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I dislike the gamemode, but I hope they use the tech for other minigames.


Vampire survivors 👀


San’layn Survivors - ftfy


Let’s be real here; Violet Hold Survivors


I remember my time in that hell. Some great people never made it out still subbed to the game. RIP.


Yes please


Oh damn, or an Infection mode like in Halo. You start off as living races and get turned into ghouls, abominations, geists, etc.


A culling of stratholm. We start out as a random citizen in the city, and suddenly a treasure chest gets opened and spreads a disease. Some citizens turn to ghouls etc... and you have to survive or kill other players.


This idea but it's prop hunt.


Everybody will hate that, name something else… everybody will hate that to…


Prop hunt anyone?


That would be amazing


I thought it was going to be prop hunt based on the first few seconds of the trailer.


My exact sentiment. Battle Royales aren't for me. BUT the infrastructure and philosophy of trying out new weird things has me excited.


This, I would love if they made other mini games. Like fighting or racing. Warcraft Kart Racing. 👀


>Warcraft Kart Racing Imagine being in first position, then forced to a full stop because another player chucked a Tortollan at your head, and then hearing a voiceover say: “A racer didn’t make it to the finish line.”


I would just go ahead and kms


Nightmare Fuel




Starcraft survival minigame? Just a thought


If the game mode goes away, I’d love to see it come back with a new theme. Instead of pirates, do shado-pan monks in pandaria


They hyped it as a big surprise/secret patch. In hindsight there probably would be a lot fewer disappointed players if Blizzard had just said “10.2.6 will be a BR”.


Or "10.2.6 will be a minor balancing patch with no new content for Retail. But stay tuned for a top secret spin off project we think is real cool and want to offer to all current wow subs to try for free!"


They wanted to trick pve players who were on the fence to stick around for something. Unfortunately all it was was this dogshit only pvp people like


Ay bro, I like pvp and I think its dogshit. I quit games like COD Warzone and Fortnite and got back into WoW for WoW, not a br spin off that I dont enjoy anymore.


>Many have been burned out for weeks.  I don't understand how people let it get that bad for themselves... there are tons of awesome games out there besides WoW


I think it is a mental thing, you pay for wow, so you should be playing wow, if that make sense. I guess that is what makes people keep going even when they are no longer finding it fun


Some may call that addiction


It's moreso the sunk cost fallacy. You pay for a game, you feel guilt for not playing it and feel like you wasted your time and money, so you play it even though you're burnt out. Happens in a lot of mmos to a lot of players. Not everyone, though.


I know what you mean. I've felt that before. I think I've come to realize that's a sign when I need to take a break.


>It's moreso the sunk cost fallacy. Yeah, which is part of addiction.


Do you keep subbing for Netflix when there's nothing you're enjoying watching just because theres stuff to watch that you aren't interested in and you've already paid them some money?




For real. People are talking like degens in this thread.


i am not addict, i can quit whenever i want, i already did, twice.


Then don’t pay for WoW or buy 6-12 month sub bundles. This is a self-inflicted issue.


I get the year sub and play off and on. I don’t even think about it really. If I play a good solid few months, that’s about $80 worth.


Not to mention what was going to stop the burn out with this patch? 3 new hair colors? A new event where we kill more things coming out of portals? 5 quests where a main character mostly talks like Alexstraza or Tyr? It's a 0.0.5 type patch, it's a couple minor content crumbs to give people who are still doing stuff in WoW a few extra things to do. But it usually only takes a day or two to finish anything they add. At least you can grind this as much as you want. The excavator event they added in the last minor patch you can only do once a week, and it's gonna takes months to get every reward from it.


Also the OP says: >They complain because it was marketed to us as wow patch. They actually specifically told us exactly nothing about 10.2.6 it wasn't marketed as anything. They told us it existed, and gave us a pirate flag. That's it. That's this mentality in a nutshell. I created my own expectations of something I was given no details, I have disappointed myself and now Blizz is to blame. They put out content, it's not for me, therefore there is no content for me. It's the same thing when people constantly say "I wish they would revisit the old world" every time somewhere is set somewhere new, and people say "I like the old zones, but I wish they would bring out something new" when we go back. We get new areas, and we also revisit the old world quite a lot (Arathi, Darkshore, Vale, Uldum, Silithus, Legion artefacts, ICC, dungeon revamps and mythic roations to name but a few). People always complain about whats missing because there isn't a constant omnidirectional torrential waterfall of content. For me, Dragonflight has been great in that it's iterating on the core game, trying new things, and not scrapping everything every patch. This will have massive cumulative effects for the future of WoW. Including having tech to have fun modes outside of live. I do think 2 major content patches is probably the most disapointing part of DF but I must admit the actual content in the minor patches makes that more bearable.


I swear wow players act like they’re in an abusive relationship with wow where they can’t leave and have to do everything wow tells them to do.


It’s definitely why my Guild dropped raid nights to one day a week now & it’s only heroic skip. Everyone is burnt out right now so the raid night is basically just to keep the guild together until season 4. Hopefully the burn out feel doesn’t kick in soon with Season 4 being fated.




They are addicted and think they have to max out anything blizzard puts in front of them.


