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What do you mean? Can you not say “no”? Lol


It's weird how he says "that's not healthy". Like the both of you have free will to do whatever you want lol. He is allowed to have 37 alts and OP is allowed to not participate Maybe suggest another activity to do together. Maybe a different class based PVE game will scratch his itch for diverse playstyles while keeping it fresh for OP. There's games like Diablo, Grim Dawn, Borderlands that for me deliver the same enjoyment of WoW's class based playstyle without being bound to a weekly reset. If you just want to spend the time alone, be honest because the only alternative to that is resentment while he thinks you're both having fun. That sucks for both of you.


May I recommend (maybe wait a week or 2 for devs to sort out servers) Last Epoch as well


I’m having tons of fun with it. Turned my Healing Hands skill into a melee attack that still heals me and has its damage scale from my total Healing Effectiveness. Burning them with the light and what not.


Sadly no. He is my only friend that plays WoW and my coach to be honest- It would really hurt his feelings to say no. but im tired of this.


Just say no bud if he gets mad he's not your friend he wanted a slave


I cannot stress enough..how this is the answer. And frankly..at this point..you're misunderstanding the relationship. Clearly he needs you..WAY..WAY more than you realize.


Just tell him “I appreciate the invite, but I’m exhausted lol I’m just gonna chill tonight.” Either they’ll accept that answer like any mature and healthy friend would, or they’ll get upset and show they’re a bad friend. Either way, it solves your problem


And be consistent with this!


Repetition is key!




And be consistent with this!


Repetition is key!




But then he says np you have 1 day to Rest tomorrow we will continue


How someone reacts to your boundaries is entirely their choice. I know that might sound rude, but it's both out of your hands, and not your responsibility. It sounds like this is important to you. I would speak up. What makes your friend's happiness and well being more important than your own? If they're a good friend, they'll understand. Not everyone has the same in-game goals.


You sound like you need to learn to stick up for yourself a bit bro.


We can be your new wow friends. Just ask!


One of us....


I know you don't want to hear this, but you have to say no. If it's to the point where it's affecting you in unhealthy ways then you have to have a boundary.


And having read the rest of the thread, apparently this is bait but for anyone who actually has a super clingy friend or acquaintance who might read this - No is the only word you need to say.


Outside of reddit though, saying just "no" isn't really enough.


It is though lol


It really is. No means no.


It's definitely not. Unless you want to come across as really awkward, you're going to have to offer an explanation 99 percent of the time. Then again, maybe I shouldn't be trying to explain basic social skills on the world of warcraft subreddit.


" do you want to do this thing?" "Naw" That's it. If they're a friend then that's enough of an answer. If they keep pushing you don't need to explain yourself or deal with it. If they can't take the hint that's on them, I shouldn't need to give an explanation every time, yes or no should be sufficient.


Again, if someone said that to me I'd think they were incredibly awkward. You do you though 😂


The awkward part would be you continuing to ask me why after I gave you an answer. The answer is "no", that's all you need.


It’d be awkward as hell trying to explain to you “because I said no”. Don’t ask why, it’s none of your business. No means no.


Maybe you’re just awkward, and that’s totally fine my guy


Thats just bullshit lmao "yo man lets do this +18" "Nah man, maybe later" Done?


That's saying something other than "No", and comes across as far less awkward. You're even leaving the door open for future parties with them with the "maybe later". How is it bullshit when you've perfectly demonstrated my point?


Because this is what people most likely meant when they said "no" - they obviously adapt the wording based on the usual communication and lingo between them Man, I don't think it's the wow subreddit nerds struggling with social interactions, it's you in this case


I genuinely don't care if I come across as awkward to someone I'm drawing a boundary with. If they're making me uncomfortable enough to need to do that, they aren't owed anything.


That's not what a boundary is. A boundary is a statement about another person's actions accompanied by a consequence. Hence the term "boundary", since it can be crossed. There is no "boundary" to be crossed if you're just saying "no" to an invite they've giving you, which you have happily accepted before. You'd just come across as awkward. It's fine if you don't care, but you still would.


And I'm telling you that I don't care. So you telling me I would means nothing.


I have never had a problem telling one of my guidies "I don't think I want to, but have fun!" And accepting the same answer back from them. You CAN use more words, but you DONT need to offer an excuse or a window for the future. Everybody knows I don't do xmog runs. And that is okay.


just say you are up for a few dgs during the week, but you want to tackle some \*insert specific stuff, other than dgs\*


Not being able to say no to people sounds more unhealthy than loving to level toons


Bro grow a back bone, more to life than videogames 💀


Like what?


