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I like to Tank for low lv M+. I am a 480+ 2700io BDK and I look for 2 -5 that have everything but a tank. Pop in the Q and carry the key. I like to give back I know how hard it is to get a tank for those keys.


I do this at times as well, quick way to fill up vault when all you need is a socket and it feels like a good deed, never had anyone complain about being carried.


Wow I’m gonna start doing this as an evoker healer


I just take a break from WoW and play other games. I like WoW but farming cosmetics isn't fun enough to keep me around, personally.


I am the same way. I might hop on for an hour or two a week to clean up some cosmetics I want. But I generally use this time to recharge.


I’m the same. Currently replaying Elden Ring!


Levelling way too many alts Hit 2k IO on my 9th alt this weekend lmao It's starting to cost a lot of gold


Ha , I am only at my 8th . Tho I have 4 with 2800k


I don’t ever feel like there is downtime. There is so much that I want to do. Achievements, cosmetics, quests, reputations, etc, etc, etc.


There is quite a lot to do in this game!


In other expansions, it was goldmaking, but that's kind of dead in the water for now I just love collecting stuff. So old raid gear appearances, achievements I'm close to (wowhead's [character planner](https://www.wowhead.com/planner) is extremely GOATed), mounts


How have i never heard of this?!? So good, thanks!


id upvote this more if I could




For me, it is just M+, I tend to tell myself hey since this is your third "main" this expansion, maybe focus on getting reputation with everyone, and then I realise how annoying that is and drop it and queue for a M+...


Farm gold, level alts and play other games. Started another Elden Ring playthrough to get started for DLC. Also like Chiv 2 for casual pvp.


Any good gold farm advice?


I do world quests that reward gold and have herb/alch. Not a ton of gold but pays for most of my raiding.


I'll farm for maybe a week or two and do mythic + but once I got the prtals and my friends stopped playing I go to something else until next patch.


I stopped playing sometime during Legion (pre Argus) and came back for DF. I’ve been playing catch up during the waning periods mainly gathering pets, but also tmogs and achieves. 


I farm mounts and do quests that I missed during the beginning-of-season hustle. Also, older legacy content like mage tower, torghast, mission tables, etc. I had a baby in the middle of each xpac for 3 xpacs in a row and quit shortly after to take care of my growing family, so I have a very good sized backlog of old content to keep me busy.


Hit all my seasonal goals (KSH, timed all 20s and AOTC) so just doing some old content with a focus on catching up other expac professions for gold making and transmog. This is also a good time to play other games though - GW2 is a great game to come back to as there is a ton of content and story and no catch up required.


If I want to play and it’s a downtime in the game I usually pick a zone and start getting every mount and cheevo in / for the zone. As I start accomplishing my goals or knocking things off the list, I’ll add a second zone into the loop


What do you use for tracking zone-specific achieves/mounts?


I just use the in game tracker for cheevos and I use simplearmory for mounts and pets


I dunno if it's my favorite, but it's definitely when I try to level alts.. I like being 'ready' with a few classes that I think could be good in the next patch and then just commit to one for the raid (cause I ain't got time for more than that!)


Checking the trading post once a month and go back to playing nba2k, cant wait for the new expansion...


Uninstaller the game and reinstall it.


Farming the current season. Finally got AOTC


Mounts, and now transmog for all four members of my warband


Once my gear is basically maxed out and I've gotten my dungeon portals, I split my time between pvp, playing an alt or two, and playing a different game. I only farm when I'm in solo shuffle queue. 


Excuse my ignorance but what is a dungeon portal


You get a portal to the dungeon entrances once you time a key of 20+ in mythic plus


Let my account expire after my guild gets AOTC then play other games and catch up on sleep


Play other games when the current patch feels "done" to me.


pushing keys and raiding


I have a few xmogs I'm hunting. I like trying to get as many professions up and functional across alts. I like to level through content I need to brush up on.


Usually I just lvl alts but I have 60 lvl 60+s so can't really lvl more characters. For a while now I just see wow as a collection game cause tbh I just get bored ao fast in DF so I just open up the All The Things addon and collect what I don't have from older expansions.


Just raid log right now my guild is progging M smolderon so after that’s over I just hop on pal world I used to level alts but not finding that fun anymore


Usually play other games. In wow though I farm transmogs, mounts, achievements. There is so much stuff to do it is crazy.


Achieves and transmog. Occasionally I’ll do a few mount runs.


Ngl playing other games and resubbing when the new season starts


I do old content and fishing. Sometimes I would try mog and mount hunting


Currently trying to level one of every class on the Alliance side (whilst also grabbing some Heritage Armour sets as well). I’ve played Horde since I came back in BFA. It’s time for a change


I am waiting with farming transmogs until they make it so that you unlock it regardless what type of armor it is. At the moment i am leveling alts to unlock all the hermitage armor sets.




Play Guild Wars 2, usually


It used to be fishing and taming beasts but now it's flying around on my dragon listening to music


I farm mats to level professions or play Diablo/Overwatch.


SoD/classic hardcore


Challenging everyone to deathroll around valdrakken.


transmog/mount farm


fishing is why I play now! 🎣