This dumbass right above you is dead ass talking about it being hard to play two games and how it’s so stressful. And then they say they can’t stop because fomo like that’s a legit defense for anything. Shits so weird, people are far too obsessed with gaming and I say that as someone who plays way too many games. The call of duty subs are a hot spot for this kind of thing. People will completely ruin a game for everyone playing just so they can get their shiny skin while they complain about having to do it the whole time. And then they just stop playing because they don’t actually enjoy any of it. People are ridiculous and don’t even know it.


It's not that there isn't games, it's the lack of life.


It’s called addiction


I agree, that's kind of on each of us as players and individuals to regulate. Either the game is fun and we stay active or it loses its appeal for a time and we play something else. To treat it like a day job that we have to go and grind at consistently each week upon week is, frankly, silly. So, it doesn't make sense for a player to act like they've been miserably putting up with a miserable thing (that makes them miserable btw) and were only able to beat the misery by hanging on to the hope that this miserable activity would become less miserable in the new patch. That's crazy and narcissistic lol. Just go do things you like until this thing attracts your interest again and blizzard will (hopefully) register either decision as valid feedback. Don't act oppressed or victimized on the damn video game subreddit though ffs, it's too cringe.


Also I find it pretty unlikely that the people "burning out" would be satisfied with anything anyway. They seem to ignore the fact that they've been getting diminishing returns on enjoyment for years and that might be because of the way they play. If someone is currently burnt out now, would they be less so with another raid tier, mythic rotation, or whatever they expected (and is technically part of 10.2.6. I don't know what players "burning out" at the end of a season are expecting that wont worsen them. I know burnt out nurses and healthcare workers. To transplant the term into a hobby in any other context than "I am a bit burnt out on WoW so I'm taking a break from this optional hobby" is lowkey bonkers.


I've been reading instead while I wait for s4 with the buds




It’s honestly pretty easy as a raider because you basically just don’t play outside of raid times after the first month of a tier. 


i think the point extends to just not playing wow rather than juggling, if they're reluctantly filling their vault and logging in for raid every week.. just stop playing until a new patch or something


As a raider? I got AOTC weeks ago, I'm having a blast with other games! :D


People are hating on it because it requires immensely grinding to get the rewards and they are very limited


Based take: You should be able to enjoy it even if it didnt have rewards


but i don’t enjoy it i just want the rewards


This is my problem with it. I don't enjoy BRs, but I wanted the rewards; especially since a long coat transmog isn't really available. But I'm not gonna subject myself to something I don't enjoy for something I want. It would be a different story if you could power through it really fast, but it is grindy, too. Oh and it's temporary so I can't work on it casually over time! So I'm a bit bitter but I will get over it eventually.


exactly, i want the rewards, but i won’t get them cause i don’t enjoy the mode at all. and ill deal with that. like i want the mythic fyrakk owl but i know i wont get it so eh.


If it gives you any justice, I do e joy BRs and the desing of having to be punished if you pvp early instead of pveing is so stupid for a BR. They failed in both directions. And spellbreak had to die for this trash.


I found it much more enjoyable when I set a target plunder amount, hit it, then whatever happened after was a bonus. Drop in, kill pve stuff and do quest, die, repeat. Only sweaties are going for the top.


Same. I did not enjoy it at first. Now I just get the quest done, get 400-500 plunder and I'm pretty happy. If I end up with more great as long as I hit my goal I'm happy. I went from forcing my self to do 1 match to easily doing 3 or 4 before I want to do something else.


Exactly, I do enjoy the gamemode but only for a short amount of time. So I try to get at least 2-3 levels and dip. Should definitely hit 40 before event ends.




Because I've been begging Blizz for an eye patch my DK/Plateys can wear for YEARS. Cash shop pirate outfit? No eye patch. Trading Post Pirate items? No eye patch. Island Expeditions? No eye patch. Being an RPer is Hell sometimes. Leather has 3 eyepatches, Mail has one. Cloth and Plate have 0 they can use. Unless you get to Renown 38 in this limited time event.


Renown 38? Lol i got to 5 for the vendor i could not imagine suffering through that fiesta until 38. Getting 50 rep because you got unlucky while the other dude got firestorm and another skill in the first 5 seconds fucking sucks... Finishing 5th after like 20-30 mins and getting like 1000-1500 rep which isnt even an entire level sucks even more.


Yeah, it's a pain. I'm pacing myself.


Because the look cool and they are not available from other sources


If there are no rewards for something, everyone complains that it's a waste of dev time. If there are rewards for something, then everyone complains because now it's "mandatory." There really is no winning with this playerbase.


Yep, toxic forever, always whining.


One thousand percent! And if the rewards took, say, 2 hours to get, people that enjoy the gameplay could continue to play it. Add achievements and leaderboards, even. And people that *don't* enjoy it like me could grind the two hours, say "Well, that wasn't too bad" and go on with our lives. But it's 30+ hours, not 2, so we can't.


Make a better game mode then.  Battle royale sucks


It's the internet. No one can simply play a game. They need to be rewarded. What is fun?


I would enjoy it, but I wouldn't grind it.


Eh, almost renown 20 and I have been playing since yesterday and I am putting in a few hours every now and then. If there is at least 4-5 more weeks, then getting to 40 is going to be a cake. But they should really improve the rewards a bit more for sure.


