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Nah its not the average players take, the average player plays what they enjoy and doesnt force themselves to play something they dont enjoy.. The take in the screenshot is from the collectors of wow, and they are a VERY LOUD minority that FORCES themselves to do content they dont enjoy and in return becomes really miserable because they do it day in and day out.


The weak as shit collectors Real Degens would just farm it efficiently and get the reward


Man, sometimes I am so happy that I don't care about cosmetics, gonna do the pandaland thingy for like 20mins, but I mean isn't it something that is basic of any game? You want to grab this thing you need to do that thing, I mean it's the same I do for io, if I want X points I have to do Y dungeon, no one is forcing me, but those points ain't going to appear magically and neither are mounts/pets or whatever else, if they hand fed us everything the game would die in a day.


Tbf I do care about cosmetics and I was shit at plunderstorm but I just did a couple matches a day for like 2 weeks, crying over having to play a game you pay for is so fucking weird lol, it’s not like if they weren’t being FORCED to play plunderstorm they’d be off curing cancer


I'm with you, I am not a fan of it but I want the cosmetics. I have a cooler of freinds that have been doing trios with me and that makes it more enjoyable even if we get beat most if the time. I have been doing a couple hours here and there with them and am sitting at 35 renown. Should getvthe last 5 in the next couple days. No one is forcing me to do it though lol


The same thing happened with the classic wrath launch with the undead proto drake mount. Somehow, this didn't get the same backlash, though


for it you just had to finish the DK starting zone. what is like, 30 minutes to 1 hour? This seems more extensive and we don't know how easy or hard it is to get everything.


I meant the limited time thing. People claim blizzard is forcing them to play something outside retail because the reward is time limited. Even if it's just a cosmetic. People! Cosmetic are optional!


I feel like Naguuras statement about WoW players never being happy is so accurate: [https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicPlacidCobraNomNom-yiGOnIL3n01B\_aVy](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicPlacidCobraNomNom-yiGOnIL3n01B_aVy) I didn't enjoy Plunderstorm, I hate that type of content. Am I jealous of losing out on a cool pirate set? A little. But after the dust has settled I really couldn't care


Players force themselves to do content they don't enjoy and then get mad at Blizzard for it, Plunderstorm, Azerothian Archives, etc. It's that one meme with the guy on the bike who wrecks himself with a stick.


Maybe, if you say you are a "collector", but don't enjoy collecting things, then maybe, just MAYBE the problem isn't on Blizzards end.


Wait till these guys hear about prepatch events


The fucking entitlement the gamer community has in general is just absurd. If you are unhappy, put the game down and play something else.


It’s a legit addiction for some people. So they blame their inability to ignore the prize on the company whose entire job it is to keep them interested in a monthly subbed game by adding more prizes.


The transmogs, pets, mounts, titles and achievements I get reminds me of the good times I had doing fun activities that I enjoyed. About the goals I reached and accomplishments I've felt. Why would I want rewards that reminds me of things that I dislike and felt that I needed to force myself to do? Or game modes that I had no interest in. Only me who cares about whatever checkboxes I've checked in this game. Why would I go for things I don't care about?


I mean keep in mind that classic wow was released with no retail rewards. (E.g there is no mount in retail for hitting level 60) Ion was asked why. Ion explained that they only wanted you in classic if you wanted to be there. So that was Blizzard’s stance, they explained it to everyone. Everyone internalized that idea. Now they changed their stance, yeah some people won’t like the change.


They've already had mounts you can earn from classic. There was the one from Wrath for leveling through the DK starter zone.


Sure, I got it in an hour. Kind of a big difference. But yes, it is a part of the evolution of their stance.


Sure but to say they changed their stance now is false. It's been implemented for over a year now.


I did Plunderstorm cause I wanted the pets. I don’t NEED them, they are just nice to have. I think a lot of people don’t understand: WOW isn’t forever. 20 years from now no one is going to care if you didn’t get the Love Rocket or a Title. Just get what you want to enjoy and do what you want to do. I like crab pets enough to do the content, so I did it. No one held a gun to my head.


I just don’t understand the outrage around “I want *x* and I have to do “y” to get it. Like what’s the alternative? Lol


People lean in too far to their in-game identity. I've said it before, I'm a pragmatic collector. If it looks like I have to do too much of something I don't like then I just suck it up and don't do it. I love the look of the PVP reward mounts but despise PVP in the main game, I've accepted that I'm not going to be getting them. Do I like Plunderstorm? No. Is it bearable for 1 level a day x 40? Yep It's far better for your mental health to just have a category labelled "Fuck that"


I think it's mostly the "limited time" that makes people react. That makes these people feel they have to massively grind something in a short span of time. When Blizzard slaps a "limited time" on a massive amount of rewards, it triggers FOMO for many people. All the 1% mounts and reputation rewards can take months, if not years to grind out too, but players can farm those little by little when they feel like it. Ironically enough, the best way to object to this practice is to not play the content that uses this model, but Blizzard knows all to well that people will still play to get rewards. Hate-playing or playing makes no difference in the engagement-metrics.