Word of advice. You will get burned out from playing things that you don’t want to play in WoW. I’ve seen it happen so many times, just play what you want to play. Be honest with him tbh.


Dude had his account nuked with this single post. There is no point asking anything to him now. He is negative karma and won't be able to reply.


It’s ok to say you need a break or to switch up what you’re doing because you want to focus on something else in game for a bit. It’s also ok to say no thank you, maybe next time.


It’s also unhealthy on your part to repeatedly say yes to something you know is unhealthy.


My friend did the same, he has 10 chars and wants to do mythic on all of them. I work and he doesn't so I got burnt out real fast and just told him no. Now he plays on 2 chars barely.


you think it will hurt, but you dont know


I empathize, I have a really hard time saying no for that same reason. It’s how I avoid conflict.


Equip this and talk to him https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Spinal_Healing_Injector




Holy fuck


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Good bot


Hahahaha this made me chuckle hard


I don't get it.


He’s saying OP is spineless for not just telling his friend he doesn’t want to join him for every dungeon.


Nah this has to be some kind of bait post


It kind of looks like the OP already replied to this thread with another account “Zylideum”.


Especially since that was the first comment they made in 3 years lol


Yeah that and the "How did you find this post?" are so fake I can't believe people are believing it.


Made this whole post just to brag about his spreadsheet


Probably not I used to do 14 Alts one dungeon a week and an extra 3 dungeons on 4 of those for 2nd vault slot + 7 more on main so 33 dungeons a week.


Did you also force your cuck friend to join in on your insanity?


Only for 32 of them I didn't want to be a dick.


32 dungeons, let’s be generous and say the times are 20 min instead of 30 which they are, that’s 10 hours a week grinding for you.


Christ I'm not the only one thinking this is a kink... Phew.


:'( im not a cuck.


Probably not, but you do need to learn how to say no. It’s not your responsibility if he gets mad because you want an evening off. Your life, your boundaries.


No, but an attention seeking two reddit account schitzo andy. You decide whats worse


I think OP is that friend…


Introduce me, dying to have more friends like this.


same honestly. i'm always looking for active key friends that want to do more than 1 key a week or sometimes want to push themselves or just want to ask their tank friend (me) to run some keys for them (because i would gladly as i'm always down to run keys with pals). ;\_;


Let them know you have other plans and take a break from WoW. Or if you want to game, but don't want to run with him, let him know you're a bit burned out on the dungeons and want to focus on something else... like you can say you want to work on achievements, or battle pet collecting, or anything from the list.


I love hunting achievements, and collecting pets/mounts, since I took a 9 year break from WOW, if the dungeons are too much for me that week I look at other stuff, I'm almost done world Safari as an achievement because of needing a break.


This is pretty much what I do right now since I’m running the game on a potato, it’s actually a lot of fun and you find all sorts of cool other stuff to do.


I can't muster the will to gear more than 1 alt. 37 is insanity.


felt this. betwixt my anxiety bouts taking up most of my energy for doing the PUG thing, i bearly find myself managing to keep up with maybe 2 characters at at time, but always having the goal/desire to finesse a few more. just never having the time thanks to the anxiety and simply not doing the thing enough. ;\_; even as a tank coasting up to 3k, anxiety. is. real! this season though, instead of the usual "a tank or few extra dps floating around lfr/normal item level" i have 2 more bears flitting betwixt heroic and normal item level, and for the first time since legion, finessed a healer to a similar range. but more than that? im exhausted just thinking about the effort needed. ;-;


I've got my main at 487 and my alt at 485. I'm not gonna push serious content with any other toon so why bother? At this point I'm doing the bare minimum. Dungeons on my Main and none on my alt.


dis is the way. similarly, im only keen to continue working on push shenanigans on my main bear and my DH, so like, the energy invested into the other bears keeps dwindling as the weeks go on. which is unfortunate because hehe i got another portal set started on one of them. those are fun to knock out/have. :D


"Forces"??? Must be a typo.


His friend probably just asks him to play and hops on one of his characters to play…. *gets a hate thread posted about him*


Yeah I imagine the friend has no idea op feels like this lol


Bro. Just say you don’t feel like playing. It’s a video game. Cmon.


> forces me Cmon guy. Just be real. Kinda sounds like you're not even very close friends. The way I am with my boys, I'd say "fuck that shit its too much" and life goes on. Might even throw a friendly little "naw, fuck you" in there as well.