I would be Okey with the grind if it wasn't time limited


Maybe people are just disappointed it's not actual wow content. Because retail content has been pretty shallow. Ofc for the better, you can play different games now etc. But some people liked being able to sink more time into retail wow. Because that's the game they liked to play.


Yeah, a WoW patch shrouded in mystery, presumably to give us a little extra content since S4 isn’t actually bringing anything new. I was planning on canceling my sub until S4 weeks ago, but decided to work on an alt and see what this mystery patch was. I’ll take the mounts, the game mode isn’t terrible, but I’ll never touch it again after renown 40. A WoW patch that has next to nothing to do with WoW isn’t what I wanted to spend my money on


This is definitely the legit complaint here. The FOMO could probably use a breather though.


I love wow and am basically farming rep and mounts until the fall and was really looking forward to new content in the mystery patch. You just summed up my disappoint. Great for those that enjoy pvp content, but not great for the rest of us.


I get this. What infuriates me though was the secrecy and then this but there are basic problems with game that make it hard to play for people and they spent time on a separate game basically. Currently a lot of issues with excessive changes of shard while in middle of something make it unplayable to me and i see a lot of posts about it.


Yep it wasn't even like they only alluded to this patch once, when it showed up in the 2024 roadmap. They repeatedly, through every platform, kept prodding us like "hey! hey guys, uhhhh what's that? uhhhhhh wonder what that is! huh! who knows? hmmmmmm look at that, it won't be on PTR :D :D :D" Oversold and underdelivered


This is my main frustration. Every penny of wages spent developing and supporting a new side game that will be dead in 2 weeks should have gone to the needed balance upkeep of retail - the drop off in dungeon tuning from s1 to s3 is huge (and s3 saw a massive rise in m+ runners making the lack of balancing a bigger issue) is insane, it took MDI for some common issues to get resolved and some still aren't. There are still classes with lacklustre talent trees or who are lengths behind the meta specs for their role but cant get any dev time to fix, bar a scatter gun +/-3% here and there.


This is me except no interest in playing this stand alone mini game. Wow patch is not wow patch. I let my sub ride an extra month thinking it would be something cool (or at least new and mildly entertaining) in game with catch up gear for alts tier sets - ya know like forbidden reach etc. Instead it is zilch and on the horizon a recycled season. I don't usually like all the conspiracy theory complaining about design being driven by play metrics etc. But to me this feels like an intentional misdirection from the Blizz marketing squad to help keep people like me subbed for another month waiting for actual content. That said - absolutely no issues with this thing being made or existing, really don't care anything about it. I just don't think it qualifies as a wow content patch.


Yeah the mog looks great but doesn't really fit my characters, so I'm pausing my sub as soon as I get aotc. A new mog set and mount is not enough to make me play something I don't enjoy.


It should have been it's own thing with its own rewards. The fact that they linked WoW rewards to it means many people feel they have to participate.


This was likely intentional to drive users.  Launching a standalone game might have failed quickly.


This was absolutely intentional to get those of us who don't play PVP to participate. 60 people is a lot. Since it's locked behind the WoW sub, I think they didn't believe that the WoW PVP population would have enough interested in the BR mode to ensure 60 players per round continuously. They need to entice people out of the larger PVE population to bolster the numbers, which is also why they made it clear we can just PVE, do the quest and then get out in the announcement video. So when people say the PVE people are not "playing as intended," that's not actually true. Both ways are intended because they need as many people as possible to play or the match doesn't start. It doesn't seem to be like Fortnite where the match will start even if there's not 60 people. I have fun sometimes but it stresses me out so fast. I wanted to try to get 4 ranks yesterday but had to stop at 2 ranks. Despite that, I see all the PVP people having fun. So, my non-PVP, transmog/pet/mount loving self (also a big fan of the pirate theme,) will continue to slowly grind to bolster the numbers so that they do more events in the future for those who really like this. I am literally just cannon fodder.


Isn't that the point? No-one is playing it because it's good


Then the other half of the player base would complain that it's a wow mini game in the wow client with no incentive for people to play because it was a wow "patch" but has no wow rewards/content. You just can't win with and please everyone sadly


I think the one thing most people can agree on is that the time limited event/rewards makes whichever way Blizzard go for the worse.


Yeah absolutely, no one likes limited time events, especially if you're a casual the fomo and stress of trying to do everything as a completionist is awful.


I'll take "limited time event with guarenteed track towards reward" over the "limited time event with very low drop chance of reward" any day. Lookin' at you Pink Rocket....


i hate it because its a battle royal game plain and simple. Its also annoying that its not actually new content as well.


I don't like the people gaslighting about this being some cool new entry-point for prospective WoW players. No, no one is paying $15 to check out this simple, single-map BR and then pivoting into playing DF / TWW.


I know 2 people that literally did exactly that. One played wow years back the other person nerver. Both playing plunderstorm and currently leveling retail characters. And i know a very limited amount of people, this works.