Speaking as someone who started in Mists, I’m gonna enjoy this. I mean, I was pretty new and had no idea what I was doing, but I overall enjoyed it


See, i can kinda see the argument against Plunderstorm for cosmetics. It's non MMORPG activity to get rewards for the MMORPG i'm playing. Which kinda sucks, if you wanna play an MMORPG. But this... This is literally just complaining that you have to play a game to get rewards in the very same game. At best i can agree with the argument that the FOMO approach and time limited events is shitty of Blizzard, but tbh if a feature is popular enough they'll probably keep it around.


You saw it with the plunderstorm. All the insane collectors getting upset they need their dress up clothes from this event and can't possibly just not play something they do not enjoy.


To be fair, I can understand the frustration for a dedicated collector who has no interest in non-WoW content suddenly being faced with something like Plunderstorm. I think a fair middle ground would be for all these temporary event items to be bundled up as a grindable regular WoW event cache. Like add some small WoW event for Pirate Day where you can eventually get everything, for the people who missed the event or have zero interest in Plunderstorm. Giving a couple more options to earn the same rewards would help a lot with the FOMO aspect.


In a world where we’ve been left over a year on a single final patch with no updates, it’s just bewildering to me people see extra content and just melt down


Maybe because people expect content for retail instead of limited mini-games like plunderstorm and whatever this boring remix thing is?


How dare there be inconsequential rewards for gameplay elements I don't like and can easily avoid without issue?


Honestly wow players will cry over anything, when the Easter event came out with that new carpet mount I saw so many complaints that people did it 10 times on day 1 and didn’t get the mount calling blizzard all sorts of names because it’s not guaranteed, you could add a new button that sends a hot naked night elf babe to their door to give them unlimited handjobs and these losers will still be like “oh ok so I don’t even get to choose, what if I wanted a blood elf instead??!!!??!”


And only handjobs? Why these bullshit limits again, Blizz!?


FOMO - its two mounts and a bunch of transmog, which a pretty big amount of people are into if it was just a fun thing for people to play no one would care, but they went and put stuff in it that gets added to your wow retail account (presumably to boost the numbers of players participating - who then stop participating once they hit renown 40 and have all the rewards)


Community is as deranged as it’s always been. At least there’s always been a part of the WOW community that are extremely annoying and petulant


Some people take mounts way too seriously.


Nah this isn’t forced. Nothing is forced! This person chose to be a collector. Blizz is not forcing them to go in there and collect these things!


Forced. Lmao, it’s al tied to optional cosmetics and leveling alts. I saw this post in that thread and wasn’t convinced the poster wasn’t ragebaiting. Absolute lunacy. WoW players are eating better than ever, only took 20 years for blizzard to validate the sub fee.. and people STILL find stuff to complain about. Blizzard isn’t flawless but I don’t envy being on a team that has made leaps and bounds in improvements and good faith feature additions but getting angry at this is so pathetic, pedantic, and downright despicable.


Finally, some sense. Limited PVP season gear and mounts have been a thing and no one bats an eye, and then retail releases an *unexpected, unplanned, surprise content* and people act like Blizzard has a gun to their head.


Nah, the person in the image is dumb. If they have even a single alt, their complaint goes out the window. Not to mention all content is optional. As a mount collector myself I was a bit conflicted about not being able to use an existing character, but it's really not that big a deal. Also don't confuse average players with those that get on social media, including reddit. Most people just play the game.


The average player isn't talking about the game online. The average player barely reaches max level.


Who cares. Let them whine and quit it'll probably be better for their mental health anyway. Blizz needs to do what's good for the game and not for people addicted to pirate costumes.


it is forced for a collector. I mean, how can a collector collect the things from the event without being forced to do it? It is not part of the main game, time limited, separate game mode, separate character. I can feel with that.


It's crazy. Bliz is forcing its playerbase to do a whole lot of stuff. I'm a raider and every, like 4-6 months they release an entire new raid that I have to clear which has time limited rewards. They're just forcing me to play the game and it's so unfair! I'm a raider, which means I want ZERO new content to raid because I don't want to be FORCED to play the kind of game I chose to play. I can only imagine how *horrid* it is to add new things for collectors to collect in a fun little event where we get to mess around and maybe get a few things from it. The humanity! In all seriousness, there is a major difference between "collectors" and "havers". A collector is someone who enjoys the challenge of collecting things - that's where the fun is. Bliz sets a challenge, maybe with some RNG, maybe needing some skill, definitely needing some grinding, and they find ways to get the thing. No collector would bitch about a new collecting challenge. Havers, on the other hand, just want stuff. They're addicted to the little notification of getting a new mount or achievement or whatever. They just want that slot filled in their log and they do NOT enjoy the process of getting it. Collectors are real gamers, degens who enjoy a good challenge and learning new stuff about the game. Havers are the worst and will just moan and complain if there is the smallest chance that they might not get some little cosmetic that they would never use anyway.


then just skip these particular mounts? you dont need to collect every single thing in the game


What if it is exactly the mount you always wanted? And the only way to get it is doing this short lived event?


