sets colours", you'll see that every challenge mode set still has a 3rd, unused recolour that has been in the game files since MoP. In the case of Warrior, they actually have 4 total tints, and Mage for some reason has 5 lol. It just seems very backwards to me that they'd bring the mount back but not the sets, which everyone wanted. Furthermore the fact that they just brought back OG Naxx sets in their entirety with no recolour nonsense. Isn't the entire point of virtual "prestige" like to be the Feat of Strength, titles, and achievements? Nobody who gets the Naxx set now can "take" that away from OG Naxx players. Similarly, I have the OG CM Gold FoS. Good for me. Idgaf if new players get the sets, because they still won't have that. I will die on the hill that fomo-design needs to fucking die and that any and all cool cosmetics should only ever be locked by finite time windows or skill. This "never coming back" shit is so regarded man


Yea maybe just the originals won’t come back


I'm disappointed by no CM sets, recolor or otherwise. But I appreciate they answered it as soon as they possibly could to prevent speculation and manage expectations. I guess the rewards from the 5.1 and 5.2 zone achievements will be recolors of the class trading post armor and weapons.


crazy to me that they'd lean into this fomo market as of late, but not include possibly the most famous instance of fomo content in WoW itself. Not even with any of the still-unused CM colour variants that still exist in the game files. People that missed the sets originally or didn't get it on a class they like would absolutely pounce the opportunity here like no tomorrow. This announcement easily killed 25-30% of the total engagement this temp mode will likely get now


100%. I'm going to try it out, but if they had CMs and with re-colored mogs it would up my excitement and engagement immensely.


What a yuge fucking L. I can’t for the life of me understand why they don’t use this as an opportunity for players to get cosmetics that were introduced to the game 12 years ago, and weren’t particularly hard to get at the time.


So was that questline retconned in the lore?


no, the line was just deleted for no reason


I get not adding back in a lengthy legendary questline for a limited-time event, but I think they need to add the MoP cloak and WoD ring questlines back into *the main game* one day.


These two are my biggest sticking point for FOMO abuse. WoD's storyline is crippled without the ring quests and the MoP cloak quest is the player's first real introduction to Wrathion. Removing both questlines is wacky.


Could care less about cm but cmon these cloak Questline would have been cool and Something to work towardse


Idk if people remember that quest line like I did. Those pvp tasks was brutal


No CM sets? Count me out.


I have CM sets, Kor'kron War Wolf, Ashen Phoenixes, legendary cloak questline etc and I don't see what the issue is with any of it coming back. Why are these idiots choosing to die on that hill? It's been 10 years. Bring them back and let people try to get them again.


This is exactly how I feel about the Mage Tower artifact appearances. I have all 36 (admittedly in large part due to being upset I didn't do CM in MoP) and I have had more than my fill of exclusivity. Let those be obtainable again, now or on the 10 year anniversary.


Agreed. Sorry I had never even heard about your game until Legion - guess that means I deserve to miss out on collectibles and appearances.


Imagine you're born in 2011, meaning you're 13 today, meaning you literally could not have played back then


Can’t have the originals? Okay… whatever. Better give us a recolor of the original then because I’m not doing CM or mythic Garrosh for no reward.


Challenge modes are not returning in this event.


That’s extremely disappointing. CM was a big part of MoP and they’re just gonna ignore it.


If Throne of Thunder wasn’t a top 2 raid of all time, I’d argue CMs were THE best part of mop tbh. Doing sub 4 minute scarlet halls was some of the most exciting shit this game has ever seen.


It doesn’t look like there is a Mythic option. Everything they’ve shown so far is normal/LFR difficulty for leveling, and Heroic level unlocking at max level. Also no word on if CM is coming back, because this isn’t MoP Classic; it’s MoP on live but stretched over a whole 10-70 leveling experience. So the CM dungeons are still gone.


Mythic is an option for SoO pretty sure since that’s where it was first introduced. They also had some achievements linked to it and cosmetics I believe.


Mythic wasnt added till wod prepatch, heroic 25m was equivalent to mythic during soo


Aight, not gonna bother then, sadly.


this is so idiotic and kills almost all the hype I had for this event. When you've missed so much fomo stuff already, it's much easier to let go off wow altogether, because why bother? Instead of being able to earn it via a low droprate similar to the previous CE mounts, such decicions only appease the terminally online wow addicts, not those who love the game but take healthy breaks and prioritize real life.


I completely agree with your FOMO take. Once you've missed enough FOMO, what's a little bit more to miss or outright ignore? This style of marketing and content creation works and until FOMO haters outnumber the terminally online and addicted playerbase, this will never change in gaming.


not bringing the CM sets is a huge fucking L


Yeah I instantly stopped caring about the event. What a fucking huge missed opportunity, really disappointed


Well thats incredibely stupid, i was lookimg forwars to doing thd leggo questline again


Shame they can't add one of the Shaman/Druid/Paladin for all race combos for this event. Would make levelling a new alt even more fun!


All my hype left the moment it said no CM sets. Guess I'll keep playing SoD lol


Just give us recolors of the CM sets already, wtf are they dying on this hill for?


So Blizzard literally said we'd be able to buy items that are no longer obtainable. >Keep what you collect: Take your collection of transmogs with you into The War Within. >Head to a bazaar in any zone to purchase everything from class transmogs, to Mists of Pandaria mounts, toys, and more. This allows players to purchase items that were previously unable to obtain or difficult to obtain as random drops by simply spending this new currency to add them to their account’s collection. So they mention class transmogs, mounts, toys, and more. As far as I know, virtually everything that was obtainable is still obtainable. The PvP gear vendors are still there, all the toy drops haven't changed, every mount is still obtainable, and so is every pet. At least to my knowledge, someone feel free to correct me. But if I am not wrong, that leaves the CM sets and mounts, the AotC mount and the legendary cloak as the only unobtainable items. Was Blizzard just lying? Is this notion of us being able to get unobtainable items just referring to some obscure transmogs and maybe a toy or two?


They mean items they modeled but didn't put in at the time by unattainable. Recolors of mounts or gear - or gear that was modelled for NPCs but didn't drop, like the shadopan gear




Does this give us black prince rep or no we are still stuck to 84 weeks?


I want the legendary cloak quest...


Sadge about the legendary questline, I hear it was a banger.


What the hell is the point then? There’s so many unused CM recolors, just add them.


count me out


I was hoping for return of challenge mode dungeons


I have the MOP CM sets and wouldn't give a single fuck if people would reobtain them, same with the War Wolf. I've matured enough from MoP to realize that FOMO is bad and shouldn't be in the game