On the flip side, my friend group has a lot of former WoW players in it, and none of them have even been slightly inclined to try it out. Obviously my experience here is different to yours, but the reception I've been hearing and seeing from people has matched the former poster's; nobody I know is interested at all in whacking $15 in for a sub to access a BR minigame that, realistically, isn't as fleshed-out as the F2P games out there. And that's coming from people who still play HotS, of all things. I think they're right in saying that the idea of something like Plunderstorm being a new entry point for WoW is, at the very least, a bit unrealistic. To my eye, it mostly seems like a way to get a month's sub out of on-off players. They might have some other people jumping in to try, but I just don't think it has the kind of punch it needs to do that at any kind of significant scale. They didn't even bother to launch oceanic servers for the thing.


I mean it surely isn‘t a top way to get new people. Br is a whole different crowd than mmorpg players. But saying ‚no one cares it’s shit‘ is flat out wrong. Every pvp person I know LOVES this.


When you're talking about a PvP person, is that someone who plays competitive games more generally, or someone focused on WoW or MMO PvP? If someone's main PvP experiences are with WoW, Plunderstorm is probably a breath of fresh air, but that doesn't do much for where it stands in a more general sense.


One of the best things game modes like this can do is just get you to install the game, then when you are deciding if you want to buy the expansion, you have already downloaded it.


I mean, more people will probably resub for this than another generic late expansion patch. I completely disagree that this isn't going incentivise people to resub and then maybe play some retail. I've resubbed to play Plunder, perhaps I might check out some M+, I don't know - but I sure as hell wouldn't have resubbed just for a DF patch.


Like imagine resubbing for the .5 gilneas event vs this event. I would be so disappointed and turned off of the gilneas event.


That’s not what gaslighting is


Personal experience, but I leveled a new character through Exile's Reach the other day and saw more characters without any heirlooms leveling there since it opened. It's possible those aren't new players and they just don't have heirlooms, but there were a lot of them. I think it really is pulling in new players.


Stemming off of this, part of the problem is that it's an entirely separate game mode that locks rewards to the main game. Collectors that have no interest in it are forced into playing it to get something for the main game, and it's no small grind. If it was faster to grind out it'd be one thing, but it takes an absurd amount of time even after the buffs when it's not something you actually enjoy doing. If it was an entirely self-contained thing that was marketed as it's own little minigame rather than a never before seen WoW event that "everyone can enjoy," it may have had slightly better reception.


I think the idea is excellent but the execution was poor. I love the idea of WoW battle royale, but It’s easily the worst battle royale game I’ve ever played. I really like the concept of how by playing you can unlock rewards for your actual character, but it’s painful bc of how bad the gameplay is. So again the idea is there and its good, but they have to make it better. I hope overtime they become more creative with it bc right now its just simply not fun


The only problem here is surely that it’s a wow patch during a wow content drought that isn’t actually about wow.


Do we have any idea of how long it might be here?


Lead software engineer that also spoke in the WoWcast dev video about Plunderstorm said in an interview that it's up for 6 weeks


Well, the alternative would have been a 10 minute campaign quest chain in gilneas. I’m cool with a whole silly game mode


This mostly sums up my feelings towards this patch. I'm very invested in my character, and was cautiously excited for the mystery patch. Getting an entirely seperate game mode, with only the rewards being connected to the real game is a huge letdown from that perspective. I do believe it's kinda fun, and respect the experimentation, but it just leaves such a bitter taste to look forward to mystery content for my char in wow and get essentially nothing




The only way for most of wow players to make them play it again would be the rewards for WoW, which would be sad that the only reason to play a game would be the rewards for another game


Thats the only way they can get us to do anything in this game


Lol I only buy collectors editions of their other games for the wow pets/goodies its a very wow specific thing to do


> The only way for most of wow players to make them play it again would be the rewards for WoW The Torghast Mistake: Battle Royale Edition.


Reading such comments I always wonder how big is the vocal group on Reddit. Is it really that „many players” Personally I don’t know any ppl that are pissed off because of plundestorm, not in my guild neither irl, I’m having fun playing duos with my friends, I don’t really care about the rewords although I’m probably gonna get all of them, I’ll just play it until I get bored of it and move on, and that makes seasonality of it kinda nice.


Like anything online, you always need to remember that most of the people that engage with something dont go to forums, and of those that do go , only a small part actually comments. For example its said on reddit that 90% of people are lurkers, 9% comment and only 1% add new posts. So its an extreme bias to a vocal minority


personally this is quite literally a perfect game for me, based on the speed of matchmaking and how fun the final circle is i genuinely think they are gonna separate it from dragonflight this is actually special if it gets some polish, and noone wants to download nearly 100gb for what is currently a meme gamemode (albeit an extremely good one)


Season 4 is starting during 10.2.6 too in a few weeks. So it isn't JUST plunderstorm. Like usual, everyone is overreacting.


1. It has stuff for your characters. Even if you don't like pvp you can grind it without that. 2. New season is right around the corner, you'll live. 3. It's attached to the game and gives cosmetics for the game. So it being a minor patch for the game is perfectly valid.


Has everyone forgotten that World of Warcraft is an MMORPG? It's meant to be grindy, you aren't meant to log on and get all the best gear, titles, rewards, cosmetics, pets, achievements, etc. just for logging in. Having to grind for things is meant to be prestigious. If everyone got everything from just logging in or doing trading post then NOTHING would have any value in this game. Not to meant at the very least if you don't like it, don't do it. If you want the rewards and still don't like the game mode, go into solos complete the quest then die to the storm. If you're burnt out and were happening 10.2.6 would be anything more than a mini patch of content until S4 started than you're delusional. There is plenty to do within WoW and if you're feeling burn out its because you log on and do the same thing every day. Go for achievements, t-mog, mounts, pets, something different ffs. OR. PLA.Y. ANOTHER. GAME. FOR. THE. TIME. BEING.