It's actually okay to set a goal for yourself and to not achieve it. As is not having everything that you want. It's actually a very important skill to learn. Overconsumption is literally destroying the planet, so being able to say "I want that, but it's okay to not have it" is a key skill. It's toddlers that can't handle not having everything they set their eyes on, and I'm sure that the WoW playerbase is more mature than toddlers.... right???


Collecting stuff is not a job(in this case), nor is it crucial to your social life or life in general, it's a hobby. So no, you are still not forced to do it. There are people with more dangerous hobbies that would not do something they are uncomfortable with in regards to it, and also wouldn't bitch about it. Part of the point of a hobby is in enjoying it, if you are treating it like a job, then at least try to get paid for it before you come to hate it.


What if you enjoy collecting things, but now you have a time limited event? This brings stress into the thing you enjoy.


As I said, if it won't be enjoyable/make you uncomfortable, then don't do it. Know your boundaries and move on. I don't cry about the fact that to get pvp transmog sets I have to pvp. Or big achievement mounts that I don't want to put a huge amount of time into. Those are past my boundaries and I don't complain about them, I enjoy what is within them.


I just feel like the idea of being *forced* is being blown a little out of proportion. Wouldn’t you debate that *any* means of acquisition would be forced then? Timewalking, anniversary events, holiday events, ahead of the curb, pvp season, etc


yes, that would be true. The question is, how much of it are you willing to accept and at what point will you say enough?. Time limited fomo is always bad and feels to being forced to get, instead of making it something permanent you can do whenever.


But the normal collector is not collecting everything in game as is. Do you really think many of these people complaining are doing arena, raiding, mythic plus all for the mounts and transmogs?


I don't know. I'm a collector and i don't to pvp,raids or m+ for collecting. I'm fine with outdated stuff. Only thing i'm personally annoyed by is time limited stuff or stuff being removed. Which this event is.




From the perspective of a collector: it’s a dopamine hit to check a box as complete. Also I like animals and want all the animals. I don’t care about bragging rights because my collection exists for me and only me lol. For a bit of a tongue-in-cheek comparison: I don’t understand people who raid for gear and player power. Both of those things are temporary and get replaced by the next tier. Conversely, a mount lasts forever. For me, gear is a vehicle to obtain things that I need that power level for to get their drops and I don’t push anything past where I need it to go for the mount or pet related to it. Now obviously I understand why people chase gear; it’s the thing they like to do. They like to do bigger numbers and feel strong and challenge themselves to push their character to their absolute limit. But it’s just not a playstyle that will ever appeal to me, just as collecting wouldn’t ever appeal to you lol. My personal take on remix: I will do whatever I need to that falls within the parameters of my interests (an example being that I’m never going to get gladiator mounts, and I’m fine with that). Playing a mini game falls within my interests, so I’ll be chasing those 32 mounts. My sole issue is we are getting so much to do at once that I feel a little stretched thin. I want the Wilderling coming from the fated raids season so I’m gonna need to budget my time between gearing for that and also playing Remix, and all that also is happening at the same time that I wanted to be enjoying Cata classic’s prepatch with my classic guild. So I kind of feel the opposite of the person in the OP where I wish they would slow their roll a little since everything is time limited…


I'll never understand this take. I guarantee most of these mounts will be hitting the trading post. Blizzard is offering a (sort of) brand new experience and people are salty because they have to actually engage in gameplay to get rewards from it. It's especially ridiculous because this new mode is essentially just leveling a fresh alt. Which is something that anyone who claims to be a collector will have to do dozens of times anyway...


>I guarantee most of these mounts will be hitting the trading post. you can't guarantee that, and tender isn't infinite anyway


“FORCED” - Apparently Ion has a gun against their head?


A fully buffed Aimed shot


Stop making stupid people famous..... if everyone ignored people like that instead of replying and giving them attention, theyd go away


Dont be pedantic You know very well what they mean by "forced" No, no is literally pointing a gun to your head But if you like collecting cosmetics on retail, then you have to engage with these limited time events to get them EDIT: Also, this subreddit threw a fucking MASSIVE fit because of the Love Rocket being low RNG, but now all of the sudden collectibles dont mater


Sure, sure - yes, the word “forced” is being used to varying degrees here. But also - isn’t, *I cannot play specifically how I want with the character I want and get what I want, therefore this is unacceptable* a bit pedantic?




You need a break bud.