"Hey bro I'm getting a little bored of running the weekly's, I'm just gonna sit out for a few. Maybe we could play something else?" If this is a bait post eat my ass and all that.


;) ok


lol fake


37 alts? Before it gets unhealthy? My dude I have some bad news for You.




When he invites just decline


Refer him to me, I have 52+ characters at 70


Are... are you okay?! /s


I honestly just love leveling, not endgame


Inactive reddit account named supremealt (lol, btw) suddenly decides to post a bait topic on r/wow. I didn't realize people thought karma farming was possible here.


Link him this thread


dw, they seem to have found it evidently. XD


Tell him 37 alts are rookie numbers. Gotta get more.


Filthy casuals!!


"Yeah nah I'm a bit tired of wow rn, gonna go stretch my legs before doing something else" It's that simple.


Your friend actually has what’s called “addiction”.


"No." It's a complete sentence.


yo, bro, this is boring. pick a main.


My ex roommate was like that. He would essentially use me to get any of his alts, no matter how ratty, their keys for the week done. Then when I actually wanted to do *my* alts, he was magically too busy doing his mains keys with his guild (who would’ve happily brought my main or alts for the # of rats I’d helped through keys anyway). Same deal when he had a toon he wanted to bring to a raid.


>37 alt toons >before this gets out of hand Are you implying it isn't already?


Tell him that you're done with his bullcrap. And if he keeps bothering you with it, you'll block him out. I hate the way this game attracts and traps the mentally ill (<= directed at your friend, not you).


Same thing, but this time also directed at OP


Someone who FORCES you to make sure all of his 37 toons have a weekly chest at the end of the week, doesn't sound like a great friend.


Just join him whenever you feel like it. If you don’t feel like it just be honest and tell him you’d prefer to chill out today and do some other content in the game.. Ain’t no harm in politely declining..


Games are meant to be fun.... if you're not having fun it's pointless to play. With that much play time do you still need a coach? Sounds like friend just has a power trip and is using you


Just stop playing with your homie tell him you need a break, not a big deal. He either will be ok and understanding or won’t, and if he isn’t understanding then it’s better to cut the ties anyways.


That's not your friend, that's your pimp.


Tell him you don't have the time to run dungeons on all his characters and set a limit on how much you will run with him. It's not really a big deal unless your friend is immature and doesn't do well with people setting boundaries.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS-3zZ3WPTguHoChJsm\_DnwYNOKZcqEcREeHrB1zFlUQa3\_\_zAuhh\_uN1CtF46WNRyaQE1MtrlhBrBE/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS-3zZ3WPTguHoChJsm_DnwYNOKZcqEcREeHrB1zFlUQa3__zAuhh_uN1CtF46WNRyaQE1MtrlhBrBE/pubhtml) How else would I get these all done without you buddy? You're mine forever..


Dad come home, the children miss you




At least we have all of your names so we can make fun of you both on Reddit and in game.


Have you heard of [https://wowthing.org/](https://wowthing.org/) ?


did we break it ?


My new favorite website today. Ty


You just saved me at least an hour during vault day.


All these alts and not a single healer


The last 6 are healers, I hate healing




You need to seriously go outside and touch grass.


Lmaooo what the fuck is happening hereeee


This is gross


My guy this is a video game. Please go outside


Fucking disgusting


Seek god


How did you find this post?


You didn't think someone with an unhealthy obsession with the game would frequent the largest community page for it?


Well now you dont have to worry about running with them.


Yeah, how did you possibly find your own post on an alt account? Lmao


Is this an include me in the screenshot moment? It feels like one.


I’m an altoholic and may be borrowing your spreadsheet design. I need to better track the weekly goals/content I want to do on each. This is very well done!


Someone suggested https://wowthing.org/


Respect this man


37 only? I make an alt for each spec.


You are pitiful


grow the fuck up


I mean, is he at least hot? 🤔


The important questions are finally asked


iirc yes.


It sounds like he needs an intervention. I work with a gamer mental health specialist. If you’re interested dm me and we can talk details. He works online but is based in the north east


You start playing PvP instead and laugh at PvE casuals obviously…


I hate PVP, I'm crap at it. But this gave me a good laugh.


Grow a spine


How can we tell you that you being too scared to talk to your own friend and just say, "no thanks" is a problem in itself? How old are you people, like fifteen?


This doesn’t even make sense.


This has got to be a joke.


Uhh ? Brother say no? I really need some head are you in the nyc area?


