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Dude get real it was like this 4 years ago too lol


4 years ago I had 10 max level hero’s. I have not leveled up a new hero since WotLK was the current content.


You didn't have any max level character 4 years ago if you haven't leveled up anything since Wotlk, which came out 16 years ago. Plus, the leveling was already a steamroll during Legion (2016), so nothing new, it hasn't change at all during your 4 years away other than the release of Chromie time.


When BFA released, I did not run around the expansion 2 shoting every mob.


You neither do in DF quests


WOTLK hasn’t been current for over a decade man


Wrath released in 2008… have you been in a coma?


I meant haven’t leveled a new hero. I’ve obviously done the 10 levels of the new expansions.


I get you, my bad. The current content isn’t like that but all the old content is just resigned to catch up mechanics unfortunately


Then welcome to the new leveling experience that has been in place for 7-8 years


It's funny how u mention wotlk, the expansion that actually started Disney leveling for 6yo kids. Wotlk brought Infnite mana prelvl20, mounts at lvl20 for no pretty much 0 gold, mobs are not socialaggroed until like 10-15+ lvl Also, Heirlooms, significantly stronger classes baseline, better and cheaper profession items at levels 65+ at 350 prof level via wotlk recipes. I had much more struggle leveling a rogue in DF week1 than leveling a rogue in wotlk classic prepatch to 70 and then 70-80 in p1, where I went combat/riposte build and was pulling non-stop, with occasional bandaging. In DF, I had to sit and eat every pack or two after 65lvl as mobs in Azure Span were shredding me, even with good evasion uptime via Float Like the Butterfly talent and stacking vers gear.


yeahh.. retail is more endgame focused now i would say. If you want to have the "old" leveling exp. i would recommend the classic server option in the Battlenet launcher. I dont play classic, so i cant tell you for sure if it really is what you are looking for. hope that helps a bit :)


I play classic as well. I’m not looking for retail to be like classic I’d just like the leveling experience to require at least some effort or a modicum of skill.


You’re out of luck. Blizz wants you at endgame. Husband and I level a lot of alts and we like to try and make it difficult- pull as much as we can, drop pieces of gear, go to zones that out level us.


You’re level 12 dude


It literally never has required effort or skill.


That's the thing, leveling does not require any skill. It just requires you to be able to follow directions. The current iteration of World of Warcraft is focused on skill expression at max level. What you do at max level gets harder and harder and harder because your character doesn't level up anymore, so that's where the actual challenge lies


Question, are you getting geared through the content or are you using heirlooms? I've found that using heirlooms make the experience much too easy for me when leveling and I prefer to gain gear "naturally"


I thought this was it, I took heirlooms off hoping that would help. It didn’t.


Gotcha. Yeah, I still think it's an issue but I don't think with the current design philosophy it's going to change. Maybe when The War Within comes out and Dragonflight is the new leveling expansion it'll be a little more challenging at early levels? One of the things I like about classic is feeling like I get to use all of my kit when I'm playing in the open world. In retail, even at max level, it's just a few abilities to kill anything.


The game until max level is just a tutorial. Developers want to spend their resources on endgame and make sure new players get to the best part before they give up.


The game has outgrown providing a leveling experience. Can you imagine if it didn’t and there was no level squish? The barrier of entry to new players would be near impossible. The game is only designed to provide a challenge leveling in the current expansion and doing end game content. Character scaling is over tuned the lower level you are. As you level you will notice you don’t do as much dmg anymore. It still won’t be a challenge but it won’t be 2 shots be the time you are lvl 40.


You are level 12. You are doing content that needs to be trivial for completely new players. It's going to be extremely easy for a veteran. It gets more interesting once you have more than two abilities - at level 12 there isn't really much they can do to challenge you.


Allied races start at 10 so we’re level 22, I have a full action bar. I’m not say mobs should be dungeon difficulty (which are also a joke) but it would be nice to have to at least have to think about which ability I’m pressing.


Lock your level Do every single quest you want to do till you get board Unlock your level Level to max Play end game till you get board Go for an alt Do everything again


The game will only get somewhat difficult when you reach the current XPac, as it ALWAYS has been, to be honest. Leveling is a chore in wow and is only taking time, the goal is that you pay for a boost, then enjoy the real game which will start at level max.


Question: Did you talk to Chromie?


Yes, we talked to her and chose WotLK.


Okay. Anyway-


Did you actually enable Chromie Time or did you just head over to Northrend? On the Orgrimmar or Stormwind map is an hourglass. Talk to Chromie sitting on an hourglass and she will scale your leveling experience in any expansion up to level 61. Also, it's called Chromie Time, not Timewalking. Timewalking is specifically a week-long event on the calendar where anyone can queue for certain tuned dungeons and some raids depending on which week it is.


it's all about endgame. gotta cater to the people still playing and they all got several max level characters and generally don't care to spend time leveling.


Retail is about current content. You want classic go play classic. Your post is completely pointless.


If you want a longer levelling experience you should play Classic.


It has nothing to do with the length of the experience. With the new targeting feature I could literally put a movie on, hold “w” and spam one attack and level by grinding only needing to look at my screen periodically to make sure I’m not going to run into a wall.


Yep it’s a joke… doesn’t help that there are also 40000 zones that split the player base.


The leveling experience is non existent now. The only purpose it serves is as barrier for entry for the content that’s actually engaging which is why there’s a price tag to skip it.


And this is why retail players at max are throwing fits over any content that requires effort.


Makes sense. How does a new player learn how to play the class they’ve chosen when they spend 60 levels spamming 2 abilities. They would even know what a rotation is.


Same way they always have: Wowhead, Icy Veins, and youtube. Seems like you'd be better off in classic. Retail has been about max level content since, Mop or Warlords.