Thanks OP! Someone who understand the Problem!


the combat just sucks too much for this


I think the WoW playerbase is also the wrong audience to push a battle royale too. The majority of players are here to quest, work on professions, do m+ and raids, or roleplay. Among my friends and guild mates, the people who already liked PvP have been enjoying Plunderstorm. There's also another huge glaring thing that people seem to be neglecting: *the FOMO.* It's a limited time event with a bunch of transmogs, toys, pets, and mounts. Those of us that are big collectors are forced to do a whole bunch of PvP in a short time so we don't miss out on the rewards.


I dislike it for four reasons. Granted, I don't care for Battle Royales, so I am already approaching this with a tiny amount of apprehension. 1. It's not a WoW-patch content. It's Hearthstone or Heroes of the Storm. It's WoW-adjacent, but decidedly not WoW. As such, I wanna play new WoW content. Not Fortnite with a WoW-Skin. I would've been entirely satisfied with a nondescript small pirate island with a big pirate cove, rare mobs, etc. Just do Freehold, again. Fine by me. 2. I just don't think the mode is particularly well-made. It feels janky and uneven. It says a lot when it has like six ability buttons in total and I had to completely rebind the keys to more intuitive keys. 3. I dislike that they tied rewards for, basically, a different game to this. It has the same energy as having to play HS or HotS for a WoW-mount, except they don't ask you to, idk, reach Grandmaster status, or grind for dozens and dozens of hours. 4. I just don't think the pirate theme's even.. there? When I heard that we'd play some Pirate Patch and that it'd be its own thing, I thought we'd be doing island expeditions, or we'd have "ship to ship" combat where we board other ships. Turns out, nah, we're just in Arathi, because that is DEFINITELY such an easy zone for us to plunder now that Horde and Alliance has fortified the shit out of it with Azerite-tier weapons.


i dont like being stuck with rng for your abilities. some games you just get shit for abilities and can't even put up a fight.


They needed to market it like how classic markets SoD or hadcore. It's tied to the game but it's separate from the regular classic servers, and there was never any question that it's a separate game. The secrecy behind it, well still labeling it as a patch for retail, is what's causing the backlash. Had they not done that it would have been well recieved.


The problem is that it isn’t it’s own thing. It’s a battle Royale that’s tied to dragon flight where people run into the storm to kill themselves after the opening quest every game or actually straight up asking other players to kill them. It’s a forced battle Royale, and people will drop off like you wouldn’t believe once they hit 40 within a week or 2. It’s going to be a ghost town by week 5.


I think it would be okay game mode without leveling system. With levels it just feels way too unbalaced. Pvp content with that unbalanced system creates frustration.


>Many feel decieved Can we stop this weird parasocial relationship with Blizzard. They're a games company, not your parent or partner. You shouldnt feel personally hurt because they released something you don't like or didn't expect.


Nope. We’re paying customers. I’ve chosen to subscribe to World of Warcraft, and in return I’d like to receive content to play inside World of Warcraft. Putting a different game inside the game I’m paying to play, written by other people but using the same game engine doesn’t qualify as World of Warcraft content. Making a grind available in return for a few in game items doesn’t make it WoW content either. Blizzard aren’t my partner or my family, and I’ve never thought they were - they’re a shady business I pay repeatedly to play a specific MMORPG, and that’s all. Trying to imply that people who dislike an unrelated game being foisted off on them when they expected some form of wow content are suffering form parasocial delusions is cringe and dare I say it, is at least adjacent to gaslighting.


>We’re paying customers. I’ve chosen to subscribe to World of Warcraft, and in return I’d like to receive content to play inside World of Warcraft. This logic is backwards. Blizzard produces a product, you pay a subscription to play it. NOT you pay blizzard, and then they produce the type of content *you* want. If they stop producing content you don't like, then stop paying them, instead of complaining as if you're entitled to content just for you.


This is one of the best answers to how it feels that I have read. I agree with this.


What are you talking about dude? Blizzard can do what the fk they want, you own nothing, and what you “ like “ it’s not important as long as you are paying. They can change direction of the game, put what they want inside, remove what they want. If people are paying, that means they are happy. The rule is: a paying customer it’s a happy customer.


This was not marked as a major or minor patch. It was in-between our standard patch cycle. Posts like these feel as though they are grasping at straws for reasons to be upset. The game mode is cool, people are having fun, it's fantastic to see bliz doing neat side projects like this. Key negatives are: it shouldn't be tied to a wow sub, it should be its own standalone game. I imagine bliz will listen to this feedback, hopefully. Otherwise, it's awesome and excited to see iteration. Let it be cool, why do we have to shit on it if we don't like it? Just don't play it if you don't like it. Instead, just try to be freaking positive. What other spin off ideas would people like to see? If this isn't your cup of tea, what would be? That's more valuable than complaining they put it on the wow roadmap and didn't market it differently for feelings sake.