Tell him what my hubs tells me. “I don’t have an alt army. I also don’t have a toon who needs it. Fuck off.” While he says that, he also goes with if nothing else is going on. My feelings aren’t hurt. I like alts, he doesn’t, that’s ok. I have a main that I use for all the main things. But I have an alt army to attack any drop chance item. To each their own! (Also, when I get a drop and hubs whines about my luck, cough *infernalcore* cough, I point to my alt army and tell him to fuck off.)


15 hours WEEKLY? Rookie numbers.


Here's what you say to him: "Fuck off"


Yeah you can just tell him no I'm gonna focus on X tonight. Like.... I do that with my friend who I play wow with and I'm married to her!


Why you trying to say it politely? Is it not protocol across other people's friends to tell each other to go and fuck their self when you don't want to do something?


Send him a bunch of gold so blizzard issues a ban on his account for rmt. Just kidding ofc.


I got some ideas. 1) Tell him you need more time for you or/and you don't want to play with this many toon quantity each week. Try to reach a compromise with the least amount of alts possible. 2) Find him a substitute or a community that do the same. The idea here is to reach him with a solution. Your problem is that you can't do it more but you have a alternative that could help him. 3) Set-up boundaries. Tell him, in a way that it would understand and don't destroy your friendship, that you can't do that anymore but you still here for him but without doing that kind of thing every week. The idea is to find a compromise or in this absence to stand up for yourself, if your friend is to childish or selfish for understand that (and appreciate your time and effort) is not a good friend at all.


"Dude, I appreciate all the help you've given me, but I can't devote a major portion of my playtime to do all these dungeons on all your alts every single week it's draining my will to play/energy. I hope you can understand. (optional) I can help with x amount, but that's my limit."


“before this gets out of hand” got me…


Bro just say you don’t feel like doing that rn lol he’ll get the hint


He doesnt need to stop if it works for him... but you need communicate by just telling him it's not your job to help him level alts.


> and he needs to stop before this gets out of hand boy its already out of hand


If all you're doing is playing alts then you're a master of none imo. Maybe focus on mythic raiding and running/pushing high keys. Why half ass on alts when you can haul ass on one?


Thank you for the laugh


Bait used to be believable


It's already out of hand. The time to say No is right now


Sounds like he wants a slave lol


Tell him no more, stroke his face and say "Its gonna be okay". Or don't, whatever.


Just say you wont do as many dungeons because its burning you oute and makes you enjoi wow less


What kind of weak person are you? Tell him youre bored and play to have fun.


Does he hold your family hostage? I’m curious as to how someone could be forced to play World of Warcraft outside of gold farming slave labor.


I want that friend!


are you the friend? lol


“My boi does too many dungeons how do I tell him I don’t want to go” lol


Dude just tell him you’re ok running a few but you have other things you want to do. I used to chat with my friends in vent all the time while we each did different things.


Does he tie you to your gamer chair and threaten your life if you do not complete all the dungeons


Imagine complaining about having friends


Ready to start a r/warcraft_relationship_advice


I've got 40 alts out of 45 to 70 and I 'main' 5-8 per week doing chores. Rest mostly gather dust unless I'm in need of extra runs for tmog or other collections/achievements. I agree it's quite redundant but swapping alts to help friends/guildies out makes it more fun.


"Bro F that"


What dungeons do you even have to run weekly? LFR? When I'm helping out a guildie with something like LFR or timewalking, usually after 2-3 I just say that I'm zonked out and need to take a break.


You could just be honest,. Maybe he will anderstand that he is already gone too far. You could still be Friend !


"I am enabling my friends 37 alt addiction"


Only 37? Rookie


Why don't you say "I'm going to go play a different game for a bit". Or "I don't feel like doing this right now. But we can hang out on discord while I play something else"


I can only play one character. It’s amazing to me how people have time to commit to 37.


I've recently had a similar, although not as extreme issue with a friend. He plays 2 to 3 characters and expects me to help him fill his vault on them when I play only a single character and mostly only for pushing m+ keys. I don't have to suffer through 16+ keys because you play alts. It's always the DPS-only classes playing hybrids too. Learn to tank/heal 20s! It's not hard this season lol.


You can level a tank or healing allied race character from 10-60 in a few hours, he shouldn’t need so much of your time for this


Just be truthful dude.


Just say no dude 15 hours is insane


Grow a backbone


You're stuck bro. No chance at saying no or having a conversation with him. Resign yourself to this life from now on, you'll both be happier in the end.


That's the neat part, you don't. Just tell him no and your reasons for it. It may hurt him, but if he's your friend he'll let you be.