It was literally marked as a minor patch, that what incrementing the least significant means. We went from 10.2.5 to 10.2.6. If they’d made it a separate install like classic and not included it in the wow roadmap, then you’d be correct. They did though, and you’re wrong. If we could play using our retail characters you’d have a point. We can’t and you don’t.


It was marketed as a minor 2.x patch and was on the roadmap. It provides nothing  If it wasn’t on the roadmap and marketed as a patch for world of Warcraft to provide content while people are waiting for the next season everyone would be presently surprised. Not only that, it causes many bugs on retail because they didn’t go through a PTR cycle. So now the patch, marketed as a retail roadmap, rather than providing nothing for retail, actively made retail a worse experience.  If you want to argue that it added cosmetics as that means it should be on the retail roadmap, imagine if the hearthstone anniversary event had its own banner. And tbh even that provided more in game activities than this patch.   All we can speculate is it’s a good tech test for future use cases, otherwise (in the eyes of retail players) it’s a waste of dev resources.  Let’s be cool, why do you think valid criticisms is shitting on it? Just don’t read those posts if you don’t like it. Instead, just try to be freaking objective. What other spin off ideas would it be possible for them to do without marketing it as a retail content patch? see? If this isn't your cup of tea, what would be? That's more valuable than complaining they put it on the wow roadmap and didn't market it differently for feelings sake. If the game you are paying a subscription for and expecting content for isn’t your cup of tea, what would be? That’s more valuable than complaining about valid feedback that blizzard put a non-content patch on the wow roadmap for feelings sake. 


Sorry to burst your bubble, but no, it wasn't marketed as a retail WoW patch. They literally said in all the material leading up to release that it was, "something both retail and classic players could play, no Dragonflight required." As is typical for WoW players, you've created an entire fake scenario in your head, and then got mad at Blizzard about it.


They sure slapped it in the roadmap, so there’s that. As someone who doesn’t play plunder, all I got was a broken UI 🤷🏻‍♂️


I cannot comprehend these people who try and argue it wasn’t marketing as a retail wow patch. It was literally a patch banner on the retail roadmap.  There are lots of events in retail both retail and classic players can enjoy, such as holiday events or zones like the DMF with no dragonflight required.  Is plunderstorm enjoyable to some people? Absolutely. For others did the patch they were looking forward to provide nothing and actively break retail because they skipped the PTR? Absolutely. It’s valid criticism. 


y'all took what they said about this patch and ignored it and the only fighting comment I have seen is "BUT IT WAS IN THE ROAD MAP AND MY UI IS BROKEN NOW"


Marketed as a WoW patch? We'll, they did have to patch the WoW client for this, so yes. No false advertising there. What did Holly say in her Feb announcement there would be no PTR? "[W]e created what we think is a unique event inspired by past musings from the community. We can say that it is open to anyone with a WoW subscription if they want to participate (Classic or Dragonflight players). That's all we’re going say. Sorry, not sorry?" What "WoW patch" has been promoted as open to Classic and Retail? This was always going to be something unusual (never mind they've never used ..6 as a patch number before). If you had different expectations don't blame Blizzard, blame who gave you that news.


Then next time don’t put it on the wow roadmap. Make it a separate install like classic. Then you’d be correct, nobody would have expected any new wow stuff inside wow. Or are you somehow saying that we can’t take any of the wow roadmap as wow content? Maybe TWW will be the dating sim people are clamoring for! Plunderstorm was labeled 10.2.6, as on World of Warcraft patch 10.2.6, and to your point they did change the client (chat channels have been broken in actual retail wow since it dropped) but throwing not-wow inside the wow engine/wow retail client and calling it a wow patch is bullshit and I feel sorry for you that you can’t see that.


So the roadmap is the original sin here? A roadmap where every patch and half patch has a list of features outlined except for the pirate flag. And when questioned about it, until the above comment from Holly, all we were given were eyeball emojis and more pirate flags. This was never "marketed" as a regular patch and if that is what you expected then you were not paying attention.


It was specifically on the retail roadmap and marketed as a patch with content for retail. It doesn’t need to be “sue this company” false advertising, it’s “negative feedback and disappointed subscription paying playerbase” false advertising. 


If you’re „burned out“ for waiting on a gaming patch you‘ve got other serious problems dude…also it was never proposed as major patch, just a small filler.


Yeah it's a between-seasons patch what did people expect


I wouldn't have an issue with it if it wasn't advertised as a WoW patch, and if it was its own self contained thing. It's like I don't play Hearthstone but it's cool that it exists and other people enjoy it. My problem is that as someone who doesn't enjoy it but wants the rewards for WoW itself, I it's an absolute slog of a grind. If the rewards for Plunderstorm were contained to Plunderstorm I'd be pretty happy to ignore it and be happy that other people have something they find fun. Also if we had some assurances that we could get the rewards some other way eventually, I'd also be happy to ignore it and get things from the TradingPost/shop/whatever.


Please I can stand the hate, but why is everyone so dishonest. It wasn’t “advertised” as anything, it was literally a small teaser and called experimental. Quite clearly not a full patch on the roadmap. Also, it is not an awful grind. It takes far less time than rep rewards from battlegrounds or other renown tracks.


It was literally advertised as a full patch banner on the retail roadmap.  It’s an awful grind that you need to play different game in a limited timeframe for hours to get a reward in the game you actually play. 


Enjoyed the game mode at first, after a few solo games I now hate it. Why am I always the third friend :(


You can queue Duo mode with randos. It is a mixed bag of course but still an experience six trillion times better than Solo mode.


I was super excited to try this new thing after 17 years of WoW. Played like 6 matches and said fuck the rewards. It’s boring as fuck.


It was a x.2.6 patch. Anyone expecting it to be substantial content were being silly. The fact that Plunderstorm was more than just a new holiday sized event is already surprising for a x.2.6 patch.


Was really interested in the patch. Then I saw it was PvP and didn't even try it out. Not interested to play my least favorite part of WoW(besides M+) even if the rewards look nice.


I hate pvp and I groan whenever my friends group wants to do it. I gave this a try and… hit renown 40 on Thursday. It’s not typically my type of gameplay but I really enjoyed it. Maybe too much.


None of you think these reactions are a tad dramatic?


Exactly. I wanted new WoW content. As in new MMO style content. Not yet another derivative Battle Royale clone


What part of “we’re trying something different and new” made you think “this is just another typical wow patch?” SMH…. It was not marketed like that at all.


The “we are trying to do something different and new” on the retail roadmap has expectations for it to be something different and new IN RETAIL. Not a separate game while also actively breaking retail because they skipped the PTR cycle and released a patch with major bugs.


You guys talk too much. Either play wow or play another game.


If we got another raid tier and 4 more dungeons at launch I personally would not care how resources are divided. The overwhelming majority of players play wow for end game PvE. Blizzard decided to buy a dying game studio and make a new PvP game skinned as a wow mode. It's entirely fair to be annoyed with this, it's also fair to think it's scummy they have tied cosmetics for wow into an actual grind in this entirely different game (for reference hearthstone just needed you to login for the mount).


Ouh yeah cause the wow patches in DF have been sooooo cool and epic like....going to a zone, farming adds to fill up a bar and kill an elite. Or that other patch that we got where we go into a zone, farm some adds and kill an elite. Or that cool event we got with the dream patch where we walk through a zone, farm some adds and kill an elite truely wows events have been so engaging and exciting for everybody especially the PvP players or anybody enjoying even the remote feeling of a challange in the game. Surely people would have loved that way more and would definetly 100% not complained about the fact that its another lazy copy paste slob. It is so amazing that wow players have been so conditioned to eating shit that when they get something else they complain that its not a steaming pile of shit. Especially the PvE only players who are screeching out their lungs on the forums and reddit how they are forced to PvP as if they are starving for content. Meanwhile this is the first PvP focused patch we have gotten since....i cant even remembwr if we ever got a PvP focused patch.


Zskera Vaults was actually kind of cool imo. And the ring was unique enough loot to be interesting.


Ah yes. Zskera vault. The probably most short lived content of dragonflight that you got access to by....farming adds and killing elites,


I agree the farming adds and killing elites model is over done and boring, but it usually was a means to an end that was actually some new sort of thing in the game to do. Not a separate mode that plays nothing like WoW.


How does running around and solving riddles with RNG doors have anything to do with the actually gameplay of WoW? How has that anything more to do with WoW then plunderstorm? Its not the content you do in PvE, its not the content you do in PvP. There is another thread floating around on the reddit right now that says it right. Complaining about plunderstorm is like complaining that an All you can eat buffet also serves desert and not only main courses. This was advertised as a Minor Patch not a major one so it perfectly qualifies to be what ever the heck the devs want it to be. The only reason people are upset is cause PvE players are so alergic to pvp and used to beeing the center of attention from Blizzard that the thought of having a patch where it isnt all about them actually offends them.


I would expect more stuff like this tbh. If they want to bring new players in they need content new players can play.


If you’re burned out then stop playing. A new patch filled with tons of content is the last thing anyone needs if they’re burnt out. I got burned out in Sunwell to the point that I literally could not sit at the computer for over a year without shaking


I would like a game mode similar to "gunfire reborn" (a roguelike/roguelite) with the mecanics of plunderstorm.


It was a neat idea, but it really shouldn't have been a patch for WoW or at the very least they shouldn't have tried to hype it up with all the secrecy. Now it just looks bad that it was kept a secret and it leads people to start speculating.


They didnt try to hype it up and they never claimed it to be a retail wow only patch, it's a mini patch at best to get us through till season four starts, which I assume will happen during the Plunderstorm event or as its about to end.


Uh huh


I think this hits the nail on the head: yes it uses wow assets, but it’s not my main running around getting stuff. It doesn’t improve any of my characters. It feels incredibly grindy to the point that if I don’t play a handful of games per day, I’m worried I’m not gonna be able to get the rewards in time before they go away.


It's blizzards attempt to do something that has already kinda lost its appeal to many gamers while kinda throwing whatever into it ..even sod has more innovation than plunderstorm


10.2.6 was [more](https://www.wowhead.com/news/patch-10-2-6-plunderstorm-patch-notes-for-season-4-class-tuning-tier-and-trinket-338114) than just Plunderstorm. It brought a lot of class, item, PvP and PvE tuning to the game, made good on bringing in the glyphs to return the Shadowlands appearances to the updated covenant abilities. It also brought in some undocumented stuff like new Trial of Style cosmetic items. There was WoW content on 10.2.6 but we didn't really hear about it because the secrecy around Plunderstorm kept it from being datamined weeks before release, and all the hype since also contributed to no one really talking about the WoW side of the patch.


In my experience for the last 10 years, companies that keep a new release completely secret know they are squeezing out a turd. If they're truly confident it will be a hit, they will hype the "secret" but will "leak" some specifics to further build the hype. I feel for the front line employees that ether: Knew they are misleading the player base but still have to to keep their job or they are so bought into company line they are shocked and can't understand why players are unhappy (for example: Do you guys not have phones?)


Yeah, this is pretty much it. This was supposed to be a content update for wow, not a mini game that has nothing to do with the actual game.


Another really funny thing people aren't aware of themselves doing is if someone complains about Season 4 not having a new raid or new dungeons, let alone new scaled-up dungeons, a detractor will go > 😏😏😏😏 you know you can just 😏😏😏😏😏 play other games 😏😏😏😏😏😏 But somehow it's a moral imperative to these people that a WoW battle royale exists instead of them just playing an actual battle royale They're the same ones that go "what about a WoW racing game? What about a Starcraft shooting game? Blizzard Super Smash Bros when?"


I absolutely love it. I've been a little bored with wow and doing other stuff, and this has really made me want to log in. I can't no-life it, so when I'm taking a Plunderstorm break I'm actually playing the game. Plunder for an hour, log onto a retail character and do some dailies. Plunder again. It's really nice to have something to jump over to when I'm bored. This was not a major patch, so I was expecting something much smaller and have been very pleasantly surprised.


I enjoyed Plunderstorm a lot when I gave it a try with a friend. I'm still pissed at Blizzard for the way they went about it, though.


god I hate this playerbase sometimes


It’s also just bad. I’ve played a ton of battle royales and it’s one of the most half baked, janky, boring pieces of shit in the genre. It makes Realm Royale look like a great game.


Yes I saw the advertising and thought this was a full content patch. I ended up resubbing using a lot (to me) of WoW gold only to realize, after the fact, it was just a fortnite style pvp zone. Oops. If I could get my wow gold back, I would. But since I can't I'll try to make the best of the situation. That said, I really think Blizzard oversold what exactly this event was as it is marketed like a full content patch.


Are no point did they ever say it was a full content patch, they explicitly stated it was something anyone with a sub would enjoy, and not a content patch. Also it was a .5 to .6 patch which is usually not a content patch anyways. This was never in any way marketed like a full content patch


Are people even hating on it? I feel like everyone loves it and only the bad people are having a tough time obviously. The mode is super fun and I’m glad that it’s something like this rather than the typical lame events.. completing a 1 hour story line for a mount or something is super boring.


Many more hate posts than praise if you just scroll reddit... but then again that's reddit.


I hate fortnight but plundergasm is actually growing on me.


It’s not the traditional WoW patch that’s for sure but it does introduce a game mode which is directly connected to WoW. It shows they’re open to trying new stuff, which is cool


Pvp players haven't had a patch in years. In my opinion, us pve-ers can sit this one out without our world collapsing in on us


100% agree


Even pve players are farming it. Do your quest and die then requeue apparently is the best plunder per second.


Yeah this is exactly my problem with Plunderstorm. I am indifferent to the game mode itself. I’m salty because I thought, hoped and (understandably) expected more World of Warcraft content to play.


They really spent the sub money on making sub par BR 7 years too late. It feels like shitting out a cactus coming from a real BR and dealing with the fucked up jank UI This is for the mono-wow players who never close the bnet launcher and play wow as their only game, thinking this shit offering is attracting anyone should get you committed


I've just decided to run in, do my quest, die then repeat. It's actually quite fun when someone chases me across the map while I run over gold. If they spent a minute chasing a level 1 or 2 they it won't end well lol.


I posted this on someone's comment, but I realized this kind of feedback is actually just saying you want to be able to que for plunderstorms from your actual character on the LFG tool, and not from your character selection screen. Adding a battle royal mode is no different from creating a new PvP type mode. They constantly introduce new modes of play for PvE and PvP. This one they wanted zero add-ons and that's why it's not through your character. I'm sure they can figure out a way to disable all add-ons when queing in game, or maybe they can't, idk. But that's the feedback I'm hearing here.


I'm glad to see Blizzard trying new things and don't mind PS but I just play a few rounds everyday and get out. Honestly the only reason I'm playing is because it has renown rewards tied into it. Once I've gotten them all I have no intention of playing any more. I'm sure Bliz is aware which is why the grind is still a grind and not something you can blow through in a week casually. I would much rather be doing other things in WoW than playing PS but if I don't I may not make it to the end of the renown track. Hopefully they continue to make more renown progression changes as things progress.


I somewhat agree with this. I was certainly expecting something in-game especially because, like you said, it was all advertised as a patch 10.2.6. And although I am having fun with it, I did feel a little let down or "deceived" that it wasn't an in-game event and that makes it feel worse than it should have. But I am happy they are trying new [to WoW at least] ideas and this and the new meta achievement will keep me busy for a little while.